videos: XfdySM4X9Xo
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id | publishedAt | channelId | title | description | thumbnails | channelTitle | tags | categoryId | liveBroadcastContent | localized | viewCount | likeCount | favoriteCount | commentCount | defaultAudioLanguage | defaultLanguage |
XfdySM4X9Xo | 2009-08-26T21:41:24Z | UCatJnvyvT2onerWBNZXQSdQ | Bouncing Steel Balls on Water | Some slow-motion footage of experiments bouncing 25 mm diameter steel balls on water. The Balls were fired from a specially constructed air gun and had a muzzle velocity of around 40 meters per second (90 miles per hour). The bouncing is easy to see and the general effect delightful. Enjoy! The experiment was performed on the site of a 'Ship Tank' at the UK's National Physical Laboratory in which the original experiments were conducted in 1943 on a so-called 'bouncing bomb'. | {"default": {"url": "", "width": 120, "height": 90}, "medium": {"url": "", "width": 320, "height": 180}, "high": {"url": "", "width": 480, "height": 360}} | protonsforbreakfast | ["Bouncing Bomb", "Dam Busters", "Dambusters", "NPL"] | 27 | none | {"title": "Bouncing Steel Balls on Water", "description": "Some slow-motion footage of experiments bouncing 25 mm diameter steel balls on water. The Balls were fired from a specially constructed air gun and had a muzzle velocity of around 40 meters per second (90 miles per hour). The bouncing is easy to see and the general effect delightful. Enjoy! The experiment was performed on the site of a 'Ship Tank' at the UK's National Physical Laboratory in which the original experiments were conducted in 1943 on a so-called 'bouncing bomb'."} | 4128 | 10 | 0 | 3 |