videos: -WvVG0wHcTc
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-WvVG0wHcTc | 2014-12-23T23:40:06Z | UCW-o5TBUu9r5O33t-DC0C7w | Sweet Memories- Tess Sears tribute to her mom Dawn Sears | Tess Sears sings her moms song Sweet Memories in memory of her mother Dawn Sears at the first Monday night Time Jumper meeting after her passing. | {"default": {"url": "", "width": 120, "height": 90}, "medium": {"url": "", "width": 320, "height": 180}, "high": {"url": "", "width": 480, "height": 360}, "standard": {"url": "", "width": 640, "height": 480}, "maxres": {"url": "", "width": 1280, "height": 720}} | Tesla Dawn | ["SweetMemories", "Sweet", "Memories", "Dawn Sears", "Tess Sears", "Kenny Sears", "Nashville", "The Time Jumpers", "Music", "Tribute", "Love", "Passing", "Death", "Tennessee", "Monday night", "Night", "Monday"] | 22 | none | {"title": "Sweet Memories- Tess Sears tribute to her mom Dawn Sears", "description": "Tess Sears sings her moms song Sweet Memories in memory of her mother Dawn Sears at the first Monday night Time Jumper meeting after her passing."} | 213489 | 1311 | 0 | 167 |