videos: -Umconw-CRE
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id | publishedAt | channelId | title | description | thumbnails | channelTitle | tags | categoryId | liveBroadcastContent | localized | viewCount | likeCount | favoriteCount | commentCount | defaultAudioLanguage | defaultLanguage |
-Umconw-CRE | 2013-05-19T04:18:09Z | UCoL6pVn5m301aEkQDVyKowA | Cacophony The Ninja cover) | Humilde tributo a la legendaria banda CACOPHONY ( Jason becker / Marty Friedman ) Guitarras Camilo Henriquez Andres Caucao | {"default": {"url": "", "width": 120, "height": 90}, "medium": {"url": "", "width": 320, "height": 180}, "high": {"url": "", "width": 480, "height": 360}, "standard": {"url": "", "width": 640, "height": 480}} | Andres thunder | 22 | none | {"title": "Cacophony The Ninja cover)", "description": "Humilde tributo a la legendaria banda CACOPHONY ( Jason becker / Marty Friedman ) \nGuitarras\nCamilo Henriquez \nAndres Caucao"} | 6374 | 88 | 0 | 28 |