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#Games with lovelytheband! \nhttps://tagmusic.ffm.to/games\n\nConnect @tessaviolet on all platforms\nInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/tessaviolet\nTwitter: http://twitter.com/tessaviolet\nFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/tessaviolet\nSpotify: https://spoti.fi/2LU2dcM\n\nMusic & Lyrics written by Tessa Violet @TessaViolet\nProduced, recorded & mixed by Seth Earnest @SethEarnest\nMastered by Nathan Dantzler at The Hit Lab - Nashville, TN\n\n'Dream' Music video directed by IsaacWhite @IsaacWhiteTV\nIsaac is crowd funned his first short film, please consider supporting this amazing talent. Indiegogo: http://bit.ly/2cjZ8Ug\nEdited by Tessa Violet\nSpecial effects and color grading by Isaac White\n\nLyrics:\n\nwould you be embarrassed, think I'm being careless, if I said you're all I want and more\nfinger tips and collarbones, if I caught you on your own, would you mind my hand stitched into yours\n\nI got it bad, bad, oh\nI see you in my sleep\nand I want you mad, madly\ncome running after me\n\nyou're in my bones bones oh I gotta let you go \nbut I don't know how when you're rooted in my soul\nI gotta tell you\n\nI had a dream last night you came back to me after our goodbye\nMy arms you fell into and you asked if I'd run away with you\nI ain't felt that way before like I couldn't wait just a minute more\nand I don't wanna let you go, but dreams slip away I know\n\nYou saw me clear as glass I thought you bold as brass, never knew how lovely love could be\n\nforty hours give or take you call me when you are awake and from our phones we'll crumble time and space\n\nI need you here here oh I see you in my sleep\nand I want you dear dearly come running after me\n\nyou're in my bones bones oh I gotta let you go \nbut I don't know how when you're rooted in my soul\nI gotta tell you\n\nI don't know if you still think of me (come on come on over)\nhow you used to love me lovingly (come on come on over)\nI know when we left we left a mess (come on come on over)\nbut if you ask, I promise I'll say... (come on come on)\n\nchords: capo 4? maybe?\n\nverse: C Am F C x2\npre chorus: Dm G C Am x2 F G\nchorus: C Am Dm F x2\nbridge: hold C", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-4NLarMj4xU/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-4NLarMj4xU/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-4NLarMj4xU/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-4NLarMj4xU/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}, \"maxres\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-4NLarMj4xU/maxresdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 1280, \"height\": 720}}", "channelTitle": "Tessa Violet", "tags": "[\"tessa violet\", \"vlogger\", \"video blogger\", \"youtuber\", \"meekakitty\", \"original music\", \"youtube musician\", \"troye sivan\", \"taylor swift\", \"pop music\", \"offiical music video\", \"dream\", \"halloway\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Tessa Violet - Dream\", \"description\": \"check out my new song #Games with lovelytheband! \\nhttps://tagmusic.ffm.to/games\\n\\nConnect @tessaviolet on all platforms\\nInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/tessaviolet\\nTwitter: http://twitter.com/tessaviolet\\nFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/tessaviolet\\nSpotify: https://spoti.fi/2LU2dcM\\n\\nMusic & Lyrics written by Tessa Violet @TessaViolet\\nProduced, recorded & mixed by Seth Earnest @SethEarnest\\nMastered by Nathan Dantzler at The Hit Lab - Nashville, TN\\n\\n'Dream' Music video directed by IsaacWhite @IsaacWhiteTV\\nIsaac is crowd funned his first short film, please consider supporting this amazing talent. Indiegogo: http://bit.ly/2cjZ8Ug\\nEdited by Tessa Violet\\nSpecial effects and color grading by Isaac White\\n\\nLyrics:\\n\\nwould you be embarrassed, think I'm being careless, if I said you're all I want and more\\nfinger tips and collarbones, if I caught you on your own, would you mind my hand stitched into yours\\n\\nI got it bad, bad, oh\\nI see you in my sleep\\nand I want you mad, madly\\ncome running after me\\n\\nyou're in my bones bones oh I gotta let you go \\nbut I don't know how when you're rooted in my soul\\nI gotta tell you\\n\\nI had a dream last night you came back to me after our goodbye\\nMy arms you fell into and you asked if I'd run away with you\\nI ain't felt that way before like I couldn't wait just a minute more\\nand I don't wanna let you go, but dreams slip away I know\\n\\nYou saw me clear as glass I thought you bold as brass, never knew how lovely love could be\\n\\nforty hours give or take you call me when you are awake and from our phones we'll crumble time and space\\n\\nI need you here here oh I see you in my sleep\\nand I want you dear dearly come running after me\\n\\nyou're in my bones bones oh I gotta let you go \\nbut I don't know how when you're rooted in my soul\\nI gotta tell you\\n\\nI don't know if you still think of me (come on come on over)\\nhow you used to love me lovingly (come on come on over)\\nI know when we left we left a mess (come on come on over)\\nbut if you ask, I promise I'll say... (come on come on)\\n\\nchords: capo 4? maybe?\\n\\nverse: C Am F C x2\\npre chorus: Dm G C Am x2 F G\\nchorus: C Am Dm F x2\\nbridge: hold C\"}", "viewCount": 1937916, "likeCount": 51705, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 2741, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-4SYC2YgzL8", "publishedAt": "2011-04-15T12:03:37Z", "channelId": "UC2kFt-mPkwjNvwM24MXXSKQ", "title": "Noel Gallagher - Everybody Is On The Run (Unreleased Material From Sound Check)", "description": "Noel Gallagher - Everybody Is On The Run (Unreleased Material From Sound Check)", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-4SYC2YgzL8/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-4SYC2YgzL8/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-4SYC2YgzL8/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "themaddarevillo", "tags": "[\"Noel\", \"Gallagher\", \"Everybody\", \"Is\", \"On\", \"The\", \"Run\", \"Unreleased\", \"Material\", \"From\", \"Sound\", \"Check\", \"Oasis\", \"Liam\", \"Dig\", \"Out\", \"Your\", \"Soul\", \"Demo\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Noel Gallagher - Everybody Is On The Run (Unreleased Material From Sound Check)\", \"description\": \"Noel Gallagher - Everybody Is On The Run (Unreleased Material From Sound Check)\"}", "viewCount": 20664, "likeCount": 55, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 11, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-5f6hjZf9Yw", "publishedAt": "2008-01-24T15:19:53Z", "channelId": "UCPZjOfdYUTMQW0t4rHz3Mkw", "title": "Uzbek Classic Music", "description": "Bobomurod Hamdamov Ayrilma", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-5f6hjZf9Yw/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-5f6hjZf9Yw/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-5f6hjZf9Yw/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "TashChaynar", "tags": "[\"Uzbek\", \"classik\", \"music\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Uzbek Classic Music\", \"description\": \"Bobomurod Hamdamov Ayrilma\"}", "viewCount": 235574, "likeCount": 414, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 30, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-5xOcMJpTUk", "publishedAt": "2007-12-20T06:13:22Z", "channelId": "UCFu4-s7sHRkYIwo8VqYLYkg", "title": "Funky Voodoo Chile' Riff - Stevie Ray Vaughan version", "description": "http://txba.ly/v4Ej - Learn how to play a funky little filler riff that Stevie Ray Vaughan played during his cover of Voodoo Chile' by Jimi Hendrix.", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-5xOcMJpTUk/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-5xOcMJpTUk/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-5xOcMJpTUk/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "Texas Blues Alley", "tags": "[\"stevie\", \"ray\", \"vaughan\", \"guitar\", \"lesson\", \"srv\", \"blues\", \"hendrix\", \"voodoo\", \"chile\", \"junior\", \"fender\", \"stratocaster\", \"solo\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Funky Voodoo Chile' Riff - Stevie Ray Vaughan version\", \"description\": \"http://txba.ly/v4Ej - Learn how to play a funky little filler riff that Stevie Ray Vaughan played during his cover of Voodoo Chile' by Jimi Hendrix.\"}", "viewCount": 408082, "likeCount": 1029, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 73, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-7B9tPuIP-w", "publishedAt": "2009-05-03T12:26:11Z", "channelId": "UCNp3fkFAZ0Fc39yTyMvSInw", "title": "Keith Richards Talks About the Blues in Britain", "description": "Segments of Keith Richards talking about how the Blues kicked off in Britain, along with the Rolling Stones themselves. 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YEDID NEFESH ~ NEW MUSIC VIDEO FROM MICHA'EL BEN DAVID", "description": "This Video was shot this past June 2013 at the end of the month in Antwerp and Brugge Belgium when I pass through for a short visit at the beginning of the Summer Tour! And with G-d's help we were able to put this video together with such wonderful who volunteered helped and sponsored the making of this wonderful, warm & family oriented music video! I sure hope the world is blessed by its beauty, message and melodies! YHVH is the God of ALL the families of Israel [Jeremiah 31:1] Mashiach Tsidkenu the Beloved of our Soul! \n\nWith Love! \n\nMicha'el ~ \nBeloved of YHVH\n\nYEDID NEFESH ~ LYRICS\n\n\nYedid Nefesh Av HaRachaman Meshoch Avdecha\nEl Retsonecha Yarutz Avdecha Kemo Ayal .....\nYishtachave el Mul Hadorecha Yeerav Lo Yedidotecha\nMi Nofet Tsuf v'chol Ta'am\n\nBeloved of the Soul, Compassionate Father, Draw/Anoint Your Servant to [do] Your will. Then Your servant will hurry like a hart [deer] to bow before Your Majesty. To him Your Friendship will be sweeter than the dripping of the honeycomb and of any taste.\n\nVerse 1\nHadur Naeh Ziv HaOlam Nafshi Cholat Ahavatecha\nAna El Na Refa Na La [Ana El Refa Na La]\nBe Harot La Noam Zivecha Az Titchazek VeTitrape\nVe Hayita La Simchat Olam [V'Hayita La Simchat Olam]\n\nMajestic, Beautiful, Radiance of the Universe--my soul pines for Your Love. Please, O God, heal her now\nBy showing her the pleasantness of Your Radiance. Then she will be strengthened and healed, and Eternal gladness shall be hers.\n\nYEDID NEFESH....\n\nYadaidai break/bridge\n\nVerse 2\nHigale Na U'Fros Chavivi Alai\nEt Sukkat Sh'lomecha Tair Eretz MiKvodecha Tair Eretz MiK'vodecha\nNagilah Ve Nismecha (Nismecha Bach) Maher Ehov Ki Va Moed\nVe'Chanenu Ki Ymey Olam [Ve'Chanenu Ki Ymey Olam]\n\nPlease be revealed and spread upon me, my Beloved, the shelter of Your Peace. Illuminate the world with Your Glory that we may rejoice and be glad with You. Hashem (Adonai) show Love, for the time has come, and be Gracious to us as in the days of Old!\n\nBack to YEDID NEFESH......till end\n\n\nYedid Nefesh was written by El'azar ben Mosheh Askari, who lived in Israel in the sixteenth century. He described this hymn as \"a prayer for union and the desire of love.\" A close look reveals a desperate prayer for the com- ing of the Messiah and the ultimate redemption.\nThe Tetragrammaton (the four-letter name of God) is encoded in its verses. This song is normally sung at the Saturday afternoon meal (Shalosh Se'udot). This song is often also recited in the synagogue on Friday after- noon prior to the Kabbalat Shabbat prayers and on certain holidays.\nA Beloved of the soul \u2014 God uses this term for Israel in Jeremiah 12:7. Draw your servant...Your servant will run \u2014 This alludes to Song of\nSongs 1:4: \"Draw me after you; let us run.\"\nSweeter than the honey from a honeycomb \u2014 This alludes to Psalm .]19:11[10\nb Beautiful \u2014 This term, hadur (\u05b8\u05d4\u05d3\u05bc\u05d5\u05e8), which is sometimes translated, \"splendid,\" may allude to Isaiah 63:1: \"Who is this coming from Edom, in crimsoned garments from Bozrah, he who is splendid [hadur] in apparel...\"\nBrightness of the universe \u2014 This could also be translated, \"light of the world.\"\nMy soul is lovesick for you \u2014 This alludes to Song of Songs 5:8.\nPlease God, please heal my soul \u2014 This borrows its wording from Numbers 12:13. The Hebrew word for \"soul\" is nefesh (\u05b6\u05e0 \u05b6\u05e4 \u05c1\u05e9 ), which is a feminine noun. All references to the soul in this song are therefore femi- nine. In this case, the text literally reads, \"please heal her.\"\nShowing it your pleasant brightness \u2014 Brightness here refers to the revelation of God's glory and the period of the messianic redemption.\nHave eternal gladness \u2014 Some manuscripts have the word shifchat (\"maidservant,\" \u05c1\u05b4\u05e9\u05b0\u05e4\u05b7\u05d7\u05ea) rather than simchat (\"gladness,\" \u05b4\u05b9\u05e9\u05b0\u05de\u05b7\u05d7\u05ea), which would cause the line to read, \"...become your eternal maidservant.\"\nc Your beloved son \u2014 This refers to Israel.\n\nFrom First Fruits of Zion [Aaron Eby]\n\n\nShalom, shalom!\nMicha'el Eliyahu Ben David,\nHis Messenger!", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-EVRXQpt1-8/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-EVRXQpt1-8/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-EVRXQpt1-8/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-EVRXQpt1-8/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}, \"maxres\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-EVRXQpt1-8/maxresdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 1280, \"height\": 720}}", "channelTitle": "\u05de\u05d9\u05db\u05d0\u05dc \u05d0\u05dc\u05d9\u05d4\u05d5 \u05d1\u05df-\u05d3\u05d5\u05d3 Micha'el BenDavid Official", "tags": "[\"Yedid Nefesh\", \"Micha'el Ben David\", \"EmetZion\", \"Prayer\", \"ISRAEL\", \"EMETZIONMUSIC\", \"SHEMA\", \"MBD\", \"Torah\", \"Hebrew\", \"Hebraic Roots\", \"Jewish Music\", \"Jewish prayer\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"HEBREW - YEDID NEFESH ~ NEW MUSIC VIDEO FROM MICHA'EL BEN DAVID\", \"description\": \"This Video was shot this past June 2013 at the end of the month in Antwerp and Brugge Belgium when I pass through for a short visit at the beginning of the Summer Tour! And with G-d's help we were able to put this video together with such wonderful who volunteered helped and sponsored the making of this wonderful, warm & family oriented music video! I sure hope the world is blessed by its beauty, message and melodies! YHVH is the God of ALL the families of Israel [Jeremiah 31:1] Mashiach Tsidkenu the Beloved of our Soul! \\n\\nWith Love! \\n\\nMicha'el ~ \\nBeloved of YHVH\\n\\nYEDID NEFESH ~ LYRICS\\n\\n\\nYedid Nefesh Av HaRachaman Meshoch Avdecha\\nEl Retsonecha Yarutz Avdecha Kemo Ayal .....\\nYishtachave el Mul Hadorecha Yeerav Lo Yedidotecha\\nMi Nofet Tsuf v'chol Ta'am\\n\\nBeloved of the Soul, Compassionate Father, Draw/Anoint Your Servant to [do] Your will. Then Your servant will hurry like a hart [deer] to bow before Your Majesty. To him Your Friendship will be sweeter than the dripping of the honeycomb and of any taste.\\n\\nVerse 1\\nHadur Naeh Ziv HaOlam Nafshi Cholat Ahavatecha\\nAna El Na Refa Na La [Ana El Refa Na La]\\nBe Harot La Noam Zivecha Az Titchazek VeTitrape\\nVe Hayita La Simchat Olam [V'Hayita La Simchat Olam]\\n\\nMajestic, Beautiful, Radiance of the Universe--my soul pines for Your Love. Please, O God, heal her now\\nBy showing her the pleasantness of Your Radiance. Then she will be strengthened and healed, and Eternal gladness shall be hers.\\n\\nYEDID NEFESH....\\n\\nYadaidai break/bridge\\n\\nVerse 2\\nHigale Na U'Fros Chavivi Alai\\nEt Sukkat Sh'lomecha Tair Eretz MiKvodecha Tair Eretz MiK'vodecha\\nNagilah Ve Nismecha (Nismecha Bach) Maher Ehov Ki Va Moed\\nVe'Chanenu Ki Ymey Olam [Ve'Chanenu Ki Ymey Olam]\\n\\nPlease be revealed and spread upon me, my Beloved, the shelter of Your Peace. Illuminate the world with Your Glory that we may rejoice and be glad with You. Hashem (Adonai) show Love, for the time has come, and be Gracious to us as in the days of Old!\\n\\nBack to YEDID NEFESH......till end\\n\\n\\nYedid Nefesh was written by El'azar ben Mosheh Askari, who lived in Israel in the sixteenth century. He described this hymn as \\\"a prayer for union and the desire of love.\\\" A close look reveals a desperate prayer for the com- ing of the Messiah and the ultimate redemption.\\nThe Tetragrammaton (the four-letter name of God) is encoded in its verses. This song is normally sung at the Saturday afternoon meal (Shalosh Se'udot). This song is often also recited in the synagogue on Friday after- noon prior to the Kabbalat Shabbat prayers and on certain holidays.\\nA Beloved of the soul \u2014 God uses this term for Israel in Jeremiah 12:7. Draw your servant...Your servant will run \u2014 This alludes to Song of\\nSongs 1:4: \\\"Draw me after you; let us run.\\\"\\nSweeter than the honey from a honeycomb \u2014 This alludes to Psalm .]19:11[10\\nb Beautiful \u2014 This term, hadur (\u05b8\u05d4\u05d3\u05bc\u05d5\u05e8), which is sometimes translated, \\\"splendid,\\\" may allude to Isaiah 63:1: \\\"Who is this coming from Edom, in crimsoned garments from Bozrah, he who is splendid [hadur] in apparel...\\\"\\nBrightness of the universe \u2014 This could also be translated, \\\"light of the world.\\\"\\nMy soul is lovesick for you \u2014 This alludes to Song of Songs 5:8.\\nPlease God, please heal my soul \u2014 This borrows its wording from Numbers 12:13. The Hebrew word for \\\"soul\\\" is nefesh (\u05b6\u05e0 \u05b6\u05e4 \u05c1\u05e9 ), which is a feminine noun. All references to the soul in this song are therefore femi- nine. In this case, the text literally reads, \\\"please heal her.\\\"\\nShowing it your pleasant brightness \u2014 Brightness here refers to the revelation of God's glory and the period of the messianic redemption.\\nHave eternal gladness \u2014 Some manuscripts have the word shifchat (\\\"maidservant,\\\" \u05c1\u05b4\u05e9\u05b0\u05e4\u05b7\u05d7\u05ea) rather than simchat (\\\"gladness,\\\" \u05b4\u05b9\u05e9\u05b0\u05de\u05b7\u05d7\u05ea), which would cause the line to read, \\\"...become your eternal maidservant.\\\"\\nc Your beloved son \u2014 This refers to Israel.\\n\\nFrom First Fruits of Zion [Aaron Eby]\\n\\n\\nShalom, shalom!\\nMicha'el Eliyahu Ben David,\\nHis Messenger!\"}", "viewCount": 170283, "likeCount": 971, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 72, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-FEPOSP7ay0", "publishedAt": "2013-07-20T11:08:44Z", "channelId": "UCXeCC9FjTCC7tejVQCoQNXQ", "title": "moje dzwony 5", "description": "Hej to ja Artur, jak zwykle ja. To 5 odc. z serii moje dzwony. Ten odcinek jest troch\u0119 nie typowy ,bo w nim jest 12 moich ulubionych dzwon\u00f3w.\u017bycz\u0119 mi\u0142ego ogl\u0105dania,powodzenia! A i jeszcze jedno ,jest tam nowa dzwonnica do tego 15 kilowego dzwonu.", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-FEPOSP7ay0/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-FEPOSP7ay0/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-FEPOSP7ay0/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-FEPOSP7ay0/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}, \"maxres\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-FEPOSP7ay0/maxresdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 1280, \"height\": 720}}", "channelTitle": "The Bells of Poland", "tags": "[\"dzwony kolekcja\", \"muzyka dzwon\u00f3w\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"moje dzwony 5\", \"description\": \"Hej to ja Artur, jak zwykle ja. To 5 odc. z serii moje dzwony. Ten odcinek jest troch\u0119 nie typowy ,bo w nim jest 12 moich ulubionych dzwon\u00f3w.\u017bycz\u0119 mi\u0142ego ogl\u0105dania,powodzenia! A i jeszcze jedno ,jest tam nowa dzwonnica do tego 15 kilowego dzwonu.\"}", "viewCount": 226004, "likeCount": 564, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": null, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-FFx68qSAuY", "publishedAt": "2014-08-19T09:24:23Z", "channelId": "UCemJxBoqNChIXZjd5MjBqpg", "title": "The Damned - Smash It Up Parts 1 & 2 (Official Audio)", "description": "Official audio for Smash It Up Parts 1 & 2 by The Damned, released on Ace Records. Subscribe to the official Ace channel for more classics, lost gems, playlists, and more: http://www.youtube.com/AceRecordsBroadcast http://acerecords.co.uk/machine-gun-etiquette", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-FFx68qSAuY/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-FFx68qSAuY/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-FFx68qSAuY/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-FFx68qSAuY/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}, \"maxres\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-FFx68qSAuY/maxresdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 1280, \"height\": 720}}", "channelTitle": "Ace Records", "tags": "[\"The Damned\", \"Smash It Up Parts 1 & 2\", \"official\", \"audio\", \"reggae\", \"Trojan\", \"sanctuary\", \"BMG\", \"Jamaica\", \"classic\", \"track\", \"Trojan Records\", \"music\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"The Damned - Smash It Up Parts 1 & 2 (Official Audio)\", \"description\": \"Official audio for Smash It Up Parts 1 & 2 by The Damned, released on Ace Records. Subscribe to the official Ace channel for more classics, lost gems, playlists, and more: http://www.youtube.com/AceRecordsBroadcast http://acerecords.co.uk/machine-gun-etiquette\"}", "viewCount": 592374, "likeCount": 5612, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 376, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-FlvaZQOr2I", "publishedAt": "2014-10-25T21:20:40Z", "channelId": "UCy41ACXafDUcOMIBN90ZE1g", "title": "[Growtopia] Why Noobs Can't Spell", "description": "100% Illuminati. Where is the world going into?\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nCocoaCookieP Channel\u25bahttps://www.youtube.com/user/CocoaCookieP\nFesliyan Studios\u25bahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWaNW-aYhVY\n\nWanna Play Growtopia? Links Below...\nPC\u25bahttp://growtopiagame.com/GrowtopiaIns...\nMac\u25bahttp://growtopia.org/Growtopia.dmg\niOS\u25bahttp://bit.ly/1fP8dvP\nAndroid\u25bahttp://bit.ly/1ciiWhv", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-FlvaZQOr2I/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-FlvaZQOr2I/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-FlvaZQOr2I/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "CookieRickey", "tags": "[\"Newbie\", \"Growtopia\", \"CocoCookieP\", \"vtow\", \"Why Noobs Can't Spell\", \"Epic\", \"GrowNoobShow\", \"EasyE\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"[Growtopia] Why Noobs Can't Spell\", \"description\": \"100% Illuminati. Where is the world going into?\\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\\nCocoaCookieP Channel\u25bahttps://www.youtube.com/user/CocoaCookieP\\nFesliyan Studios\u25bahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWaNW-aYhVY\\n\\nWanna Play Growtopia? Links Below...\\nPC\u25bahttp://growtopiagame.com/GrowtopiaIns...\\nMac\u25bahttp://growtopia.org/Growtopia.dmg\\niOS\u25bahttp://bit.ly/1fP8dvP\\nAndroid\u25bahttp://bit.ly/1ciiWhv\"}", "viewCount": 180828, "likeCount": 1308, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 0, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-Gf4Ihv1zwc", "publishedAt": "2008-12-16T05:48:05Z", "channelId": "UCluGfbYN0whtS95QT2_e9Sg", "title": "Enya - We Wish you a merry christmas", "description": "ReLaX wish you a merry christmas and happy new year in company of your dear beings. \r\n\r\nHappy Holidays\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nEnjoy and RELAX !", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-Gf4Ihv1zwc/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-Gf4Ihv1zwc/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-Gf4Ihv1zwc/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "46OnY", "tags": "[\"ReLaX\", \"newage\", \"new\", \"year\", \"christmas\", \"love\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Enya - We Wish you a merry christmas\", \"description\": \"ReLaX wish you a merry christmas and happy new year in company of your dear beings. \\r\\n\\r\\nHappy Holidays\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nEnjoy and RELAX !\"}", "viewCount": 1049438, "likeCount": 3173, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 206, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-IZbvEO9wzU", "publishedAt": "2009-07-01T02:07:57Z", "channelId": "UCUe8LP5971URgNrI2mQxZSA", "title": "Cute baby singing Happy Birthday to You", "description": "Thank you for visiting my channel =D\r\n\r\nIf you want a picture of your baby to sing or you want to make a special greeting card please:\r\n1. Subscribe to my channel\r\n2. Send me a picture of your baby with the song that you want him/her to sing.\r\n3. And I will send you the link as soon as possible.\r\n\r\n\r\nP.S. I do put the videos that I make in my channel, so please if you dont want the video to be posted dont send me an email. \r\n\r\nThanks", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-IZbvEO9wzU/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-IZbvEO9wzU/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-IZbvEO9wzU/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "x0xbundleoflovex0x", "tags": "[\"baby\", \"cute\", \"sweet\", \"beautiful\", \"babe\", \"mother\", \"birth\", \"happy\", \"birthday\", \"to\", \"you\", \"love\", \"bebe\", \"child\", \"childern\", \"cutey\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Cute baby singing Happy Birthday to You\", \"description\": \"Thank you for visiting my channel =D\\r\\n\\r\\nIf you want a picture of your baby to sing or you want to make a special greeting card please:\\r\\n1. Subscribe to my channel\\r\\n2. Send me a picture of your baby with the song that you want him/her to sing.\\r\\n3. And I will send you the link as soon as possible.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nP.S. I do put the videos that I make in my channel, so please if you dont want the video to be posted dont send me an email. \\r\\n\\r\\nThanks\"}", "viewCount": 689384, "likeCount": 315, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": null, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-JVWfFPBl84", "publishedAt": "2007-12-30T01:50:26Z", "channelId": "UCBmMd_lMH4pwpRXh4spyh1Q", "title": "Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music Part 2", "description": "http://www.frankperry.co.uk. Second part of a short introductory improvisation upon antique Tibetan Singing Bowls with exotic sounds of Water Bowls by Frank Perry at Aberdeen Spiritualist Church 10th October 1995 immediately prior to evening workshop", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-JVWfFPBl84/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-JVWfFPBl84/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-JVWfFPBl84/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "Frank Perry", "tags": "[\"Tibetan\", \"Singing\", \"Bowls\", \"Music\", \"Meditation\", \"Improvisation\", \"Water\", \"Frank\", \"Perry\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Tibetan Singing Bowls Meditation Music Part 2\", \"description\": \"http://www.frankperry.co.uk. Second part of a short introductory improvisation upon antique Tibetan Singing Bowls with exotic sounds of Water Bowls by Frank Perry at Aberdeen Spiritualist Church 10th October 1995 immediately prior to evening workshop\"}", "viewCount": 49901, "likeCount": 106, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 20, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-JvB5AL59fM", "publishedAt": "2010-02-11T03:47:04Z", "channelId": "UCkZ1Q573mR4uMjgbaUgWwAQ", "title": "The Tra La La Song Music Video - Full Version", "description": "This is the full version of \"The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana)\" aka The Banana Splits Theme as performed by Liz Phair and Material Issue for the Saturday Morning Cartoons' Greatest Hits music and video project. This version was not released on home video and was only aired on MTV. This material is \u00a9 1995 by MCA Records.", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-JvB5AL59fM/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-JvB5AL59fM/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-JvB5AL59fM/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "Derek Bartholomaus", "tags": "[\"liz phair\", \"material issue\", \"banana splits\", \"saturday morning cartoons\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"The Tra La La Song Music Video - Full Version\", \"description\": \"This is the full version of \\\"The Tra La La Song (One Banana, Two Banana)\\\" aka The Banana Splits Theme as performed by Liz Phair and Material Issue for the Saturday Morning Cartoons' Greatest Hits music and video project. This version was not released on home video and was only aired on MTV. This material is \u00a9 1995 by MCA Records.\"}", "viewCount": 578559, "likeCount": 2722, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 252, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-M-6VinyMiY", "publishedAt": "2013-10-18T15:47:22Z", "channelId": "UCZjBqZjGsmI5OAVsLSroaWQ", "title": "DEF LEPPARD - \"Goodbye\" (Official Music Video)", "description": "Get tickets to Def Leppard's 2020 Stadium Tour with M\u00f6tley Cr\u00fce and special guests Poison & Joan Jett here: https://defleppard.com\n\nSubscribe to our channel for new videos: http://bit.ly/LeppardYT\n\nDef Leppard\u2019s Full Catalog Now Available to Stream & Download Worldwide: https://UMe.lnk.to/DefLeppardDigital\n\n___________\n\nLISTEN TO DEF LEPPARD: \nApple/iTunes: https://DefLeppard.lnk.to/itunesapple\nSpotify: https://ume.lnk.to/DefLeppardDigital/spotify\nAmazon: https://ume.lnk.to/DefLeppardDigital/Amazon\nDeezer: https://ume.lnk.to/DefLeppardDigital/Deezer\nPandora: https://ume.lnk.to/DefLeppardDigital/pandora\n\n\nFOLLOW DEF LEPPARD: \nWebsite: http://www.DefLeppard.com/\nYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/defleppard\nInstagram: http://instagram.com/DefLeppard\nFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/DefLeppard\nTwitter: https://twitter.com/DefLeppard\nPublisher: http://www.PrimaryWave.com", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-M-6VinyMiY/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-M-6VinyMiY/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-M-6VinyMiY/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-M-6VinyMiY/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}}", "channelTitle": "DEF LEPPARD", "tags": "[\"Def Leppard (Musical Group)\", \"def leppard\", \"goodbye\", \"euphoria\", \"good bye\", \"official video\", \"music video\", \"official\", \"original video\", \"joe elliott\", \"phil collen\", \"rick savage\", \"rick allen\", \"vivian campbell\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"DEF LEPPARD - 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Harp model is Aoyama Special Blue and Gold Musa.", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-OUIEnuNd1I/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-OUIEnuNd1I/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-OUIEnuNd1I/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "singaporeharpist", "tags": "[\"Harp\", \"Canon-In-D\", \"Pachelbel\", \"Magdalene\", \"Wong\", \"Classical\", \"Aoyama\", \"Musa\", \"Singapore\", \"Harpist\", \"Weddings\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Canon In D - Harp Wedding Music - Magdalene Wong\", \"description\": \"Canon In D composed by Johann Pachelbel arranged and performed by Singapore harpist Magdalene Wong. 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Time to get your little rockstars ready for bedtime!", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-QuWdnmn-kM/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-QuWdnmn-kM/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-QuWdnmn-kM/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-QuWdnmn-kM/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}, \"maxres\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-QuWdnmn-kM/maxresdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 1280, \"height\": 720}}", "channelTitle": "Baby Rockstar", "tags": "[\"The Nightmare Before Christmas (Film)\", \"Baby Rockstar\", \"Helisek Music Publishing\", \"Lullabies\", \"Lullaby\", \"Baby Music\", \"Children's Music (Radio Format)\", \"Danny Elfman\", \"Oingo Boingo (Musical Artist)\", \"Tim Burton\", \"Jack Skellington (Fictional Character)\", \"Jack's Lament\", \"Soundtrack (Musical Album Type)\", \"Rockabye Baby! 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Time to get your little rockstars ready for bedtime!\"}", "viewCount": 10335, "likeCount": 46, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 0, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-R0267o4lLk", "publishedAt": "2014-01-21T18:55:34Z", "channelId": "UChZS8Q_T9Qr3WJ70y7EN9aA", "title": "Richie and Roland Gajate-Garcia: Father Like Son", "description": "Richie and Roland Gajate-Garcia in the LP Studio.\n\nLP Richie Gajate-Garcia Signature Series Congas\nLP559T-RGM\nLP522T-RGM\nLP552T-RGM\n\nLP Richie Gajate-Garcia Signature Series Bongos\nLP201AX-2RGM\n\nLP Prestige Timbales\nLP1415S\n\nLP Brazilian Tan Tan\nLP3514\n\nLP Salsa Cha Cha Cowbell\nES-12\n\nLP Gajate Bracket\nLP388N\n\nLP Jam Block (red)\nLP1208\n\nLP Jam Tamb\nLP1207-T\n\nLP Black Beauty Cowbell\nLP204A\n\nLP Click Tambourine\nLP193\n\nLP Salsa Bongo Cowbell\nES-8\n\nLP Durian Wood Congas\nLP522Z-D\nLP559Z-D\nLP552Z-D\n\nLP Click Hi-Hat Tambourine\nLP193B\n\nLP High Pitch Jam Bell (Blue) \nLP1231\n\nLP Session Shakers\nLP446-L\nLP446-S\n\nLP Cajon Throne\nLP1445", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-R0267o4lLk/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-R0267o4lLk/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-R0267o4lLk/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-R0267o4lLk/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}, \"maxres\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-R0267o4lLk/maxresdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 1280, \"height\": 720}}", "channelTitle": "Latin Percussion", "tags": "[\"Latin Percussion (Business Operation)\", \"Latin Percussion (Musical Instrument)\", \"Richie Gajate Garcia\", \"Roland Garcia\", \"American Idol\", \"Timbales (Musical Instrument)\", \"Congas\", \"Bongo Drum (Musical Instrument)\", \"Cymbal (Musical Instrument)\", \"Cowbell\", \"Blocks\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Richie and Roland Gajate-Garcia: Father Like Son\", \"description\": \"Richie and Roland Gajate-Garcia in the LP Studio.\\n\\nLP Richie Gajate-Garcia Signature Series Congas\\nLP559T-RGM\\nLP522T-RGM\\nLP552T-RGM\\n\\nLP Richie Gajate-Garcia Signature Series Bongos\\nLP201AX-2RGM\\n\\nLP Prestige Timbales\\nLP1415S\\n\\nLP Brazilian Tan Tan\\nLP3514\\n\\nLP Salsa Cha Cha Cowbell\\nES-12\\n\\nLP Gajate Bracket\\nLP388N\\n\\nLP Jam Block (red)\\nLP1208\\n\\nLP Jam Tamb\\nLP1207-T\\n\\nLP Black Beauty Cowbell\\nLP204A\\n\\nLP Click Tambourine\\nLP193\\n\\nLP Salsa Bongo Cowbell\\nES-8\\n\\nLP Durian Wood Congas\\nLP522Z-D\\nLP559Z-D\\nLP552Z-D\\n\\nLP Click Hi-Hat Tambourine\\nLP193B\\n\\nLP High Pitch Jam Bell (Blue) \\nLP1231\\n\\nLP Session Shakers\\nLP446-L\\nLP446-S\\n\\nLP Cajon Throne\\nLP1445\"}", "viewCount": 24949, "likeCount": 304, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 12, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-T4GeTHKtJQ", "publishedAt": "2012-05-05T09:39:09Z", "channelId": "UCuijd0iDhe5ZGT2pOPsdp7Q", "title": "80's Music Compilation Part 5 Some Of The Best 80's Songs", "description": "My compilation of some great songs of the 80's...Also check out the other parts!\n\nPart 1:\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2rvxWyxR28\n\nPart 2:\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_r-0C9TGkpc\n\nPart 3:\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjDY7Vz9e2A\n\nPart 4:\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1hyzOHpalc\n\nPart 5:\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-T4GeTHKtJQ\n\nPart 6:\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZUlbsmTPIw\n\nPart 7:\nhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOMI3u6j5Rg\n\nHope you enjoy it!\n\nTracklist Part 5:\n01. ABC - Poison Arrow (1982)\n02. Alannah Myles - Black Velvet (1989)\n03. Alice Cooper - Poison (1989)\n04. Baltimora - Tarzan Boy (1985)\n05. Belouis Some - Imagination (1985)\n06. Bette Midler - Beat Of Burden (1984)\n07. Billy Idol - Sweet Sixteen (1987)\n08. Blondie - Atomic (1980)\n09. Bruce Springsteen - The River (1981)\n10. Captain Sensible - Wot (1982)\n11. Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me (1982)\n12. Cyndi Lauper - True Colors (1986)\n13. Daryl Hall & John Oates - Maneater (1982)\n14. Depeche Mode - Just Can't Get Enough (1981)\n15. Dionne Warwich - Heartbreaker (1983)\n16. Dire Straits - Walk Of Life (1986)\n17. Duran Duran - The Reflex (1984)\n18. Elton John - I'm Still Standing\n19. Erasure - Sometimes (1987)\n20. Europe - Carrie (1987)\n21. F.R. David - Words (1982)\n22. Falco - Jeanny (1986)\n23. Foreigner - Waiting For A Girl Like You (1982)\n24. Genesis - Invisible Touch (1986)\n25. Gloria Estefan - Don't Wanna Lose You (1989)\n26. Go West - We Close Our Eyes (1985)\n27. Guns 'N Roses - Paradise City (1989)\n28. Harold Faltermeyer - Axel F (1984)\n29. Huey Lewis & The News - If This Is It (1984)\n30. Human League - Human (1986)\n31. Jan Hammer - Miami Vice Theme (1985)\n32. Jefferson Starship - We Built This City (1985)\n33. Jennifer Rush - Power Of Love (1985)\n34. Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out (1983)\n35. Journey - Open Arms (1982)\n36. KC & The Sunshine Band - Give It Up (1983)\n37. Kiss - Crazy Crazy Nights (1987)\n38. Laura Branigan - Self Control (1983)\n39. Limahl - Neverending Story (1984)\n40. Lionel Richie - Say You Say Me (1985)\n41. Maria McKee - Show Me Heaven (1989)\n42. Martika - Toy Soldiers (1989)\n43. Men Without Hats - Safety Dance (1982)\n44. Michael Bolton - How Am I Supposed To Live Without You (1989)\n45. Mr Mister - Kyrie (1986)\n46. Narada Michael Walden - Gimme Gimme Gimme (1985)\n47. Nik Kershaw - Wouldn't It Be Good (1984)\n48. Outfield - Your Love (1986)\n49. Paul McCartney - Once Upon A Long Ago (1987)\n50. Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al (1986)\n51. Paul Young - Love Of The Common People (1984)\n52. Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight (1981)\n53. 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ABC - Poison Arrow (1982)\\n02. Alannah Myles - Black Velvet (1989)\\n03. Alice Cooper - Poison (1989)\\n04. Baltimora - Tarzan Boy (1985)\\n05. Belouis Some - Imagination (1985)\\n06. Bette Midler - Beat Of Burden (1984)\\n07. Billy Idol - Sweet Sixteen (1987)\\n08. Blondie - Atomic (1980)\\n09. Bruce Springsteen - The River (1981)\\n10. Captain Sensible - Wot (1982)\\n11. Culture Club - Do You Really Want To Hurt Me (1982)\\n12. Cyndi Lauper - True Colors (1986)\\n13. Daryl Hall & John Oates - Maneater (1982)\\n14. Depeche Mode - Just Can't Get Enough (1981)\\n15. Dionne Warwich - Heartbreaker (1983)\\n16. Dire Straits - Walk Of Life (1986)\\n17. Duran Duran - The Reflex (1984)\\n18. Elton John - I'm Still Standing\\n19. Erasure - Sometimes (1987)\\n20. Europe - Carrie (1987)\\n21. F.R. David - Words (1982)\\n22. Falco - Jeanny (1986)\\n23. Foreigner - Waiting For A Girl Like You (1982)\\n24. Genesis - Invisible Touch (1986)\\n25. Gloria Estefan - Don't Wanna Lose You (1989)\\n26. Go West - We Close Our Eyes (1985)\\n27. Guns 'N Roses - Paradise City (1989)\\n28. Harold Faltermeyer - Axel F (1984)\\n29. Huey Lewis & The News - If This Is It (1984)\\n30. Human League - Human (1986)\\n31. Jan Hammer - Miami Vice Theme (1985)\\n32. Jefferson Starship - We Built This City (1985)\\n33. Jennifer Rush - Power Of Love (1985)\\n34. Joe Jackson - Steppin' Out (1983)\\n35. Journey - Open Arms (1982)\\n36. KC & The Sunshine Band - Give It Up (1983)\\n37. Kiss - Crazy Crazy Nights (1987)\\n38. Laura Branigan - Self Control (1983)\\n39. Limahl - Neverending Story (1984)\\n40. Lionel Richie - Say You Say Me (1985)\\n41. Maria McKee - Show Me Heaven (1989)\\n42. Martika - Toy Soldiers (1989)\\n43. Men Without Hats - Safety Dance (1982)\\n44. Michael Bolton - How Am I Supposed To Live Without You (1989)\\n45. Mr Mister - Kyrie (1986)\\n46. Narada Michael Walden - Gimme Gimme Gimme (1985)\\n47. Nik Kershaw - Wouldn't It Be Good (1984)\\n48. Outfield - Your Love (1986)\\n49. Paul McCartney - Once Upon A Long Ago (1987)\\n50. Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al (1986)\\n51. Paul Young - Love Of The Common People (1984)\\n52. Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight (1981)\\n53. REO Speedwagon - Keep On Loving You (1981)\"}", "viewCount": 360011, "likeCount": 865, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 53, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-U16iKiXGuY", "publishedAt": "2012-04-12T04:33:59Z", "channelId": "UC5b3NcNHqutGX2-n4m34BBA", "title": "Lana Del Rey - Radio - Jazz Cafe London - 10.04.12", "description": "Live From The Jazz Cafe, Camden, London - 10.04.12\n\nArtist reserves all rights. 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Afghanistan song, Loy Afghanistan song Lar aw Bar Afghanan, Pakhton song, Pashton song, Pashtun Song, Pakhtunen , http://larawbar.com/Loy_Afghanistan/ Pashto song, Pashto Music, Afghani Music , Afghan song, Afghan Music, Afghani song. Pakhto song, Pukhto song. Afghanistan song, Loy Afghanistan song Lar aw Bar Afghanan, Pakhton song, Pashton song, Pashtun Song, Pakhtunen , Pashtunen , Afghan , Afghanan , Pathan, Pathanan, Pakhtunkhwa song. Pashtunkhwa song, Pashtoonkhwa, Pakhtoonkhwa, Pashtunistan, Pakhtunistan,Pashto song Afghani song & Music Pashto Song & Music * Attan* Lar aw bar Afghanan Loy afghanistan song Pashtunkhwa song Afghani music afghan Music Pashto Sandara* Attan* Abdali * . Durrani * Achakzai * Alekuzei * Afridi * Ahmadzai * Bangasch * Baraksai * Chamkani * Ghilzai * Ishaqsai * Kakar * Kharot * Khattak * Lodhi * Mahsud * Mangal * Marwat * Mohamedsai * Mohmand * Niazi * Noorzai * Oroksai * Popalsai * Karzai * Safi * Shinwari * Swati * Tanoli * Wasir * Wazir * Banisai * Yousufsai * Zadran * Zazai \"afghan music\"\u067e\u069a\u062a\u0648 \u069a\u06a9\u0644\u06cc \u0633\u0646\u062f\u0631\u064a kabul,peshawar.Afganistan PAKHTOONsDEDICATED TO AFGHANISTAN, JALALABAD, KABUL,PAKIA, LAGHMAN,HILMAND,PTV NATIONAL,ARY ONE WORLD,THE MUSIC,MTV,SHAMSHAD TV,TULU,TOLO,LAMAR,KHYBER AGENCY,WAZIRISTAN AGENCY,MIRALI,BANNU,KARAK,D.I.KHAN,LUCKY MARWAT,KOHAT,PESHAWAR,BHATKHELA,MALAKAND ss,SWAT,MARRI,KOHAT,PARACHINAR,HANGU,TAL\u00ad,M IRANSHAN,ANP,NWFP,SANDARE,FUN,ENJOY,OLD TRADITION MUSIC,ATTARN,ATTAR,ATARN,DANCE,FM101,FM1 04,FM106,FM BURAQ,DUBAI,DAWAR,MASOOD,SARDAR ALI TAKKER,HAROON BACHA,SANGEEN AFRIDI,AMJAD KHAN,SARFARAZ,KHALID MALIK,ASHRAF GULZAR,GULZARALAM,FARHAD DARYA,NAGMA,WAGMA,NAZIA IQBAL,RANI,SHAHINSHAH,ZEEK AFRIDI,HAMAYUN KHAN,FAZA FIAZ,BAKHTIYAR KHATTAK,ADNAN SAMI,SONU NIGAM,UDIT NARAYAN,LATA MANGESHKAR,ASHA BOSLE,SHAHRUKH KHAN,AAMIR KHAN,PASHTO,PUSHTO,NEWS,BBC,FUNNY,ENTERT AINMENT,MOVIE,GAME ETCFlabbergasted come from? Naruto shippuden 44 Naruto shippuden 44 Naruto shippuden 44 Naruto shippuden 44 Naruto salmon oil heart health See exclusive footage of Bob Sapp on Fight Network Radio where he discussed the use of performance enhancing drugs. For more - go to www.THEFIGHTNETWORK.com - ALL FIGHTS! ALL THE TIME!preview of the Disney channel original movie Camp Rock. Coming this June staring Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas, and Demi Lovato. Copyright \u00a9 Disney Channel Lucas scored the equalizer for Liverpool in the FA Cup fourth round tie against Havant & Waterlooville.Last games final australian open 2008 sharapova vs ivanovic PV LIPS(newchan)Afghanistan Music ; Pashto ; Dari ; AfghanMTV Please Rating my VideoPashto zadran najee peshawar masehra khorasani song. Death to the fraudulent name of afghanistan, long live the original and genuine name of our country -- greater khorasan / khurasan zameen. Awghanistan Pashto ghetto100 song, its also dari Pashtoon, Pakhtoon, Paris hilton Pakhtun, Pashtun, Pakhto khurasan khorasan khorasani ahmad shah massoud panjshir parwan kapisa mazar takhar badakhshan baghlan kunduz salang kabul logar paktia paktika kunar wardak... Shah Rukh Khan Bollywood Zadran Paktia Khost Jalalabad Ga sey song Hindi Punjabi Attan watan...Shah Rukh Khan=Aryan Khan102ger punjabi osama arab iran urdu hindi bollywood hollywoo lollywood hira afghanistan afghan movie paschtana youtube google Video shah rukh khan aryan khan kurijistani \u00c4gypten libanon men women football sport rihana wresling tour de frace eu 2008 pizza panshir tire tapayTV shows, music videos, music concerts, or commercials kha102ger you can see pashtu comedy music ca Rating plese my Me on sets of Pushto Film Shooting \"Niazbeen\" (LADLA) in Lahore where Arbaz Khan, Shabnum Chaudry and Jehangir Khan are filming a song. Both Arbaz and Jehangir are supposed to act as Drunk guys. Song is by Saqi Saqi by Khayaal Mohd and Gulzar Alamv Filmstars Arbaz Khan and Nazo filming 2 songs. The other girl is Karishma. One song was in Lahore Race Course Park and other was outside Lahore near to Motorway. Films Niazbeen and Guru Ba Raqeeba songs. ://www.erosentertainment.com Bollywood.. Anytime, Anywhere!...eros entertainment bollywood Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman Shah Rukh Khan Juhi khatta meetha lafange parinde housfull prince goal maal 3 Chawla http://www.zoomtv.in These days, an increasing number of celebs appear to be attending art exhibitions. Perhaps Bollywood has a little something to do with this? Aamir Khan's Taare Zameen Par recently dealt with the topic of art. Gauging the number of Bollywood stars present, this is very likely. Maybe artists can now expect to receive continued support from the art-loving film fraternity. 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Pashtunkhwa song, Pashtoonkhwa, Pakhtoonkhwa, Pashtunistan, Pakhtunistan,Pashto song Afghani song & Music Pashto Song & Music * Attan* Lar aw bar Afghanan Loy afghanistan song Pashtunkhwa song Afghani music afghan Music Pashto Sandara* Attan* Abdali * . Durrani * Achakzai * Alekuzei * Afridi * Ahmadzai * Bangasch * Baraksai * Chamkani * Ghilzai * Ishaqsai * Kakar * Kharot * Khattak * Lodhi * Mahsud * Mangal * Marwat * Mohamedsai * Mohmand * Niazi * Noorzai * Oroksai * Popalsai * Karzai * Safi * Shinwari * Swati * Tanoli * Wasir * Wazir * Banisai * Yousufsai * Zadran * Zazai \\\"afghan music\\\"\u067e\u069a\u062a\u0648 \u069a\u06a9\u0644\u06cc \u0633\u0646\u062f\u0631\u064a kabul,peshawar.Afganistan PAKHTOONsDEDICATED TO AFGHANISTAN, JALALABAD, KABUL,PAKIA, LAGHMAN,HILMAND,PTV NATIONAL,ARY ONE WORLD,THE MUSIC,MTV,SHAMSHAD TV,TULU,TOLO,LAMAR,KHYBER AGENCY,WAZIRISTAN AGENCY,MIRALI,BANNU,KARAK,D.I.KHAN,LUCKY MARWAT,KOHAT,PESHAWAR,BHATKHELA,MALAKAND ss,SWAT,MARRI,KOHAT,PARACHINAR,HANGU,TAL\u00ad,M IRANSHAN,ANP,NWFP,SANDARE,FUN,ENJOY,OLD TRADITION MUSIC,ATTARN,ATTAR,ATARN,DANCE,FM101,FM1 04,FM106,FM BURAQ,DUBAI,DAWAR,MASOOD,SARDAR ALI TAKKER,HAROON BACHA,SANGEEN AFRIDI,AMJAD KHAN,SARFARAZ,KHALID MALIK,ASHRAF GULZAR,GULZARALAM,FARHAD DARYA,NAGMA,WAGMA,NAZIA IQBAL,RANI,SHAHINSHAH,ZEEK AFRIDI,HAMAYUN KHAN,FAZA FIAZ,BAKHTIYAR KHATTAK,ADNAN SAMI,SONU NIGAM,UDIT NARAYAN,LATA MANGESHKAR,ASHA BOSLE,SHAHRUKH KHAN,AAMIR KHAN,PASHTO,PUSHTO,NEWS,BBC,FUNNY,ENTERT AINMENT,MOVIE,GAME ETCFlabbergasted come from? Naruto shippuden 44 Naruto shippuden 44 Naruto shippuden 44 Naruto shippuden 44 Naruto salmon oil heart health See exclusive footage of Bob Sapp on Fight Network Radio where he discussed the use of performance enhancing drugs. For more - go to www.THEFIGHTNETWORK.com - ALL FIGHTS! ALL THE TIME!preview of the Disney channel original movie Camp Rock. Coming this June staring Kevin Jonas, Joe Jonas, Nick Jonas, and Demi Lovato. Copyright \u00a9 Disney Channel Lucas scored the equalizer for Liverpool in the FA Cup fourth round tie against Havant & Waterlooville.Last games final australian open 2008 sharapova vs ivanovic PV LIPS(newchan)Afghanistan Music ; Pashto ; Dari ; AfghanMTV Please Rating my VideoPashto zadran najee peshawar masehra khorasani song. Death to the fraudulent name of afghanistan, long live the original and genuine name of our country -- greater khorasan / khurasan zameen. Awghanistan Pashto ghetto100 song, its also dari Pashtoon, Pakhtoon, Paris hilton Pakhtun, Pashtun, Pakhto khurasan khorasan khorasani ahmad shah massoud panjshir parwan kapisa mazar takhar badakhshan baghlan kunduz salang kabul logar paktia paktika kunar wardak... Shah Rukh Khan Bollywood Zadran Paktia Khost Jalalabad Ga sey song Hindi Punjabi Attan watan...Shah Rukh Khan=Aryan Khan102ger punjabi osama arab iran urdu hindi bollywood hollywoo lollywood hira afghanistan afghan movie paschtana youtube google Video shah rukh khan aryan khan kurijistani \u00c4gypten libanon men women football sport rihana wresling tour de frace eu 2008 pizza panshir tire tapayTV shows, music videos, music concerts, or commercials kha102ger you can see pashtu comedy music ca Rating plese my Me on sets of Pushto Film Shooting \\\"Niazbeen\\\" (LADLA) in Lahore where Arbaz Khan, Shabnum Chaudry and Jehangir Khan are filming a song. Both Arbaz and Jehangir are supposed to act as Drunk guys. Song is by Saqi Saqi by Khayaal Mohd and Gulzar Alamv Filmstars Arbaz Khan and Nazo filming 2 songs. The other girl is Karishma. One song was in Lahore Race Course Park and other was outside Lahore near to Motorway. Films Niazbeen and Guru Ba Raqeeba songs. ://www.erosentertainment.com Bollywood.. Anytime, Anywhere!...eros entertainment bollywood Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman Shah Rukh Khan Juhi khatta meetha lafange parinde housfull prince goal maal 3 Chawla http://www.zoomtv.in These days, an increasing number of celebs appear to be attending art exhibitions. Perhaps Bollywood has a little something to do with this? Aamir Khan's Taare Zameen Par recently dealt with the topic of art. Gauging the number of Bollywood stars present, this is very likely. Maybe artists can now expect to receive continued support from the art-loving film fraternity. Subscribe to our Youtube channel now For the latest Bollywood newsZaman Zaheer and Sitara younus sad song by Jahinger Khan Loy Afghanistan www.larawbar,com\"}", "viewCount": 317246, "likeCount": 601, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 0, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-_OzT7Xyvok", "publishedAt": "2007-02-18T02:35:10Z", "channelId": "UCFIa0IUSAW83UXNRyXLRCnw", "title": "John Catalano Music : Dean Patton Rumba Flamenco in the States Two Talented Young Guitarist", "description": "facebook.com/jphncatalanomusic\n717-623-7166 John Catalano Teacher\n\n Saturday Classes in Gypsy Rumba at Catalano Music .\nFlamenca Rumba is lively music and developing in the United States Of America as here shown by the young guitar players.\n\nGypsy Rumba\n\nIn the 1990s the French group Gypsy Kings of Spanish descent became a popular New Flamenco group by playing Rumba Flamenca (or rumba gitana, Catalan rumba) music.", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-_OzT7Xyvok/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-_OzT7Xyvok/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-_OzT7Xyvok/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "John Catalano", "tags": "[\"Rumba\", \"Catalana\", \"Flamenco\", \"guitar\", \"John\", \"Catalano\", \"Spain\", \"America\", \"Jazz\", \"Music\", \"Americas\", \"Song\", \"Live Music\", \"Acoustic\", \"Original\", \"Singer\", \"Artist\", \"Acoustic Music\", \"Lessons\", \"Camp\", \"Hill\", \"Cumberland\", \"Valley\", \"Folk\", \"Musician\", \"Idea\", \"tuition\", \"course\", \"Composition\", \"United States (Country)\", \"Original (song)\", \"Songwriter\", \"gypsy Jazz\", \"best\", \"guitarist\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"John Catalano Music : Dean Patton Rumba Flamenco in the States Two Talented Young Guitarist\", \"description\": \"facebook.com/jphncatalanomusic\\n717-623-7166 John Catalano Teacher\\n\\n Saturday Classes in Gypsy Rumba at Catalano Music .\\nFlamenca Rumba is lively music and developing in the United States Of America as here shown by the young guitar players.\\n\\nGypsy Rumba\\n\\nIn the 1990s the French group Gypsy Kings of Spanish descent became a popular New Flamenco group by playing Rumba Flamenca (or rumba gitana, Catalan rumba) music.\"}", "viewCount": 119458, "likeCount": 322, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 69, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-bgHkxwoliw", "publishedAt": "2012-10-31T00:15:59Z", "channelId": "UCY6JlLbF75R29HiFIRfI8Yg", "title": "DANIJEL BOTO - 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Read More!\n\n\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00ad\u00ad\u00ad\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00ad\u00b7\u00ad\u00b7\u00ad\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00ad\u00ad\u00ad\nFor infos how you can Join, try: http://www.beatbox-rap.com\nDownload Teamspeak: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads\nhttp://join.beatbox-rap.com\nServer Adress: ts.beatbox-rap.com\nFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeatboxRapCom\n\nWe bring every Musician a Place,\nwhere People can make Music together.\n\n\n\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00ad\u00ad\u00ad\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00ad\u00b7\u00ad\u00b7\u00ad\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00ad\u00ad\u00ad\nhttp://www.BeatboxRap.Com is a Music Community Project for:\n- Beatboxer\n- Vocalists\n- Instrumental\n- DJ's\n- Rap\n\nhttp://www.beatbox-rap.com\n\n** WANTED ***\nWe want your Talent.\nMake Music with Friends.\nGet in touch with your Skills.\nStart great Music Projects.\n\n\nYoutube video Creation - Youtube free music - Beatbox Battle Online -", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-i9uQMysy_A/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-i9uQMysy_A/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-i9uQMysy_A/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-i9uQMysy_A/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}}", "channelTitle": "BeatboxRapCom", "tags": "[\"beatboxrapcom\", \"dbb\", \"daily\", \"daily beatbox battle\", \"teamspeak\", \"ts\", \"battle online\", \"beatbox battle\", \"beatbox battle tv\", \"swissbeatbox\", \"swiss beatbox\", \"beatboxing\", \"brc\", \"battle\", \"make music online\", \"music online\", \"beatbox\", \"grand beatbox battle\", \"gbbb\", \"Final\", \"usa beatbox\", \"americain beatbox\", \"us champion\", \"inertia\", \"slykku\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Inertia VS Slykku | Daily Beatbox Battle ( 2015-07-27 )\", \"description\": \"Inertia VS Slykku | Daily Beatbox Battle ( 2015-07-27 )\\nWant to join us ? Read More!\\n\\n\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00ad\u00ad\u00ad\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00ad\u00b7\u00ad\u00b7\u00ad\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00ad\u00ad\u00ad\\nFor infos how you can Join, try: http://www.beatbox-rap.com\\nDownload Teamspeak: http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads\\nhttp://join.beatbox-rap.com\\nServer Adress: ts.beatbox-rap.com\\nFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeatboxRapCom\\n\\nWe bring every Musician a Place,\\nwhere People can make Music together.\\n\\n\\n\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00ad\u00ad\u00ad\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00ad\u00b7\u00ad\u00b7\u00ad\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00b7\u00ad\u00ad\u00ad\\nhttp://www.BeatboxRap.Com is a Music Community Project for:\\n- Beatboxer\\n- Vocalists\\n- Instrumental\\n- DJ's\\n- Rap\\n\\nhttp://www.beatbox-rap.com\\n\\n** WANTED ***\\nWe want your Talent.\\nMake Music with Friends.\\nGet in touch with your Skills.\\nStart great Music Projects.\\n\\n\\nYoutube video Creation - Youtube free music - Beatbox Battle Online -\"}", "viewCount": 21137, "likeCount": 676, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 109, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-kpR93atgd8", "publishedAt": "2014-06-06T00:05:11Z", "channelId": "UCaFaMxzruprUqrYSGzp7UJw", "title": "Revolucionario-Rompope Sound", "description": "Demo! 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Lemme hear an Amen if you've experienced THAT!\n\nYou can download this track at http://tank2.bandcamp.com/track/snap-crackle-pop-tankypookins-remix.\n\nThanks all!", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-qcTD2o6I9s/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-qcTD2o6I9s/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-qcTD2o6I9s/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-qcTD2o6I9s/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}, \"maxres\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-qcTD2o6I9s/maxresdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 1280, \"height\": 720}}", "channelTitle": "Logan Smith", "tags": "[\"Chains drop\", \"Jesus\", \"Norway 2011\", \"Norway\", \"Hannah Lockard\", \"Mary Vorrath\", \"Mary Elizabeth\", \"Tank\", \"Logan Smith\", \"Lewistown\", \"Honor Academy\", \"Global Expeditions\", \"School of Worship\", \"Disciples of Worship\", \"Teen Mania\", \"1st Family\", \"Call Me Tank\", \"Hip Hop Worship\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Snap Crackle Pop (Tankypookins Remix)\", \"description\": \"Ice Ice Ice Ice Cream Soda Pop, Let Me See Them Chains Drop! 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Zombie Apocalypse (Black Ops 2)\nYou can contact the artist here: / Usted puede contactar al artista aqu\u00ed:\nhttp://www.youtube.com/user/NovexusDubstep\nhttp://soundcloud.com/novexusofficial\nhttps://twitter.com/NovexusDubstep\nhttp://www.facebook.com/NovexusDubstep\nSong here (UCRds) http://www.youtu.be/-tKZOl4q1Kw\n\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\u2191\n\nTwitter: https://twitter.com/UnCopRecords\nUnCopyrightRecords@gmail.com\nSUBSCRIBE!! | SUSCRIBETE!!", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-tKZOl4q1Kw/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-tKZOl4q1Kw/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-tKZOl4q1Kw/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-tKZOl4q1Kw/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}, \"maxres\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-tKZOl4q1Kw/maxresdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 1280, \"height\": 720}}", "channelTitle": "UnCopyrightRecords", "tags": null, "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Novexus - 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TY!\\n\\nMy Facebook Official Page: https://www.facebook.com/GizelleSixxJ\\n\\nIf you want a special lyric video, just let me know in a comment below the video and I'll try to make it. Thanks for watching.\"}", "viewCount": 1282726, "likeCount": 7461, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 232, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-zA6LL78KYU", "publishedAt": "2011-04-15T23:19:29Z", "channelId": "UCibxRxv2Vn5QkTks2MaYr2g", "title": "It's Not the Bullet that Kills You (It's the Hole)", "description": "Track length = 3:47. Before Laurie Anderson had a record contract, she released this - her first single, apparently sponsored by the Holly Solomon Gallery for an installation (a jukebox containing this and a number of other songs including 'New York Social Life'). The song was dedicated to Chris Burden. 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Before Laurie Anderson had a record contract, she released this - her first single, apparently sponsored by the Holly Solomon Gallery for an installation (a jukebox containing this and a number of other songs including 'New York Social Life'). The song was dedicated to Chris Burden. The image is of Laurie Anderson in the 1970s.\"}", "viewCount": 57417, "likeCount": 553, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 36, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "-zOybsEdM5E", "publishedAt": "2009-09-02T19:59:48Z", "channelId": "UCP11NGWLA88HzueygugfmWg", "title": "SCARU A C\u00c2PRILOR", "description": "", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-zOybsEdM5E/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-zOybsEdM5E/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/-zOybsEdM5E/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "goga gogadragu", "tags": "[\"Gidia\", \"Scaros\", \"Vlahoi\", \"Arm\u00e2nji\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"SCARU A C\u00c2PRILOR\", \"description\": \"\"}", "viewCount": 128938, "likeCount": 184, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 11, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "0-7PyzhzuYQ", "publishedAt": "2011-08-25T14:41:30Z", "channelId": "UCJVI_SclwwTqfeZ7MJORd4g", "title": "ROZB\u011aH BLUEGRASS MUSIC", "description": "00. \u00davod 01. 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This powerful version for the field or stands will bring the house down!\nHL03745509\nHL03745510", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/01PzcPKT3_E/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/01PzcPKT3_E/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/01PzcPKT3_E/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/01PzcPKT3_E/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}, \"maxres\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/01PzcPKT3_E/maxresdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 1280, \"height\": 720}}", "channelTitle": "Hal Leonard Marching Band", "tags": "[\"Hal\", \"Leonard\", \"Marching\", \"Band\", \"Score\", \"ScorePlay\", \"Dream On (Composition)\", \"Steven Tyler (Composer)\", \"Jay Bocook (Composer)\", \"03745509\", \"Arrangers'\", \"Alfred\", \"Belwin\", \"Aerosmith (Musical Group)\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Dream On by Steven Tyler/arr. Jay Bocook\", \"description\": \"To purchase print edition or for more info: http://goo.gl/5p5meZ\\nTo purchase, download and print instantly: http://bit.ly/2teu043\\n\\nPerformance Marching Band - Grade 4\\nSince its initial release by Aerosmith in 1973, this classic rock ballad has enjoyed continual popularity through the years in film and TV, most recently being featured on the hit TV series Glee. This powerful version for the field or stands will bring the house down!\\nHL03745509\\nHL03745510\"}", "viewCount": 635337, "likeCount": 4580, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 158, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "01hjVJN9xCg", "publishedAt": "2007-12-11T05:35:03Z", "channelId": "UCoiLgpKKIbZOrv6h1FlDgsg", "title": "Charles aka Faithful Singing Pleasure P Did U Wrong", "description": "Pleasure", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/01hjVJN9xCg/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/01hjVJN9xCg/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/01hjVJN9xCg/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "Nook4pound", "tags": "[\"Pleasure\", \"Did\", \"Wrong\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Charles aka Faithful Singing Pleasure P Did U Wrong\", \"description\": \"Pleasure\"}", "viewCount": 18006, "likeCount": 68, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 17, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "02Qntw26enM", "publishedAt": "2007-05-12T04:55:28Z", "channelId": "UCmGKyJ8CjTVe06dXjYNixzg", "title": "Mother, A Word That Means The World To Me", "description": "http://www.thomasgrillo.com\nDedicated to Mother.\n\nThis is a tune which was written around 1914 by Howard Johnson (words), and Theodore Morse (music).\n\nLyrics: M is for the million things she gave me. O means only that she's growing old. T is for the tears she shed to save me. H is for her heart of purest gold. E is for her eyes with love-light shining. R means right, and right, she'll allways be. Put them all together, they spell MOTHER, a word that means the world, to me.\n\nPlayed by Thomas Grillo on Moog Etherwave Pro theremin.\n\nPlease excuse the ambient noise of two computers, as my mixer was not functioning, and I was forced to use a live microphone from a camcorder. Just turn your trebble down a bit.\n\nCopyright 2007 Thomas Grillo", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/02Qntw26enM/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/02Qntw26enM/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/02Qntw26enM/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "ThomasGrillo", "tags": "[\"Mother\", \"word\", \"that\", \"means\", \"the\", \"world\", \"to\", \"me\", \"Thomas\", \"Grillo\", \"Moog\", \"Etherwave\", \"Pro\", \"theremin\", \"theramin\", \"Howard\", \"Johnson\", \"Theodore\", \"Morse\", \"sentamental\", \"sentimental\", \"family\", \"strange\", \"bizarre\", \"sci\", \"fi\", \"music\", \"electronic\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Mother, A Word That Means The World To Me\", \"description\": \"http://www.thomasgrillo.com\\nDedicated to Mother.\\n\\nThis is a tune which was written around 1914 by Howard Johnson (words), and Theodore Morse (music).\\n\\nLyrics: M is for the million things she gave me. O means only that she's growing old. T is for the tears she shed to save me. H is for her heart of purest gold. E is for her eyes with love-light shining. R means right, and right, she'll allways be. Put them all together, they spell MOTHER, a word that means the world, to me.\\n\\nPlayed by Thomas Grillo on Moog Etherwave Pro theremin.\\n\\nPlease excuse the ambient noise of two computers, as my mixer was not functioning, and I was forced to use a live microphone from a camcorder. Just turn your trebble down a bit.\\n\\nCopyright 2007 Thomas Grillo\"}", "viewCount": 43568, "likeCount": 68, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": null, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "03frQGyrgQ4", "publishedAt": "2007-05-29T15:55:35Z", "channelId": "UCWEmqRRXQvCdCF--iXp8i5A", "title": "Tubular Bells (Start of the 2nd part) on Theremin", "description": "Versi\u00f3n thereministica del principio de la segunda parte de tubular bells de Mike Oldfield", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/03frQGyrgQ4/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/03frQGyrgQ4/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/03frQGyrgQ4/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "DANI ROTTENBRAIN", "tags": "[\"theremin\", \"olesa\", \"montserrat\", \"mike\", \"oldfield\", \"music\", \"chaparra\", \"Jairo\", \"tubular\", \"bells\", \"moreno\", \"daniel\", \"perez\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Tubular Bells (Start of the 2nd part) on Theremin\", \"description\": \"Versi\u00f3n thereministica del principio de la segunda parte de tubular bells de Mike Oldfield\"}", "viewCount": 22515, "likeCount": 144, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 34, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "03z0rpIkm5g", "publishedAt": "2010-03-14T21:23:50Z", "channelId": "UCjM5VfMfkRyVhPy7wgWhNmQ", "title": "Admiral Bailey-Jamaica 80`s Reggae Dancehall- AfricanSymbol Sound", "description": "African Symbol Soundsystem @Damali Beach Montego Bay,Jamaica,31/Aug/1986 featuring Admiral Bailey and More.\u30b8\u30e3\u30de\u30a4\u30ab\uff18\uff10\uff53\u30b5\u30a6\u30f3\u30c9\u306e\u30a2\u30d5\u30ea\u30ab\u30f3\u30b7\u30f3\u30dc\u30eb\u79d8\u8535\u306e\u6620\u50cf\u3002\r\nhttp://africansymboljamaica.info\r\nhttp://www.myspace.com/africansymbolja\r\n\u30b8\u30e3\u30de\u30a4\u30ab\u3001\u30e2\u30f3\u30c6\u30b4\u30d9\u30a4\u306e\u30c0\u30de\u30ea\u30d3\u30fc\u30c1\u3067\u50ac\u3055\u308c\u305f\u30d5\u30ec\u30f3\u30c9\u30fb\u30af\u30e9\u30c3\u30b7\u30e5UNIFICATION\u2161\u306e\u30e9\u30d0\u30c0\u30d6\u306e\u30b9\u30c6\u30fc\u30b8\u30b7\u30e7\u30fc\u3002\r\n\uff11\uff19\uff18\uff16\u5e74\uff18\u6708\uff13\uff11\u65e5\u53ce\u9332\u3002\r\nAdmiral Bailey,Echo Minott,Lt.Stichie,Lady G,\r\nWolf Man,White Mice,General Leon...etc", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/03z0rpIkm5g/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/03z0rpIkm5g/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/03z0rpIkm5g/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "JAPAMAICAN", "tags": "[\"African Symbol\", \"Admiral Bailey\", \"Soundsystem\", \"Jamaica 80`s Sound\", \"80`s Dancehall\", \"Reggae\", \"Jamaica\", \"ReggaeSound\", \"Rubadub\", \"\u30a2\u30d5\u30ea\u30ab\u30f3\u30b7\u30f3\u30dc\u30eb\", \"\u30a2\u30c9\u30df\u30e9\u30eb\u30d9\u30a4\u30ea\u30fc\", \"\u30b8\u30e3\u30de\u30a4\u30ab\", \"\u30ec\u30b2\u30a8\", \"\uff18\uff10\uff53\u30b5\u30a6\u30f3\u30c9\", \"\u30c0\u30f3\u30b9\u30db\u30fc\u30eb\", \"\u30e9\u30d0\u30c0\u30d6\", \"\u30b5\u30a6\u30f3\u30c9\u30af\u30e9\u30b7\u30e5\", \"\u30b5\u30a6\u30f3\u30c9\u30b7\u30b9\u30c6\u30e0\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Admiral Bailey-Jamaica 80`s Reggae Dancehall- AfricanSymbol Sound\", \"description\": \"African Symbol Soundsystem @Damali Beach Montego Bay,Jamaica,31/Aug/1986 featuring Admiral Bailey and More.\u30b8\u30e3\u30de\u30a4\u30ab\uff18\uff10\uff53\u30b5\u30a6\u30f3\u30c9\u306e\u30a2\u30d5\u30ea\u30ab\u30f3\u30b7\u30f3\u30dc\u30eb\u79d8\u8535\u306e\u6620\u50cf\u3002\\r\\nhttp://africansymboljamaica.info\\r\\nhttp://www.myspace.com/africansymbolja\\r\\n\u30b8\u30e3\u30de\u30a4\u30ab\u3001\u30e2\u30f3\u30c6\u30b4\u30d9\u30a4\u306e\u30c0\u30de\u30ea\u30d3\u30fc\u30c1\u3067\u50ac\u3055\u308c\u305f\u30d5\u30ec\u30f3\u30c9\u30fb\u30af\u30e9\u30c3\u30b7\u30e5UNIFICATION\u2161\u306e\u30e9\u30d0\u30c0\u30d6\u306e\u30b9\u30c6\u30fc\u30b8\u30b7\u30e7\u30fc\u3002\\r\\n\uff11\uff19\uff18\uff16\u5e74\uff18\u6708\uff13\uff11\u65e5\u53ce\u9332\u3002\\r\\nAdmiral Bailey,Echo Minott,Lt.Stichie,Lady G,\\r\\nWolf Man,White Mice,General Leon...etc\"}", "viewCount": 33842, "likeCount": 34, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 1, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "04NjXsLyCl4", "publishedAt": "2006-04-16T07:01:48Z", "channelId": "UCeYHripygM0iR--ZuJV7VWA", "title": "The Studio Exposed: Composing Trey Songz \"Last Time\" | Tree Sound Studios", "description": "Composing \"Last Time\" for Trey Songz with Kendrick \"Wyldcard\" Dean. 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May 1 2007. https://youtu.be/bPO0ZDZ8qDk", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/06Brdf83RZE/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/06Brdf83RZE/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/06Brdf83RZE/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/06Brdf83RZE/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}, \"maxres\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/06Brdf83RZE/maxresdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 1280, \"height\": 720}}", "channelTitle": "The Global Kiddo", "tags": "[\"M2M\", \"Why\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Why - M2M Lyrics & Music\", \"description\": \"My very first video on YouTube. This lyric video was made for self-expression. Otherwise, it can serve as a lyric video for audiences who want a lyric video. 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May 1 2007. https://youtu.be/bPO0ZDZ8qDk\"}", "viewCount": 718501, "likeCount": 2156, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 132, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "06IU9WsEp3s", "publishedAt": "2009-06-02T15:53:15Z", "channelId": "UCoeS6jkhQaDE3pWnqp6oH6Q", "title": "SALSA--SALSA EN INGLES", "description": "SALSA DE COLECCION", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/06IU9WsEp3s/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/06IU9WsEp3s/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/06IU9WsEp3s/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "tocadiscos11", "tags": "[\"QUILEHTLA\", \"TLAX..\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"SALSA--SALSA EN INGLES\", \"description\": \"SALSA DE COLECCION\"}", "viewCount": 1884132, "likeCount": 6916, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 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:D :D :D\r\n~~\r\nAnother awesome ballad.\r\nPerfect song to listen to if you want to cry.\r\n~~\r\nCHECK OUT MY OTHER VIDEOS :D\r\nTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/meggiewegsss\r\nTumblr: http://www.meggiewegsss.tumblr.com\r\nFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/meggiewegsss\r\n\r\nB2STLYB2UTIES website coming soon~\u2665\r\nTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/B2STLYB2UTIES\r\nFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/B2stlyb2uties/144520828909598\r\n\r\nEvery 2 weeks is the birth of a new parody made by EMDEE Parodies ^_^v\r\nTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/EMDEEparodies\r\nYouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/EMDEEparodies", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0F-Z0zF1504/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0F-Z0zF1504/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0F-Z0zF1504/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "megcapati", "tags": "[\"beast\", \"b2st\", \"clenching\", \"fist\", \"tight\", \"3rd\", \"mini\", \"album\", \"mastermind\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"BEAST/B2ST - Clenching A Fist Tight\", \"description\": \"BEAST's 3rd Mini Album MASTERMIND.\\r\\nSUPPORT BEAST BUY BUYING THEIR 3RD MINI ALBUM MASTERMIND! :D :D :D\\r\\n~~\\r\\nAnother awesome ballad.\\r\\nPerfect song to listen to if you want to cry.\\r\\n~~\\r\\nCHECK OUT MY OTHER VIDEOS :D\\r\\nTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/meggiewegsss\\r\\nTumblr: http://www.meggiewegsss.tumblr.com\\r\\nFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/meggiewegsss\\r\\n\\r\\nB2STLYB2UTIES website coming soon~\u2665\\r\\nTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/B2STLYB2UTIES\\r\\nFacebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/B2stlyb2uties/144520828909598\\r\\n\\r\\nEvery 2 weeks is the birth of a new parody made by EMDEE Parodies ^_^v\\r\\nTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/EMDEEparodies\\r\\nYouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/EMDEEparodies\"}", "viewCount": 15989, "likeCount": 83, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 9, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "0Gxn9FtaJFc", "publishedAt": "2015-02-08T15:33:35Z", "channelId": "UC-5sPs0GsU0Eu_OPaDw-wcg", "title": "Sarantos We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve Official Music Video - new 80s rock song", "description": "https://www.melogia.com/\n\nhttp://www.melogia.com/music.html [Sarantos __title__ Super Bowl NFL domestic abuse National coalition against domestic violence] new rock song \"We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve\" is an emotional piece about domestic violence. \n\nNow that the Super Bowl is over, the NFL will have a chance to reflect on quite a year. Domestic violence was frequently at the forefront of the 2014-5 season and unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. Sarantos is proud to release the latest rock song \"We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve.\" \n\nViolence against women and children results from the use of force or threat to achieve and maintain control over others in intimate relationships, and from societal abuse of power and domination in the forms of sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, anti-Semitism, able-bodyism, ageism and other oppressions. The abuses of power in society foster battering by perpetuating conditions, which condone violence against women and children. \n\n\u201cThis a powerful rock song about domestic violence in our society today,\" says Sarantos. \u201cIt seems like this topic was in the news a lot in the last year between the NFL, Bill Cosby and so many other stories that made headlines. My heart goes out to the victims. I wrote this song to not only start a conversation on the matter but to hopefully help others find a solution. This is a hard rock song about a man who has made many mistakes in his life. He constantly takes emotional abuse from his partner. Somewhere along the way, he has lost his faith. Thru the words, the bruises and the blame though he stays right there... Why does he stay right there? I hope this song helps drive home the message throughout the world that domestic abuse is simply not ok.\u201d\n\n33% of any music-related sales profits from this song are going straight to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. \n\nThe National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), has worked since 1978 to make every home a safe home. NCADV works to raise awareness about domestic violence; to educate and create programming and technical assistance, to assist the public in addressing the issue, and to support those impacted by domestic violence. It is the mission of NCADV to work for major societal changes necessary to eliminate both personal and societal violence against all women and children.\n\nLyrics:\n\nWe Accept The Love We Think We Deserve\n\nVerse 1\n\nAs the day comes to a close \nAnother sad day gone by\nWish I was on the beach in Mykonos\nInstead of living this life\n\nYou're on the outside looking in\nYou ask me why I won't leave\nSeems obvious to all who know me \nThis relationship is not for me\n\nChorus 1\n\nWe accept the love we think we deserve\nIn my life I've made so many mistakes\nAnd somewhere along the way\nI lost my faith after all these heartaches\n\nVerse 2\n\nIt doesn't seem quite so bad to me\nGetting yelled at daily\nI do it for reasons others just can\u2019t believe\nI take the abuse so easily\n \nI sit emotionless, I look so strange\nThru the words, the bruises and the blame\nMy body language just doesn't change\nAnd my reasons stay the same\n\nChorus 2\n\nWe accept the love we think we deserve\nIn my life I've made so many mistakes\nAnd somewhere along the way\nI lost my faith after all these heartaches\n\nSolo\n\nI\u2019ve lost my way\nI\u2019ve lost my way \nI\u2019ve lost my way \nI\u2019ve lost my way \n\nChorus 3\n\nWe accept the love we think we deserve\nIn my life I've made so many mistakes\nAnd somewhere along the way\nI lost my faith after all these heartaches\n\nExtro\n\nWe accept the love\nI accept the love \nWe accept the love \nDo you accept the love?\n\nWe accept the love\nI accept the love \nWe accept the love \nDo you accept the, love?", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0Gxn9FtaJFc/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0Gxn9FtaJFc/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0Gxn9FtaJFc/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0Gxn9FtaJFc/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}, \"maxres\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0Gxn9FtaJFc/maxresdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 1280, \"height\": 720}}", "channelTitle": "Sarantos Melogia", "tags": "[\"Sarantos\", \"Melogia\", \"music\", \"music video\", \"rock band\", \"solo music artist\", \"best song\", \"free song\", \"free music\", \"iTunes music\", \"youtube music\", \"top song\", \"Radio\", \"england\", \"chicago\", \"newyork\", \"houston\", \"atlanta\", \"Rock Music (Film Genre)\", \"Song\", \"Metal\", \"Heavy\", \"Drums\", \"Full\", \"rock\", \"Rock And Roll (Musical Genre)\", \"Hard Rock (Musical Genre)\", \"soft rock\", \"Pop Music (Musical Genre)\", \"domestic abuse\", \"violence\", \"child abuse\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Sarantos We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve Official Music Video - new 80s rock song\", \"description\": \"https://www.melogia.com/\\n\\nhttp://www.melogia.com/music.html [Sarantos __title__ Super Bowl NFL domestic abuse National coalition against domestic violence] new rock song \\\"We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve\\\" is an emotional piece about domestic violence. \\n\\nNow that the Super Bowl is over, the NFL will have a chance to reflect on quite a year. Domestic violence was frequently at the forefront of the 2014-5 season and unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. Sarantos is proud to release the latest rock song \\\"We Accept The Love We Think We Deserve.\\\" \\n\\nViolence against women and children results from the use of force or threat to achieve and maintain control over others in intimate relationships, and from societal abuse of power and domination in the forms of sexism, racism, homophobia, classism, anti-Semitism, able-bodyism, ageism and other oppressions. The abuses of power in society foster battering by perpetuating conditions, which condone violence against women and children. \\n\\n\u201cThis a powerful rock song about domestic violence in our society today,\\\" says Sarantos. \u201cIt seems like this topic was in the news a lot in the last year between the NFL, Bill Cosby and so many other stories that made headlines. My heart goes out to the victims. I wrote this song to not only start a conversation on the matter but to hopefully help others find a solution. This is a hard rock song about a man who has made many mistakes in his life. He constantly takes emotional abuse from his partner. Somewhere along the way, he has lost his faith. Thru the words, the bruises and the blame though he stays right there... Why does he stay right there? I hope this song helps drive home the message throughout the world that domestic abuse is simply not ok.\u201d\\n\\n33% of any music-related sales profits from this song are going straight to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. \\n\\nThe National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), has worked since 1978 to make every home a safe home. NCADV works to raise awareness about domestic violence; to educate and create programming and technical assistance, to assist the public in addressing the issue, and to support those impacted by domestic violence. It is the mission of NCADV to work for major societal changes necessary to eliminate both personal and societal violence against all women and children.\\n\\nLyrics:\\n\\nWe Accept The Love We Think We Deserve\\n\\nVerse 1\\n\\nAs the day comes to a close \\nAnother sad day gone by\\nWish I was on the beach in Mykonos\\nInstead of living this life\\n\\nYou're on the outside looking in\\nYou ask me why I won't leave\\nSeems obvious to all who know me \\nThis relationship is not for me\\n\\nChorus 1\\n\\nWe accept the love we think we deserve\\nIn my life I've made so many mistakes\\nAnd somewhere along the way\\nI lost my faith after all these heartaches\\n\\nVerse 2\\n\\nIt doesn't seem quite so bad to me\\nGetting yelled at daily\\nI do it for reasons others just can\u2019t believe\\nI take the abuse so easily\\n \\nI sit emotionless, I look so strange\\nThru the words, the bruises and the blame\\nMy body language just doesn't change\\nAnd my reasons stay the same\\n\\nChorus 2\\n\\nWe accept the love we think we deserve\\nIn my life I've made so many mistakes\\nAnd somewhere along the way\\nI lost my faith after all these heartaches\\n\\nSolo\\n\\nI\u2019ve lost my way\\nI\u2019ve lost my way \\nI\u2019ve lost my way \\nI\u2019ve lost my way \\n\\nChorus 3\\n\\nWe accept the love we think we deserve\\nIn my life I've made so many mistakes\\nAnd somewhere along the way\\nI lost my faith after all these heartaches\\n\\nExtro\\n\\nWe accept the love\\nI accept the love \\nWe accept the love \\nDo you accept the love?\\n\\nWe accept the love\\nI accept the love \\nWe accept the love \\nDo you accept the, love?\"}", "viewCount": 478661, "likeCount": 1380, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 11, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "0HXYdGGKV2k", "publishedAt": "2009-05-12T15:23:34Z", "channelId": "UCSiyu6QBOMyGHTKZK_O6zag", "title": "World Fastest Banjo Player", "description": "Erio Meili on May 10, 2009, picking the tune \"Sunday\", at 330 bpm at the Titanic Harbor Stage, 660 notes per minute (10 notes per second) - former record was on June15, 2008 at 320 bpm", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0HXYdGGKV2k/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0HXYdGGKV2k/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0HXYdGGKV2k/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "eriobras", "tags": "[\"bluegrass\", \"titanic\", \"deviation\", \"harbor\", \"sunday\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"World Fastest Banjo Player\", \"description\": \"Erio Meili on May 10, 2009, picking the tune \\\"Sunday\\\", at 330 bpm at the Titanic Harbor Stage, 660 notes per minute (10 notes per second) - former record was on June15, 2008 at 320 bpm\"}", "viewCount": 6429872, "likeCount": 21941, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 1684, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "0ISHZQJdeSw", "publishedAt": "2010-09-14T17:43:13Z", "channelId": "UCJVyZKc6xDAGWHCyeDv1AeQ", "title": "Narcy featuring Shadia Mansour \"Hamdulillah\" Official Music Video", "description": "Available on iTunes, Shazam, Rdio, Anghami and AmazonMP3\n\nFollow The Narcicyst\nFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/Narcicyst\nTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheNarcicyst\nInsta: http://www.instagram.com/narcynarce\nhttp://www.thenarcicyst.com\n\n\nThe Narcicyst featuring Shadia Mansour - \"Hamdulillah\" (Official Music Video)\nDirected and Edited by Ridwan Adhami\nWritten by Yassin Alsalman and Shadia Mansour\nOriginal Track produced by SandhiLL\nPiano by Stefan Christoff\nAdditional production and arrangement by Doctor Dinar and The Narcicyst\n\n\nTo say 'Hamdulillah' is to be grateful for what one has.\n\nThe images of the past decades have cast a veil on our identity as a people. We, as international brothers and sisters, are now witness to injustice in real time. We watch our Wars in HD. \n\n It is time for us to claim our faces back.\n\nThis video is a global collaborative effort by 10 photographers- from London to Lebanon, Cairo To Canada, Abu Dhabi to America- to create a portrait of the New Global Citizens. They are DJs, MCs, poets, architects, teachers, doctors, parents and children. Most of all they are people.\n\nThank you to everyone that was involved. We are blessed to have each other.\n\nLYRICS\n\nBismillah, like the feeling when I miss Falah,\nthen wish to God in clouds to lift us all\nHamdulilah, \nwonder if Bibi can ever see me, and\nif I back to Basrah will it ever receive me,\nBismillah, \nhomies that have the time to talk,\nNow I wish to stars that angel find Nawaf.\nHamdulillah, \nI stand awed at the strength of my sister \nKiss her and thank God our mission is planned for us.\nBismillah, \nmamati inti hayati, \nmoms the best one, hold her close to heart like my left lung\nHamdulillah, \nfor the truth in a being as beaming the moon queen you blessed my future to be with\nBismillah, \nfor the souls anguish, love, \nand the moment my brothers programmed these drums,\nHamdulillah, \nWe put the truth to the test, proof that we're blessed students of this music at best.\n\n\nBismillah, \nBefore I spit this bar, way Before Militants tried to split this law\nHamdulillah, \nfor every living day that we spend in the rays of the Shams,\nwhy we praise the condemned...\nBismillah, \nwish I could take it back and lift the harm, make a track erase the past that we miss and gone...\nHamdulillah, \nHe Spoke So Right we listening wrong living raw, more than a livid song Give it all\nBismillah, \nSo I don't rely on an image or Man made divisions for land slave prison fraud,\nHamdulillah, \nExcuse Me, If I use it loosely, forget to bow down and pray, how proud are they?\nBismillah, \nhope you hear the whispers lil nas which stance should i sway when betrayed by wiswases....\nforever hope this lasts and we live classic....\n\n\nBismillah, \nmeans to will in God's name, without the ball and the chain a slave falling to claim,\nBismillah, \nwill forever hold inner peace, Wicked streets cripple little being rippling through the middle east\nHamdulillah, \nmay God bless the dead and gone, forever strong a better song, breaking bitter bonds\nHamdulillah, \nfor this world, in this spot to this song with these words for hip-hop say\nBismilllah,\nstay humble in rhymes in eyes that hate your hunger\nits like a jungle sometimes it makes you wonder", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0ISHZQJdeSw/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0ISHZQJdeSw/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0ISHZQJdeSw/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0ISHZQJdeSw/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}, \"maxres\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0ISHZQJdeSw/maxresdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 1280, \"height\": 720}}", "channelTitle": "IRAQ-A-FELLA", "tags": "[\"Ridz\", \"The Narcicyst\", \"Shadia Mansour\", \"Narcy\", \"Illuminarcy\", \"Iraq\", \"Basra\", \"Gaza\", \"Palestine\", \"Dubai\", \"London\", \"Abu Dhabi\", \"Montreal\", \"San Francisco\", \"Los Angeles\", \"New York\", \"New York City\", \"Chicago\", \"Islam\", \"Muslims\", \"Nomadic Massive\", \"Rap\", \"Hip-Hop\", \"Arab\", \"Arabs\", \"Islamaphobia\", \"Brother Ali\", \"Jay Electronica\", \"Freeway\", \"The Reminders\", \"One Be Lo\", \"Revolt Radio\", \"Laith Majali\", \"Park\", \"51\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Narcy featuring Shadia Mansour \\\"Hamdulillah\\\" Official Music Video\", \"description\": \"Available on iTunes, Shazam, Rdio, Anghami and AmazonMP3\\n\\nFollow The Narcicyst\\nFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/Narcicyst\\nTwitter: http://www.twitter.com/TheNarcicyst\\nInsta: http://www.instagram.com/narcynarce\\nhttp://www.thenarcicyst.com\\n\\n\\nThe Narcicyst featuring Shadia Mansour - \\\"Hamdulillah\\\" (Official Music Video)\\nDirected and Edited by Ridwan Adhami\\nWritten by Yassin Alsalman and Shadia Mansour\\nOriginal Track produced by SandhiLL\\nPiano by Stefan Christoff\\nAdditional production and arrangement by Doctor Dinar and The Narcicyst\\n\\n\\nTo say 'Hamdulillah' is to be grateful for what one has.\\n\\nThe images of the past decades have cast a veil on our identity as a people. We, as international brothers and sisters, are now witness to injustice in real time. We watch our Wars in HD. \\n\\n It is time for us to claim our faces back.\\n\\nThis video is a global collaborative effort by 10 photographers- from London to Lebanon, Cairo To Canada, Abu Dhabi to America- to create a portrait of the New Global Citizens. They are DJs, MCs, poets, architects, teachers, doctors, parents and children. Most of all they are people.\\n\\nThank you to everyone that was involved. We are blessed to have each other.\\n\\nLYRICS\\n\\nBismillah, like the feeling when I miss Falah,\\nthen wish to God in clouds to lift us all\\nHamdulilah, \\nwonder if Bibi can ever see me, and\\nif I back to Basrah will it ever receive me,\\nBismillah, \\nhomies that have the time to talk,\\nNow I wish to stars that angel find Nawaf.\\nHamdulillah, \\nI stand awed at the strength of my sister \\nKiss her and thank God our mission is planned for us.\\nBismillah, \\nmamati inti hayati, \\nmoms the best one, hold her close to heart like my left lung\\nHamdulillah, \\nfor the truth in a being as beaming the moon queen you blessed my future to be with\\nBismillah, \\nfor the souls anguish, love, \\nand the moment my brothers programmed these drums,\\nHamdulillah, \\nWe put the truth to the test, proof that we're blessed students of this music at best.\\n\\n\\nBismillah, \\nBefore I spit this bar, way Before Militants tried to split this law\\nHamdulillah, \\nfor every living day that we spend in the rays of the Shams,\\nwhy we praise the condemned...\\nBismillah, \\nwish I could take it back and lift the harm, make a track erase the past that we miss and gone...\\nHamdulillah, \\nHe Spoke So Right we listening wrong living raw, more than a livid song Give it all\\nBismillah, \\nSo I don't rely on an image or Man made divisions for land slave prison fraud,\\nHamdulillah, \\nExcuse Me, If I use it loosely, forget to bow down and pray, how proud are they?\\nBismillah, \\nhope you hear the whispers lil nas which stance should i sway when betrayed by wiswases....\\nforever hope this lasts and we live classic....\\n\\n\\nBismillah, \\nmeans to will in God's name, without the ball and the chain a slave falling to claim,\\nBismillah, \\nwill forever hold inner peace, Wicked streets cripple little being rippling through the middle east\\nHamdulillah, \\nmay God bless the dead and gone, forever strong a better song, breaking bitter bonds\\nHamdulillah, \\nfor this world, in this spot to this song with these words for hip-hop say\\nBismilllah,\\nstay humble in rhymes in eyes that hate your hunger\\nits like a jungle sometimes it makes you wonder\"}", "viewCount": 2084774, "likeCount": 23823, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 1879, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "0J_TdiZ3TKA", "publishedAt": "2011-11-07T21:11:20Z", "channelId": "UC9dJNQNoBzQipFh7ng3Fkug", "title": "Kamui Gakupo - I'll Quit Singing (Censored XD)", "description": "Hello, everyone!!! XDD\n\nSo, this is my first time ever trying to use Vocaloid. Ever since i heard this song for the first time I've decided to make a version of my own someday since the Japanese cover of it made with Gakupo I found here on YouTube sounded pretty poorly... and there it is ^^ I have changed the lyrics and melody a little to match the new text better. \n\nInspired by: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bFSRvUcj8w&list=FL9dJNQNoBzQipFh7ng3Fkug&index=25&feature=plpp_video\n\nPicture made by Marynchan, thanks a lot, dear ^^ You can check her channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Marynchan\n\nIf anyone's interested in the uncensored version of this piece, drop me a message ^___^\n\nI do not own Gakupo nor this song, but this cover is mine XD", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0J_TdiZ3TKA/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0J_TdiZ3TKA/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0J_TdiZ3TKA/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}, \"standard\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0J_TdiZ3TKA/sddefault.jpg\", \"width\": 640, \"height\": 480}}", "channelTitle": "Ryou's Artsy Corner", "tags": "[\"Vocaloid\", \"Kamui\", \"Gakupo\", \"I'll\", \"Quit\", \"Singing\", \"English\", \"gackpoid\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Kamui Gakupo - I'll Quit Singing (Censored XD)\", \"description\": \"Hello, everyone!!! XDD\\n\\nSo, this is my first time ever trying to use Vocaloid. Ever since i heard this song for the first time I've decided to make a version of my own someday since the Japanese cover of it made with Gakupo I found here on YouTube sounded pretty poorly... and there it is ^^ I have changed the lyrics and melody a little to match the new text better. \\n\\nInspired by: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bFSRvUcj8w&list=FL9dJNQNoBzQipFh7ng3Fkug&index=25&feature=plpp_video\\n\\nPicture made by Marynchan, thanks a lot, dear ^^ You can check her channel here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Marynchan\\n\\nIf anyone's interested in the uncensored version of this piece, drop me a message ^___^\\n\\nI do not own Gakupo nor this song, but this cover is mine XD\"}", "viewCount": 195377, "likeCount": 6422, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 909, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "0L3vcdzQPPU", "publishedAt": "2010-05-03T04:40:02Z", "channelId": "UCPnp0l2ZieiT09VfUWeLBww", "title": "Turkish March A Capella", "description": "The famous Rondo Alla Turca by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in the hands of a couple of bored utep music majors who were happily enjoying their break from practicing..... Enjoy!\r\n\r\nCheck out my other videos by going to my channel! If you like what you see please subscribe!", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0L3vcdzQPPU/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0L3vcdzQPPU/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0L3vcdzQPPU/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "eponce09", "tags": "[\"mozart\", \"rondo\", \"alla\", \"turca\", \"capella\", \"bored\", \"utep\", \"music\", \"majors\", \"marching\", \"band\", \"with\", \"angie\", \"quique\", \"irving\", \"candice\", \"who\", \"all\", \"love\", \"harry\", \"potter\", \"and\", \"guess\", \"twilight\", \"but\", \"for\", \"sure\", \"hate\", \"justin\", \"bieber\", \"ps3\", \"rules\", \"after\", \"have\", \"seen\", \"muse\", \"live\", \"in\", \"concert\", \"april\", \"2010\", \"think\", \"some\", \"people\", \"like\", \"toad\", \"the\", \"wet\", \"sprocket\", \"fall\", \"down\", \"senses\", \"fail\", \"bat\", \"lashes\", \"mgmt\", \"never\", \"jonas\", \"brothers\", \"suck\", \"lady\", \"gaga\", \"major\", \"boredom\", \"funny\", \"video\", \"inspired\", \"by\", \"star\", \"wars\", \"john\", \"williams\", \"is\", \"man\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Turkish March A Capella\", \"description\": \"The famous Rondo Alla Turca by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart in the hands of a couple of bored utep music majors who were happily enjoying their break from practicing..... Enjoy!\\r\\n\\r\\nCheck out my other videos by going to my channel! If you like what you see please subscribe!\"}", "viewCount": 23531, "likeCount": 201, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 55, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "0LE6Ll1rVlg", "publishedAt": "2010-04-27T14:20:24Z", "channelId": "UCG8zemCtkqlG9yBxgswemSw", "title": "Billy Talent - Fallen Leaves Music Video (HQ)", "description": "The official music video of the song with the same name enjoy... Update 2012-12-01 Thanks for 100 000 views", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0LE6Ll1rVlg/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0LE6Ll1rVlg/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0LE6Ll1rVlg/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "Jimmy Karlsson", "tags": "[\"billy\", \"talent\", \"high quality\", \"punk rock\", \"music\", \"punk\", \"videoclip\", \"music video\", \"video clip\", \"alternative rock\", \"fallen\", \"leaves\", \"ben\", \"ian\", \"jon\", \"gallant\", \"dsa\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Billy Talent - Fallen Leaves Music Video (HQ)\", \"description\": \"The official music video of the song with the same name enjoy... 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Romanian traditional folk song from Transylvania area.\n\n******\nCarpathianhorn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucium\n\n*****\n\u00a9 Fabris, 2009", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0MzrXd8CUCg/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0MzrXd8CUCg/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0MzrXd8CUCg/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "Fabr1s", "tags": "[\"Romania\", \"Romanian\", \"traditional\", \"folk\", \"song\", \"archaic\", \"music\", \"musical\", \"instrument\", \"ethno\", \"folklore\", \"carpathianhorn\", \"alpenhorn\", \"tulnic\", \"bucium\", \"Transylvania\", \"Transilvania\", \"Ardeal\", \"Erdely\", \"olah\", \"vlach\", \"vlasi\", \"vlah\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Semnale de bucium / Carpathianhorn signals\", \"description\": \"\\\"Semnale de bucium\\\" performed by a group of six carpathianhorn (\\\"bucium\\\", \\\"tulnic\\\") players. Romanian traditional folk song from Transylvania area.\\n\\n******\\nCarpathianhorn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucium\\n\\n*****\\n\u00a9 Fabris, 2009\"}", "viewCount": 104601, "likeCount": 756, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 18, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "0NTzOtVmoiU", "publishedAt": "2009-09-05T09:48:05Z", "channelId": "UCNM0PXzm7M1yIPEhuzWDIyQ", "title": "Julie Fowlis playing Bagpipe - Live", "description": "Live at L\u00fcdenscheid, Germany 4th Sept 2009", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0NTzOtVmoiU/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0NTzOtVmoiU/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0NTzOtVmoiU/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "smartotrams", "tags": "[\"Julie\", \"Fowlis\", \"Live\", \"Bagpipe\", \"L\u00fcdenscheid\", \"Luedenscheid\", \"Germany\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Julie Fowlis playing Bagpipe - Live\", \"description\": \"Live at L\u00fcdenscheid, Germany 4th Sept 2009\"}", "viewCount": 39488, "likeCount": 180, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 27, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "0ONdm4sW47c", "publishedAt": "2007-11-01T10:41:39Z", "channelId": "UCkAFeqocI6O9fTiU9Inqa5w", "title": "Prelude from Cello Suite no.1 - J.S.Bach - Guitar arr.", "description": "The arrangement is by J.W.Duarte (slightly modified). I intentionally play the prelude at a little slower tempo. I often feel some players (even on cello) are \"running\" so fast that the charm of this music is left far behind!\r\nGuitar: Antonio Raya Pardo, Granada 1988 For a score, try this\r\nhttp://www.classicalguitarschool.net/en/Download.aspx?id=1006", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0ONdm4sW47c/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0ONdm4sW47c/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0ONdm4sW47c/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "Tor Inge Sandvold", "tags": "[\"classical\", \"guitar\", \"cello\", \"suite\", \"no1\", \"preludium\", \"bach\", \"duarte\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"Prelude from Cello Suite no.1 - J.S.Bach - Guitar arr.\", \"description\": \"The arrangement is by J.W.Duarte (slightly modified). 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I often feel some players (even on cello) are \\\"running\\\" so fast that the charm of this music is left far behind!\\r\\nGuitar: Antonio Raya Pardo, Granada 1988 For a score, try this\\r\\nhttp://www.classicalguitarschool.net/en/Download.aspx?id=1006\"}", "viewCount": 524395, "likeCount": 2395, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 1411, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null} {"id": "0OY8XXZ98rw", "publishedAt": "2009-10-21T18:59:14Z", "channelId": "UC5-gfZ4F2Usq_yiDpcqPf0w", "title": "[Gakupo + KAITO] poetaster and singing dolls [Vocaloid][English Sub] sm8522045", "description": "poetaster_and_singing_dolls_ Gakupo + KAITO version by maya & \u85e4\u4ee3\u53f6 (Fujishiro Kanae), original song by hazyP\r\nFrom Nico: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8522045\r\nOriginal Miku version: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6230352\r\n\u4f5c\u8a5e\u30fb\u4f5c\u66f2\uff1ahazyP \r\n\u7de8\u66f2\u30fb\u30ae\u30bf\u30fc\u30fbMIX\uff1amaya\r\n\u52d5\u753b\u30fb\u8abf\u6559\uff1a\u85e4\u4ee3\u53f6\r\n\"Poetaster, like rhymester or versifier, is a contemptuous name often applied to bad or inferior poets. Specifically, poetaster has implications of unwarranted pretensions to artistic value. \"\r\nRomaji: http://community.livejournal.com/vocalyric/81979.html#cutid1", "thumbnails": "{\"default\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0OY8XXZ98rw/default.jpg\", \"width\": 120, \"height\": 90}, \"medium\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0OY8XXZ98rw/mqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 320, \"height\": 180}, \"high\": {\"url\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0OY8XXZ98rw/hqdefault.jpg\", \"width\": 480, \"height\": 360}}", "channelTitle": "hokorichan", "tags": "[\"sm8522045\", \"sm6230352\", \"Gakupo\", \"Gakupoid\", \"KAITO\", \"Vocaloid\", \"English\", \"Subtitle\", \"\u304c\u304f\u3063\u307d\u3044\u3069\", \"\u304c\u304f\u307d\", \"poetaster_and_singing_dolls_\"]", "categoryId": "10", "liveBroadcastContent": "none", "localized": "{\"title\": \"[Gakupo + KAITO] poetaster and singing dolls [Vocaloid][English Sub] sm8522045\", \"description\": \"poetaster_and_singing_dolls_ Gakupo + KAITO version by maya & \u85e4\u4ee3\u53f6 (Fujishiro Kanae), original song by hazyP\\r\\nFrom Nico: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm8522045\\r\\nOriginal Miku version: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm6230352\\r\\n\u4f5c\u8a5e\u30fb\u4f5c\u66f2\uff1ahazyP \\r\\n\u7de8\u66f2\u30fb\u30ae\u30bf\u30fc\u30fbMIX\uff1amaya\\r\\n\u52d5\u753b\u30fb\u8abf\u6559\uff1a\u85e4\u4ee3\u53f6\\r\\n\\\"Poetaster, like rhymester or versifier, is a contemptuous name often applied to bad or inferior poets. Specifically, poetaster has implications of unwarranted pretensions to artistic value. \\\"\\r\\nRomaji: http://community.livejournal.com/vocalyric/81979.html#cutid1\"}", "viewCount": 89550, "likeCount": 1491, "favoriteCount": 0, "commentCount": 147, "defaultAudioLanguage": null, "defaultLanguage": null}