id,publishedAt,channelId,title,description,thumbnails,channelTitle,tags,categoryId,liveBroadcastContent,localized,viewCount,likeCount,favoriteCount,commentCount,defaultAudioLanguage,defaultLanguage YErpnsceZw8,2009-07-26T14:05:26Z,UC1OyVzzl6h_XKAOIu0VDxuQ,"Quartet ""Salut Salon""","""Heartache"" concert of the Hamburgs quartet ""Salut Salon"" performed in St.Petersburg, Russia during ""Week of Germany""","{""default"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 120, ""height"": 90}, ""medium"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 320, ""height"": 180}, ""high"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 480, ""height"": 360}}",Dina Anunziata,"[""Hamburgs"", ""Salut"", ""Salon"", ""music"", ""violin"", ""improvisation"", ""virtuoso"", ""импровизации"", ""виртуозы"", ""Гамбургский"", ""квартет"", ""Салют"", ""Салон"", ""музыка"", ""ск""]",24,none,"{""title"": ""Quartet \""Salut Salon\"""", ""description"": ""\""Heartache\"" concert of the Hamburgs quartet \""Salut Salon\"" performed in St.Petersburg, Russia during \""Week of Germany\""""}",80918,158,0,16,, eezaOfrLOkM,2009-07-26T11:43:31Z,UC1hzxmucZv46QjmSVwzq4Hg,4/6 - David Guerrier - Joseph Haydn - 1er mvt du Concerto pour cor,"David Guerrier avec l'orchestre « Les Siècles » de François-Xavier Roth au Festival de l'Epau (Le Mans). 27e édition faisant écho à l'anniversaire Joseph Haydn. Le trompettiste et corniste David Guerrier, accompagné des Siècles de François-Xavier Roth, s'offre une petite balade du côté de l'oeuvre de Joseph Haydn, lors du 27e festival de l'Epau, qui s'est déroulé du 7 au 17 mai 2009.","{""default"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 120, ""height"": 90}, ""medium"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 320, ""height"": 180}, ""high"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 480, ""height"": 360}}",schilke60fr,"[""HAYDN"", ""cor""]",10,none,"{""title"": ""4/6 - David Guerrier - Joseph Haydn - 1er mvt du Concerto pour cor"", ""description"": ""David Guerrier avec l'orchestre « Les Siècles » de François-Xavier Roth au Festival de l'Epau (Le Mans).\r\n27e édition faisant écho à l'anniversaire Joseph Haydn.\r\n\r\nLe trompettiste et corniste David Guerrier, accompagné des Siècles de François-Xavier Roth, s'offre une petite balade du côté de l'oeuvre de Joseph Haydn, lors du 27e festival de l'Epau, qui s'est déroulé du 7 au 17 mai 2009.""}",110478,482,0,38,, oNqBsQiNoAU,2009-07-26T20:46:34Z,UC9w8vSggi2mfzn-AOi8WV4w,Creep - Vega Choir,"""Creep"" performed by Vega Choir from Sweden. (Note: Not the version sung in the ""Social network"" movie trailer. That is sung by Scala Choir & Kolacny brothers). Download on itunes!","{""default"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 120, ""height"": 90}, ""medium"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 320, ""height"": 180}, ""high"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 480, ""height"": 360}, ""standard"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 640, ""height"": 480}, ""maxres"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 1280, ""height"": 720}}",Vega Choir,"[""vega choir"", ""Vega choir""]",10,none,"{""title"": ""Creep - Vega Choir"", ""description"": ""\""Creep\"" performed by Vega Choir from Sweden. (Note: Not the version sung in the \""Social network\"" movie trailer. That is sung by Scala Choir & Kolacny brothers). Download on itunes!""}",916345,5909,0,717,, oRUdvu3Qo-E,2009-07-26T17:06:46Z,UCSK_k67pUYKF7Z6Mt23NzwA,Tap Dogs I Beams, ,"{""default"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 120, ""height"": 90}, ""medium"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 320, ""height"": 180}, ""high"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 480, ""height"": 360}, ""standard"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 640, ""height"": 480}, ""maxres"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 1280, ""height"": 720}}",Tap Dogs Official,,24,none,"{""title"": ""Tap Dogs I Beams"", ""description"": "" ""}",624776,2651,0,93,, vmz9kAEiTSc,2009-07-26T11:12:51Z,UCajnORIDLpv-O4Omns6fuqw,Mantra for Tibet - Buddhist Monk Chant 2,THE LAMA'S CHANTS - Songs Of Awakening - LAMA GYURME: The Tsok Offering,"{""default"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 120, ""height"": 90}, ""medium"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 320, ""height"": 180}, ""high"": {""url"": """", ""width"": 480, ""height"": 360}}",TI3ET,"[""tibet"", ""tibetan"", ""monk"", ""mantra"", ""lama"", ""gyurme"", ""buddhist"", ""chant""]",29,none,"{""title"": ""Mantra for Tibet - Buddhist Monk Chant 2"", ""description"": ""THE LAMA'S CHANTS - Songs Of Awakening - LAMA GYURME: The Tsok Offering""}",737164,2782,0,218,,