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7 rows where musiccaps_author = 3 and musiccaps_names contains "Cello"
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video | youtube_link | musiccaps_caption | youtube_published | youtube_channel | youtube_description | musiccaps_names | musiccaps_aspects | musiccaps_author | youtube_id | musiccaps_rowid |
The String Section | This is a live recording. The audio quality is poor. We hear a string section with layers of violins that are playing a motif which sounds exciting, suspenseful, and thrilling. It immediately gets you feeling on edge. | 2008-05-24T14:27:05Z | dancer677 | Choreography Alex Little Routine Name The String Section Senior • Line • Open Age: 16 Studio Summit Dance Shoppe | ["Cello", "String section", "Bowed string instrument"] | ["live recording", "violins", "layers of violins", "thrilling", "exciting", "suspenseful", "string instruments", "poor audio quality"] | 3 | 42xehaGoJbc | 536 | |
Forqueray: Pièces de viole avec la basse continue | Lorenzo y Vittorio Ghielmi | This is a classical music piece played on the viola da gamba and the harpsichord. The performance is live, and the song has a refreshing, light and fun "Spring" feel to it. | 2014-12-05T11:36:32Z | FUNDACIÓN JUAN MARCH | Antoine Forqueray, competidor de Marais en los ambientes cortesanos, tuvo siempre el apoyo de Luis XIV. Fue admirado por su virtuosismo en la viola da gamba, a la que quiso trasladar la agilidad y la técnica de los violinistas italianos. Buena muestra de ello son las piezas que interpretan Vittorio y Lorenzo Ghielmi, y que proceden de su colección más conocida: las Pièces pour le viole, publicadas en 1747. Antoine Forqueray: Pièces de viole avec la basse continue (selección) Lorenzo Ghielmi, clave y Vittorio Ghielmi, viola da gamba Extracto de "El canto del cisneon", segundo cierto del ciclo “Origen y esplendor de la viola da gamba” 14 de mayo de 2014 Fundación Juan March, Madrid | ["Cello", "Harpsichord", "Music", "Musical instrument", "Piano", "Classical music", "Bowed string instrument"] | ["live performance", "classical music", "live recording", "viola da gamba", "harpsichord", "soothing", "whimsical", "magical", "light", "fresh"] | 3 | ECP7EJka6N8 | 1538 | |
Raw sauerkraut: a fermented, probiotic superfood | First, we have a bass intro that is played on the upright bass - it lasts for around five seconds. And then we heard some women speaking in Spanish while there was the sound of a liquid splashing in the background. There is then an American man who speaks. Part of this clip was recorded live and then the narration dubbed over it. | 2010-07-13T05:25:15Z | Kirsten Dirksen | "Sauerkraut is almost a perfect food," explains Alexander Valley Gourmet's founder David Ehreth. "It has cabbage which is a good thing to eat [ranked as one of the 10 best foods you're not eating] and then fermented it is a particularly healthful food because it has a lot of probiotic and probiotic just means the bacteria that is normal in our bodies and that needs to be reinforced on a regular basis which is what sauerkraut does." In this video, Ehreth shows us his fresh, unpasteurized sauerkraut and talks about the trend toward more probiotic foods in the market. Video where we try to make fermented sauerkraut at home: Video with fermentation guru Alex Hozven of The Cultured Pickle: Original story: | ["Cello", "Double bass", "Pizzicato", "Bowed string instrument"] | ["upright bass playing", "liquid splashing sound", "spanish female speech", "american male speech", "narration", "live recording"] | 3 | Vy00ycBpqpc | 3047 | |
Lady Gaga's Bad Romance Instrumental Cover | This is a live recording of a quartet. The group consists of upright bass, cello, acoustic guitar and flute. The instrumental has a pop feel to it, with the flute playing the melody. | 2010-03-11T09:30:27Z | InstrumentManiac | I decided to cover this popular song with an Alto Flute, Guitar, and 2 Cellos. I fixed the synching! Now it will be much better! Facebook: Soundcloud: Buy Legend of Zelda on Flute: | ["Cello", "Double bass", "Bowed string instrument"] | ["live recording", "flute", "acoustic guitar", "cello", "low quality audio", "pop cover", "upright"] | 3 | cfeTMVWFHLo | 3730 | |
AMAZING Haydn Inspired Indian Quartet - V.S. Narasimhan | This is a stringed quartet playing a piece that feels positive and happy. The instruments are violin and cello and the style of playing is reminiscent of Indian style violin playing. | 2008-05-28T05:05:38Z | StringTempleRecords | String Temple on Facebook! - V.S. Narasimhan puts his new art form of arranging traditional Carnatic pieces for the string quartet format on full display. Featured guest virtuoso violinist Gilles Apap in this video! VSN's brand NEW album "Raga Saga" takes this new art form to another level. "Raga Saga" by V.S. Narasimhan is available for purchase NOW on (option to buy CD or download the album right away!) Its on the way to i-tunes and other stores but available right now off the site. We will be launching many more unique titles so subscribe to our newsletter (and our youtube channel) and we will alert you when new projects come out! CUSTOMERS FROM INDIA PLEASE NOTE: We are updating the site for our Indian customers so that shopping will be more convenient (payment form, Rupee transaction etc.) Please do still subscribe to our newsletter on ( and you will be notified when the site specifically for India is ready. Thanks! Come check it out! | ["Cello", "String section", "Violin, fiddle", "Bowed string instrument"] | ["stringed instrument", "violin", "orchestral violin playing", "staccato", "quarter", "indian style violin playing", "cello", "positive", "happy"] | 3 | fcpVyvn5vKk | 3964 | |
PLAYLIST Classical Instrumental Music for Weddings, Romance, Picnics. | This song is a classical music instrumental. The two main instruments it features are piano and violin - the piano plays arpeggiated chords while the violin plays legato notes. The song has a sombre and emotional tone to it. | 2014-05-02T01:15:31Z | Soundings of the Planet | Here is a half hour of Classical Instrumental Music for Weddings, Romance, Picnics. Hope you enjoy it :) Please like and subscribe, thank you!! music available at For more information, please visit Follow us at: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: (Dean Evenson) Instagram: My YouTube channel: For Free Music: | ["Cello", "Double bass", "Bowed string instrument"] | ["violin", "slow music", "sad music", "piano", "classical music", "instrumental", "sombre"] | 3 | s_LMd1_XN1w | 4964 | |
Home Alone Medley (Piano + Cello) | The song is of a classical style and features an intricate piano phrase alongside some passionate violin playing. The song has a certain intensity and build-up to it. | 2015-12-10T21:49:13Z | Brooklyn Duo | Get our Christmas album on iTUNES!: LISTEN on Spotify: Buy our SHEET MUSIC: ----------EXPAND for more info! "Home Alone Medley", arranged and performed live on piano and cello by Brooklyn Duo. Based on the Home Alone soundtrack by John Williams. Like us on Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Patrick performs exclusively on Pirastro cello strings. For more info on Pirastro, visit Category | ["Cello", "Double bass", "Bowed string instrument"] | ["classical style music", "violin playing", "piano playing", "intricate piano motif", "passionate violin playing", "passionate song", "intense", "energy build-up", "bravado"] | 3 | yfXvz2FyZ_U | 5427 |
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JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE VIEW musiccaps_details AS select musiccaps.url as video, json_object( 'label', coalesce(videos.title, 'Missing from YouTube'), 'href', musiccaps.url ) as youtube_link, musiccaps.caption as musiccaps_caption, videos.publishedAt as youtube_published, videos.channelTitle as youtube_channel, videos.description as youtube_description, musiccaps.audioset_names as musiccaps_names, musiccaps.aspect_list as musiccaps_aspects, musiccaps.author_id as musiccaps_author, as youtube_id, musiccaps.rowid as musiccaps_rowid from musiccaps left join videos on musiccaps.ytid =;