musiccaps_details (view)
1 row where musiccaps_aspects contains "minor key" and musiccaps_names contains "Plucked string instrument"
This data as json, CSV (advanced)
video | youtube_link | musiccaps_caption | youtube_published | youtube_channel | youtube_description | musiccaps_names | musiccaps_aspects | musiccaps_author | youtube_id | musiccaps_rowid |
C minor rock power ballad guitar backing track | Here we have a powerful rock ballad instrumental in a minor key. The guitar is grungy and overdriven, and the piano is clean and plays the same chords as the guitar at the same time. | 2012-05-13T21:33:38Z | Iain MacLeod | Hey guys! Sorry I haven't uploaded any tracks in a while. I made this one today and I hope you enjoy playing over it as much as I did :) Thanks for all the amazing support so far! Happy shreddin'! | ["Electric guitar", "Guitar", "Acoustic guitar", "Music", "Musical instrument", "Strum", "Plucked string instrument"] | ["rock music", "piano", "electric guitar strumming", "minor key", "rock power ballad", "ballad", "grungy electric guitar strumming", "overdrive"] | 3 | 4M0njWKFsME | 560 |
Advanced export
JSON shape: default, array, newline-delimited
CREATE VIEW musiccaps_details AS select musiccaps.url as video, json_object( 'label', coalesce(videos.title, 'Missing from YouTube'), 'href', musiccaps.url ) as youtube_link, musiccaps.caption as musiccaps_caption, videos.publishedAt as youtube_published, videos.channelTitle as youtube_channel, videos.description as youtube_description, musiccaps.audioset_names as musiccaps_names, musiccaps.aspect_list as musiccaps_aspects, musiccaps.author_id as musiccaps_author, as youtube_id, musiccaps.rowid as musiccaps_rowid from musiccaps left join videos on musiccaps.ytid =;