{"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd5l_FHGWfE&start=170&end=180", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Theremin player Armen Ra\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wd5l_FHGWfE&start=170&end=180\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "Someone is playing an acoustic piano repeating a phrase of a chord with single notes in the mid-range while a voice-like synthesizer sound is being played in a higher register. The instrument does sound like a female opera singer with a lot of vibrato. This song may be playing in a theater.", "youtube_published": "2006-06-28T06:42:04Z", "youtube_channel": "Klara Palotai", "youtube_description": "Armen Ra at a benefit concert on April 4, 2006 at the Angel Orensanz Foundation in New York", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Music\", \"Theremin\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"piano/opera\", \"acoustic piano\", \"synthesizer\", \"vocal sound\", \"amateur recording\"]", "musiccaps_author": "6", "youtube_id": "Wd5l_FHGWfE", "musiccaps_rowid": 3112}