{"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4aTFrJws40&start=30&end=40", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Sad Music - Emanetin Bende Sakli - Toygar Isikli\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4aTFrJws40&start=30&end=40\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is an instrumental music piece that was made for a soap opera soundtrack. The piano and the strings are playing gently in a melancholic manner. The atmosphere of the piece is emotional. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a drama movie during scenes of hopelessness or heartbreak.", "youtube_published": "2012-12-02T00:07:15Z", "youtube_channel": "Moustafa Hodroj", "youtube_description": "", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Cello\", \"Double bass\", \"Bowed string instrument\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"soap opera music\", \"no singer\", \"instrumental\", \"piano\", \"strings\", \"melancholic\", \"emotional\", \"downcast\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "P4aTFrJws40", "musiccaps_rowid": 2501} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ow7xqVk8Wjs&start=30&end=40", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Iran folk music & opera by soprano, Darya Dadvar\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ow7xqVk8Wjs&start=30&end=40\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is a Persian folk music piece in the style of an opera. The female vocalist is singing at a high-pitch in a manner that is filled with emotion. There is a piano in the background that occasionally supports the melody. This is a heart-touching piece. This piece could be used in the soundtracks of tragedy/drama movies, especially the ones that take place in the Middle East. It could also be used in a video game to create an aura of suspense and anticipation.", "youtube_published": "2006-10-18T19:14:45Z", "youtube_channel": "darya dadvar", "youtube_description": "A blend of opera and traditional music of Iran,Guilan, Khorasan,... Hotel Negresco, Nice, France, 2003", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Music\", \"Opera\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"persian folk music\", \"opera\", \"female vocal\", \"high-pitch singing\", \"piano\", \"emotional\", \"heart-touching\", \"goosebumps\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "ow7xqVk8Wjs", "musiccaps_rowid": 4668} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eZTmLV9gcY&start=30&end=40", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Kiral\u0131k A\u015fk - Enstr\u00fcmantal Fon M\u00fczik 2 || Instrumental Background Music 2\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eZTmLV9gcY&start=30&end=40\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is an instrumental piece from a soap opera soundtrack. The violin and the acoustic guitar are playing a mellow tune while there is an occasional piano tune in the background. The rhythm is kept by a very quiet acoustic drum beat. The atmosphere is gentle and romantic. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of romance movies where the characters are having a good time in the presence of each other.", "youtube_published": "2015-12-14T11:19:46Z", "youtube_channel": "Kiral\u0131k A\u015fk Soundtrack", "youtube_description": "ABONE OL tu\u015funa basarak kanal\u0131ma abone olmay\u0131 unutmay\u0131n!\nPlease do not forget to SUBSCRIBE my channel!", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Music\", \"Sad music\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"soap opera soundtrack\", \"instrumental\", \"violin\", \"acoustic guitar\", \"piano\", \"acoustic drums\", \"gentle\", \"emotional\", \"romantic\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "7eZTmLV9gcY", "musiccaps_rowid": 871} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF8QWSW0UbY&start=30&end=40", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Queen - \\\"We Are the Champions\\\" Acapella (Vocals Only) Concert Mash-Up\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF8QWSW0UbY&start=30&end=40\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is an isolated vocal track of a rock opera piece. There are no instruments. A passionate male vocalist is singing melodically in the lead. There is a choir in the background providing medium-to-high pitched back vocals. There is an uplifting atmosphere. This piece could be used in remixes. Vocal samples can be lifted for DJ sets or beat-making.", "youtube_published": "2015-12-30T08:49:25Z", "youtube_channel": "Playback.fm", "youtube_description": "About video: http://playback.fm/blog/queen-we-are-the-champions-acapella/ - Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/playbackapp\nWe love Queen and Freddie Mercury, so we've edited 4 concert films including a rare recording session of \"We Are The Champions\" and synced them all up to the isolated vocals in honor of the late, great, Freddie Mercury. This video showcases his presence and consistency as the ultimate stage man. RIP Freddie. You are a rock god.", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Chant\", \"Music\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"rock opera\", \"vocal track\", \"no instruments\", \"male vocal\", \"passionate singing\", \"choir\", \"dramatic\", \"uplifting\", \"vibrant\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "GF8QWSW0UbY", "musiccaps_rowid": 1701} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i70a79YhlMk&start=30&end=40", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"CA\u00d1A DULCE Y CA\u00d1A BRAVA - EL BUSCAPI\u00c9 (BalconyTV)\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i70a79YhlMk&start=30&end=40\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is the live performance of a Mexican folk music piece. In the beginning, there is a female voice giving an introductory speech in the Spanish language. Then, the arpa jarocha (which is a Mexican harp) and the ukulele start playing a lively and relaxed tune. The atmosphere is vibrant. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a Mexican soap opera during scenes of calmer temperament.", "youtube_published": "2011-02-07T06:44:14Z", "youtube_channel": "BALCONY", "youtube_description": "Ca\u00f1a Dulce y Ca\u00f1a Brava perform El Buscapi\u00e9 on BalconyTV.\nSubscribe to us right now at - http://bit.ly/subscribetoBalconyTV\n\nSigue http://BalconyTV.com.MX en las redes sociales! \nFacebook http://on.fb.me/ruwZgh \nTwitter http://t.co/AmbmQvTF \n\nPRESENTADO POR LETICIA SERV\u00cdN\n\nENGLISH - http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=150310895026398\n\nNaci\u00f3 como grupo en el a\u00f1o 2008, reuniendo el trabajo de tres mujeres emprendedoras, con una importante trayectoria dentro del arte musical, formando as\u00ed, una de las pocas agrupaciones femeninas de son jarocho.\n\nCa\u00f1a Dulce y Ca\u00f1a Brava, sembrando alegr\u00eda y pasi\u00f3n por la m\u00fasica, abriga con frecuencia el decir de trovadores y versadores, enriqueciendo sus presentaciones y mostr\u00e1ndose como una propuesta c\u00e1lida e innovadora.\n\nActualmente, gracias a su trabajo y a la aceptaci\u00f3n del p\u00fablico, han sido invitadas a participar en diversos foros nacionales e internacionales.\n \nAdriana Cao Romero, arpista reconocida internacionalmente, ha formado parte de grupos como Zacamand\u00fa, y Chuchumb\u00e9; asimismo, tambi\u00e9n ha sido part\u00edcipe de presentaciones junto a grandes talentos como El \"Negro\" Ojeda, don Arcadio Hidalgo, Antonio Garc\u00eda de Le\u00f3n, y la reconocida gambista, Hille Pearl.\n\nRaquel Palacios Vega, viene de una familia sonera por tradici\u00f3n. Nieta de don Andr\u00e9s Vega Delf\u00edn, uno de los requinteros m\u00e1s grandes de Veracruz. Desde los 12 a\u00f1os, acompa\u00f1ada de su voz, la jarana y el zapateado, ha recorrido las llanuras de las regiones bajas de la cuenca del r\u00edo San Juan; adem\u00e1s de haber colaborado con grupos como Los Vega, Teterete y Los Utrera, habi\u00e9ndose presentado tanto en M\u00e9xico como en el extranjero.\n\nNorma Carrillo, originaria del Distrito Federal, tuvo su formaci\u00f3n musical en la escuela \"Vida y Movimiento\". Durante 17 a\u00f1os form\u00f3 parte de La Orquesta Sinf\u00f3nica Carlos Ch\u00e1vez. Tambi\u00e9n ha incursionado en diferentes g\u00e9neros musicales como el danz\u00f3n, la charanga y el son jarocho tradicional.\n\nEn las siguientes p\u00e1ginas podr\u00e1n encontrar m\u00e1s informaci\u00f3n sobre la agrupaci\u00f3n de Ca\u00f1a Dulce y Ca\u00f1a Brava.\n\nhttp://www.myspace.com/dulceybrava\nhttp://www.dulceybrava.blogspot.com/\n\n\nSintoniza BalconyTV ma\u00f1ana!", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Harp\", \"Music\", \"Mandolin\", \"Musical instrument\", \"Speech\", \"Bowed string instrument\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"mexican folk music\", \"live performance\", \"female voice\", \"introduction\", \"spanish\", \"arpa jarocha\", \"ukulele\", \"lively\", \"relaxed\", \"joyful\", \"vibrant\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "i70a79YhlMk", "musiccaps_rowid": 4161} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZjQBgPD1Ys&start=30&end=40", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"The Sound of Music - Musical-sing-a-long (repetitie)\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZjQBgPD1Ys&start=30&end=40\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is a rock opera piece that is being sung by a female vocalist in a medium-to-high pitch range. There is an orchestra playing the melody in the background composed of strings, flute and a piano. The atmosphere of the piece is dreamy and sentimental. It could be used in the soundtrack of a fairytale movie.", "youtube_published": "2014-09-01T19:54:18Z", "youtube_channel": "Kindermuziek", "youtube_description": "De cast van The Sound of Music maakt haar opwachting tijdens de Musical-sing-a-long tijdens de Uitmarkt 2014 op het Museumplein in Amsterdam", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Singing\", \"Music of Asia\", \"Music\", \"Sad music\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"rock opera\", \"live performance\", \"female vocal\", \"medium-to-high pitch singing\", \"orchestra\", \"strings\", \"flute\", \"piano\", \"dreamy\", \"sentimental\", \"dramatic\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "fZjQBgPD1Ys", "musiccaps_rowid": 3960} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYy0na5oUzE&start=130&end=140", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Cristian Gonzalez y Orquesta La Bohemia - Cuanto Daria (Official Music Video)\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYy0na5oUzE&start=130&end=140\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is a latin pop music piece with a salsa beat. There is a male vocalist singing melodically in the lead. The melody is being played by an orchestra composed of the trumpet, the piano and the bass guitar. The rhythmic background is provided by a mild acoustic drum beat with heavy use of latin percussive elements. The piece has a sensual atmosphere. This music could go well in a Latin American soap opera soundtrack where there is a hopeless situation for one of the characters.", "youtube_published": "2011-07-18T21:24:33Z", "youtube_channel": "Cristian Gonzalez y Orquesta La Bohemia", "youtube_description": "Disfruta el v\u00eddeo oficial del \u00e9xito de la salsa rom\u00e1ntica \"Cuanto Daria\" de Cristian Gonzalez y Orquesta La Bohemia, la mejor salsa rom\u00e1ntica para bailar gozar y dedicar con amor. \n\n\ud83d\udd14 Activa las notificaciones para mantenerte actualizado con nuevos videos y estrenos!\nSuscr\u00edbete a mi Canal de YouTube: http://Disetti.co/YTCristianGonzalezyOrquestalaBohemia\n\n\ud83c\udfb6 Escucha la mejor Playlists de Salsa Rom\u00e1ntica y Sensual: http://Disetti.co/SalsaRomanticaySensual \u2764\ufe0f\n\n\ud83c\udfa7 Escucha mi m\u00fasica en tu Plataforma Favorita: http://Disetti.co/CristianGonzalezyOrquestalaBohemia/\n\nSpotify: http://Disetti.co/SpotifyCristianGonzalezyOrquestalaBohemia\nApple Music: http://Disetti.co/AppleMusicCristianGonzalezyOrquestalaBohemia\nDeezer: http://Disetti.co/DeezerCristianGonzalezyOrquestalaBohemia\n\n\ud83d\udc49S\u00edgueme en RRSS:\nhttps://www.instagram.com/CristianGonzalezyLaBohemia/\nhttps://www.facebook.com/RickyLoveOficial\nhttps://www.twitter.com/orqlabohemia\n\nVisita:\nhttps://www.Disetti.com/ \n\n#CuantoDaria #CristianGonzalezyOrquestaLaBohemia #DisettiMusic \n\n(C) 2022 Cristian Gonzalez y Orquesta La Bohemia. Todos los derechos reservados", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Music\", \"Music of Latin America\", \"Salsa music\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"latin pop music\", \"salsa\", \"male vocal\", \"melodic singing\", \"trumpet\", \"acoustic drums\", \"piano\", \"bass guitar\", \"latin percussion\", \"sensual\", \"slow tempo\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "hYy0na5oUzE", "musiccaps_rowid": 4118} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J6CjNc8Njo&start=30&end=40", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Bab Darek / Mohamed-Ali Kammoun feat. Eya Daghnouj\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5J6CjNc8Njo&start=30&end=40\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is a Tunisian folk music piece. There is an orchestra playing the main tune with the dominant sound of the strings section and the oud. There is a choir singing in the background. The atmosphere is vibrant and sentimental. This piece could be in the soundtrack of a Middle Eastern/North African soap opera.", "youtube_published": "2013-08-28T19:45:37Z", "youtube_channel": "Mohamed-Ali KAMMOUN", "youtube_description": "EYA DAGHNOUJ - LEAD VOICE \nHAMDI MAKHLOUF - LUTH & CHORUS VOICE\nFEAT. ENSEMBLE ORCHESTRAL DE TUNISIE\nMOHAMED-ALI KAMMOUN ARRANGEMENT & ELECTRONIC\n\nLIVE RECORDING : july 12, room 12, Institut Sup\u00e9rieur de Musique - Tunis, By YACINE AZAIEZ\nHOME STUDIO MIX : MOHAMED-ALI KAMMOUN", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Jazz\", \"Music\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"tunisian folk music\", \"orchestra\", \"choir\", \"strings section\", \"oud\", \"vibrant\", \"sentimental\", \"melancholic\", \"eastern sounding\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "5J6CjNc8Njo", "musiccaps_rowid": 649} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz611KubW70&start=30&end=40", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Ouverture de l'op\u00e9ra-ballet Pygmalion\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz611KubW70&start=30&end=40\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is a French opera/opera-ballet music piece. There is no singer in this piece. The only instrument that is being played is a harpsichord. The sound and the tunes are reminiscent of the medieval era. There is a theatrical feel to the piece. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a historical drama that takes place in the medieval era. It could also be used as an accompaniment piece for a theater play or a ballet dance performance.", "youtube_published": "2011-07-25T21:59:45Z", "youtube_channel": "Jory Vinikour", "youtube_description": "Jean-Philippe Rameau, composer (transcribed by Claude Balb\u00e2tre)\r\nJory Vinikour, harpsichord\r\nFrench double harpsichord by Cucchiara and Pierce\r\nRecorded April 13, 2011 in Shaker Heights, Ohio USA", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Harpsichord\", \"Keyboard (musical)\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"french opera\", \"opera-ballet\", \"no singer\", \"instrumental\", \"harpsichord\", \"medieval sounding\", \"theatrical\", \"ballet dance\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "Iz611KubW70", "musiccaps_rowid": 1957} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8VECv8kicU&start=180&end=190", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"MARIA TOLEDO- La loca (en directo desde el Teatro Lope de Vega de Sevilla)\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8VECv8kicU&start=180&end=190\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is a flamenco music piece being performed live. There is a female vocalist singing passionately in the Spanish language. The acoustic guitar is playing the melodic background while the rhythmic background is played by the cajon percussion and a group of musicians clapping in a syncopated manner. The atmosphere is vibrant and agitated. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a soap opera or a romance/drama movie. It could also be playing in the background at a Spanish/Latin American cuisine restaurant.", "youtube_published": "2011-11-18T17:11:15Z", "youtube_channel": "MAR\u00cdA TOLEDO", "youtube_description": "Maria Toledo cant\u00f3 en el teatro Lope de Vega de Sevilla el d\u00eda 14-10-2011 junto a Jes\u00fas de Rosario a la guitarra, Lucky Losada al caj\u00f3n y Amparo Lagares, Luis Carrasco Juan Diego y Juan Grande al comp\u00e1s.\nVestida por Vicky Mart\u00edn Berrocal \nGrabaci\u00f3n video: Miguel \u00c1ngel C\u00e1rdaba.", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Singing\", \"Flamenco\", \"Music\", \"Music of Latin America\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"flamenco\", \"live performance\", \"female vocal\", \"passionate singing\", \"acoustic guitar\", \"cajon\", \"claps\", \"vibrant\", \"emotional\", \"agitated\", \"spanish\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "C8VECv8kicU", "musiccaps_rowid": 1336} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqRrZzOY2xw&start=30&end=40", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Praying Mantis Eats Cricket\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqRrZzOY2xw&start=30&end=40\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is a rock opera piece. There is a male vocalist singing passionately with a choir of backing vocals. The piano plays the main theme with the electric guitar while a bass guitar plays in the background. The rhythmic background is provided by the acoustic drums playing a simple rock beat. There is an energetic atmosphere to the piece. This piece could be used at sports venues. It could also be playing in the background of a bar.", "youtube_published": "2008-05-05T19:45:40Z", "youtube_channel": "caz50", "youtube_description": "One of my mantis nymphs munching on a cricket.", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Music\", \"Punk rock\", \"Grunge\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"rock opera\", \"male vocal\", \"dramatic singing\", \"choir\", \"piano\", \"electric guitar\", \"bass guitar\", \"acoustic drums\", \"rising pattern\", \"vibrant\", \"energetic\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "QqRrZzOY2xw", "musiccaps_rowid": 2642} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6hr31Qaemg&start=130&end=140", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Barbara, Eustaquia, Melquiades, & Juan Primito || Hide & Seek\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6hr31Qaemg&start=130&end=140\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is a vocal performance from a soap opera soundtrack. There is a female vocalist that is singing with a heavily manipulated voice, most probably through the use of a vocoder. The volume of the track is unnecessarily loud and it peaks frequently. There is an unsettling atmosphere. It could be used in the soundtrack of a horror movie where the protagonist is slowly losing touch with reality.", "youtube_published": "2010-09-23T16:57:15Z", "youtube_channel": "VenusKaMGchannel2", "youtube_description": "RE-UPLOADED\nRights reserved by Telemundo NBC. No Copyright Infringment Intended.\nCopyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.\n\nla cancion es \"Hide and Seek\" de Imogen Heap", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Vocal music\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"soap opera soundtrack\", \"female voice\", \"vocoder\", \"eerie\", \"unsettling\", \"loud\", \"irritating\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "b6hr31Qaemg", "musiccaps_rowid": 3602} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwbATvWFaLY&start=30&end=40", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Rameau - La Pantomime - Skip Semp\u00e9 / Olivier Fortin\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwbATvWFaLY&start=30&end=40\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is a French opera music piece. It is an instrumental piece. There are two harpsichords performing the piece. There is a medieval sound to the piece. It has a dramatic and grandiose feel. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a movie or a TV series that takes place in the medieval era, especially during scenes of intrigue.", "youtube_published": "2009-09-30T09:43:52Z", "youtube_channel": "Skip Semp\u00e9 - Capriccio Stravagante - Paradizo", "youtube_description": "Rameau: La Pantomime (1741). \nTranscribed and arranged for 2 harpsichords by Skip Semp\u00e9 & Olivier Fortin.\nSkip Semp\u00e9 & Olivier Fortin, harpsichords. \nHarpsichords after 18th century French models by Bruce Kennedy and Patrick Chevalier.\nParadizo - From the bonus DVD included with PA0003 (Rameau - La Pantomime) \nwww.paradizo.org\nInternational CD and Digital distribution: Outhere Music\niTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/fr/album/rameau-la-pantomime/id799190961?l=en", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Harpsichord\", \"Keyboard (musical)\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"classical music\", \"french opera\", \"instrumental\", \"harpsichord\", \"medieval sounding\", \"dramatic\", \"grandiose\", \"intrigue\", \"fast-paced\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "wwbATvWFaLY", "musiccaps_rowid": 5294} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv14XEQcY0c&start=200&end=210", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Vagif Bagirov \\\"Segah\\\"\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tv14XEQcY0c&start=200&end=210\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is an Azerbaijani folk music piece. It is an instrumental piece. The only instrument being played is a garmon which has a sound that resembles an accordion. There is a lively atmosphere in the recording. This piece can be played in the soundtrack of a documentary that takes place in the Caucasus region. It could also be used in the soundtrack of an Azerbaijani soap opera.", "youtube_published": "2008-04-25T07:36:13Z", "youtube_channel": "Hal Karim", "youtube_description": "This video was taking by me, Vagif Bagirov one of the proffesional Garmon Maker and he can also play Garmon.", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Traditional music\", \"Music\", \"Musical instrument\", \"Accordion\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"azerbaijani folk music\", \"instrumental\", \"single instrument\", \"garmon\", \"lively\", \"vibrant\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "tv14XEQcY0c", "musiccaps_rowid": 5076} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AElgGuUSSKE&start=30&end=40", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Cecilia Bartoli's Operatic Vocal Range (in about a minute!)\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AElgGuUSSKE&start=30&end=40\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This piece is a compilation of an opera singer's high-pitched singing that shows how high of a pitch she can reach. For the most part, she is holding a single high note as the strings in the orchestra provide the harmonic background.", "youtube_published": "2010-12-23T17:05:25Z", "youtube_channel": "SsteinwayS", "youtube_description": "US: http://amzn.to/2itVgnr \nCanada: http://amzn.to/2iRUtNK\n\nCecilia Bartoli\u2019s vocal range: from low E below middle C to high E-flat above soprano high C!", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Singing\", \"Music\", \"Opera\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"opera\", \"classical\", \"orchestra\", \"strings\", \"female vocal\", \"high-pitched singing\", \"compilation\", \"vocal range\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "AElgGuUSSKE", "musiccaps_rowid": 1088} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMgYWTTJv3s&start=240&end=250", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"H\u00fcsn\u00fc Klarnet - senin olmaya geldim\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMgYWTTJv3s&start=240&end=250\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is the live performance of a Turkish folk music piece with arabesque influences. The clarinet is playing the main melody in the lead at a medium-to-high pitch. A secondary melody is playing the qanun in the background. There are supportive elements in the melodic background such as the saz, the keyboard and the bass guitar. The acoustic drums are playing a mellow beat accompanied by rich percussion. There is a vibrant atmosphere in this piece. This could be playing in the background of a Turkish cuisine restaurant or a hookah place. It could also be used in the soundtrack of a Turkish soap opera.", "youtube_published": "2008-09-27T11:11:52Z", "youtube_channel": "hsenlendirici", "youtube_description": "WWW.HUSNUFAN.ORG", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Clarinet\", \"Traditional music\", \"Music\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"turkish folk\", \"arabesque\", \"clarinet\", \"qanun\", \"saz\", \"keyboard\", \"bass guitar\", \"acoustic drums\", \"percussion\", \"vibrant\", \"emotional\", \"heart-touching\", \"live performance\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "BMgYWTTJv3s", "musiccaps_rowid": 1232} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBNdDQamtXA&start=50&end=60", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Bohemian Rhapsody - Acapella Multitrack\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mBNdDQamtXA&start=50&end=60\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is a multitrack acapella cover of a rock opera music piece. The same vocalist is singing different harmonies in separate tracks to create the aura of a magical experience. Usage of multiple tracks creates a vibrant atmosphere.", "youtube_published": "2009-11-24T08:16:09Z", "youtube_channel": "Rob Angus", "youtube_description": "by Freddie Mercury and Queen. SATTBB\r\n\r\nI'll put this in my \"More Balls than Ability\" file....\r\n\r\nI recorded each of the 6 parts 6 times. Some parts of the bass and soprano were recorded a semitone or two ... 3?...lower or higher and then adjusted. There were some notes in those parts that would not come out of my mouth. It is not pitch corrected.... the sour notes are all me.\r\n\r\nThis project pushes the limits of my laptop. (and far exceeds my ability!) Often the tracks recorded way out of alignment & had to be manually aligned. I assembled the video using Corel Video Studio Pro X2. I had never used it before and had a heck of a time rendering the video to the size and resolution I was looking for.\r\n\r\nNonetheless, here it is... such as it is.", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Chant\", \"Music\", \"A capella\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"acapella\", \"rock opera\", \"male vocal\", \"multiharmony\", \"multitrack\", \"vibrant\", \"magical\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "mBNdDQamtXA", "musiccaps_rowid": 4453} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2-izZk5_BM&start=90&end=100", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Jaar Project-dOar tu\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2-izZk5_BM&start=90&end=100\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is a Romanian pop music piece. There is a male vocalist singing with autotune. The melody is being played by a synth sound. There is a bass guitar playing a simple bass line while the rhythmic background consists of a slow tempo electronic drum beat. The atmosphere is sentimental. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a Romanian soap opera, especially during romantic scenes.", "youtube_published": "2009-08-25T17:51:29Z", "youtube_channel": "DyeNuZzA1", "youtube_description": "va place?...", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Christian music\", \"Music\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"romanian pop music\", \"male vocal\", \"autotune singing\", \"synth sound\", \"bass guitar\", \"electronic drums\", \"slow tempo\", \"sentimental\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "b2-izZk5_BM", "musiccaps_rowid": 3598} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMNuJy4f4A0&start=0&end=10", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Ab Tere Bin Hum Bhi Jee Lenge from AURANGZEB\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMNuJy4f4A0&start=0&end=10\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is a soap opera theme music. There is a clarinet playing the main tune with the acoustic guitar and the bass guitar in the backing. There is a melodic pad that can be heard. An acoustic sounding electronic cymbal and wind chimes strokes are playing every now and then. There is a sentimental atmosphere to this piece.", "youtube_published": "2010-09-16T12:47:18Z", "youtube_channel": "AB Shah Ahmad", "youtube_description": "very nice song", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Music\", \"Sad music\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"soap opera theme\", \"acoustic guitar\", \"clarinet\", \"bass guitar\", \"melodic pad\", \"electronic drums\", \"chimes\", \"sentimental\", \"emotional\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "sMNuJy4f4A0", "musiccaps_rowid": 4944} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKkfCOqLrT0&start=30&end=40", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"\u041a\u043e\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0438\u043d \u041f\u043b\u0443\u0436\u043d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432 Lullaby Berceuse de la Bretagne\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKkfCOqLrT0&start=30&end=40\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is a Russian lullaby piece with classical music elements. The male vocalist is singing at a medium-to-high pitch in an opera-like manner. The strings and the piano are playing a gentle but crestfallen melody. The atmosphere is haunting. This piece could fit perfectly in the soundtrack of a post-apocalyptic war movie or a video game of similar theme. It could also work well in the soundtrack of a drama movie or an art movie that takes place in Russia or Eastern Europe. It might also be playing in the background at a high-tier Russian cuisine restaurant.", "youtube_published": "2012-12-24T03:43:59Z", "youtube_channel": "Bronisliva", "youtube_description": "\u041a\u043e\u043d\u0441\u0442\u0430\u043d\u0442\u0438\u043d \u041f\u043b\u0443\u0436\u043d\u0438\u043a\u043e\u0432 \u0411\u0440\u0435\u0442\u043e\u043d\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f \u043a\u043e\u043b\u044b\u0431\u0435\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0430\u044f \u043f\u0435\u0441\u043d\u044f (\u041c.\u0418\u043f\u043f\u043e\u043b\u0438\u0442\u043e\u0432-\u0418\u0432\u0430\u043d\u043e\u0432 - \u0412. \u0421\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0432\u044c\u0435\u0432) \nKonstantin Pluzhnikov Berceuse de la Bretagne Lullaby (M.Ippolitov-Ivanov - V. Soloviev) Artist - P. de Chavannes", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Music\", \"Opera\", \"Lullaby\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"russian\", \"lullaby\", \"classical\", \"male vocal\", \"medium-to-high pitch singing\", \"strings\", \"piano\", \"crestfallen\", \"haunting\", \"melancholic\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "ZKkfCOqLrT0", "musiccaps_rowid": 3363} {"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6iv9GFIVyU&start=50&end=60", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Ahmad Zahir - Maihan Hai Maihan - Vol 1\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6iv9GFIVyU&start=50&end=60\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is an Afghan romantic pop piece. There is a male vocalist singing melodically in the lead. A harmonium is playing the main tune, at times simultaneously with the vocal. The rhythmic background is composed of the tabla percussion. There is an emotional feel to this piece. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a soap opera taking place in Afghanistan. It could also be used in romantic social media content.", "youtube_published": "2012-01-16T07:02:50Z", "youtube_channel": "Ahmad Zahir", "youtube_description": "\ud83d\ude4f PLEASE SUBSCRIBE OUR CHANNEL \n\u2705 FOLLOW US:\n\ud83c\udde6\ud83c\uddeb @dmin Fraydoon Hakimi \n\u25ba Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/afghanlatests\n\u25baInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/afghanlatest\n\u25ba Twitter: https://twitter.com/afghanlatest\n\nAhmad Zahir King of Afghanistan Music\n\nAhmad Zahir 2020\nAhmad Zaher 2020\nAhmad Zahir 2019\nAhmad Zaher 2019\nAhmad Zahir 2018\nAhmad Zaher 2018\nA\n* Ahmad Zahir\n* Ahmad Wali\n* Aryana Sayeed\n* Abdul Rahim Sarban\n* Amir Jan Sabori\n* Awalmir\n* Asad Badie\n* Aziz Herawi\nB\n* Bakht Zamina\n* Beltoon\n* Burka Band\nD\n* Dawood Sarkhosh\nE\n* Ehsan Aman\n* Elaha Soroor\nF\n* Farhad Darya\n* Farid Rastagar\n* Faiz Karizi\n* Farid Zaland\n* Fereshta Samah\nH\n* Hangama\n* Haidar Salim\nI\n* Jalil Zaland\nK\n* Khyal Muhammad\nL\n* Latif Nangarhari\nM\n* Mohammad Din Zakhil\n* Mozhdah Jamalzadah\n* Mohammad Hussain Sarahang\n* Mahwash\n* Mohammad Hashem Cheshti\n* Miri Maftun\n* Mangal\n* Mariam Wafa\n* Mohammad Din Zakhil\nN\n* Nasrat Parsa\n* Naghma\n* Nashenas\n* Naim Popal\n* Nainawaz\n* Nasrat Sharqi\nP\n* Parasto\nQ\n* Qamar Gula\n* Qader Eshpari\nR\n* Rafiq Shinwari\n* Rahim Mehryar\n* Rahim Bakhsh\n* Rezwan Munawar\n* Rishad Zahir\nS\n* Sardar Ali Takkar\n* Shah Wali\n* Soosan Firooz\n* Shakeeb Hamdard\n* Seeta Qasemi\n* Soheila Zaland\n* Saifo\n* Seema Tarana\nT\n* Tahir Shubab\n* Tawab Arash\nU\n* Ubaidullah Jan\nV\n* Vahid Soroor\nW\n* Wajiha Rastagar\n* Wahed Wafa\nZ\n* Zahir Howaida\n\n\nAhmad Zahir Farhad Darya jawd sharif new qataghani 2012 jawid sharif yak qadam pesh Jawid Sharif Yak Qadam Pesh yak qandam pesh Yak Qadam Pesh jawid sharif Raminmansour production new qataghani jawid sharif new qataghani 2012 yak qadam pesh jawid sharif jawid sharif new song 2012 Jawid Sharif \nUnknown gunmen shot dead famous Pushto singer Ghazala Javed along with her father in the provincial capital of Khyber-Pukhtunkhwa\nJawid Sharif new Qataghani 2012\nJawid Sharif new song 2012\nJawid Sharif \nJawid Sharif Yak Qadam Pesh\nNew Qataghani 2012\nJawid Sharif - Yak Qadam Pesh\n\nFayaz Hamid-Dard e Dil New Song-Nov 2011 720p HD Mp4\n\n\n\nSinger : Fayaz Hamid\nSong : Dard E Dil\nLyrics By : Qahar Aasi \nComposed By : Osman Mobtala\nYear : November / 2011\nAfghan songs 720p\nAfghan High Definition Songs\nNew Afghan Video Clips 2012\nNew Afghan Songs 2012\nNew Afghan Video Clip 2012\nNew Afghan Songs 2011 Januari\nAfghan Songs 2012\nNew Afghan Singers 2012\nAfghan Star 2012\n5th Annual ATN Awards 2012\nATN AWARDS 2012 Part 1 HD\nATN Awards 2012 \nATN Awards 2012 2\nAriana Tv Awards 2012\nNew Pashto Song 2012\nNew Pashto Songs 2012\nNew Pashtu Song 2012\nHazargi Songs 2011\nUzbaki Songs 2011\nTajike Songs 2011\nDari Songs 2011\nFarsi Songs 2011\nAfghan Star 2011\nPersian Songs 2011\nNew Persian songs 2011\nIrani songs 2011\nNew afghan\nAfghan Hits Songs 2011\nNew Afghan Songs 2011 1080p\nAfghan Songs1080p HD\nAfghan songs 1080p waidscreen\nAfghan High Definition Songs 2011\nNew Afghan Songs 2011\nAfghani Songs 2011\nAfghan Songs 2011\nPashto Songs 2011\nHazargi Songs 2011\nUzbaki Songs 2011\nTajike Songs 2011\nDari Songs 2011\nFarsi Songs 2011\nPersian Songs 2011\nNew Afghan Video Clip 2011\nNew Afghan Songs 2011 November\nAfghan Songs 2011\nNew Afghan Singers 2011\nAfghan Star 2011\nAfghan Pop Songs 2011\nAfghan Classic Songs 2011\nNew Afghan Mast Songs 2011\nNew Ghazal Songs 2011\nNew Afghan Ghazal Songs 2011\nAfghan Star 2011\nAfghan Star 2011 Tolo tv\nNew Afghan Song 2011\nNew Afghan Songs 2011\nNew Afghani Songs 2011\nNew Qataghani Song 2011\nATN Awards 2011\nDel Agha Surood New Song 2011\nFayaz Hamid New Songs 2011\nFayaz Hamid New Song May 2011\nFayaz Hamid Live Songs 2011\nFayaz Hamid Mast songs 2011\nFayaz Hamid Songs\nFayaz Hamid Songs 2011\nFayaz Hamid Songs 2011\nFayaz Hamid New Song 2011\nFayaz Hamid Dard e Dil New Song 2011\n\nHamid taban New afghan Song 2012 video by Ramin Mansour New (song) Khan Songs Ahmad Kabul Farsi Album Iqbal Mast wedding Dance Arash howaida sh New Afghan\nNew Afghan Music Videos 2012\nAfghan Songs1080p HD\nAfghan songs 1080p waidscreen\nAfghan High Definition Songs 2012\nNew Afghan Songs 2012\nAfghani Songs 2012\nAfghan Songs 2012\nPashto Songs 2012\nHazargi Songs 2012\nUzbaki Songs 2012\nTajike Songs 2012\nDari Songs 2012\nFarsi Songs 2012\nPersian Songs 2012\nNew Afghan Video Clip 2012\nNew Afghan Songs 2012 April\nAfghan Songs 2012\nNew Afghan Singers 2012\nAfghan Star 2012\nAfghan Pop Songs 2012\nAfghan Classic Songs 2012\nNew Afghan Mast Songs 2012\nNew Ghazal Songs 2012\nNew Afghan Ghazal Songs 2012\nAfghan Star 2012\nAfghan Star 2012 Tolotv\nNew Afghan Song 2012\nNew Afghan Songs 2012\nNew Afghani Songs 2012\nNew Qataghani Song 2011\nMirwais Hamrah New Song 2012\nEdris New Songs 2012\nEdris New Song April 2012\nSuliman khan Live Songs 2012\nSuliman khan Mast songs 2012\nSuliman khan Songs\nSuliman khan Songs 2012\nSuliman khan Songs 201\nSuliman khan New Songs 2012\nRMP VIDEOS 2012\nSuliman khan New Song April 2012\nSuliman khan Live Songs 2012\nAfghan New Videos 2012\nSuliman khan Mast songs 2012\nSuliman khan Songs\nSuliman khan Songs 2012\nSuliman khan Songs 2012 Fraydoon Hakimi\n\n\nAhmad Zahir\nKing of Afghanistan Music\nPlease Suscribe This Channel", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Carnatic music\", \"Music\", \"Middle Eastern music\", \"Song\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"afghan\", \"romantic pop\", \"male vocal\", \"melodic singing\", \"harmonium\", \"tabla\", \"emotional\", \"heart-touching\", \"romantic\", \"medium tempo\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "T6iv9GFIVyU", "musiccaps_rowid": 2809}