{"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA8lw6Mq0DY&start=360&end=370", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"80 M\u00daSICAS GOSPEL EM UM S\u00d3 V\u00cdDEO -V\u00cdDEO 1/4\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA8lw6Mq0DY&start=360&end=370\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "A female voice is singing a ballad with some reverb on her voice while an acoustic guitar is finger-picking chords on the left side of the speakers. A string section is playing harmonies along with the singer. A e,bass is played along with shakers and ride hits from a drummer. A piano is playing along with the melody. The elements are spread across the sides of the speakers.", "youtube_published": "2011-05-29T15:39:46Z", "youtube_channel": "Raquel Lerbach", "youtube_description": "80 M\u00fasicas Gospel em apenas um v\u00eddeo \n\n\nLOUVORES\nM\u00daSICA CRIST\u00c3\nHINO EVANG\u00c9LICO\nHINOS \nLOUVOR\nADORA\u00c7\u00c3O\nMUSIC GOSPEL\nGOSPEL\nM\u00daSICAS ESPIRITUAIS", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Gospel music\", \"Music\", \"Tender music\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"gospel\", \"2 separate songs\", \"strings\", \"acoustic guitar\", \"acoustic drums\", \"e-bass\", \"female voice singing\", \"medium to uptempo\"]", "musiccaps_author": "6", "youtube_id": "DA8lw6Mq0DY", "musiccaps_rowid": 1447}