{"video": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JRvGMTjEzQ&start=30&end=40", "youtube_link": "{\"label\":\"Linh Hon Da Mat - Bang Kieu & Guitar\",\"href\":\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JRvGMTjEzQ&start=30&end=40\"}", "musiccaps_caption": "This is an acoustic performance of a Vietnamese ballad music piece. There is a male vocalist singing gently while playing a mellow tune on the acoustic guitar. The atmosphere is sentimental and melancholic. This piece could be playing in the background at a Vietnamese coffee shop.", "youtube_published": "2007-09-11T16:45:02Z", "youtube_channel": "saxophuong", "youtube_description": "B\u00e0i h\u00e1t: Linh h\u1ed3n \u0111\u00e3 m\u1ea5t\r\nS\u00e1ng t\u00e1c v\u00e0 tr\u00ecnh b\u00e0y: B\u1eb1ng Ki\u1ec1u\r\nTr\u00edch trong ch\u01b0\u01a1ng tr\u00ecnh ph\u1ecfng v\u1ea5n B\u1eb1ng Ki\u1ec1u c\u1ee7a \u0111\u00e0i VNCR 16/08/1007", "musiccaps_names": "[\"Bass guitar\", \"Guitar\", \"Music\", \"Musical instrument\", \"Plucked string instrument\"]", "musiccaps_aspects": "[\"vietnamese ballad\", \"acoustic performance\", \"male vocal\", \"gentle singing\", \"acoustic guitar\", \"sentimental\", \"melancholic\"]", "musiccaps_author": "9", "youtube_id": "5JRvGMTjEzQ", "musiccaps_rowid": 651}