video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""\""Flight of the Bumblebee\"" - Patrick De Smet, Carlo Willems & Il Novecento"",""href"":""""}","The song is an instrumental. The tempo is fast , with a philharmonic orchestra consisting of string section, rhythm section and horns accompanying a virtuoso wooden xylophone playing this western classical hit. The song is energetic and exciting.",2009-01-14T18:27:23Z,NOTPvids,"Patrick De Smet, Carlo Willems & Il Novecento - ""Flight of the Bumblebee"" Night of the Proms (France, 2007)","[""Orchestra""]","[""violin accompaniment"", ""virtuoso"", ""wooden xylophone"", ""orchestra"", ""instrumental music"", ""horn section"", ""brass section"", ""conductor"", ""composer"", ""opera hall"", ""concert hall"", ""fast tempo"", ""exciting"", ""bumblebee"", ""funny"", ""animated"", ""wondrous"", ""magical"", ""great journey"", ""twists and turns"", ""energetic"", ""pulsating"", ""mysterious"", ""positive"", ""string section harmony"", ""fast tempo""]",1,uZHE9b1WDuM,5124