video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""Richard Wagner - \""The Valkyrie\"" - \""Ride of the Valkyries\"""",""href"":""""}","This is a classical orchestral piece. The piece gives off the feeling of intensity and excitement. It would be used in any scene that is thrilling and suspenseful. We hear french horns, violins and tubas. The violins are used to create a hurried moment of tension before descending back to the main motif on the brass instruments.",2009-06-22T15:14:09Z,Erik Valdemar Sköld - Composer,Richard Wagner (1813-1883) The Valkyrie - Ride of the Valkyries,"[""Brass instrument"", ""Trombone""]","[""classical music"", ""string instruments"", ""violins"", ""french horns"", ""grand"", ""riveting"", ""thrilling"", ""exciting"", ""suspenseful""]",3,Ce-Xok6SRPU,1388