video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""DAVID ALLAN COE interview - part 1"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a flat male vocal singing over acoustic rhythm guitar chords, after which that same vocal is talking. The song sounds passionate, while the recording, overall, is noisy and in mono.",2008-07-26T19:53:24Z,BubbaTheLawnJockey,DAVID ALLAN COE interview - part 1,"[""Singing"", ""Country"", ""Music"", ""Strum""]","[""low quality"", ""noisy"", ""mono"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""flat male vocal"", ""passionate"", ""country""]",4,-UuEBhule84,52,"{""label"":""Arany Zoltán & World Music Syndicate - La molinera"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a live performance that consists of fruity male vocal singing over accordion melody, acoustic rhythm guitar chords and shimmering bells. It sounds emotional and hopeful. The recording is a bit noisy and in mono, as it was probably recorded with a phone.",2013-12-20T09:55:03Z,Arany Zoltán," Arany Zoltán - fiddle Gonda Szabolcs - guitar Gonda ""Sikh"" Zoltán - bass Huszti László - percussion Mangu Róbert - percussion Made by Kilincsfilm","[""Folk music"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Middle Eastern music""]","[""low quality"", ""live performance"", ""fruity male vocal"", ""accordion melody"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""shimmering bells"", ""emotional"", ""hopeful"", ""mono"", ""noisy""]",4,-nlkWWphiaM,85,"{""label"":""Old Hungarian music - Militaris congratulatio"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a traditional, medieval song sung by reverberant low male vocals and followed by acoustic rhythm guitar. It is a bit noisy and it sounds traditional.",2010-07-27T14:13:27Z,Arany Zoltán,"#hungarian #music #aranyzoltan Debreceni Szappanos János szerzeménye Bocskai István fejedelemhez 1604-ből. Az szép szabadságra, magyarság javára törekedő jó urunk, Úri dicsőségből, mint Krisztus mennyekből, alászállott gyámolunk, Szolgai ruhában, katona formában, hallgasd meg, azmit írunk! Azkinek örvendünk, most annak éneklünk, vitézlő öltözetben, Sisakban, fegyverben, lovakon, nyergekben, sátor alatt mezőkben, Jóllehet sok kárban, de azért vígságban, magyarok örömében. Dobunkat perdítvén, trombitát zendítvén, Jézust, Jézust kiáltsunk! Gyakran könyörögjünk, vitéz módon éljünk, országvesztőket rontsunk, Szegény, szép hazánkért, magyar koronánkért ideje vagdalkoznunk. Hadat igazgató, győzedelmet adó bölcs és hatalmas Isten, Mutasd meg magadat, irgalmas voltodat magyari híveidben, Kiért fejedelmünk és minden nép velünk áldjon tégedet. Amen.","[""Traditional music"", ""Music""]","[""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""reverberant low male vocal"", ""traditional"", ""medieval"", ""low quality"", ""noisy""]",4,81SgTHg66QY,896,"{""label"":""The Cat that loves Horses"",""href"":""""}","The low quality video features a cover of a kids song and it consists of a sweet girl vocal singing over acoustic rhythm guitar. The recording is in mono, noisy and it sounds fun and happy.",2008-10-19T03:57:30Z,kangurski,so cute :),"[""Music"", ""Mandolin"", ""Ukulele""]","[""low quality"", ""mono"", ""cover"", ""sweet girl vocal"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""noisy"", ""fun"", ""happy"", ""kids song""]",4,9ZWmZdgrE78,1023,"{""label"":""Como tocar Yo Quisiera REIK en Guitarra FACIL Tutorial Guitarra Acordes y ritmo clase"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features an acoustic rhythm guitar playing over a pop song played on playback in the background. It sounds joyful and happy, while the recording is in mono and noisy.",2014-09-14T00:30:26Z,guitarraviva2,"Como tocar Yo Quisiera REIK en Guitarra facil Tutorial Guitarra tutorial y clase Acordes y ritmo suscríbete: vídeo de la Clase: cursos de guitarraviva : acústica o criolla eléctrica... en todas las guitarra se puede tocar","[""Country"", ""Music"", ""Strum"", ""Bluegrass""]","[""low quality"", ""playback"", ""pop"", ""passionate male vocal"", ""snappy snare"", ""synth pad"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""noisy"", ""mono"", ""joyful"", ""happy""]",4,Aro-HcWNsHI,1175,"{""label"":""Kayton Roberts ~ Kayton's Rag"",""href"":""""}",The low quality recording features an arpeggiated steel acoustic guitar playing alongside acoustic rhythm guitar chord progression. The recording is noisy and in mono and it sounds like a cartoon song.,2012-01-30T17:46:13Z,Kim Johnson,Kayton wrote this instrumental several years ago. Here's an up-close view of how he gets it done.,"[""Tapping (guitar technique)"", ""Music""]","[""low quality"", ""mono"", ""noisy"", ""arpeggiated steel acoustic guitar melody"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""happy"", ""fun"", ""cartoon song""]",4,FMr1WHtXJbc,1640,"{""label"":""THE DUCK SONG pato"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a kids song that consists of chiptune vocal singing over acoustic rhythm guitar. The recording is noisy, in mono and it sounds fun and happy, like something kids listen to.",2009-03-27T02:20:57Z,MANUEL jesus ALVAREZ,"An animated video to go along with Bryant Oden's (http://youtube/songdrops) original song. FREE DOWNLOAD: http://forrestfire101.webs.... LYRICS: Tell me the duck story... A duck walked up to a ... An animated video to go along with Bryant Oden's (http://youtube/songdrops) original song. FREE DOWNLOAD: LYRICS: Tell me the duck story... A duck walked up to a lemonade stand and he said to the man running the stand: Hey! got any grapes? The man said:","[""Singing"", ""Jingle (music)"", ""Music"", ""Song""]","[""low quality"", ""chiptune vocal"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""noisy"", ""fun happy"", ""kids song"", ""mono""]",4,JV_IOR3DqiM,2014,"{""label"":""The Sound of Music Video Audition Contest"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a cover of a children's song and it consists of an emotional girl vocal singing over acoustic rhythm guitar located in the right channel of the stereo image, which makes the stereo image unbalanced. The recording is a bit noisy and It sounds fun, happy, emotional and innocent.",2009-08-17T18:08:11Z,Marty Frolick,Emily auditioning for Brigitta von Trapp,"[""Music"", ""/t/dd00032""]","[""low quality"", ""emotional girl vocal"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""cover"", ""noisy"", ""unbalanced stereo"", ""fun"", ""happy"", ""emotional"", ""children song"", ""innocent""]",4,KCytKo5LzCc,2066,"{""label"":""Frank Ifield - She Taught Me To Yodel"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a reverberant male vocal yodeling over acoustic rhythm guitar and smooth double bass, both located in the right channel of the stereo image. It sounds passionate, fun and happy - like something you would try to sing to when you are in a good mood.",2009-11-30T11:18:46Z,Platon Snesar,"One of the most popular yodel tunes in European music. Lyrics: I went across to Switzerland Where all the Yodellers be To try to learn to yodel With my yodel-oh-ee-dee I climbed a big high mountain On a clear and sunny day And met a yodellin' gal Up in a little Swiss chalet She taught me to yodel Yodel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee She taught me to yodel Yodel-oh-ee-dee-ay-dee Yodel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-dee [more yodelling] Well now I'm gonna teach you How to yodel just like me It's easy when you're singin' To go yodel-diddly-oh-oh-dee First you take a deep breath Then it's K.O. one, two, three And then you'll hear a yodel If you listen close to me Yeah, this is how to yodel Yodel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee This is how to yodel Yodel-oh-ee-dee Diddly-odel-oh-ee-dee-yodel-oh-dee Thanks for watching! Would be glad if you folow me on YouTube and listen to me on SoundCloud:","[""Singing"", ""Yodeling"", ""Music""]","[""low quality"", ""reverberant yodel male vocal"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""noisy"", ""unbalanced stereo image"", ""smooth double bass"", ""passionate"", ""happy"", ""fun""]",4,LybSS4amIS0,2232,"{""label"":""Abby Lee Master Dance Class"",""href"":""""}",The low quality recording features a live performance of a country melody on an acoustic rhythm guitar. There are some camera shuttering and beeping sounds in the background.,2013-03-05T06:37:01Z,F. Serratos,"Maddie, Nia, Kendall, Makenzie, Gianna, and Miranda from Dance moms perform in Los Angeles","[""Flamenco"", ""Music""]","[""low quality"", ""camera shuttering sounds"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""noisy"", ""country melody"", ""camera beeping sounds""]",4,NxpnW_IdkSY,2382,"{""label"":""Blind Pilot \""Three Rounds and a Sound\"" (3 of 4) Indie Pop from Portland, OR"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a live performance of an indie song and it features a passionate male vocal singing over acoustic rhythm guitar and soft double bass, There are laughing and crowd chattering noises in the background. It sounds emotional and sad, even though the recording is a bit noisy.",2010-03-17T20:59:05Z,One Night Music,"One Night Music recorded Blind Pilot at Muddy Waters Cafe in Santa Barbara, CA on August 1, 2009. Find all 4 videos and a story at: Filmed and edited by Megan Sullivan Audio editing by Ryan Andersen Filmed with VADO HD, audio with Zoom H2. Follow us: One Night Music is a San Francisco based collective of volunteers creating high quality video and audio recordings of live performances by quality independent music artists. Learn how to record with us or how to volunteer with us at","[""Country"", ""Flamenco"", ""Music"", ""Bluegrass"", ""Vocal music""]","[""low quality"", ""indie"", ""live performance"", ""noisy"", ""passionate male vocal"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""soft double bass"", ""crowd chattering"", ""laughing"", ""passionate"", ""emotional"", ""sad""]",4,QtjMlA_7dds,2647,"{""label"":""AQUALUNG JETHRO TULL : 70's Acoustic Guitar Cover : REFLECTIVE STYLE"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a cover of a rock song and it consists of acoustic rhythm guitar and nasal, echoing male vocals. The recording is noisy and in mono and it sounds emotional.",2014-08-10T10:43:37Z,STePH SANCiA,"My REFLECTIVE acoustic guitar cover of Aqualung by Jethro Tull released in 1971 with the 6 leading guitar notes that most folks only have to hear the once to know it ""IS"" Aqualung and 6 notes that would launch me into a musical hyper drive. But today I've opted for an off key reflective acoustic version and have NOT adhered to the original format regarding lyrics and verse and have done a Steph Style tribute to Jethro Tull.","[""Country"", ""Music"", ""Strum""]","[""rock"", ""cover"", ""low quality"", ""nasal echoing male vocal"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""noisy"", ""emotional"", ""mono""]",4,XvyaEbEpAMc,3237,"{""label"":""loretta lynn \""when the roll is called\"""",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a passionate male vocal, alongside harmonizing mixed vocals, singing over acoustic rhythm guitar, accordion melody and groovy bass. It sounds passionate and joyful. The recording is noisy and in mono - the sound is coming from the right channel only.",2007-07-17T06:19:50Z,lorettafan1,with teddy and doyle and the willis brothers,"[""Singing"", ""Music"", ""Middle Eastern music""]","[""low quality"", ""noisy"", ""mono"", ""harmonizing mixed vocals"", ""passionate male vocal"", ""accordion melody"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""groovy bass"", ""passionate"", ""joyful""]",4,_2P_EJsnBls,3437,"{""label"":""How to make BUN BO HUE - Vietnamese Spicy Beef Noodle Soup | Helen's Recipes"",""href"":""""}","The low quality song features a country song that consists of an acoustic rhythm guitar chord progression over which a mellow male vocal is singing. The recording got noisy at the end of the loop, which sounded like a microphone was turned on. It sounds vintage, warm, happy and fun.",2012-03-24T22:44:31Z,Helen's Recipes (Vietnamese Food),"Ingredients: For 6-8 servings (1kg = 2,2 lb) - 1kg pork trotters (pig's front feet) - 1kg beef shank - 1kg beef/pork bone - 1kg rice vermicelli noodle - 5 stalk lemon grass - 1tbsp minced lemongrass - 1tbsp minced garlic - 1tbsp minced shallot - 1tbsp chili powder - fresh greens: herbs (mint, Viet mint rau ram, Thai basil), bean sprout, banana blossom, shredded lectuce/ cabbage, split water spinach etc. - lime, sugar, salt, fish sauce - 2 tbsp Vietnamese shrimp sauce (mam ruoc) -Optional: blood cubes, Vietnamese shrimp patties, Vietnamese ham ►Full recipe | Xem công thức đầy đủ : ► GET MY COOKBOOKS | Đặt mua sách nấu ăn của Helen ►Subscribe for NEW VIDEO EVERY FRIDAY (Turn on the BELL icon to get notified for new uploads) | Đăng ký kênh & ấn vào chuông để nhận thông báo khi có video mới: ►Items in my kitchen: Các sản phẩm trong bếp nhà Helen: ►My Instagram: ►Facebook | Cập nhập ý tưởng nấu nướng mỗi ngày ► Support on Patreon ►Some of your favorites | Các video được yêu thích nhất: Best ever Pho Recipe | Phở: Original Bun Bo | Bún Bò Huế: Vietnamese Baguette | Bí Kiếp Bánh Mì Gia Truyền: Cooking with Grandma | Vào Bếp cùng Ngoại: All Vietnamese desserts | Các món tráng miệng Everyday family meals | Bữa cơm gia đình #HelenRecipes #vietnamesefood #vietnameserecipes Music by KÁ ""Don't think twice it's alright"" ""A morning song"" ""Sparrow sparrow""","[""Music"", ""Electronic tuner""]","[""low quality"", ""noisy"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""mellow male vocal"", ""happy"", ""fun"", ""country""]",4,eOmQbJljnqE,3858,"{""label"":""The Best Old Country Music"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a country song being played on an acoustic rhythm guitar and raw male vocal singing over it. It sounds passionate and emotional, even though the recording is noisy and in mono.",2006-10-08T02:28:23Z,papachya,"Original, Real, Old Country Music from a Great Guy, my Father","[""Country"", ""Music"", ""Bluegrass""]","[""low quality"", ""noisy"", ""mono"", ""country"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""raw male vocal"", ""emotional"", ""passionate""]",4,fDMbNCdGXBc,3931,"{""label"":""Karène Neuville 14 ans - Pasos Lesterps 2015"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a live performance of a folk song that contains an accordion melody playing over acoustic rhythm guitar, groovy bass, punchy kick and snare hits, shimmering cymbals, saxophone and trumpet melody. It sounds passionate and easygoing, even though the recording is noisy and the stereo image is unbalanced, due to the fact that the sound is leaning towards the left channel.",2015-07-21T19:29:48Z,Armand Boudet,Je vous invite aujourd'hui à visiter le site dans lequel vous trouverez toutes les infos sur l'agenda de Karène et les CD disponibles à la vente,"[""Swing music"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Accordion""]","[""low quality"", ""live performance"", ""folk"", ""accordion melody"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""shimmering cymbals"", ""punchy kick"", ""punchy snare"", ""saxophone melody"", ""trumpet melody"", ""groovy bass"", ""noisy"", ""unbalanced stereo"", ""passionate"", ""easygoing""]",4,gsIB8HjsRtw,4064,"{""label"":""niña bailando flamenco"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a mixed background vocals singing over acoustic rhythm guitar. There is also a child talking over the song. The recording is noisy and muffled, but it sounds fun and happy.",2009-11-20T01:31:05Z,lamujerdelapaxe,esta niña aqui tenia 5 años bailando por alegrias en ponferrada se llama silvia moreno,"[""Flamenco"", ""Music""]","[""low quality"", ""mixed background vocals"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""child talking"", ""muffled"", ""noisy"", ""fun"", ""happy""]",4,jqiD3VeM_hY,4284,"{""label"":""maracas llaneras venezolanas"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a live performance of shimmering shakers, acoustic rhythm guitar and arpeggiated harp melody. It sounds tropical and exotic even though the recording is very noisy, as it was probably recorded with a phone.",2007-11-09T04:24:35Z,Neil Ochoa,"documental instructivo acerca de las maracas llaneras venezolanas, historia, trayectoria, tecnica para tocarlas.","[""Music"", ""Maraca""]","[""low quality"", ""live performance"", ""shimmering shakers"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""arpeggiated harp melody"", ""tropical"", ""exotic"", ""noisy""]",4,k5kPBsMFlOc,4298,"{""label"":""vicente de montpellier"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a cover of a regional Mexican song and it consists of a passionate male vocalist singing over acoustic rhythm guitar. There are some crowd chattering and asphalt sounds in the background. The recording is noisy, in mono and it sounds passionate and emotional.",2009-11-09T14:59:52Z,bentana100,aqui el vicente de montpelier cantando en su barrio monteberou,"[""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Steel guitar, slide guitar"", ""Strum"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""low quality"", ""mono"", ""regional mexican"", ""passionate male vocal"", ""cover"", ""noisy"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""crowd chattering"", ""asphalt sounds"", ""low quality"", ""emotional"", ""passionate""]",4,lI8aGjIb8Jg,4389,"{""label"":""【みくれれ】風になる~Full version~"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a childish female vocal singing over acoustic rhythm guitar. It is a bit noisy and in mono, it sounds emotional and like a background song for some video game..",2011-02-14T15:10:24Z,Mikulele P,"初音ミクがウクレレでアニソンを弾き語ります。 3年目に突入の第57弾は再び「猫の恩返し」から 主題歌をリメイクしてみました。 この曲はウクレレ弾きのバイブルだけあって みくれれ内での人気も高いのですが、初期作品だけに 調教、伴奏、システムと全ての面で残念な部分も多く 何とかしたいとは思っていました。 コードも微妙に違ってるっぽいし・・・(苦笑) でもまぁ、ただリメイクしてもつまらないので 今回は2周年記念の特別企画として みくれれ初のフルサイズバージョンでお届けします。 ストラムもできるだけ原曲に忠実に再現してみましたが、 さすがにウクレレ一本だといささか単調かも? *Mikulele: ""Kazeni Naru"" A song from ""The Cat Returns"" *Chords:","[""Music of Asia"", ""Music"", ""Ukulele""]","[""childish female vocal"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""noisy"", ""mono"", ""low quality"", ""emotional""]",4,p_dE26TA8ig,4723,"{""label"":""Christina Perri - A Thousand Years Cover Lyrics"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a cover of a pop song and it features passionate female vocal singing over acoustic rhythm guitar. There is a quiet playback playing in the background - it sounds like it is coming from headphones. The recording is a bit resonant and noisy, but it sounds emotional and heartfelt regardless.",2011-10-29T20:13:37Z,mariadescartes,"Me singing a cover of Christina Perri's A Thousand Years Breaking Dawn soundtrack. Thanks for listening. Lyrics below. Heartbeats fast Colors and promises How to be brave How can I love when I'm afraid to fall But watching you stand alone All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow One step closer I have died everyday waiting for you Darling don't be afraid I have loved you For a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more Time stands still Beauty in all she is I will be brave I will not let anything take away What's standing in front of me Every breath Every hour has come to this One step closer I have died everyday waiting for you Darling don't be afraid I have loved you For a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more And all along I believed that I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more One step closer One step closer I have died everyday waiting for you Darling don't be afraid I have loved you For a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more And all along I believed I would find you Time has brought your heart to me I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more","[""Music"", ""Synthetic singing""]","[""low quality"", ""cover"", ""pop"", ""passionate female vocal"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""quiet playback"", ""noisy"", ""resonant"", ""emotional"", ""heartfelt""]",4,pqsU95TNNP8,4739,"{""label"":""the Spill Canvas - lullaby"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a live performance of a soft rock song that consists of acoustic rhythm guitar and flat male vocals singing over it. The crowd is loudly chattering in the background. It sounds noisy, dull and distorted.",2008-02-12T14:07:34Z,TrickyNixon,TSC performing lullaby at Soca Basel Switzerland,"[""Music"", ""Lullaby""]","[""low quality"", ""live performance"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""distorted"", ""noisy"", ""flat male vocal"", ""soft rock"", ""crowd chattering"", ""dull""]",4,r8B3-yBc-4U,4854,"{""label"":""Cold Frosty Morning for the Mandolin Cafe"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a cover that consists of a mandolin solo melody playing over playback instrumental that has smooth bass and acoustic rhythm guitar. The recording is noisy, in mono and it sounds passionate and joyful.",2009-06-23T11:30:38Z,Mandolin1944,"This is a very interesting tune. The tune has several versions and at least two of them are totally different tunes. The one played here is, I think, by far the most common in North America and is played in the key of Am. It is a tune of Scottish origin (perhaps derived from an air by the great Neil Gow? -- not sure about that). The tune in this form commemorates the battle of Culloden Moor, when, on cold spring morning in 1746 the English Army surprised and massacred a Scottish highlander army and thereby ended the Jacobite Rebellion. In years that followed thousands of apparently completely innocent Scotts were murdered by the English general the Duke of Cumberland (aka the Butcher) to punish them and to assure no more highlander rebellions would occur. But there is another version of ""Cold Frosty Morning"" which is an old tyme quadrille (6/8 time? or 3/4 time?) which was played in using an altered tuning and is in the key of D. The Fiddlers Companion attributes this tune to Stephen B. Tucker of Mississippi who started fiddling in late 1860's and was recorded for the Library of Congress in 1939. I plan to research this more. And of course the bluegrass folks have a ball with it. Im playing it here at 90 bpm in 2/4 time. Played on a 2002 Gibson F-5 Fern","[""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Mandolin"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Steel guitar, slide guitar"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""low quality"", ""noisy"", ""mono"", ""cover"", ""mandolin solo melody"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""smooth bass"", ""instrumental playback"", ""passionate"", ""joyful""]",4,swIXVQtP_TI,4988