video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""Folk Dance-House Music - Hungary (38)"",""href"":""""}",This amateur recording features folk music being played on violins. There are multiple violins playing in harmony. The tempo is moderate. There is no percussion in this song. Crowd voices and whistles can be heard during the performance. This song is played for a folk dance.,2011-02-15T08:59:13Z,HUNGARIAN and other TRADITIONS,"Táncház a XVI. Bakony Néptáncfesztiválon. Játszik a Heveder zenekar ( Sepsiszentgyörgy ), Ajka 2010.11.05.","[""Music"", ""Music of Latin America"", ""Salsa music"", ""/t/dd00032""]","[""amateur recording"", ""violin music"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""crowd voice"", ""whistles"", ""folk music"", ""folk dance music"", ""no percussion moderate tempo""]",0,NNeEzTVATHg,2333