video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""Cecilia Bartoli's Operatic Vocal Range (in about a minute!)"",""href"":""""}","This piece is a compilation of an opera singer's high-pitched singing that shows how high of a pitch she can reach. For the most part, she is holding a single high note as the strings in the orchestra provide the harmonic background.",2010-12-23T17:05:25Z,SsteinwayS,"US: Canada: Cecilia Bartoli’s vocal range: from low E below middle C to high E-flat above soprano high C!","[""Singing"", ""Music"", ""Opera""]","[""opera"", ""classical"", ""orchestra"", ""strings"", ""female vocal"", ""high-pitched singing"", ""compilation"", ""vocal range""]",9,AElgGuUSSKE,1088,"{""label"":""Константин Плужников Lullaby Berceuse de la Bretagne"",""href"":""""}",This is a Russian lullaby piece with classical music elements. The male vocalist is singing at a medium-to-high pitch in an opera-like manner. The strings and the piano are playing a gentle but crestfallen melody. The atmosphere is haunting. This piece could fit perfectly in the soundtrack of a post-apocalyptic war movie or a video game of similar theme. It could also work well in the soundtrack of a drama movie or an art movie that takes place in Russia or Eastern Europe. It might also be playing in the background at a high-tier Russian cuisine restaurant.,2012-12-24T03:43:59Z,Bronisliva,"Константин Плужников Бретонская колыбельная песня (М.Ипполитов-Иванов - В. Соловьев) Konstantin Pluzhnikov Berceuse de la Bretagne Lullaby (M.Ippolitov-Ivanov - V. Soloviev) Artist - P. de Chavannes","[""Music"", ""Opera"", ""Lullaby""]","[""russian"", ""lullaby"", ""classical"", ""male vocal"", ""medium-to-high pitch singing"", ""strings"", ""piano"", ""crestfallen"", ""haunting"", ""melancholic""]",9,ZKkfCOqLrT0,3363