video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""Fahrradklingel vs. Radlaufglocke"",""href"":""""}",This amateur recording features the sound of two different cycle bells. The first bell is a single striking sound. The second bell has the sound of ringing. This audio clip features ambient noise as well. There are no musical instruments in this clip. There are no voices in this clip.,2013-11-14T13:54:11Z,Bert Ungerer,"Die ""Sturmklingel"" ist in Deutschland seit 1960 verboten. Andere Verkehrsteilnehmer können sie deutlich hören, anders als eine erlaubte Klingel. Wahrnehmbare Signale sind hierzulande Autofahrern vorbehalten, denen aber bis an die Schmerzgrenze.","[""Bell"", ""Bicycle bell""]","[""amateur recording"", ""no music"", ""sound of bells"", ""cycle bells"", ""no voices"", ""ambient noises""]",0,zrb76mJOZQQ,5513