musiccaps: -UuEBhule84
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ytid | url | caption | aspect_list | audioset_names | author_id | start_s | end_s | is_balanced_subset | is_audioset_eval | audioset_ids |
-UuEBhule84 | The low quality recording features a flat male vocal singing over acoustic rhythm guitar chords, after which that same vocal is talking. The song sounds passionate, while the recording, overall, is noisy and in mono. | ["low quality", "noisy", "mono", "acoustic rhythm guitar", "flat male vocal", "passionate", "country"] | ["Singing", "Country", "Music", "Strum"] | 4 | 350 | 360 | 0 | 0 | ["/m/015lz1", "/m/01lyv", "/m/04rlf", "/m/07s0s5r"] |