ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids 6YXjJ6ABnZU,,"A male singer sings this rapping vocals with a backup singer. The song is medium tempo with a groovy drum rhythm, disc scratching sounds, strong bass line and string accompaniment. The song is groovy and has a dance rhythm. The song audio quality is poor.","[""techno pop music"", ""male vocals"", ""rapping vocals"", ""dance party"", ""all night party"", ""discotheque"", ""dance floor"", ""dance rhythm"", ""energetic"", ""exciting"", ""medium tempo"", ""dj turntable"", ""ambient noises"", ""poor audio quality"", ""dance music"", ""electronic dance music"", ""groovy music"", ""dj face off"", ""disc scratching noises""]","[""Scratching (performance technique)"", ""Electronic music"", ""Music"", ""Speech""]",1,20,30,0,0,"[""/m/01hgjl"", ""/m/02lkt"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/09x0r""]" 6iyinlZEgS4,,This audio clip features a tom roll followed by a descending slide on the bass. This is followed by the sound of two different calling bells one after the other. Four different voices call out numbers one through four in ascending order one after the other. This is followed by a pattern played on a drum machine. This song can be played at a DJ party.,"[""drum"", ""bass"", ""calling bell"", ""drum machine"", ""male voices"", ""dj music"", ""dance music"", ""moderate tempo""]","[""Electronic music"", ""Doorbell"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Ding-dong"", ""Speech""]",0,40,50,0,0,"[""/m/02lkt"", ""/m/03wwcy"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/07r67yg"", ""/m/09x0r""]" 8oTTgXIO0-I,,This song contains someone scratching over a Hip-Hop track. The track contains acoustic drums with a rim-shot as snare and congas playing along. The e-bass and an e-guitar are playing the same lines in the lower register. This song may be playing live at a scratching contest.,"[""hiphop"", ""scratching"", ""e-guitar"", ""acoustic drums"", ""congas"", ""e-bass"", ""male voice sample"", ""slow tempo""]","[""Electronic music"", ""Music"", ""Scratch"", ""Speech"", ""Inside, large room or hall""]",6,90,100,0,0,"[""/m/02lkt"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/07qb_dv"", ""/m/09x0r"", ""/t/dd00126""]" WT2iyJmKkc8,,"The song is an instrumental followed by the DJ talking about his lessons. The tempo is medium with disc scratching, steady drumming rhythm, various clapping percussion, modulated vocal samples, and a percussive bass line. The song is an electronic dance tune.","[""song fade"", ""dj techniques"", ""dj talking"", ""youtube music lessons"", ""online tutorials"", ""learn music online"", ""turntables"", ""vinyls"", ""techno dance tune"", ""silence"", ""groovy rhythm"", ""clapping percussions"", ""steady drumming"", ""percussive bass line"", ""disc scratching tones"", ""screaming noise"", ""youtube dj lessons"", ""dj techniques"", ""online classes"", ""instrumental music"", ""modulated vocal samples""]","[""Scratching (performance technique)"", ""Electronic music"", ""Music"", ""Speech""]",1,120,130,0,0,"[""/m/01hgjl"", ""/m/02lkt"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/09x0r""]" XPGtOugQ69U,,"This techno song starts off with a synth playing a melody followed by another synth playing a burst of two chords. The two chord bursts are accompanied by percussion playing an outro roll. The instruments pause and a male voice starts to narrate a few lines. After two lines, the pitch of the voice is lowered in pitch to reach a bass pitch. This voice fades away to silence. This song can be played in a movie featuring a robot.","[""techno song"", ""dj song"", ""synth bursts"", ""male voice"", ""vocal effect"", ""explicit lyrics"", ""programmed percussion"", ""moderate tempo""]","[""Drum and bass"", ""Electronic music"", ""Music"", ""Independent music"", ""Speech""]",0,290,300,0,0,"[""/m/0283d"", ""/m/02lkt"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/05rwpb"", ""/m/09x0r""]" zNAHQYshxZk,,"The low quality recording features a flat male vocal talking, after which there is a scratching vinyl sound - sort of like a tutorial on how to scratch a vinyl. The recording is mono and noisy.","[""low quality"", ""flat male vocal"", ""dj vinyl scratching"", ""noisy"", ""mono"", ""tutorial""]","[""Scratching (performance technique)"", ""Electronic music"", ""Music"", ""Speech""]",4,310,320,0,0,"[""/m/01hgjl"", ""/m/02lkt"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/09x0r""]"