ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids 3XeMR8lX0dg,,A cappella choir is singing a melody with a deep male bass voice. Midrange female and male singers and high female voices. Then two female voices start singing two different arpeggio-melodies. The voices are spread across the left and right speaker. You can hear the sound of water. This song may be playing in a live presentation.,"[""acapella"", ""male and female singers"", ""environmental noises"", ""adventurous""]","[""Chant"", ""Music"", ""A capella""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/02bk07"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/0z9c""]" IDHHAwqDpzU,,This is a gospel music piece. The piece is a church hymn that is being sung by a choir in the style of acapella. The male vocals are harmony singing. The atmosphere is festive. This piece can be played at Christian religious events. It could also be used in the soundtrack of a modern drama movie during religious scenes.,"[""gospel"", ""church hymn"", ""acapella"", ""male vocals"", ""choir"", ""harmony singing"", ""festive christian"", ""religious"", ""spiritual""]","[""Chant"", ""Music"", ""Choir"", ""A capella""]",9,30,40,0,0,"[""/m/02bk07"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/0l14jd"", ""/m/0z9c""]" Tp8PG2xae8c,,"Acoustic guitars are playing chords, tremolos and melodies while a male choir is singing the same melody along. This song may be playing at a folkfest.","[""folklore"", ""male choir singing"", ""lower to mid-range voices"", ""acoustic guitars"", ""slow tempo""]","[""Christmas music"", ""Gospel music"", ""Mantra"", ""Chant"", ""Music"", ""Song"", ""A capella""]",6,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/0140xf"", ""/m/016cjb"", ""/m/01c194"", ""/m/02bk07"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/074ft"", ""/m/0z9c""]" mBNdDQamtXA,,This is a multitrack acapella cover of a rock opera music piece. The same vocalist is singing different harmonies in separate tracks to create the aura of a magical experience. Usage of multiple tracks creates a vibrant atmosphere.,"[""acapella"", ""rock opera"", ""male vocal"", ""multiharmony"", ""multitrack"", ""vibrant"", ""magical""]","[""Chant"", ""Music"", ""A capella""]",9,50,60,1,1,"[""/m/02bk07"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/0z9c""]"