ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids 1j3pXUr8R4M,,This instrumental song features a harp melody being played. There are no other instruments in this song. There are no voices in this song.. The mood of this song is dreamy. This song can be played in a dream sequence in an animated film.,"[""harp song"", ""no voices"", ""no other instruments"", ""instrumental"", ""relaxing melody"", ""dreamy melody""]","[""Harp"", ""Pizzicato""]",0,40,50,0,0,"[""/m/03m5k"", ""/m/0d8_n""]" FiKY19GK6-8,,This folk song features the melody played on a harp. The instrument plays the bass and treble notes of the song. There are no other instruments in this song. There is no voice in this song. This song can be played in a sad movie.,"[""harp song"", ""no other instruments"", ""no voices"", ""instrumental"", ""slow tempo"", ""folk song""]","[""Harp"", ""Pizzicato""]",0,30,40,0,0,"[""/m/03m5k"", ""/m/0d8_n""]" JHvLuYk6TfI,,This folk song features a kora being played in waltz time. This starts off with the strings being plucked in waltz time followed by a descending run. The waltz plucking is played twice more followed by another descending run. There are no other instruments in this song. There are no voices in this song. This is an instrumental song. This song can be sampled and played in a hip-hop song.,"[""kora song"", ""no other instruments"", ""no voices"", ""instrumental"", ""waltz time"", ""moderate tempo"", ""folk song""]","[""Harp"", ""Pizzicato""]",0,70,80,0,0,"[""/m/03m5k"", ""/m/0d8_n""]" qutPvh6TFd8,,"This song features two harps playing a melody. In the beginning, both harps play the harp complimenting each other. After one bar, one of the harps plays the higher repetitive phrase and the other harp plays the lower register notes. This song has a happy mood. There are no other instruments in this song. There are no voices in this song. This song can be played in an inspirational video.","[""harp song"", ""no voices"", ""no other instruments"", ""instrumental"", ""pop melody"", ""happy song"", ""moderate tempo"", ""inspirational music""]","[""Harp"", ""Pizzicato""]",0,30,40,0,0,"[""/m/03m5k"", ""/m/0d8_n""]" sRxUm-ziCBo,,This song features a harp playing the main melody. This melody is calming and relaxing. This song can be played in a meditation center. There are no other instruments in this song. There are no voices in this song.,"[""harp song"", ""no other instruments"", ""no voices"", ""instrumental"", ""relaxing music"", ""meditation music"", ""slow tempo"", ""ethereal sound""]","[""Harp"", ""Pizzicato""]",0,190,200,0,0,"[""/m/03m5k"", ""/m/0d8_n""]" wGievbsKUnk,,This song features a female voice singing the main melody. This is accompanied by a harp on which chords are being played. There are no other instruments in this song. This song can be played in a romantic movie. This is an amateur recording.,"[""amateur song"", ""harp song"", ""female voice"", ""no other instruments"", ""romantic song"", ""slow tempo"", ""no percussion""]","[""Harp"", ""Pizzicato""]",0,100,110,0,0,"[""/m/03m5k"", ""/m/0d8_n""]" yAoMoKe7gj8,,"This instrumental song features a harp being played. This song is in compound time of 6/8. The bass note is played on the first count of the bar. The high part plays four descending notes followed by two ascending notes in each bar. On the fourth bar, the strings are tapped on the second half of the bar to give a percussive effect. Then the melody continues. There are no other instruments in this song. There are no voices in this song. This is an amateur recording. This song can be played in a dreamy sequence in a movie.","[""harp song"", ""instrumental"", ""amateur recording"", ""repetitive melody"", ""no voice"", ""no other instruments"", ""moderate tempo""]","[""Harp"", ""Pizzicato""]",0,0,10,0,0,"[""/m/03m5k"", ""/m/0d8_n""]"