ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids Gh4KBdcCU64,,This song features a female voice crooning the main melody. She is using vocables and no lyrics. The same melody is played on the synth immediately after she sings the first first line. A percussion player plays a simple beat. A tambourine plays in the background. The rest of the instruments are not clear due to the low audio quality. This song can be played in a coffee shop. The mood of this song is romantic.,"[""amateur recording"", ""synth"", ""low quality audio"", ""percussion"", ""female voice"", ""slow tempo"", ""crooning"", ""vocables""]","[""Music"", ""Vocal music""]",0,160,170,0,0,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/0y4f8""]" KCs_VPmsnKo,,"This children's song features a male voice singing the main melody. Other voices sing vocables in harmony in the beginning and after the lyrics are sung. This is accompanied by percussion playing a fast beat. The bass plays the root notes of the chords. A synth plays an ascending lick with the vocables in the beginning. When the words are sung, the synth plays the same melody as the main voice. This is a moderate tempo song. The mood of this song is happy. This song can be sung in a children's action movie.","[""children's song"", ""low quality audio"", ""vocable"", ""male voices"", ""repetitive music"", ""happy mood"", ""percussion"", ""bass"", ""synth"", ""moderate tempo""]","[""Music"", ""Exciting music""]",0,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/t/dd00035""]"