ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids 2i4UNf8tjvU,,This folk song features a male voice singing the main melody in a southern accent. The voice falls in the bass category. This is accompanied by an acoustic guitar strumming chords. The recording is of low quality and there is a lot of white noise drowning the other sounds. A basic percussion instrument is played. The voice is emotional. This song can be played in a retro style movie where a family goes to meet their grandparents out in the countryside.,"[""folk song"", ""male voice"", ""low quality audio"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""basic percussion"", ""moderate tempo""]","[""Music"", ""Rustling leaves""]",0,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/09t49""]" SGcjdZ19R1k,,This rock and roll song features a male voice singing the main melody. This is accompanied by percussion playing a fast tempo beat. Guitars play chords. The bass plays the root notes of the chords. The vocal melody follows a gospel style call and response theme. The main voice sings one line and the crowd responds by singing another line. The tempo of this song is fast. This is a low quality audio and other instruments cannot be identified.,"[""rock and roll"", ""low quality audio"", ""male voice"", ""bass"", ""percussion"", ""gospel style"", ""crowd singing"", ""guitars"", ""call and response style"", ""fast tempo""]","[""Music"", ""Yell""]",0,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/07sr1lc""]" VkVKGyWi2r4,,This heavy metal song features a male voice singing the main melody. This is accompanied by aggressive percussion playing in common time. The distortion guitar plays power chords with a galloping rhythm. The gallop is ended with an ascending lick. The bass follows the same pattern as the distortion guitar but plays only the root notes of the chords. This song is upbeat. The quality of the audio is low. This song can be used when a wrestler enters the WWE arena.,"[""low quality audio"", ""distortion guitars"", ""gallopping guitar"", ""aggressive percussion"", ""male voice"", ""heavy metal"", ""happy mood"", ""moderate tempo"", ""bass""]","[""Music"", ""Roll"", ""Rock and roll""]",0,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/07s8j8t"", ""/m/07sbbz2""]" Wr5sFgqxLzQ,,"This alternative rock song features a male voice singing the main melody. This is accompanied by percussion playing a simple beat. A shaker is played on every count. At the beginning, a scratch slide is played on the distortion guitar. The bass plays notes in groups of three on the first and second counts of each bar. A keyboard plays repetitive fills in between lines. The voice is emotive and the feel of this song is psychedelic. The audio quality is low. This song can be played in a night driving scene in a movie.","[""amateur recording"", ""alternative rock"", ""low quality audio"", ""distortion guitar"", ""bass"", ""percussion"", ""tambourine"", ""slow tempo"", ""psychedelic feel"", ""guitar scratching"", ""emotive voice"", ""male voice"", ""shaker"", ""keyboard fills""]","[""Singing"", ""Music"", ""Mouse"", ""Song""]",0,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/015lz1"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04rmv"", ""/m/074ft""]" cLIump75aC0,,This amateur recording features low quality audio. The main sound heard is that of tap dancing to a song. The song features a male voice singing the main melody. The rest of the instruments are not clearly audible. A bass plays the root notes of the chords. The percussion plays a simple beat. Other instruments are not audible.,"[""amateur recording"", ""tap dance"", ""background song"", ""male voice"", ""bass"", ""percussion"", ""low quality audio""]","[""Music"", ""Radio"", ""Tap""]",0,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/06bz3"", ""/m/07qcpgn""]" kAE7Ceg4VgQ,,This is a low audio clip. This song is a contemporary gospel song. This song features a male voice. This is accompanied by a tambourine and hand claps. The bass plays the root notes of the chords. The piano plays chords and fills. The sounds of the crowd are heard in this clip. The tempo of this song is moderate.,"[""low quality audio"", ""percussion"", ""contemporary gospel song"", ""hand claps"", ""crowd noise"", ""tambourine"", ""bass guitar"", ""male voice"", ""piano"", ""moderate tempo""]","[""Singing"", ""Music"", ""Tambourine""]",0,590,600,1,1,"[""/m/015lz1"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/07brj""]" tPJMr890HeE,,This audio is of a low quality recording. It is a hip-hop song featuring a male voice singing the main melody. This is accompanied by a female voice singing vocals in an angelic voice in the background. Programmed percussion plays a simple beat with the hi-hat being struck at every count. The bass plays the root notes of the chords. The bass notes are allowed to ring. This song has a slow tempo. This song can be played in a club.,"[""low quality audio"", ""programmed percussion"", ""male voice"", ""female backing"", ""hip-hop song"", ""bass"", ""slow tempo"", ""dance song""]","[""Music"", ""Rapping""]",0,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/06bxc""]"