ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids Aky0DF507fw,,This is a didgeridoo jam piece. The didgeridoo is playing tunes at a pitch varying from low to medium. There is a tribal sound to this recording. It could be used in the soundtrack of a movie/TV series with a jungle/primitive setting. It could also be sampled to be used in beat-making.,"[""jam"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""live performance"", ""single instrument"", ""didgeridoo"", ""low-to-medium range"", ""unique"", ""eccentric"", ""tribal""]","[""Didgeridoo"", ""Music""]",9,170,180,0,1,"[""/m/02bxd"", ""/m/04rlf""]" O1RmrE_HfpE,,This is a live acoustic performance piece. The didgeridoo is being used in varying ranges and effects to play many different tunes and to get a techno-like sound variety. There is a whole bunch of percussive instruments being used from membranous percussion to bell percussion. It all adds up into one big sensational performance. There is an eccentric atmosphere. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a movie with a primitive/jungle setting. It could also be used in action or pursuit scenes in movies.,"[""jam"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""live performance"", ""single instrument"", ""didgeridoo"", ""varying range"", ""percussion"", ""sound effects"", ""techno-like"", ""eccentric"", ""sensational""]","[""Didgeridoo"", ""Music""]",9,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/02bxd"", ""/m/04rlf""]" WWIT13tTW7c,,"This is a live performance of classical music with clear tango influences. The piece is being performed by four different ranges of saxophone: alto, baritone, tenor and soprano. The variety of range using similar characteristics of sound gives the piece a vibrant atmosphere. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a movie that is about a culture clash situation between North American and Latin American characters.","[""classical music"", ""tango"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""live performance"", ""saxophone quartet"", ""vibrant"", ""lively"", ""eccentric"", ""unique""]","[""Brass instrument"", ""Clarinet"", ""Saxophone""]",9,190,200,0,0,"[""/m/01kcd"", ""/m/01wy6"", ""/m/06ncr""]"