ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids 0_XItMAYkwc,,This song contains a simple acoustic drum groove with a cowbell sound. Two e-guitars and an e-bass are all playing the same melody spread across the speakers. Another e-guitar is strumming dissonant chords in the background panned to the left side of the speakers. Male voices are singing in a higher key. This song may be playing while cooking with joy.,"[""rock/pop"", ""e-guitars"", ""e-bass"", ""acoustic drums"", ""male voices singing"", ""higher register"", ""uptempo""]","[""Jazz"", ""Music""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/03_d0"", ""/m/04rlf""]" Czbi1u-gwUU,,This song contains acoustic drums and percussion playing a complex rhythm along with a bassline. Some brass sounds come here and there to set accents. In the background you can hear a string sound playing a high note. A keyboard lead sound is playing the main melody along with a male voice singing with a melody on his own. This song may be playing at a celebration.,"[""male voices singing"", ""digital string sound"", ""keyboard lead sound"", ""percussion"", ""acoustic drum"", ""oriental instruments"", ""e-bass"", ""brass sounds"", ""uptempo"", ""amateur recording""]","[""Folk music"", ""Music""]",6,130,140,1,1,"[""/m/02w4v"", ""/m/04rlf""]" HDSV7Pzq8CA,,A drum is playing a four on the floor groove with a kick on every beat along to a bassline and a tambourine. Two e-guitars are strumming funky sounding chords. Male singers are singing a melody together in the mid-range. This song may be playing live at a local event.,"[""popmusic"", ""e-guitars"", ""drums"", ""tambourine"", ""male voices singing"", ""mid range"", ""e-bass"", ""amateur recording"", ""uptempo""]","[""Singing"", ""Music"", ""Ska"", ""Tambourine"", ""Music of Latin America""]",6,80,90,0,1,"[""/m/015lz1"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/06rqw"", ""/m/07brj"", ""/m/0g293""]" ID4AoAfHMVk,,"An acoustic drum is playing a reggae groove with a rim shot as a snare sound and shakers/tambourine in the background. An e-bass is playing a bassline accompanied by a clean e-guitar playing the same melody. A piano is playing short chords on the backbeat. Male voices are singing, sounding relaxed and joyful. This song may be playing at a reggae festival.","[""reggae"", ""piano"", ""e-bass"", ""e-guitar"", ""acoustic drums"", ""tambourine/shaker"", ""male voices singing"", ""slow to medium tempo"", ""relaxing and positive vibe""]","[""Music"", ""Reggae""]",6,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/06cqb""]" Vt3HzkNtOP4,,An acoustic drum is playing a light Rock&Roll groove with crash hits and emphasis on kick and snare along with a e-bass enhancing the fast paces mood and giving reasons to move the body along to the beat. Strings like a violin are adding some atmosphere with hits in the background and playing a crescendo to break into the next part of the song while male voices are singing together. This song may be playing when having or wanting a good mood.,"[""rock&roll"", ""e-bass"", ""acoustic drums"", ""male voices singing"", ""violin"", ""uptempo"", ""good mood""]","[""Music"", ""Roll"", ""Rock and roll""]",6,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/07s8j8t"", ""/m/07sbbz2""]" kUQ1xfK82Q0,,A lot of percussive instruments are being played and panned to the left and right side of the speakers. A funky bassline is repeating the same pattern with fill-ins. An acoustic guitar is strumming funky chords and another guitar-like instrument is playing a melody on top. Male voices are singing in unison and kids voices are responding as backing vocals. This is an amateur recording.,"[""pop"", ""acoustic guitars"", ""male voices singing"", ""kids voices"", ""e-bass"", ""percussion's"", ""medium to uptempo""]","[""Music of Africa"", ""Music"", ""Music of Bollywood"", ""Dance music""]",6,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/0164x2"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/0dq0md"", ""/m/0ggx5q""]" kjcXM60HrRA,,Two male voices are singing loudly together: One backing the other one. A e-guitar can be heard at the end of the phrase. In the background a e-bass and an acoustic drum can be heard but they get overthrown by the sound of the cheering and Screaming crowd. This song may be playing at a live concert.,"[""rock&roll"", ""male voices singing"", ""harmony"", ""background cheering and screaming"", ""e-bass"", ""e-guitar"", ""moderate tempo"", ""uplifting mood""]","[""Music of Asia"", ""Music"", ""Pop music"", ""Yell""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/028sqc"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/064t9"", ""/m/07sr1lc""]" rJZgUpzqAyY,,An e-bass is playing a bluesy bassline along with acoustic drums with a slightly open hihat. An electric piano/organ is playing one short chord as a rhythmic element adding reggae vibes along with a e-guitar strumming fast chords on the offbeat. The guitar is running through a chorus effect. The male voices are singing a simple melody. This song may be playing at a live concert before a sports-event.,"[""skarock"", ""acoustic drums"", ""e-bass"", ""electric piano"", ""e-guitar"", ""male voices singing"", ""amateur recording"", ""fast tempo"", ""uplifting mood""]","[""Singing"", ""Music"", ""Ska""]",6,70,80,1,1,"[""/m/015lz1"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/06rqw""]" uBENjCPS8LI,,A digital drum is playing a simple groove along with an e-bass. An organ is playing long chords with a lot of reverb. On top of that male voices sing a melody in harmony. Their voices sound high. This song may be playing with headphones while running.,"[""pop"", ""electric organ"", ""digital drums"", ""e-bass"", ""male voices singing"", ""higher register"", ""medium tempo""]","[""Christian music"", ""Music""]",6,140,150,1,1,"[""/m/02mscn"", ""/m/04rlf""]"