ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids Dx58W7opw5A,,This song features a song being played on a didgeridoo. This features a droning sound. A shaker is played through the song and is doubled in tempo at the end of the song. An acoustic guitar strums chords. This song can be played at a club.,"[""didgeridoo song"", ""shaker"", ""moderate tempo"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""dance style music"", ""no voices"", ""instrumental""]","[""Didgeridoo"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument""]",0,0,10,0,0,"[""/m/02bxd"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw""]"