ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids KnZeEWVHaLc,,"The low quality recording features a metallic scraping sound effect, soft scratching sound effect, water leaking sound effect, breathy flute melody and birds chirping sound effects. It sounds relaxing and calming.","[""low quality"", ""metallic scraping sound effect"", ""soft scratching sound effect"", ""water leaking sound effect"", ""breathy flute melody"", ""birds chirping sound effect"", ""relaxing"", ""calming""]","[""Wind instrument, woodwind instrument"", ""Flute""]",4,230,240,0,0,"[""/m/085jw"", ""/m/0l14j_""]" sVF7NNvdoJc,,"The low quality recording features a traditional song that consists of reverberant, fruity male vocal singing over wooden & percussive elements, sizzling triangle hits, sustained strings melody, plucked strings melody and breathy flute melody. It sounds soulful, passionate, emotional, calming and relaxing - like something you would hear in a small village in a foreign country, full of joy and innocence.","[""low quality"", ""reverberant fruity male vocal"", ""wooden percussive elements"", ""sizzling triangle"", ""plucked strings melody"", ""sustained strings melody"", ""breathy flute melody"", ""soulful"", ""passionate"", ""emotional"", ""calming"", ""relaxing"", ""joyful""]","[""Traditional music"", ""Music""]",4,120,130,1,1,"[""/m/02p0sh1"", ""/m/04rlf""]" wLITXWAuZy0,,"The low quality recording features a shimmering chime bell, breathy flute melody, mellow piano chords and sustained strings melody. It sounds easygoing, calming and emotional.","[""low quality"", ""shimmering chime bell"", ""breathy flute melody"", ""mellow piano melody"", ""sustained strings melody"", ""easygoing"", ""calming"", ""emotional""]","[""Music"", ""Tender music""]",4,0,10,0,0,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/t/dd00034""]"