ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids -r7iz-9v9bA,,This song features a female voice singing in opera style using only vocables and no words. This is accompanied by violins playing eighth note patterns that change according to the chords being played. The bass follows the root notes of the chords. A muted guitar or string instrument plays arpeggiated chords. This song can be played in a fantasy game.,"[""opera song"", ""symphonic"", ""female voice"", ""string section"", ""bass"", ""muted guitar"", ""fantasy song"", ""slow tempo""]","[""Music"", ""Scary music""]",0,30,40,0,0,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/t/dd00037""]" 6QHfXuVLhe0,,This pop song starts off with the backing singers singing vocables in harmony. This is backed by percussion playing a simple beat. The bass plays a flourish ending on the root note of the next chord. The string section plays high pitched notes. The piano plays a flourish of ascending notes before the main female voice starts to sing the main melody. This is accompanied by the percussion continuing with the simple beat. The string section fades away. The bass plays a descending walk down and ends on a high note. This song has a romantic feel. This song can be played in a romantic movie.,"[""pop song"", ""female voice"", ""bass"", ""backing vocal harmony"", ""simple percussion"", ""piano"", ""string section"", ""slow tempo"", ""romantic theme""]","[""Singing"", ""Christian music"", ""Music""]",0,170,180,0,0,"[""/m/015lz1"", ""/m/02mscn"", ""/m/04rlf""]" HXwX9f9ugZ4,,This jazz song features a trumpet playing the main melody. This is accompanied by a string section. There are long pauses in between lines where the backing instruments pause while the trumpet solo is played. Percussion is played along with the string section. There are no voices in this song. This is an instrumental song. This song can be played in a silent movie.,"[""jazz"", ""trumpet solo"", ""string section"", ""percussion"", ""bass"", ""no voices"", ""instrumental"", ""slow tempo""]","[""Jazz"", ""Music"", ""Classical music""]",0,340,350,0,0,"[""/m/03_d0"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/0ggq0m""]"