ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids OnL-e9X0oEc,,"This song features a female voice singing the main melody. This song has a Middle-Eastern feel. The voice is accompanied by percussion playing a dance beat. A synth plays a high pitched melody in between lines. A synth pad plays chords in the background. The bass plays the root notes of the chords. Toward the end, all instruments except the synth pads pause. The voice continues to sing at this time. An autotune effect is used on the voice. This song can be played in a club.","[""middle eastern song"", ""female voice"", ""autotune voice"", ""synth melody"", ""programmed percussion"", ""bass"", ""moderate tempo"", ""dance song""]","[""Music of Africa"", ""Music""]",0,140,150,0,0,"[""/m/0164x2"", ""/m/04rlf""]" yn4-OtUmyWo,,"This folk song starts off with a female voice singing the main melody. The voice has the added effect of autotune. This is accompanied by a rebab or a bowed instrument playing the same melody as the voice. Another stringed instrument is plucked, playing the same melody as the voice. The bass plays the root notes of the chords. The voice rests and other instruments come in. A clarinet plays a descending fill. Koboro percussion is played giving this song a middle-eastern feel. This song has a happy feel. It is a fusion between a folk song and a more modern beat. This song can be played as a party song.","[""folk song"", ""fusion song"", ""foreign language"", ""autotune voice"", ""rebab"", ""traditional instruments"", ""clarinet"", ""koboro drums"", ""female voice"", ""traditional wind instruments"", ""upbeat song"", ""moderate tempo"", ""traditional string instrument"", ""happy mood""]","[""Traditional music"", ""Music""]",0,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/02p0sh1"", ""/m/04rlf""]"