video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""Reason spielerei minimal :)"",""href"":""""}","This song features synth sounds. There is no particular melody. There is no percussion and no voices. This sounds like sounds from outer space. When the first note is played, a ring modulated sound is played in the background. The same pattern is found in the third, fourth and fifth notes. This song can be played in a movie featuring an outer space theme.",2008-08-07T17:14:30Z,ghtkings,Kleine reason spielerei :),"[""Electronic music"", ""Music"", ""Sonar"", ""Techno""]","[""synth sounds"", ""no other instruments"", ""no voices"", ""strange non-musical sounds"", ""outer space sounds""]",0,n3QsFeGadEE,4515,"{""label"":""Второй Андеграунд Melbourne Shuffle Чемпионат 13.09.09 @ \""Dub club\"""",""href"":""""}",A digital drum is playing a hardstyle beat with a punching kick with a sub sound. Synthesizers/samples are playing industrial digital sounds as a melody. A female voice sample is singing a soulful sequence for a moment. This song may be playing in a club.,2009-09-08T00:42:37Z,4MRTV,"НАЧАЛО : 13.09.09, в 17:00, МЕСТО: Клуб ""Dub club"" ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Адрес: Нижний Cусальный пер., д. 5, стр. 7/7 Проезд: м.Курская, далее пешком Вход на мероприятие абсолютно СВОБОДНЫЙ и БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 13 сентября 2009 года, 4MR promo организует второй открытый андеграунд чемпионат по современному танцевальному направлению Melbourne Shuffle. Это стиль танца, который произошел в конце 80-х годов в Австралии, на андеграунд-сцене города Мельбурн. Быстрые, типичные для джаза танцевальные движения (стэп), но в современной форме, и танцуют его под разнообразные стили электронной танцевальной музыки. В шаффле используются такие движения как знаменитая «Лунная походка», сложные кручения, удары в разные стороны, скольжения, во время танца создаётся впечатление, что человек парит над землёй и движется совершенно по другим законам физики, чем мы привыкли. Танцуется он под электронную музыку от хауса до хард техно, но особую популярность он имеет именно среди любителей Хардстайла. В России шаффл появился на рубеже 2007 и 2008 года и уже в начале 2008 в Москве, на ВВЦ за павильоном №1, состоялся первый андеграунд чемпионат, слухи о котором докатились даже до самой Австралии. Прошло больше года с этого момента, участники первого турнира набрались сил и опыта, и готовы сразиться вновь как между собой так и с новыми претендентами на звание чемпиона. 16 самых лучших шаффлеров будут биться за звание сильнейшего. Музыкальное прикрытие осуществляют лучшие представители хардстайл / хардденс нашего города: Killaheadz, Andy_Wolf, Stylemasters и S.I.D.R. Специальный гостевой сэт ВИКТОРА СТРОГОНОВА ! Вас ожидают 10 киловатт рупорного звука. Такого события в России ещё не было, это настоящий андеграунд, это живая культура электронной музыки, которую мы с Вами создаём. Мы ждём всех, Будет жарко. Вход на мероприятие абсолютно СВОБОДНЫЙ и БЕСПЛАТНЫЙ! ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯","[""Music"", ""Techno"", ""Trance music"", ""Dubstep""]","[""hardstyle"", ""digital drums"", ""synth sounds"", ""female voice sample"", ""uptempo""]",6,yKx_RFUTPfI,5400,"{""label"":""Rats Died~ P.I.N.A. feat. Hatsune Miku {English Sub}"",""href"":""""}",This electropop song features a female voice singing a repetitive melody. The voice seems like it is coming from a distance. This is accompanied by programmed percussion playing a disco beat. The kick is played at every count. The bass plays a funky bass line using octaves and filler notes in between. There are synth layers that are played in this song. One synth layer plays a piano-sounding loop only with chords. Another synth layer plays an ascending and descending loop according to the chords being played. This song has a happy mood and can be played in a club.,2013-10-31T19:58:24Z,PhantomSubbing,"Translation and original video/MP3~ ラットが死んだ (Rats Died) Requested anonymously. Upload Date: 09/20/13 Vocals: 初音ミク - Hatsune Miku Composer: P.I.N.A. Illustrator & Movie: ngkz_ ""People who are not Interesting Nor Artistic,"" huh? My kind of people. If you didn't know, the bird-like ""mask"" worn by the figure (Bernard Rieux) in the video is a plague doctor's mask. All named characters seen in the video (with the exception of the little girl) appear in the French novel ""The Plague"" by Albert Camus. The lyrics may possibly make more sense if you've read the book, but I haven't so...*shrug* WHo Wants to Know even MoRE AbouT The BlACk Death?~ Many doctors believed that bad smells could drive out the plague. As a result, some of the treatment for the disease included dung and urine, as well as other ingredients that were more likely to spread disease than to cure it.","[""Music"", ""Techno"", ""Trance music""]","[""electropop"", ""dance music"", ""female voice"", ""repetitive vocal melody"", ""distant sounding voice"", ""disco music"", ""funky bass"", ""programmed percussion"", ""fast tempo"", ""synth sounds"", ""happy mood"", ""club song""]",0,Q7oWXOByo28,2597,"{""label"":""M.A.N.D.Y. - Gizmo"",""href"":""""}",This song contains a synth melody that sounds a little in the background slowly coming more into focus. This sound is full of reverb. Other synth sounds are playing pads and experimental pluck sounds. A glass sound is being played as a hi hat and a noise snare sound takes a lot of space with sounds panned to the left and right side of the speakers. This song may be playing in a club.,2015-01-19T11:50:17Z,Get Physical Music,"Listen / Download: We are excited to announce yet another EP from the duo so dear to Get Physical's heart. M.A.N.D.Y.’s 'Gizmo' provides a selection of powerful tracks made especially for getting physical, M.A.N.D.Y. style. It all starts with the EP's eponymous 'Gizmo', a thrusting, tech-y creation with a delightfully catchy synth phrase that deviates into a groovy kick towards the end, leading us on to the quirky-named Montagsmachine, with its authentic ivories and subdued atmosphere complete with toy hi-hats and a certain air of wound-up tension.  From in your face to creeping up, Gizmo EP has a little of both worlds and a lot of the MANDY magic we love. Until that moment we're all thinking of, this will definitely do quite well.","[""Music"", ""Techno"", ""Zing""]","[""electro/techno"", ""synth sounds"", ""rhythmic glass"", ""noise snare"", ""uptempo"", ""experimental""]",6,3Wdxjm-h36w,475