video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""Zen Journey Video #2, Join the Master in the temple and learn who is the host of your mind"",""href"":""""}","This clip features a variety of sounds that would be suitable for meditation or at a massage parlour. The music is serene, peaceful, and calm. It features a gong, a wind-chime and a diapason.",2013-08-30T19:25:36Z,Wild Divine,"Wild Divine presents Zen Journey with Nissim Amon. We created this video series to give you a sneak peek inside Zen Journey, and share with you thoughts, teachings and help you can use now in your daily lives. To learn more about Zen Journey, visit this link here:","[""Singing bowl""]","[""peaceful"", ""calm"", ""tranquil"", ""meditation music"", ""wind chime"", ""gong"", ""diapason"", ""serene""]",3,N4eMppEnPE0,2319,"{""label"":""Meditation Help - Relaxation"",""href"":""""}","Here we have a flute which has a lot of echo and reverb applied to it. The music is relaxing, serene, tranquil. It would be suitable as meditation music.",2008-03-10T10:34:24Z,allaboutmeditation," Relax and watch more videos here.","[""New-age music"", ""Music""]","[""flute"", ""tenor flute"", ""relaxing"", ""serene"", ""tranquil"", ""calm"", ""meditation music"", ""mystical"", ""reverb""]",3,lBSS2AbA560,4379,"{""label"":""Тибетские чаши Вибрации для чакры Свадхистана"",""href"":""""}","This is a sound that is calm and soothing and would be suitable for any kind of relaxation, meditation or spa. We hear a flute melody with long notes being played over a low frequency buzzing tone.",2014-02-01T22:45:47Z,Vladimir20285,"Поющие чаши (известны также как Гималайские чаши, Тибетские чаши; в Японии их называют Рин или Судзу) — разновидность колокола как музыкального инструмента. Поющие чаши — стационарный инструмент, в отличие от обычных колоколов они не подвешиваются и не крепятся на ручке. Звук рождается от вибрации стенок чаши и её края. Поющие чаши — древний музыкальный инструмент, использовавшийся по всей Азии как часть религиозных традиций Бон и тантрического буддизма. В наши дни, кроме традиционного религиозного применения, поющие чаши используются повсеместно как инструмент для медитаций, релаксации, различных медицинских практик связанных с биоритмами, в йоге.","[""Singing bowl""]","[""soothing meditation music"", ""flute"", ""low frequency humming tone"", ""serene"", ""tranquil""]",3,1AOe82obwcY,244