ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids yIFP8fkq8GU,,THis song contains a piano playing a major chord progression in the midrange with the left hand playing bass notes creating a simple bassline. An acoustic drum is playing a constant groove without any big changes. A male voice is singing in a higher register getting backing vocals from another male voice. In the background you can hear the crowd cheering. It mostly sounds like female voices. This song may be playing at a live concert.,"[""pop"", ""piano"", ""acoustic drums"", ""crowd cheering"", ""male voice singing"", ""higher pitch"", ""uptempo""]","[""Singing"", ""Music of Asia"", ""Music"", ""Independent music"", ""Pop music""]",6,90,100,0,0,"[""/m/015lz1"", ""/m/028sqc"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/05rwpb"", ""/m/064t9""]" vNPx6RS8PiM,,This song contains someone playing a bass-ukulele along to a piano playing jazzy chords along with a soft jazz piano. The main melody is being played by an alto saxophone. This song may be playing in a jazz lounge bar.,"[""jazz"", ""bass-ukulele"", ""piano"", ""saxophone"", ""jazz piano"", ""uptempo""]","[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Ukulele"", ""Plucked string instrument""]",6,210,220,1,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/07xzm"", ""/m/0fx80y""]" snJDZAnTMwQ,,A digital drum is playing a techno groove with a kick on every beat. A synth bass is playing a simple line along to a piano playing major chords. Panned to the sides of the speakers you can hear a xylophone like sound playing the melody along in a higher key and a marimba adding notes. A digital brass sound is adding hits to the melody. A female voice is singing in a higher key. This song may be playing in a kids tv-show.,"[""pop"", ""piano"", ""digital bass"", ""digital drums"", ""xylophone sound"", ""digital brass"", ""marimba"", ""female voice singing"", ""uptempo""]","[""Music"", ""Music for children""]",6,30,40,0,0,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/05fw6t""]" qEGNzCWQdqo,,A brass section is playing a melody along with a lead trumpet. In the background you can hear strings playing in the mid to high range. An upright bass is holding the rhythmic side of the song. A piano is playing the same melody as the male singer. This song may be playing in a retro bar.,"[""old recording"", ""brass section"", ""string section"", ""piano"", ""upright bass"", ""male voice singing"", ""uptempo"", ""uplifting mood""]","[""Swing music"", ""Music""]",6,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/015y_n"", ""/m/04rlf""]" kTyI2unrdv0,,"This song contains a piano playing minor chords with a lot of reverb, a synthesizer playing a countermelody with short notes and something like a processed and cut voice sample that gets repeated in a very short and rhythmical ways serving as percussive element and is panned to the left and the right side of the speakers along with white noise processed with delay. For a moment a short digital bass sound is coming in. This song may be playing in a club.","[""electronic/techno"", ""piano"", ""synthesizer"", ""white noise"", ""bass"", ""uptempo"", ""melancholic""]","[""Heart murmur"", ""Music""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/01jg1z"", ""/m/04rlf""]" WyGJdstaxK4,,This song contains acoustic drums holding the rhythm together with a bass and almost clean e-guitar strumming chords. A piano is adding single notes on top while a male voice is singing a melody getting backed up by a female voice singing along. In the background motor race sounds can be heard. This song may be playing in a car with windows open on a road trip.,"[""pop/rock"", ""e-bass"", ""piano"", ""e-guitar"", ""acoustic drums"", ""motor racing sound"", ""male voice singing"", ""female backing voice"", ""uptempo""]","[""Christian music"", ""Music"", ""Rock music""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/02mscn"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/06by7""]" U6SYfguaJtk,,This song contains male voices singing/shouting while an acoustic drum is playing an elevating pattern on the toms. You can hear hands clapping to the beat. A brass section/saxophones are playing a repeating melody creating tension. Then the song breaks into the next part with a piano playing along with the melody. This song may be playing at a live concert.,"[""rock&roll"", ""e-guitars"", ""piano"", ""e-bass saxophones/brass"", ""acoustic drums"", ""male voices singing/shouting"", ""uplifting energy"", ""uptempo""]","[""Music"", ""Roll"", ""Rock and roll""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/07s8j8t"", ""/m/07sbbz2""]" Qu76GhRO9Yk,,This song contains a piano playing short rhythmic chords along with an acoustic guitar and an upright bass playing the same melody. A brass melody is opening the scene. sound A male voice is singing in a higher register. This song may be playing while celebrating with the whole family on a national holiday.,"[""country"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""piano"", ""acoustic drums"", ""upright bass"", ""male voice singing"", ""higher key"", ""brass"", ""uptempo"", ""uplifting energy""]","[""Brass instrument"", ""Trumpet""]",6,20,30,0,0,"[""/m/01kcd"", ""/m/07gql""]" NlCfScKw_Mk,,Someone is playing a track from speakers. This song contains a strong e-bass playing a funky bassline along with a funky drum groove. Then a piano comes in playing a jazzy melody in one scale accompanied by a synth brass sound swelling into existence and playing a short rise before leaving again. This is an amateur recording but of decent audio-quality. This song may be playing in a jazzbar.,"[""funk/jazz"", ""e-bass"", ""acoustic drum"", ""piano"", ""keyboard brass sound"", ""uptempo"", ""amateur recording""]","[""Music"", ""Synthesizer""]",6,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/0l14qv""]" LF-5BAUGvWI,,This song is a classical flamenco mixed with a HipHop groove drums playing a digital set along with a cowbell sound. A piano is playing a salsa melody in the low to high range. A trumpet sample is playing a short melody every fourth beat. A male voice is singing in a higher pitch along with backing vocals spread across both sides of the speakers. Then another male voice takes over rapping over the instrumental. This song may be playing with a speaker sitting on the bike cruising.,"[""salsa/hiphop"", ""digital drums"", ""cowbell"", ""trumped sample"", ""piano"", ""male voices singing/rapping"", ""uptempo"", ""positive vibes""]","[""Music of Africa"", ""Music"", ""Rapping"", ""Rhythm and blues"", ""Soul music""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/0164x2"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/06bxc"", ""/m/06j6l"", ""/m/0gywn""]" Fsm-xDmyFKg,,An acoustic drum is playing a fast groove with a kick-hit on every beat. The snare hit is full of reverb and panned to the right side of the speaker. A loud e-bass is playing a melody along with a clean e-guitar. A piano is playing a chord progression also adding a rhythmic element to the song. The male voice is singing in the mid range and gets support from backing voices that are barely noticeable. This song may be playing at a headshop.,"[""reggae"", ""acoustic drums"", ""piano"", ""e-guitar"", ""e-bass"", ""male voice singing"", ""sound-effects"", ""backing vocals"", ""uptempo""]","[""Funk"", ""Music"", ""Reggae"", ""Rhythm and blues""]",6,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/02x8m"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/06cqb"", ""/m/06j6l""]" FDYIdBZUl2Y,,A synthbass is playing a soft line along with a piano playing a melody while a noise riser sound is slowly rising up creating tension. The female voice sings a melody on top of that. This song may be playing while running with headphones.,"[""pop/electro/dubstep"", ""piano"", ""synthbass"", ""drums"", ""female voice singing"", ""riser sound"", ""uptempo""]","[""Electronic music"", ""Music"", ""Dubstep""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/02lkt"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/07s72n""]" AYln23c8g6w,,A synth lead is playing a high pitched melody along with a piano playing chords. The piano has some delay and in the background you can hear a thin synth pad rising in volume with all the other instruments. This song may be playing in a club.,"[""pop/electro"", ""sub bass"", ""piano"", ""synth lead"", ""synth pad"", ""uptempo"", ""uplifting mood""]","[""New-age music"", ""Music"", ""Electronic dance music""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/02v2lh"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/08cyft""]" 8HHrlxQuZKE,,This audio contains reggae-like drums playing along with a bass. An e-guitar is strumming short chords on the backbeat giving this song its typical reggae feel. An organ is playing a melody panned to the left side of the speakers playing short fast chords. A male voice is singing a melody in a higher pitch than a piano is walking down the scale creating a melody then a chime comes in getting the song ready for the next part. This song may be playing while sitting by a lake with your friends.,"[""reggae"", ""e-bass"", ""e-guitar"", ""acoustic drums"", ""male voice singing"", ""higher pitch"", ""organ"", ""piano"", ""chimes"", ""uptempo""]","[""Soul music""]",6,60,70,0,0,"[""/m/0gywn""]" 6SB2FIU9SBc,,This song contains a loud organ sound playing a chord melody in the mid-higher register along with a piano panned to the left side of the speakers. The organ is slightly pulsating. A loud e- guitar is playing a simple short and monotone melody with a delay on the right side of the speakers. All the instruments use reverb. This song may be playing on a beach bar.,"[""pop"", ""e-guitar"", ""organ"", ""piano"", ""uptempo"", ""good mood""]","[""Music"", ""Chorus effect""]",6,200,210,0,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/07m2kt""]"