ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids CCFYOw8keiI,,This is the theme playing in the background of a mythological TV series episode. It is an instrumental piece. There is a brass section playing a loud and dramatic melody. The rhythmic accompaniment is composed of the drums and some sort of big cymbal that is most probably a gong. The atmosphere is dramatic and full of suspense. There is an implied moment of revelation in the scene. The piece could be used in the soundtrack of a mystery movie during a scene where the plot begins to unfold and the secrets are revealed.,"[""tv series music"", ""instrumental"", ""orchestral"", ""brass section"", ""percussion"", ""gong"", ""dramatic"", ""suspense"", ""revelation"", ""movie music""]","[""Wind instrument, woodwind instrument"", ""Shofar""]",9,100,110,0,0,"[""/m/085jw"", ""/m/0l14l2""]" Cf1zNtZEcc8,,This is a movie music piece. There is a cinematic synth holding a single high-pitched note which creates an aura of suspense and horror. War drums and occasional cymbals create a preparation for battle feeling. This piece could certainly be used in war and horror movies. It could also be used in video games that involve horror and battles.,"[""cinematic synth"", ""cymbals"", ""war drums"", ""suspense"", ""tension"", ""epic"", ""war-like"", ""movie music""]","[""Music"", ""Scary music""]",9,250,260,0,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/t/dd00037""]" D7Cvisf3jf8,,This is a documentary music piece. There is a strings section that is holding a single chord. The bass guitar is repeating an ominous bass line. There is a simple percussion beat in the rhythmic background. The atmosphere has a dramatic feel to it. It feels like a story is about to unfold. The piece suits perfectly as a documentary music piece. It could also fit well in the soundtrack of a mystery movie.,"[""documentary music"", ""movie music"", ""strings section"", ""bass guitar"", ""percussion"", ""dramatic"", ""suspense"", ""tension"", ""story-telling mood""]","[""Music"", ""Ambient music""]",9,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/0fd3y""]" Hxf1seOpijE,,This is an instrumental piece. An electric guitar is playing the melody while another is playing secondary riffs. There is a granular synth holding notes at a high pitch. The overarching atmosphere of this piece is suspenseful. It feels like something big is about to happen that will break the intentionally superficial calmness. This piece would suit perfectly during suspense scenes in a movie soundtrack.,"[""instrumental"", ""no singer"", ""granular synth"", ""electric guitar"", ""suspense"", ""anticipation"", ""repeated theme"", ""movie music""]","[""Music"", ""Vibraphone""]",9,10,20,0,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/0dwt5""]" N0i99VyZCg8,,This is an orchestral movie music piece. There is a brass section and a cinematic sounding strings section playing a dramatic tune. A percussive syncopation provides the rhythmic background. There is a faint high-pitched choir sound that is most likely coming from a synth. The atmosphere is full of suspense. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a video game or a movie at a scene that implies an imminent threat or danger.,"[""movie music"", ""orchestra"", ""brass"", ""cinematic strings"", ""percussion"", ""choir sound"", ""suspense"", ""tension"", ""ominous"", ""danger""]","[""Music"", ""Scary music""]",9,70,80,0,0,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/t/dd00037""]" xLQF7S41XLE,,These are sounds from a movie. There is a metal object falling to pieces on the ground. There is a cinematic string sequence that gives a dramatic atmosphere to the track. There is also a feeling of suspense. This could be playing in the soundtrack of an action-filled movie.,"[""sound effects"", ""little pieces of metal"", ""cinematic strings"", ""dramatic"", ""suspense"", ""movie music""]","[""Music"", ""Shatter""]",9,20,30,1,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/07rn7sz""]"