video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""MANTRA INVOCO A MI SER INTERIOR"",""href"":""""}","A male vocalist sings this meditative chant. The tempo is slow with keyboard harmony, steady drumming, rhythmic acoustic guitar,tambourine and female vocal backup. The song is a vocal riff of a chant sung melodiously. It is calming, peaceful, meditative, pensive, soothing, prayerful and devotional. This song is sung during Hindu festivities or Pujas.",2015-03-16T23:00:21Z,Mantra Salud,"OM NAMAH SHIVAYA ""Invoco a mi Ser Interior."" Es una formula mística para interiorizarnos, ir mas alla de las estructuras de la mente pensante, reencontrar nuestro angulo de quietud y pecibir lo mas genuino. Al recitar el mantra hay que interiorizarse tanto como sea posible, situarse como testigo de la mente, enfocarse allí donde nace el mantra y mas allá de donde surge. Swami Muktananda explicaba: ""Este es el gran mantra liberador. Significa: ""Me inclino ante Shiva."" Shiva no es hindú, ni musulmán, ni budista, ni cristiano. El es tu propio ser. Es el ser de todos. Shiva es la suprema felicidad. Shiva es el amor ilimitado. Shiva es todopoderoso. Repite siempre el nombre de Shiva."" Este mantra invoca al gurú interior, al maestro que reside mas allá del ego. Hay que irse absorbiendo mas y mas en uno mismo, allende las actividades psicofisicas, sin dejarse tomar por los pensamientos. Enfocándose hacia adentro, la mente se funde en su propia fuente. Este antiguo y tradicional mantra puede repetirse asociándose o no con la respiración. Se repite asociado con la inhalación y una con la exhalación. Si no se repite asociado con la respiración, el practicante ira hallando el ritmo y frecuencia de repeticion que mejor avenga con la sustancia de su mente. ----------------------------------------­----------------- OM Namah Shivaya Su significado literal es: ""Om, salutación (námah) a Shivá (shivaaya)"". Shivá quiere decir aquí ""Dios"". Es un Mántra muy antiguo, y por lo tanto ha sido pronunciado por milenios. Está lleno de ""Shákti"" o Poder Divino. Una última cosa: Este Mántra puede ser usado mientras llevas a cabo tus tareas diarios así como también en meditación. Repítelo a la misma velocidad en que una persona habla normalmente, ni demasiado rápido ni demasiado despacio. Es uno de los Mántras más poderosos y el efecto que produce puede ser incrementado si coordinas el Mántra con tu proceso respiratorio: una vez al inhalar y otra al exhalar. Como es obvio, esto puede ser practicado sólo cuando estás meditando, pues es muy difícil de realizar cuando estás trabajando, hablando y otras cosas por el estilo. Alguna gente podría experimentar que el Mántra es demasiado largo como para repetirlo una vez cuando inhalan y otra cuando exhalan. Bien, si eres uno de ellos, no lo coordines con tu respiración. A veces, cuando este problema ocurre, las personas pueden utilizar Mántras más cortos alternativamente sólo para la meditación. Instagram:","[""Mantra"", ""Music of Asia"", ""Music"", ""Vocal music""]","[""male singer"", ""slow tempo"", ""chanting"", ""indian music"", ""devotional"", ""spiritual"", ""pensive"", ""female backup"", ""catchy riff"", ""indian music"", ""indian classical music"", ""keyboard harmony"", ""guitar accompaniment"", ""steady drumming"", ""hindu prayer"", ""hindu chant"", ""hindu puja song"", ""hindu devotion song"", ""meditative"", ""calming"", ""soothing"", ""peaceful""]",7,vK9x7UQ9Y7k,5171,"{""label"":""Ukulele Standard Tuning Notes"",""href"":""""}","This song is an instrumental. The tempo is medium with an acoustic guitar playing a monotone. There is no melody or instrumentation . It sounds like a guitar being tuned. It is repetitive, and insistent like a chant.",2009-07-13T20:43:19Z,69erJC,Just the standard tuning for ukulele with the notes played so you can tune it easily :),"[""Music"", ""Ukulele""]","[""instrumental"", ""medium tempo"", ""string instrument"", ""string instrument tuning"", ""minimal instrumentation"", ""meditative"", ""calming"", ""trance"", ""repetitive"", ""chanting"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""guitar tuning"", ""monotone"", ""no melody"", ""resounding sound"", ""simple""]",7,Weu8nsJRMqE,3121,"{""label"":""Spiritual music - Sounds of Isha - 'The Seed'"",""href"":""""}","This music is instrumental. The tempo is slow with a flute playing a melodic lead harmony and later joined by a rhythmic acoustic guitar. The song is dulcet, warm, peaceful; calming, meditative,pensive, contemplative, deliberate, mellifluous and euphonious. This music is an Indian Classical.",2008-07-26T15:02:52Z,PRyde16,"'The Seed' Album: Sounds of Isha Support Sounds of Isha by purchasing their music from I do not own this music.","[""Music"", ""Tender music""]","[""instrumental"", ""sow tempo"", ""soft"", ""meditative"", ""mellow"", ""mellifluous"", ""dulcet"", ""peaceful"", ""contemplative"", ""pensive"", ""mellifluous"", ""deliberate"", ""hills"", ""mountains"", ""indian classical"", ""euphonious"", ""flute melody"", ""acoustic guitar accompaniment"", ""soothing"", ""woodwind"", ""aerophone"", ""classical music"", ""calm"", ""serene""]",7,nPlDt1R8Qfc,4536,"{""label"":""Mighty To Save"",""href"":""""}","A male and female singer sing this vocal duet with a choral vocal harmony. The song is medium tempo with a groovy bass line, steady drumming rhythm, guitar lead, guitars playing rhythm and keyboard harmony. The song is devotional and congregational. The song is a Christian praise and worship song with poor audio quality.",2007-01-03T22:51:34Z,Rachel Thomson,"PLEASE READ - Comments have been disabled. If you do have any positive comments you would like to share, please do mail me. I’d be really encouraged to hear from you. John 13 v 34-35 ""A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."" I know the reference should be 2 Chronicles 7:14, at the end, not 2 Corinthians 7:14. Sorry for that mistake, but I can't amend it. This is one of my favourite songs ever , the message is fantastic, it speaks of how God is mighty to save us and how is so mighty that he can move mountains. Also, there is no copyright infringement intended here, just the spreading of Gods word. Also, I don't own the bible verses, they're from God's word, which He wants the whole world to hear, so no fear of copyright there! Haha. His Word is unique :) Enjoy,","[""Christian music"", ""Music""]","[""poor audio quality"", ""male singer"", ""female singer"", ""guitar lead"", ""choral harmony"", ""backup singers"", ""vocal duet"", ""congregational singing"", ""christian praise songs"", ""praise and worship"", ""medium tempo"", ""guitar rhythm"", ""groovy bass line"", ""keyboard harmony"", ""meditative"", ""congregational"", ""devotional"", ""inspiring"", ""prayer"", ""motivational"", ""string drumming rhythm""]",1,sR8rlTIU8_Y,4949