ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids TqWmuwAYmnI,,"A virtuosic Male yodeler accompanied by an oompah band playing a fast beat and simple chord progression with electric bass, piano, fiddle, and drums. The feeling is manic.","[""yodeling"", ""oompah"", ""simple chord progression"", ""fast beat"", ""electric bass"", ""male vocalist"", ""virtuosic"", ""piano"", ""fiddle"", ""manic""]","[""Music of Africa"", ""Yodeling"", ""Jingle (music)"", ""Music"", ""Music of Latin America""]",8,20,30,0,1,"[""/m/0164x2"", ""/m/01swy6"", ""/m/03r5q_"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/0g293""]" ZYUAY6EN05Q,,"Cheery and joyous music which would fit well in a musical. Complex vocal arrangements with female background vocals, male and female lead vocalists singing in unison one octave apart. Piano, electric bass, and orchestral accompaniment drive the compound meter.","[""cheery"", ""joyous"", ""musical"", ""complex vocal arrangement"", ""piano"", ""electric bass"", ""compound meter"", ""male lead vocalist"", ""female vocalist"", ""unison"", ""orchestral accompaniment"", ""female background vocals""]","[""Christmas music"", ""Singing"", ""Music"", ""Independent music""]",8,30,40,0,0,"[""/m/0140xf"", ""/m/015lz1"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/05rwpb""]" gAURHUoIK0M,,A live recording of an instrumental piano trio. The recording is boomy and low fidelity. The drumming is active and the piano playing is pretty. The drum kit features a sidestick. Electric bass is also present. Crowd noise can be heard. Sounds like gospel music that might be heard at a church service.,"[""live recording"", ""boomy"", ""low fidelity"", ""piano trio"", ""instrumental"", ""drum kit"", ""sidestick"", ""piano"", ""electric bass"", ""active drums"", ""pretty piano"", ""crowd noise""]","[""Gospel music"", ""Music""]",8,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/016cjb"", ""/m/04rlf""]"