video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""淚光閃閃(夏川里美) / 陪我看日出(蔡淳佳) 之陶笛、大提琴、二胡合奏版"",""href"":""""}","This is an instrumental music piece with Chinese characteristics. The main tune is being played by a small xiao flute. There is a mellow acoustic guitar backing keeping a repeated theme in the background. The song is played on a major scale, giving it a feeling of hopefulness. The atmosphere of the song is soothing. This piece could be played as an opening soundtrack for a romantic anime movie.",2008-05-16T18:17:26Z,Jones Santos,"主題曲「淚光閃閃」誕生於1998年,「森山良子」為了抒發她對22歲早逝的哥哥的思念,她不停的寫,把對哥哥的思念都寫在歌詞中,當她完成了整首歌的歌詞時,一直抑鬱在心中的那個心結,好像是解開了... 涙そうそう(淚光閃閃)是沖繩的方言,意指「眼淚一顆顆掉落,淚流不止」。想哭的時候,不需壓抑,就盡情的哭吧! 此片在沖繩拍攝,取景相當純樸美麗,劇情是描述一對沒有血緣關係的兄妹,因母親過世、父親失蹤只剩下兩人相依為命,哥哥付出不求回報的守護著他唯一的妹妹,兩人逐漸相互吸引,但現實生活的貧困與病苦,壓得兩人情路坎坷,相當讓人不可置信的哀愁結局。 但片尾放出「淚光閃閃」這首歌,幻燈片式的放出兩人從小到大的相片,讓人再次回想這個故事。最後一張是過了幾年後,妹妹穿著死去的哥哥送的和服端坐的獨照,似乎示意著被淚水沖洗過的心靈就會浮現希望。我似乎懂了,人生再如何哀愁,還是得堅強走下去,總有一天,哀愁ㄧ定會慢慢變淡的... 陪我看日出 雨的氣息是回家的小路 路上有我追著你的腳步 腳下邊保存著昨天的溫度 你抱著我就像溫暖的大樹 雨下了走好路 這句話我記住 風再大吹不走囑咐 雨過了就有路 像那年看日出 你牽著我穿過了霧 叫我看希望就在黑夜的盡處 哭過的眼看歲月更清楚 想一個人閃著淚光是一種幸福 又回到我離開家的小步 你送著我滿天燕子都在飛舞 雖然一個人 我並不孤獨 在心中你陪我看每一個日出","[""Cello"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Harmonic"", ""Bowed string instrument"", ""Flute""]","[""instrumental"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""xiao"", ""eastern"", ""chinese"", ""classical"", ""calming"", ""easygoing""]",9,lDABsoatahM,4381,"{""label"":""Zelda Wind Waker: Dragon Roost Island, self duet guitar+flute (recorder)"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a breathy flute melody playing over acoustic rhythm guitar. The recording is noisy, in mono and it sounds passionate and easygoing.",2008-04-22T19:52:10Z,JumpmanFR,"Music by Kenta Nagata Arrangement by JumpmanFR Finally this version sounds like what I expected. Which one do you like better? Recorder (flûte) or ocarina? For other vids, tabs and cool stuff, visit my website:","[""Wind instrument, woodwind instrument"", ""Flute""]","[""low quality"", ""acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""breathy flute melody"", ""noisy"", ""mono"", ""passionate"", ""easygoing""]",4,KsFCPOKAH60,2128,"{""label"":""Safe and sound - Taylor Swift flute cover"",""href"":""""}","This is an amateur flute cover of a pop music piece. The flute is playing a gentle melody in the major key. There is a backing track that has a mellow acoustic guitar playing. The atmosphere is calming and easygoing. Although the audio quality is not that great, this piece could be sampled for use in beat-making.",2012-03-24T11:55:13Z,Melissa.Flutes,"Sorry I've been gone so long! But I'm back now making more videos so keep the requests coming!! Love you guys!!! Links: Notes: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Vlog channel : Facebook: Twitter:!/Missmelflute","[""Wind instrument, woodwind instrument"", ""Flute""]","[""cover"", ""amateur recording"", ""pop music"", ""instrumental"", ""flute"", ""gentle playing"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""calming"", ""easygoing""]",9,_IP6zlayY7k,3460