video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""thai traditional music"",""href"":""""}",An e-guitar takes the fast paced lead melody accompanied by another guitar strumming chords on the offbeat. The drums are playing a rhythm that motivates me to dance. This song may be playing somewhere on a street-performance in an Asian country.,2006-12-12T00:58:23Z,jenniferhansen,music,"[""Traditional music"", ""Music""]","[""traditional/far east"", ""e-bass"", ""percussion"", ""acoustic drums"", ""e-guitar"", ""cheerfull"", ""uptempo""]",6,nnS7TXfTHOE,4576,"{""label"":""Gilmour, Wright & Mason: Pink Floyd - Arnold Layne live FULL VERSION"",""href"":""""}",This song contains an acoustic drum playing along to a e-guitar strumming chords before breaking into a more silent part with the e-bass repeating the same note. The e-guitar is playing a simple short melody with delay. Then a deeper male voice is singing and the crowd starts cheering. This recording is in bad audio-quality. This song may be playing at a live concert.,2007-05-11T07:57:44Z,Andrew Burgess,"Pink Floyd's David Gilmour, Rick Wright and Nick Mason stun me and the rest of the audience by turning up and playing Arnold Layne during a tribute evening to the late Syd Barrett. Madcaps Last Laugh @ the Barbican, London, 10th May 2007.","[""Music"", ""Psychedelic rock"", ""Rock music"", ""Shout""]","[""amateur recording"", ""rock&roll"", ""e-guitar"", ""acoustic drums"", ""e-bass"", ""crowd cheering"", ""deeper male voice singing"", ""uptempo"", ""cheerful energy""]",6,oKab6-syQD4,4617,"{""label"":""Crushing Day (Live) - Joe Satriani"",""href"":""""}",An acoustic drumset plays a rock groove along with a bassline building the foundation of the song. Someone is playing a solo melody on an e-guitar. This recording is of poor quality. This song may be playing at a live concert.,2007-05-19T20:38:22Z,lemoners,"Footage of Joe playing Crushing Day live. He actually played it during this 2002 Strange Beautiful Music tour webcast. Joe never plays Crushing Day live because it's ""cursed"". He says that every time he plays it live, someting goes wrong, like the rhythm speeding up, or him messing up on the difficult solo. Also, it's his only composed solo. Most others are improvised, which allows him to have more flexibility in his live performance. His band members usually don't like playing the song either because the rhythm section is quite boring for them. Enjoy this rare footage, sorry about the quality.","[""Music"", ""Punk rock""]","[""rock"", ""e-guitar"", ""e-bass"", ""acoustic drums"", ""uptempo"", ""amateur recording""]",6,I6wri5XQQbU,1876,"{""label"":""I dig rock and roll music-Cass Elliot & Sammy Davis Jr"",""href"":""""}",The drums are playing a funky groove together with the e-bass. An almost clean e-guitar is playing an additional melody in the background. A male and female voice are singing together accompanied by a string section in the background while a brass section is giving short and strong responses as a buildup and breakingpoint. This song may be playing at a veny-shop.,2008-01-12T16:33:20Z,aguz2211,,"[""Music"", ""Roll"", ""Rock and roll""]","[""rock&rollmusic"", ""brasssection"", ""e-bass"", ""string section"", ""male and female singer"", ""e-guitar"", ""mood-lifting"", ""uptempo""]",6,zOvFaef41iw,5471,"{""label"":""Blk Jks - Lakeside Music Video"",""href"":""""}",This song contains a male voice singing in the midrange while backing voices are supported with vocals in the higher register. Someone is playing a complex jazzlike groove on the drums. An e-guitar is playing a loud arpeggio melody panned to the right side of the speakers along with an e-bass. This song may be playing live at a jazz festival.,2008-02-10T22:44:05Z,jeffersonlemon,The first single for South African afro avant noise rock band The Blk Jks. Filmed by Adam Edwards and Russell Grant of Fong Kong Filmmaking. Edited by Adam Edwards. The single is available on vinyl. visit and,"[""Blues"", ""Music""]","[""funk/r&b/jazz"", ""acoustic piano"", ""e-bass"", ""e-guitar"", ""male voice singing"", ""backing voices"", ""uptempo""]",6,8oUI02eK3SM,947,"{""label"":""Cradle Of Filth - Mannequin (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)"",""href"":""""}",Someone is playing an acoustic drumset with an open hi-hat and fast aggressive fill-ins. An e-bass is playing a simple bassline along. In the background you can hear strings playing a melody while an e-guitar is playing an arpeggio melody on top. In the background you can hear people cheering and singer/singers at the end of a phrase. This song may be playing in a live concert.,2008-02-11T21:40:56Z,Cradle Of Filth,"Official music video for Cradle Of Filth ""Mannequin"" from Damnation And A Day SUBSCRIBE to Cradle of Filth on YouTube: SUBSCRIBE to Nuclear Blast YouTube:","[""Heavy metal"", ""Music"", ""Angry music""]","[""hardrock"", ""acoustic drums"", ""double-bass"", ""e-guitar"", ""synth-strings"", ""background noises"", ""voices"", ""e-bass"", ""uptempo"", ""epic""]",6,oVhhEku6ECA,4637,"{""label"":""Bad Manners - Don't Knock The Bald Head (Live) Part 3"",""href"":""""}",An acoustic drum is playing a faster groove along with a bassline and a harmonica playing a chord on the offbeat and in a lower key. A e-guitar is playing a melody in the mid range. There are some background noises that remind me of someone brushing his/her teeth. This song may be playing live at a bar.,2009-04-09T13:42:52Z,OxBlood66,"3 tracks from Don't Knock The Bald Head. Skaville UK, Walking In The Sunshine, King Ska/FA.","[""Funk"", ""Music"", ""Independent music"", ""Reggae"", ""Ska""]","[""rock/ska"", ""e-bass"", ""acoustic drums"", ""e-guitar"", ""harmonica"", ""background-noises"", ""uptempo"", ""positive energy""]",6,KdNhYvN4Xoo,2101,"{""label"":""David Peterson \""Rattlesnakin' Daddy\"""",""href"":""""}","The drums and the upright bass are playing in a bluesy, country vibe with a half open hi hat. An acoustic guitar is strumming chords that are almost not noticeable. The e-guitar is playing a loud lead melody in the foreground while a violin is playing short bowed notes along. This is an amateur recording. This song may be playing in a bar.",2009-04-23T02:23:03Z,NeuronVacuum,"David Peterson performs ""Rattlesnakin' Daddy"" at the Family Wash in Nashville TN April 2009. Paul Franklin on pedal steel, Luke Bulla on fiddle, Richard Bennett on electric guitar, Dennis Crouch on bass, and Tommy Giampietro on snare.","[""Blues"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Music""]","[""country/blues"", ""e-guitar"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""drums"", ""violin"", ""upright bass"", ""electric keys"", ""uptempo""]",6,D0L-M4trkpw,1428,"{""label"":""GAITA CORTA/ EL ARMADILLO/ LEHELVILL E VILORIA GARCÍA CEL 3003618759"",""href"":""""}",This song contains someone playing a melody with a flute in a higher register. The flute sounds offkey. An e-guitar is fingerpicking two chords. In the background you can hear percussive instruments and an e-bass. A male voice is talking/shouting sounding as if he wants to motivate the listener. This song may be playing live in a big bar or during an event in a latin.american country.,2009-09-18T02:02:47Z,LEHELVILL E. VILORIA GARCÍA,"Presentamos en este grupo LA BANDA DE NAYO, en un concierto realizado en la ciudad de NEIVA, el tema es EL ARMADILLO, del cual tenemos un video pero en típico, aquí está reunida la BANDA completa y se siente la buena presión de esta espectacular música, más aun si la persona que la dirige NAYIB FEREZ, hace un solo de GAITA CORTA que de verdad deja con la Boca en aguas a los amante de este ritmo, La verdad no conocía a ningún interprete que en una presentación hiciera un solo de GAITA CORTA con dos (2) GAITAS a la vez, como dice su cantante en la presentación es un maestro de la música lleva en el espacio que demora el espectáculo la métrica fina que exige la altura del los tonos, porque por lo general está precisamente en la mitad del tema. En sus recorridos por Colombia y en las presentaciones que ha hecho por diferentes ciudades de Colombia, la intención es aplaudida y el público se detiene a grabar en sus mentes esos momentos especiales, para recordarlos y después transmitirlos a las personas ya que el rumor positivo crece vertiginosamente, además santigua a la gente que va a sus espectáculos. De este excelente músico se espera en este campo todo, el palmarés en la música le ha dado la oportunidad de ganar en los años 2.004,2005 y 2007 el FESTIVAL NACIONAL DE GAITAS FRANCISCO LLIRENE en la categoría de GAITA CORTA en OVEJAS (Sucre) y aunque sus rivales son excelentes digadores de LA GAITA CORTA, este músico ha marcado la diferencia ganando siempre con amplio margen, el SABOR del canto es de otro de nuestro mejores cantantes con que cuenta el folclor y nuestra música caribeña en el momento es de ANGEL LEON y también en esta oportunidad, le acompaña en los coros el excelente músico ELBER MANUEL ALVAREZ, de amplia tradición en nuestra música GAITERA. La oportunidad esta para deleitar este video con el tema EL ARMADILLO, de su propia autoría y que mantiene la propia esencia de nuestro folclor, cabe anotar que lo bueno de este músico y de LA BANDA DE NAYO es la forma de interpretar su música, es la única banda u orquesta que interpreta música con mucho sonidos nuestros como las GAITAS, FLAUTA E´MILLO entre otros. y predominan en cada tema , mientras que hay muchas orquestas que tiene mucha música y el sonido de LAS GAITAS, LARGA o CORTA es apenas para cubrir unos segundos, igual pasa en los temas donde le dan espacio a la FLAUTA E´MILLO es como hacerle creer a uno que las canciones tiene mucha sabor nuestro pero no lo es. El último tema interpretado por la orquesta LA VERDAD del maestro JOE ARROYO que le introdujo los sonidos espectaculares de las GAITAS, se llama LA TORTUGA, sintan el sabor del tema, es pura GAITA PURA, aunque no tiene una lirica especial, tiene el ritmo que predomina en todo el canto. LA GAITAS está por encima de todos los demás instrumentos. Disfruten a manos de LA BANDA DE NAYO EL ARMADILLO y palpen el momento especial de la digitación en pleno espectáculo con dos GAITA CORTAS, así se maneja la situación del SABOR..! LEHELVILL E. VILORIA GARÍA CEL: 3003618759 CREADOR DE LOS GRUPOS EN FACEBOOK •SABOR A GAITA PURA •SABOR A MILLO PURO •SABOR A TOÑO FERNANDEZ","[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Rattle (instrument)"", ""Speech"", ""Music of Latin America""]","[""latinmusic"", ""amateur recording"", ""flute"", ""cuica"", ""percussion"", ""e-guitar"", ""e-bass"", ""male voice talking/shouting"", ""uptempo""]",6,vykrv5BaW-s,5224,"{""label"":""SKA / Nunca Es Tarde / Rock Paraguayo"",""href"":""""}",This song contains acoustic drums with some elements panned to the right side of the speakers. Accompanied by a bassline and a e-guitar strumming short chords on the backbeat. A male voice is singing in a higher register along with a trumpet and trombone playing a melody along. This song may be playing while listening to music in the kitchen while cooking.,2009-09-21T16:15:08Z,PopRocK30,Canal PopRock / Ska Unos de los Grupos Del Rock Nacional Paraguyo Con el tema titulado Nunca Es Tarde .,"[""Music"", ""Ska""]","[""ska"", ""acoustic drums"", ""trumpet/trombone"", ""e-bass"", ""e-guitar"", ""male voice singing"", ""higher key"", ""uptempo""]",6,S29WiN-bTWo,2734,"{""label"":""Top 30 Indie Songs I Think You Should Listen To"",""href"":""""}",This song contains someone playing acoustic drums along with an e-bass. They both sound in the foreground. A male voice is singing in the high mids and with reverb and a little delay on his voice. Then the song breaks into the next part and an e-guitar comes in with a strummed melody. This song may be playing with headphones lost in thoughts.,2009-09-27T17:23:53Z,top30music,"Follow me on twitter!: @Top30music 30 great indie songs from bands from 12 different countries!!... if you know a good indie song dont keep it to yourself... comment about it! If you're looking for new music, don't hesitate on clicking here: amazing artist!","[""Singing"", ""Music"", ""Independent music""]","[""indie7rock/pop"", ""male voice singing"", ""higher pitch"", ""acoustic drums"", ""e-bass"", ""e-guitar"", ""uptempo""]",6,atWaDoSyGgY,3584,"{""label"":""The Gospel Music of the Statler Brothers"",""href"":""""}",This song contains someone playing a blues melody on the acoustic piano along with an e-guitar and an e-bass. The acoustic drums are playing a constant rhythm while male deep voice is backed by higher sounding male voices singing harmonies along with him. Then a male voice starts talking that seems not to be part of the musical composition. This song may be playing in a cafe.,2010-03-05T16:11:23Z,Gaither Music TV,"Gaither Studios teamed up with the Statler Brothers to bring gospel music lovers a new, must-have DVD collection! Bill Gaither recently sat down with the Statler Brothers to talk about life, music, faith and of course, gospel music. The 2-DVD & CD collection will be out in stores May 18, 2010. You won't want to miss this special DVD event. Check out for more details!","[""Gospel music"", ""Music"", ""Rhythm and blues"", ""Speech""]","[""gospel/blues"", ""male voices singing"", ""low to higher register"", ""male voice talking"", ""acoustic piano"", ""e-bass"", ""acoustic drums"", ""e-guitar"", ""uptempo""]",6,imIFtW4O5S0,4218,"{""label"":""Gibson Les Paul into Silverface Fender Deluxe Reverb"",""href"":""""}",Someone is playing a slightly distorted e-guitar. A funky riff is being played and repeated. The audio-quality is not the best. This is an amateur recording.,2010-06-01T15:17:36Z,HungryHumbucker,"1999 Gibson Les Paul 59 RI, into 1969 Fender Deluxe reverb, then with Barber LTD.","[""Reverberation"", ""Effects unit"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""rock&roll/funk"", ""e-guitar"", ""amateur recording"", ""uptempo""]",6,OZjpYGdvMX0,2447,"{""label"":""Strawberry Alarm Clock - California Day"",""href"":""""}",This song contains acoustic drums playing a steady groove with an uplifting bassline that repeats itself. An e-guitar is playing a single note melody while strings and an organ are elevating the energy with long higher register chords. Some backing vocals are singing along to the strings while the male voice is singing his melody. This song may be playing on a sunny day at the park having a picnic.,2010-06-27T08:13:10Z,Optinon,"Genre: Pop/Psychedelic Pop Released: 1970 Release: California Day / Three","[""Music"", ""Independent music""]","[""rock&roll"", ""acoustic drum"", ""e-bass"", ""organ"", ""e-guitar"", ""male voice singing"", ""uptempo"", ""positive vibes""]",6,BHu95Y_kVQA,1225,"{""label"":""The Bamboos - The Witch"",""href"":""""}",This audio contains a complex and funky acoustic drum groove along with a repeating bassline. The clean e-guitar is playing along with the bass in the lower register. A tambourine adds flavor to the drums. This song may be playing at a breakdance battle.,2010-07-15T14:58:01Z,bTunes720,"Bboys and Bgirls enjoy the beat. More beats coming along so please subscribe if you like my videos. Video in HD 720p Sound quality high","[""Cymbal"", ""Drum"", ""Drum kit"", ""Hi-hat"", ""Rimshot"", ""Snare drum"", ""Bass drum"", ""Percussion""]","[""funk/jazz"", ""tambourine"", ""acoustic drums"", ""e-bass"", ""e-guitar"", ""uptempo"", ""uplifting energy""]",6,iBh37YAaHMU,4166,"{""label"":""(PSX) Captain Tsubasa J: Get in the Tomorrow - All Star Team Shoot / Twin Shoot"",""href"":""""}",This audio contains a drum playing with a lot of toms. A distorted e-guitar is playing a solo melody. In the background panned to the right side of the speakers you can hear a keyboard playing minor chords in the higher mid-range. This song may be playing while sitting in your room dancing for yourself.,2010-07-24T09:05:41Z,DerroChannel,"In this video I used the All Star Team to make some shoot ;) In the next video if you want i can make a tutorial where i show you how to make the shoots and the twin shoots. If you want this write it in the comment ;)","[""Music"", ""Angry music""]","[""rock"", ""e-guitar"", ""acoustic drums"", ""keys"", ""uptempo"", ""uplifting energy""]",6,vDmUlgsDOP4,5163,"{""label"":""Ngayong Gabi - brownman revival"",""href"":""""}",This audio contains reggae-like drums playing along with a bass. An e-guitar is strumming short chords on the backbeat giving this song its typical reggae feel. An organ is playing a melody panned to the left side of the speakers playing short fast chords. A male voice is singing a melody in a higher pitch than a piano is walking down the scale creating a melody then a chime comes in getting the song ready for the next part. This song may be playing while sitting by a lake with your friends.,2010-09-06T03:16:22Z,gin2141, ,"[""Soul music""]","[""reggae"", ""e-bass"", ""e-guitar"", ""acoustic drums"", ""male voice singing"", ""higher pitch"", ""organ"", ""piano"", ""chimes"", ""uptempo""]",6,8HHrlxQuZKE,909,"{""label"":""PROUD MARY Show Sampler - 24K Gold Music"",""href"":""""}","A male voice is singing with reverb and delay in his voice. An acoustic drum is playing a faster groove on the piano, a tambourine can be heard. An electric bass is playing repeating notes without a lot of changes. A brass section is repeating a theme while keyboards and a guitar are playing along. This song may be playing live in-between an entertainment-show.",2011-08-26T02:57:44Z,24kGoldSAMPLESMusic,"24K Gold Music's rendition of the big hit ""Proud Mary"", in the stylings of Elvis Presley's version. 24K Gold Music Show performs all over Florida in various auditoriums (such as the Lakeland Center's Youkey Auditorium, and other Performing Arts Centers across the state), focusing mostly on the central Florida area. They are sometimes available out-of-state for special events if the facilities is large enough to handle such a huge production. Anyone needing to get in touch with 24K Gold Music Shows can go to the web site at or send an email to our name (24KgoldMUSICshow) at 24K Gold Music Shows is a 136 person show-team. We are a Florida Not-For-Profit corporation. Our shows feature many different styles of performances of top song hits from a period of about 50 years, with special emphasis upon oldies from the 50s, 60s, and 70s. We perform different songs in every show, from a 500 song repertoire list. Our web site is Some people ask why we publish mostly parts of songs (clips), and do not publish very many full length songs. We are trying hard not to end up causing anyone any problems. We DO feel the fair use clause in the copyright laws pertains to what we are doing, since none of us have ever made a penny from performing or working in the shows. We are all volunteers, and LOVE working together as a family! WE LOVE THE MUSIC! All of the income from the shows goes to HELP pay for advertising and production costs, such as the rental of auditoriums, licensing fees to the performing rights organizations, toll free phone lines, credit card acceptance fees, sales tax, insurance, equipment rentals and repairs, etc. However, in spite of the fair use clause, we still try our best to not create problems. If we don't publish ANY of our videos, then how else can people determine whether they want to attend, and if they don't attend, then the performing rights organizations will not get money to pass on to the performers and songwriters). We hope by doing things this way, we can make it work for everyone! Even the companies selling CDs and DVDs offer clips of the songs on their sites, so people can see what they are getting. What we offer here on You Tube is precisely that.... a glimpse at a few of the songs we offer at our shows.","[""Singing"", ""Country"", ""Sampler"", ""Folk music"", ""Music"", ""Pop music"", ""Song""]","[""rock&roll"", ""acoustic drums"", ""e-bass"", ""brass section"", ""e-guitar"", ""keyboard"", ""male singer"", ""mid-range"", ""uptempo"", ""uplifting mood"", ""amateur recording""]",6,ktw_J6ZW0MM,4364,"{""label"":""November Rain - The Ultimate Guns N' Roses Tribute Band Promo Video from Penn's Peak"",""href"":""""}",An acoustic drum is playing with crash hits along with a distorted e-guitar and an e-bass playing along before breaking into the next part. The male voice is screaming in a high pitch. This song may be playing live at a Rock&Roll festival.,2011-10-14T20:54:37Z,Steve G's Stuff,November Rain - The Ultimate Guns N' Roses Tribute Band Promo Video. Shot Live at Penn's Peak on 1/23/09. For booking go to our website,"[""Heavy metal"", ""Music"", ""Punk rock"", ""Yell"", ""Progressive rock""]","[""rock&roll"", ""acoustic drums"", ""e-guitar"", ""e-bass"", ""male singer screaming"", ""uptempo"", ""energetic""]",6,E7D42u8a5gc,1534,"{""label"":""RAGS & RICHES - EL WATUSI LA BAMBA (SPECIAL DANCE MIX VERSION)"",""href"":""""}",This song contains acoustic drums playing a kick on every beat and playing the hi hat with 16th notes. An e-bass is playing a simple line along with an organ sound in the background. Percussions are adding rhythms that want to make you dance. An e-guitar is playing another melody while the male and female voices are singing together creating harmonies. This song may be playing at a beach bar.,2011-10-20T12:18:29Z,Marty Cruz,"Label: Casablanca Records Format: Vinyl, 12"" Country: US Released: 1983 Genre: Funk / Soul Style: Disco Tracklist ▼. A Medley: TT 22:07 B EL Watusi-La Bamba (Disco Version) 6:42","[""Afrobeat"", ""Music of Africa"", ""Disco"", ""Music"", ""Reggae""]","[""maxican folkrock"", ""acoustic drums"", ""percussions"", ""e-guitar"", ""organ"", ""male and female voices singing"", ""mid range"", ""e-bass"", ""uptempo"", ""uplifting mood""]",6,CJjyrDGmxIY,1350,"{""label"":""12'' Sound Iration & Tena Stelin - Give Thanks & Praise"",""href"":""""}",An acoustic drum is playing a fast groove with a kick-hit on every beat. The snare hit is full of reverb and panned to the right side of the speaker. A loud e-bass is playing a melody along with a clean e-guitar. A piano is playing a chord progression also adding a rhythmic element to the song. The male voice is singing in the mid range and gets support from backing voices that are barely noticeable. This song may be playing at a headshop.,2012-01-20T00:18:05Z,RasDashanSound,,"[""Funk"", ""Music"", ""Reggae"", ""Rhythm and blues""]","[""reggae"", ""acoustic drums"", ""piano"", ""e-guitar"", ""e-bass"", ""male voice singing"", ""sound-effects"", ""backing vocals"", ""uptempo""]",6,Fsm-xDmyFKg,1669,"{""label"":""Rebel Yell - Billy Idol"",""href"":""""}",This file contains a backing track with acoustic drums holding a steady groove without any changes along with a repeating bassline. A padsound is playing in the background along with a high pitched melody entering for a moment. The e-guitar is strumming rhythmically chords along with the bass walking down the fretboard. The male voice singing sounds like not being a part of the track playing. This is an amateur recording. This song may be playing at a karaoke night.,2012-02-05T06:30:49Z,Jeff Bailey,"Jeff Bailey singing a great song from the 80's "" Rebel Yell "" by Billy Idol. ** Please note no copyright infringement is intended and this is just a tribute. Feel free to comment and subscribe if you like - your support is greatly appreciated !! (p.s. Please check out my channel as I have about 100 vocal covers I perform live of great bands like Queensryche, Pearl Jam, Whitesnake, Def Leppard, Ratt, Ozzy Osbourne, Night Ranger, Poison, Men at Work, Duran Duran, Aha, Billy Idol, America, Stone Temple Pilots, The Fixx, Bryan Adams, Tom Petty, ABC, U2, Big Country, Mother Love Bone, The Cars, Billy Joel, Paul McCartney and Wings, Journey, Golden Earing, Simple Minds, Michael Jackson, Peter Gabriel, Queen, The Cure, Howard Jones, Mike and the Mechanics, Hall and Oates, 10cc, Rockwell, Corey Hart, Cutting Crew, Little River Band, OMD, Tears for Fears, The Killers, Phil Collins, Thompson Twins, Mister Mister, Oasis, Huey Lewis and many more !! )","[""Blues"", ""Music"", ""Rock and roll""]","[""rock&roll/pop"", ""backing track"", ""acoustic drums"", ""e-guitar"", ""e-bass"", ""synth pad"", ""male voice singing"", ""amateur recording"", ""uptempo""]",6,yFh6J72KnCM,5394,"{""label"":""DANIJEL BOTO - URNEBES (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)"",""href"":""""}",Digital drums are playing a four on the floor rhythm with a kick on every beat along with a bassline and a keyboard sound playing short rhythmic chords and a e-guitar playing a simple melody along. A male voice is singing in a higher key. This song may be playing at a folkfest.,2012-10-31T00:15:59Z,CinematixStudios,"Danijel Boto - Urnebes 1.dio Ima jeda smeđa mala oduvijek je plesat znala Kad zanjiše kukovima pomuti nam pamet svima... A,i ona mala plava kako pleše boli glava nezna čovjek šta bi reko ovaj stol je samo na njih čeko... REFREN: Hajmo svi na stol to je ovi fol hajmo svi a ples bit će URNEBES 2.dio Konobaru toči piće atmosfera luda biće donesi am piće svima mi smo već na stolovima Šta je ovo moji ljudi ova pjesma sve nas budi sve je ludo gori sve plešemo uz dobre ritmove... REFREN: Hajmo svi na stol 2x","[""Music"", ""Wedding music""]","[""pop"", ""digital drums"", ""e-guitar"", ""keyboard melodies"", ""male voice singing"", ""higher register"", ""bass"", ""uptempo"", ""positive atmosphere""]",6,-bgHkxwoliw,65,"{""label"":""vroom vroom i värmlandsskogen"",""href"":""""}",This song contains acoustic drums holding the rhythm together with a bass and almost clean e-guitar strumming chords. A piano is adding single notes on top while a male voice is singing a melody getting backed up by a female voice singing along. In the background motor race sounds can be heard. This song may be playing in a car with windows open on a road trip.,2013-01-14T20:08:43Z,robert bengtsson, ,"[""Christian music"", ""Music"", ""Rock music""]","[""pop/rock"", ""e-bass"", ""piano"", ""e-guitar"", ""acoustic drums"", ""motor racing sound"", ""male voice singing"", ""female backing voice"", ""uptempo""]",6,WyGJdstaxK4,3153,"{""label"":""Death By Audio Echo Dream 2 Advanced Echo Modulation"",""href"":""""}",Someone is playing a clean e-guitar with a lot of reverb and delay. Fingerpicking and creating dreamy rhythm and melodic patterns. In the background you can hear a drumloop and an e-bass. This song may be playing during a little live concert.,2013-02-02T04:46:42Z,Prymaxe,"$270.00 Death By Audio Echo Dream 2 Advanced Echo Modulation This is it. The most beautiful blissed out delay ever heard. You have entered the candy coated dream world of the Echo Dream 2. The Echo Dream 2 is a lofi modulating delay pedal that can drive into fuzzed out insanity. The modulation can be set to give spacey chorus sounds or warbling bounces to robo- groove arpegiations in squarewave mode. The fuzz can range from subtle overdrive to ballsy fuzzstain and bring upon satans spawns to do the mopping up. This is a new take on the Echo Dream circuit with additional knobs for Fuzz and Master Volume and reengineered with a cheaper price tag so all can bask in it's glory. Buy one today. Death By Audio Echo Dream 2 Advanced Echo Modulation Features Sine or Square wave modulation 40ma draw on a 9-volt battery Can also use postive ring, negative tip 9-18 volt power supply (not included) Fuzz control to add additional sound possibilities to your tone","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""rock"", ""dreamy"", ""e-guitar"", ""acoustic drum loop"", ""e-bass"", ""uptempo""]",6,XnHAH2aPHk0,3224,"{""label"":""Androma - Gunjule"",""href"":""""}",This song contains a loud organ sound playing a chord melody in the mid-higher register along with a piano panned to the left side of the speakers. The organ is slightly pulsating. A loud e- guitar is playing a simple short and monotone melody with a delay on the right side of the speakers. All the instruments use reverb. This song may be playing on a beach bar.,2013-04-08T18:57:33Z,TheSoundYouNeed,"TheSoundYouNeed - Music at its finest ll Website : ll Facebook : ll Soundcloud : For copyright issues, mail us here : ☞ Follow Androma ☞ Download Here ✖ Picture by Emman Montalvan Andromeda gunjule","[""Music"", ""Chorus effect""]","[""pop"", ""e-guitar"", ""organ"", ""piano"", ""uptempo"", ""good mood""]",6,6SB2FIU9SBc,757,"{""label"":""ผมรักเมืองไทย แดนซ์"",""href"":""""}",A drum is playing a groove with a strong snare sound. An e-guitar is strumming short funky chords on the offbeat creating a reggae style rhythm. A male backing voice is shouting in the same offbeat. An e-bass is playing a soft funky bassline while a male voice sings in the mid range. A trumpet is adding a short melody on top spicing up the good vibes. This song may be playing in a car racing video-game.,2013-11-22T06:23:36Z,ฉันนั่ง ตกปลาอยู่ริมตลิ่ง,,"[""Electronic music"", ""Music"", ""Electronic dance music""]","[""funk/dance"", ""e-guitar"", ""drums"", ""trumpets"", ""male voice singing"", ""male backing voice"", ""e-bass"", ""uptempo"", ""good energetic vibes""]",6,KFB1raoIhoU,2071,"{""label"":""Decapitated - The Blasphemous Psalm to The Dummy God Creation - Drum Cover"",""href"":""""}",A drum is playing a lot of crash hits with fast and accurate snare rolls along to a backing track that contains an e-guitar playing a riff in a lower key. This song may be playing at a studio practicing.,2014-08-07T17:49:41Z,Kevin Paradis,"I proudly endorsed TRICK DRUMS USA double pedals and trigger. Hi there ! I've opened a soundcloud profile, and you will find on it some Drums Only mp3 files. You will be able to download them ! I just ask you to put a link to my youtube channel/facebook artist page if you use my drums on a video. Hope it will will be useful ! Drums only :","[""Cymbal"", ""Drum"", ""Drum kit"", ""Heavy metal"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Sonar""]","[""punkrock"", ""acoustic piano"", ""atmospheric sound"", ""e-guitar"", ""uptempo"", ""aggressive"", ""amateur recording""]",6,w5EbmsPfGSo,5238,"{""label"":""White Clouds & Gunfire - Reflection (Official Lyric Video)"",""href"":""""}",The drums are playing a steady rock groove with a half open hi hat constantly ringing through the song. The e-guitar is panned to the left and right side of the speakers or two e-guitars are shredding the same distorted chords along with the bass silently playing in the background. The female voice is singing in a higher pitch and is accompanied by a female backing voice singing a deeper harmony. This sounds like a typical high school rock song. This song may be played chilling in your room sitting on the bed daydreaming.,2014-11-02T15:57:55Z,White Clouds & Gunfire,"Lyric video for the song Reflection taken from our debut album, For All The Non Believers. iTunes: Facebook: Twitter: @wcag_uk Video by:","[""Music"", ""Independent music"", ""Rock music"", ""Progressive rock""]","[""rock"", ""female higher register voice"", ""acoustic drums"", ""e-guitar"", ""e-bass"", ""uptempo"", ""high school rock""]",6,Nep_3Y81E_w,2354,"{""label"":""Quack Pack Episode 34"",""href"":""""}",This song contains an acoustic drum set playing a fast groove along with a bassline. A e-guitar is playing a distorted solo melody while a male voice gets backed by harmony singers before singing on alone to duck-like sounds. In the background you can hear a lot of duck-like sounds and a hammering that does not belong to the musical composition. This song may be playing as an intro for a kids TV-show.,2014-11-13T16:59:41Z,Attims Waters,"Quack Pack Full Seasons and Episodes Channel: Quack Pack Seasons and Episodes Quack Pack Seasons and Episodes Quack Pack Seasons and Episodes Quack Pack Full Episodes Quack Pack Full Episodes Quack Pack Full Episodes Quack Pack Full Episodes Fallow Quack Pack Full Episodes Fallow Quack Pack Full Episodes Fallow Quack Pack Full Seasons Quack Pack Full Seasons Quack Pack Full Seasons Quack Pack watch Quack Pack watch Quack Pack watch Full cartoon episodes Full cartoon episodes Full cartoon episodes Cartoon Fallow Cartoon Fallow Cartoon Fallow Cartoon watch Cartoon watch Cartoon watch watch, watch, watch, watch, cartoon, cartoon, cartoon, cartoon, cartoon","[""Music"", ""Punk rock"", ""Rock music"", ""Quack"", ""Duck""]","[""rock"", ""background-noises/voices"", ""e-guitar"", ""bass"", ""acoustic drums"", ""male voice singing"", ""uptempo""]",6,ZHzhdhKEjMc,3358,"{""label"":""THE SIMS 4 BLUES OFFICIAL SOUNDTRACK - ALL BLUES MUSIC + DOWNLOAD LINK"",""href"":""""}","This song contains acoustic drums holding a steady groove with a complex fill in at the end of the phrase. An e-bass and e-guitar are playing the same notes, just the e-guitar is strumming a chord. The male voice is singing loud and in a higher register. This song may be playing in a garage workshop.",2015-02-03T00:36:16Z,MrZillaBR,"DOWNLOAD MUSIC: List: Nooboo Neeb - Amber Revival 00:07 Cell Hafta no Hast - Ben Ward 04:42 Gee Manray - Blind Snorty Warhouse 07:18 High Headed Woman - Captive 10:48 That Evil - Cys Matters 14:12 I'm Gone - Luther LeCriox 17:54 Main Theme: Electronic: Pop: Romance: Alternative: Blues: Classic: Spooky:","[""Swing music"", ""Music"", ""Rock music"", ""Ska"", ""Rock and roll""]","[""rock&roll/blues"", ""e-guitar"", ""e-bass"", ""acoustic drums"", ""male voice singing"", ""higher register"", ""uptempo""]",6,C7WAx3n57Hk,1334,"{""label"":""Duck Hunting 3D"",""href"":""""}",This song contains acoustic drums playing a repetitive groove along with a bassline. A e-guitar with a chorus effect is playing a repeating melody. In the background you can hear shouting sounds and goose noises. This song may be playing while playing video-games.,2015-04-20T13:29:12Z,Techno Keet Pvt. Ltd.,"Duck Hunting 3D is mobile game and it is available on #iTunes, #GooglePlay and #Amazon App Stores. Google Play Amazon App Store iTunes App Store Follow us on Facebook The hunting fever is at the high so grab the hunting gun and go for a duck hunt. Get ready for duck hunting season! Shoot ducks as much you can with 3D Gun in a beautiful environment, mix up of beautiful jungle birds and duck sounds Sound is taken from","[""Music"", ""Quack"", ""Duck""]","[""rock"", ""e-guitar"", ""e-bass"", ""shooting sound"", ""goose sounds"", ""acoustic drums"", ""uptempo""]",6,58JwiVM8bYM,636,"{""label"":""Harley Benton SC-550 Paradise Amber Flame sound test"",""href"":""""}",Someone is playing a e-guitar melody and strumming chords using a lot of reverb and delay over a drum backing track. This is an amateur recording. This song may be playing at home practicing guitar.,2015-07-10T17:17:35Z,Che Guebuddha,Harley Benton SC-550 Paradise Amber Flame from all stock. Amp is Kustom PH2012R and played through Digitech RP70 multi pedal. Same tune clean with delay-reverb and dirty fuzz territory afterwards. Because this cheap camera records very thin sound I had Tone down to almost 0. These are very hot pickups (Wilkinson Alnico),"[""Blues"", ""Tapping (guitar technique)"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""amateur recording"", ""drum loop"", ""e-guitar"", ""uptempo""]",6,idUZsNLnyDg,4209,"{""label"":""Alaska Thunderfuck - Everyday Is Christmas [Official] from Christmas Queens"",""href"":""""}",An acoustic drum is playing a constant groove along with an e-bass playing the footnote of an e-piano playing a major chord progression. A e-guitar is ending the phrases of the melody in a lower key. In the background you can hear bells playing. A female sounding voice is singing responding to a small choir taking turns singing a melody. This song may be playing during a cheerful event such as Christmas.,2015-11-17T20:40:55Z,Alaska Thunderfuck,"Buy Christmas Queens the full album on iTunes now! Executive Producer - David Charpentier Directed by Paul Alley Producer - Lydia Cartwright Associate Producer - Jessie Lee Pauli Assistant Director - Kushagar Budhwar Director of Photography - Karim Arab Assistant Camera - Nekisa Ghasemi Editor - Paul Alley Gaffer - Anwar Madrimov Grip - Almotaz Aljefri Makeup - Edwin Monzon Production Design by Dusti Cunningham Production Design Help - Andres Mejia Production Assistants - Danielle Rodriguez, Mary Ann Pianka, Tianzo Zhang, Haipeng Jia, Austin Guadayo Son 1: Jake Thompson Son 2: Jeremy Mikush Special Thanks to Nick Somers and Harmony ""Spencer"" Robertson Label/Management: Producer Entertainment Group","[""Christian music""]","[""rock/pop"", ""acoustic drums"", ""bells"", ""e-bass"", ""e-guitar"", ""female sounding voice singing"", ""e-piano"", ""backing vocals"", ""uptempo"", ""cheerful""]",6,Ny4wnDN4K1U,2383,"{""label"":""\""Pepsi Football Splash\"" กิจกรรมสุดมันส์ที่สวนน้ำ Cartoon Network Amazone"",""href"":""""}",This song contains acoustic drums playing a simple rhythm along with an e-bass. The same rhythmic pattern gets played by an acoustic guitar and e-guitar strumming chords. In the background female voices are happily screaming to the sound of waves. This song may be playing for an advertisement.,2016-07-18T02:45:54Z,Pepsi Thailand,"ชวนแก๊งเพื่อนให้พร้อม แล้วมามันส์กับ ""Pepsi Football Splash"" กิจกรรมใหม่ล่าสุดจาก Pepsi และสวนน้ำ Cartoon Network Amazone เพียงซื้อแก้ว Pepsi Tumbler ที่สวนน้ำ Cartoon Network Amazone พัทยา ก็รับสิทธิ์ร่วมกิจกรรมฟรี! พร้อมลุ้นรับรางวัลอีกมากมาย รีบมามันส์กันได้เลยตลอดทั้งเดือนกรกฎาคม 2559","[""Music"", ""Slosh""]","[""poprock"", ""acoustic drums"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""e-guitar"", ""e-bass backround noises"", ""uptempo""]",6,iP46w2o_HCk,4180,"{""label"":""School of Rock | 'Party Like a Zombie' Official Music Video | Nick"",""href"":""""}",A female teen voice is singing along with backing voices and screams. While acoustic drums are playing along with a simple bassline. The e-guitar is playing the suiting chords on top along with a high pitched sound coming out from a digital piano or organ. This song may be playing in a movie for the whole family.,2016-10-08T14:00:01Z,Nickelodeon,"School of Rock is jamming out with a brand new Halloween song! Go behind the scenes with the cast (Breanna Yde, Ricardo Hurtado, Jade Pettyjohn, Lance Lim, Aidan Miner, Tony Cavalero) as they perform their spooky new single ""Party Like a Zombie!"" Catch more School of Rock on Nick! Subscribe if you love Nickelodeon and want to see more! Nickelodeon is the number-one brand for kids with original cartoons, sitcoms, movies, award shows, products, and more! Here on our Nickelodeon YouTube channel you’ll find the shows and animated series you know and love like SpongeBob SquarePants, The Loud House, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Henry Danger, ALVINNN!!! and The Chipmunks, and more! You’ll also get exclusive access to our digital original series like The JoJo & BowBow Show Show, Inside Nick, and Nia Sioux’s Slumber Party plus fun Nick recipes, DIY projects, how-tos, and a behind the scenes look at the lives of your favorite Nick stars including JoJo Siwa and Jace Norman! What more could you ask for? Join the fun! Need to know when your favorite TV show is on? Go to: For even more fun, games, and full episodes log on to More from Nickelodeon: Official Nickelodeon Website: Official Nickelodeon App: Like Nickelodeon: Follow Nickelodeon: Nickelodeon Tumblr: Nickelodeon Instagram: Nickelodeon Snapchat: The Splat! Snapchat: NickSportsTV Snapchat:","[""Music"", ""Happy music""]","[""poprock"", ""e-guitar"", ""e-bass"", ""acoustic drums"", ""backing voices"", ""synth sounds"", ""female teen voice singing"", ""uptempo"", ""positive energy""]",6,A9ECxUIqw6s,1074