video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""Mozart - Horn concerto n°3 - Brain / Philharmonia / Karajan"",""href"":""""}",This is a classical music piece. There is a wide range of strings in the orchestra playing a lively melody while a horn is in the lead. The atmosphere is lighthearted. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a documentary where there are natural movements happening in the scene.,2013-10-13T10:26:25Z,incontrario motu,"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Horn concerto n°3 K.447 I. Allegro 0:00 II. Romance. Larghetto 7:04 III. Allegro 12:01 Dennis Brain Philharmonia Orchestra Herbert von Karajan Studio recording, London, XI.1953","[""Brass instrument"", ""French horn""]","[""classical"", ""instrumental"", ""strings section"", ""horn"", ""lively"", ""cheerful"", ""lighthearted""]",9,KEp2NhraIZI,2070,"{""label"":""Cape Horn - Otto M. Schwarz - WK Laufen Gmunden-Engelhof"",""href"":""""}",This is a classical music piece performed by an orchestra. There is a wide ranging brass section that has the french horn as the lead playing the melody. In the percussive background there are the tubular bells which give the piece a festive feel. The atmosphere is vibrant. This piece would fit perfectly in the soundtrack of a Christmas movie either as the opening theme or during the scenes where there is a preparation going on.,2010-04-03T09:24:48Z,Franz Schindlauer,"Livevideo vom Jahreskonzert 2010 der WK Laufen Gmunden Engelhof aus Toscana Congress Gmunden Solist: Christoph Wiesenberger - Horn Dirigent: Franz Schindlauer Ton: FS-Produktionen - Franz Schindlauer Video: Hörak-Film, Leopold Hörak","[""Brass instrument"", ""French horn""]","[""classical"", ""instrumental"", ""orchestra"", ""live performance"", ""brass section"", ""french horn"", ""tubular bells"", ""vibrant"", ""festive"", ""joyful""]",9,kMNL4Y4XMhc,4311,"{""label"":""BOTTESINI, Tarantella | Božo Paradžik & Budapesti Vonósok"",""href"":""""}","This is a live performance classical music piece played by a chamber orchestra. It is in the style of a tarantella, which is a genre of Italian folk music. The strings section is playing the melody with a cello as the lead. The atmosphere is lively and elegant. It could be used in the soundtrack of a movie especially during a scene involving a pursuit, a face-off or a duel.",2015-07-30T22:18:34Z,bozoparadzikcom,"Haydn Festival in Fertöd (H), LIVE 24th July 2015 (encore piece) Eszterházy Castle, Marionett Theater Giovanni Bottesini (1821-1889), Tarantella orchestrated and edited by Božo Paradžik Božo Paradžik, soloist Budapest Strings Chamber Orchestra / artistic leader: János Pilz (concertmaster) Dear visitors, please mind that I don't use Google+ with this account, so I am since 2014 not able to answer any comments or posts here anymore. I don't want to upgrade my channel to G+. End of July 2015 Google has announced to remove the enforcing of using G+ for YouTube users, but so far without any effect.","[""Cello"", ""Double bass"", ""String section"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""classical"", ""tarantella"", ""chamber orchestra"", ""live performance"", ""strings section"", ""cello"", ""lively"", ""vibrant"", ""elegant"", ""movie music""]",9,w0A-4EbkVz8,5228,"{""label"":""淚光閃閃(夏川里美) / 陪我看日出(蔡淳佳) 之陶笛、大提琴、二胡合奏版"",""href"":""""}","This is an instrumental music piece with Chinese characteristics. The main tune is being played by a small xiao flute. There is a mellow acoustic guitar backing keeping a repeated theme in the background. The song is played on a major scale, giving it a feeling of hopefulness. The atmosphere of the song is soothing. This piece could be played as an opening soundtrack for a romantic anime movie.",2008-05-16T18:17:26Z,Jones Santos,"主題曲「淚光閃閃」誕生於1998年,「森山良子」為了抒發她對22歲早逝的哥哥的思念,她不停的寫,把對哥哥的思念都寫在歌詞中,當她完成了整首歌的歌詞時,一直抑鬱在心中的那個心結,好像是解開了... 涙そうそう(淚光閃閃)是沖繩的方言,意指「眼淚一顆顆掉落,淚流不止」。想哭的時候,不需壓抑,就盡情的哭吧! 此片在沖繩拍攝,取景相當純樸美麗,劇情是描述一對沒有血緣關係的兄妹,因母親過世、父親失蹤只剩下兩人相依為命,哥哥付出不求回報的守護著他唯一的妹妹,兩人逐漸相互吸引,但現實生活的貧困與病苦,壓得兩人情路坎坷,相當讓人不可置信的哀愁結局。 但片尾放出「淚光閃閃」這首歌,幻燈片式的放出兩人從小到大的相片,讓人再次回想這個故事。最後一張是過了幾年後,妹妹穿著死去的哥哥送的和服端坐的獨照,似乎示意著被淚水沖洗過的心靈就會浮現希望。我似乎懂了,人生再如何哀愁,還是得堅強走下去,總有一天,哀愁ㄧ定會慢慢變淡的... 陪我看日出 雨的氣息是回家的小路 路上有我追著你的腳步 腳下邊保存著昨天的溫度 你抱著我就像溫暖的大樹 雨下了走好路 這句話我記住 風再大吹不走囑咐 雨過了就有路 像那年看日出 你牽著我穿過了霧 叫我看希望就在黑夜的盡處 哭過的眼看歲月更清楚 想一個人閃著淚光是一種幸福 又回到我離開家的小步 你送著我滿天燕子都在飛舞 雖然一個人 我並不孤獨 在心中你陪我看每一個日出","[""Cello"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Harmonic"", ""Bowed string instrument"", ""Flute""]","[""instrumental"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""xiao"", ""eastern"", ""chinese"", ""classical"", ""calming"", ""easygoing""]",9,lDABsoatahM,4381,"{""label"":""J.S.Bach - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (BWV 565), performed by R. Härdtner & Jazz-Trio 2001"",""href"":""""}",This is a live performance of a classical music piece. There is a grand piano playing dramatically in minor keys. The piece has a grandiose and mysterious aura to it. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a horror movie. It could also be used in a horror video game theme.,2014-12-06T13:27:56Z,Roland Härdtner,"This music is also on Roland Härdtner's CD ""AIRevolution / Swinging Mallets play Bach"" (track 03). For more information please visit: If you're interested to see more from Roland Härdtner's musical activities (more than 200 concert videos in the near future), please subscribe to his new channel and you will always be informed about the most recent clips. Enjoy it!","[""Electric piano"", ""Harpsichord"", ""Music"", ""Keyboard (musical)"", ""Piano"", ""Classical music""]","[""classical"", ""fugue"", ""minor key"", ""no singer"", ""grand piano"", ""mysterious"", ""grandiose"", ""dramatic"", ""live performance""]",9,xM4p5pmRAxM,5323,"{""label"":""glass harp - \""Flower Waltz\"" from the Nutckracker by P.Tchaikovsky."",""href"":""""}",This is a classical music waltz piece played on a glass harp instrument. The melody is being played on the smaller glasses at a higher pitch while the rhythm is being played on the bigger glass at a medium pitch. The piece is being played at a cathedral which gives a nice resonance and natural reverb effect. The piece has a unique character. It can be played in the soundtracks of children's movies/TV shows.,2009-01-31T11:31:44Z,AndrewShoeff,"Glass Duo concert in the castle of Hunedoara. Played on a very rare instrument called the glass harp or mussical glasses. ""Flower Waltz"" from the Nutckracker by P.Tchaikovsky.","[""Glass"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument""]","[""classical"", ""glass harp"", ""waltz"", ""reverb"", ""unique"", ""gentle"", ""easygoing"", ""high-pitched""]",9,_b-7P-XsnUI,3476,"{""label"":""Schubert: Impromptu in G flat Op. 90 No. 3"",""href"":""""}",This is a classical music performance. The piece is played by a classical piano which is complex with rising and falling sequences. The atmosphere is filled with emotion and passion. This heart-touching piece could certainly be used in the soundtrack of a drama movie or a TV show.,2012-12-25T19:58:02Z,Boris Bizjak,"Piano recital by Olga Jegunova - Bishopsgate Institute (London), October 2012. Franz Schubert: Impromptu in G flat Op. 90 No. 3 Multimedia engineer - Boris Bizjak!hedone","[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Keyboard (musical)"", ""Piano"", ""Classical music""]","[""classical"", ""piano"", ""live performance"", ""emotional"", ""passionate"", ""heart-touching""]",9,w_z9oSn-eIM,5277,"{""label"":""Bridal Chorus - Wagner - Here Comes the Bride - Lohengrin - Royal Wedding Music"",""href"":""""}",This is a classical music piece performance. It is meant to be played at a wedding. There is an organ playing a simple and festive tune. There is an atmosphere of celebration in this piece. This music would fit perfectly with weddings. Organ samples could also be lifted from this recording to be used in beat-making.,2008-05-20T19:47:02Z,Denise Hewitt,"The Famous Bridal Chorus by Richard Wagner from his Romantic Opera Lohengrin composed in 1848. Also known as the Wedding March or simply as - Here comes the Bride. This well known wedding processional march is played here on Technics electronic PR60 Keyboard in synthesised church organ mode by Transgendered Musician - Denise Hewitt - wearing full white lace wedding costume, tiara and veil. This wonderful chorus was played at the Royal Wedding Service of British Princess Victoria (eldest daughter of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert) and the Prussian Prince Frederick William in 1858.","[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Wedding music"", ""Keyboard (musical)"", ""Piano""]","[""classical"", ""no singer"", ""single instrument"", ""organ"", ""wedding"", ""procession"", ""joyful"", ""celebration"", ""festive""]",9,vmBkZflwViA,5201,"{""label"":""Константин Плужников Lullaby Berceuse de la Bretagne"",""href"":""""}",This is a Russian lullaby piece with classical music elements. The male vocalist is singing at a medium-to-high pitch in an opera-like manner. The strings and the piano are playing a gentle but crestfallen melody. The atmosphere is haunting. This piece could fit perfectly in the soundtrack of a post-apocalyptic war movie or a video game of similar theme. It could also work well in the soundtrack of a drama movie or an art movie that takes place in Russia or Eastern Europe. It might also be playing in the background at a high-tier Russian cuisine restaurant.,2012-12-24T03:43:59Z,Bronisliva,"Константин Плужников Бретонская колыбельная песня (М.Ипполитов-Иванов - В. Соловьев) Konstantin Pluzhnikov Berceuse de la Bretagne Lullaby (M.Ippolitov-Ivanov - V. Soloviev) Artist - P. de Chavannes","[""Music"", ""Opera"", ""Lullaby""]","[""russian"", ""lullaby"", ""classical"", ""male vocal"", ""medium-to-high pitch singing"", ""strings"", ""piano"", ""crestfallen"", ""haunting"", ""melancholic""]",9,ZKkfCOqLrT0,3363,"{""label"":""The Thin Red Line - Unreleased Music - Death of Pvt. Witt (Original Long Version)"",""href"":""""}",This is a movie music piece. The theme is being played by an orchestra. There is a wide array of cinematic strings playing a gentle yet profound tune. The atmosphere is heart-touching. It could be used in the soundtrack of a drama movie at a scene where the characters are reminiscing the good memories they experienced with a character that has passed away.,2012-11-25T19:01:08Z,metalsolid1321,"This is a long, unreleased version of Private Witts Death from the full recording material of The Thin Red Line, which was ""found"" in November 2012. All Rights at Sony!","[""Music"", ""Sad music""]","[""movie music"", ""classical"", ""instrumental"", ""orchestra"", ""cinematic strings"", ""powerful"", ""profound"", ""heart-touching""]",9,WAxDN-FyPn8,3071,"{""label"":""Music and Dance of Cuba Salsa, Timba, Casino, Rueda!"",""href"":""""}",This is a contemporary classical music performance. The piece is being played on the grand piano with an accentuated playing style. There is a lot of emphasis on the notes. The atmosphere is dramatic. Parts of this piece could be included in the soundtrack of a documentary. It could also be used in the soundtrack of a mystery/horror video game.,2011-06-23T08:26:17Z,ozeasme, ,"[""Music"", ""Salsa music""]","[""classical"", ""contemporary"", ""instrumental"", ""grand piano"", ""accentuated playing"", ""grandiose"", ""dramatic""]",9,xJMTA3Ay5FI,5315,"{""label"":""Clair de Lune - Claude Debussy - Randy George, theremin"",""href"":""""}","This is a classical music piece with its main tune played on the theremin instrument. At the same time, a piano plays the chords in the background. It is a unique instrumental piece with a bizarre atmosphere. It could take place in the soundtrack of an art movie.",2015-10-08T21:27:28Z,Randy George,"Claude Debussy - Clair de Lune - performed on theremin by Randy George Originally published on January 31, 2010. Remastered on Mar 3, 2013. Republished on October 9, 2014. download it here (111.4MB):","[""Music"", ""Theremin""]","[""classical"", ""contemporary"", ""theremin"", ""piano"", ""instrumental"", ""unique"", ""eerie""]",9,KXuB62SMFvA,2092,"{""label"":""Beauty and the Beast - Saxophone Wedding Song"",""href"":""""}",This is a live performance of a movie music piece. The recording has a very poor quality. The saxophone is playing the main tune while the piano can be heard providing a melodic background. The atmosphere is romantic and it is probably a wedding setting.,2008-04-27T14:01:36Z,saxophonedaniel,Beauty and the Beast - Saxophone Wedding Song,"[""Music"", ""Wedding music"", ""Saxophone""]","[""movie music"", ""classical"", ""live performance"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""saxophone"", ""saxophone solo"", ""piano"", ""romantic"", ""emotional"", ""poor quality""]",9,as7MhTe961k,3581,"{""label"":""Canon In D - Harp Wedding Music - Magdalene Wong"",""href"":""""}",This is a classical music piece belonging to the baroque period. The piece is being performed with a harp. There is a catchy tune being played with a positive aura. This piece could suit well as wedding music. It could be used in the soundtrack of a documentary. It could also be playing in the background of a classy restaurant or a museum.,2008-04-19T15:05:55Z,singaporeharpist,Canon In D composed by Johann Pachelbel arranged and performed by Singapore harpist Magdalene Wong. Harp model is Aoyama Special Blue and Gold Musa.,"[""Music"", ""Wedding music""]","[""classical"", ""baroque"", ""canon"", ""single instrument"", ""instrumental"", ""harp"", ""catchy"", ""iconic"", ""calming"", ""hopeful"", ""positive"", ""wedding music""]",9,-OUIEnuNd1I,42,"{""label"":""เปียโน สำหรับการนอนหลับ Music for Sleeping by พัชร iHearBand"",""href"":""""}",This is an instrumental classical music performance. There is a gentle tune being played with the piano sound. Ambient sounds such as birds singing can be heard in the recording. The atmosphere is soothing and relaxing. This is a perfect piece for a sleep music playlist. It could also work well as an advertisement jingle. It could be playing in the background at a nursery.,2011-04-01T05:51:35Z,Pat Kerdsiri,"*สำหรับผู้ต้องการบริจาคสนับสนุน หรือต้องการ mp3 ดูด้านล่างสุดของ description ครับ คลิปทำเพื่อผู้ต้องการการผ่อนคลายก่อนนอนครับ ผมเล่นในช่วงดวงอาทิตย์ตกและมืดตอนจบคลิปพอดี เปิดทิ้งไว้ได้เลย 45 นาทีครับ ( อ้อ มีสุนัขเดินผ่านไปๆมาๆเป็นระยะนะครับ :) ก่อนจะเล่นได้ลองศึกษาจาก Wikipedia ว่าเสียงที่จะทำให้ง่วงได้จะมีความซ้ำกันในห้วงของเวลาจึงทำให้เกิดการรวมความคิด และระดับเสียง ( pitch ) ไม่ต่างกันมาก รวมทั้งเลือกใช้คอร์ดที่ทำให้ฟังแล้วสดชื่นไม่ลอยและไม่หลอนเกินจนอาจทำให้ฝันร้าย นอกจากนั้นตลอดคลิปยังมีความดังของเสียงที่เบาลงเรื่อยๆจนจบครับ พัชร เกิดศิริ (ติดต่อวงดนตรีได้ที่ 0868965900 ) สำหรับผู้ที่ต้องการ mp3 สามารถซื้อได้ที่เว็บนี้ ราคา 60บาท คุ้มค่า 45นาที แต่ถ้าไม่สะดวกซื้อบนเว็บ หรืออยากได้ฟรี รบกวนส่งเมล์มาที่ ได้ครับ และสำหรับผู้ที่อยากสนับสนุนเปิดหมวก สามารถโอนเงินสิบยี่สิบบาทมาได้ที่ KBANK Patchara Kerdsiri เลขบัญชี 006-2-48915-4 SCB Patchara Kerdsiri เลขบัญชี 329-2-35513-8 ขอขอบพระคุณสำหรับผู้สนับสนุนทุกท่านนะครับ ^_^","[""Music"", ""Wedding music""]","[""classical"", ""instrumental"", ""piano"", ""live performance"", ""ambient sounds"", ""birds singing"", ""soothing"", ""relaxing"", ""calming"", ""sleep""]",9,2MpzHv5KNZU,359,"{""label"":""Cecilia Bartoli's Operatic Vocal Range (in about a minute!)"",""href"":""""}","This piece is a compilation of an opera singer's high-pitched singing that shows how high of a pitch she can reach. For the most part, she is holding a single high note as the strings in the orchestra provide the harmonic background.",2010-12-23T17:05:25Z,SsteinwayS,"US: Canada: Cecilia Bartoli’s vocal range: from low E below middle C to high E-flat above soprano high C!","[""Singing"", ""Music"", ""Opera""]","[""opera"", ""classical"", ""orchestra"", ""strings"", ""female vocal"", ""high-pitched singing"", ""compilation"", ""vocal range""]",9,AElgGuUSSKE,1088,"{""label"":""Song of The Whales"",""href"":""""}",This is a cinematic classical music piece. There is a piano playing the chords while the strings are holding the melodic background. There is a mysterious ambient synth sound coming and going. A repetitive low-to-mid frequency percussive sound effect is being played to imply the sound of whales. The atmosphere of the piece is reminiscent of both underwater and outer space at the same time. That is why it could be used in science fiction movies and shows that have an aquatic or outer space setting.,2008-03-22T21:38:54Z,664FREEDOM,"Whales are Universal Beings. Photo Slide Show by 664Freedom . Warning Photo Video Contains Shocking pictures. Music: Vangelis - Heaven and Hell & I`ll Find My Way Home","[""Theme music"", ""Whale vocalization"", ""Music"", ""Ambient music""]","[""classical"", ""instrumental"", ""piano"", ""strings"", ""ambient synth"", ""sound effects"", ""cinematic"", ""animal-like"", ""underwater"", ""outer space""]",9,nxdHojfss_A,4596