ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids -f1DNyngKVY,,This is an instrumental sitar music piece. The sitar is being played at a medium-to-high range. There is a calming and relaxing atmosphere to this piece. This piece can be used in the background of a meditation video. It could also be played during a meditation session at a course.,"[""sitar"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""single instrument"", ""medium-to-high range"", ""transcendental"", ""relaxing"", ""calming"", ""meditation""]","[""Carnatic music"", ""Music"", ""Sitar""]",9,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/015vgc"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/0jtg0""]" 28wBrNjHXOM,,This is a meditation music piece. There is a didgeridoo playing a vague melody at the forefront while repetitive shamanic drum hits can be heard in the background. The atmosphere is profound and calming. This piece can be used in the background of meditation videos. It can be used during sessions at yoga centers.,"[""meditation"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""didgeridoo"", ""shamanic drum"", ""hypnotizing"", ""profound"", ""relaxing"", ""calming"", ""transcending""]","[""Didgeridoo"", ""Music""]",9,390,400,0,1,"[""/m/02bxd"", ""/m/04rlf""]" 3XL825fK6UM,,"This clip is a vocalisation of the Om Mantra. The tempo is slow with a droning melody and repetitive chanting of the word Om. It is meditative, calming, soothing, spiritual, lulling, hypnotic and trance like. This is Mantra Meditation music.","[""vocalisation"", ""slow tempo"", ""chanting"", ""om mantra"", ""hypnotic"", ""trance"", ""mantra meditation"", ""stress relief"", ""soothing"", ""calming"", ""spiritual"", ""droning"", ""comforting"", ""sedative"", ""tranquilizing"", ""sacred mantra"", ""release"", ""repetitive chant"", ""affirmation"", ""focus"", ""meditation"", ""meditation"", ""meditative chant"", ""soothing"", ""trance"", ""relaxing""]","[""Singing bowl""]",7,130,140,0,0,"[""/m/0l14t7""]" AdxKsUW2mAo,,"There is a meditative chant sung at a medium pitch by a female voice. In the background, an acoustic guitar plays a mellow tune while an ambient synth can be heard holding the bass notes of the chant. It has a peaceful atmosphere which makes it a perfect match for meditation sessions.","[""chant"", ""acoustic"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""ambient synth"", ""female voice"", ""melodic"", ""mellow"", ""calming"", ""relaxing"", ""meditation""]","[""Chant"", ""Music""]",9,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/02bk07"", ""/m/04rlf""]" F7Y1T-rQ2JU,,This is an educational recording. There is a male voice speaking in an instructive manner regarding numerous singing bowls in different shapes and sizes. The player hits each singing bowl while describing their feelings. The sound of the bowls could be isolated from the voice for meditation music.,"[""educational recording"", ""male voice"", ""instructive speaking"", ""german"", ""instrumental"", ""various singing bowls"", ""meditation"", ""calming""]","[""Singing bowl""]",9,410,420,0,0,"[""/m/0l14t7""]" K6DSH7MSeOA,,"This audio contains a didgeridoo with reverb panned to the right side of the speakers, some white noise risers that sound like wind. Various synth pads are playing drones in different ranges. This song may be playing while meditation or falling asleep.","[""meditation"", ""didgeridoo"", ""synth pads/drones"", ""soothing"", ""calming"", ""slow tempo""]","[""Didgeridoo"", ""Electronic music"", ""Music""]",6,350,360,0,0,"[""/m/02bxd"", ""/m/02lkt"", ""/m/04rlf""]" KZ8gBHLNmH0,,"A male sings this resounding chant. The tempo is slow with no instrumentation. The chants are musical verses, meditative choral is prayerful, calming, pensive, sacred, prayerful and soulful.","[""male voice"", ""chanting"", ""musical verse"", ""vibrations"", ""chanting sutras"", ""religious recitation"", ""no instrumentation"", ""vocalisation"", ""choral harmony"", ""meditation"", ""prayer"", ""sacred"", ""sacred sounds"", ""shomyo"", ""incantation"", ""calming"", ""soothing"", ""soulful""]","[""Mantra"", ""Music"", ""Vocal music""]",7,110,120,0,1,"[""/m/01c194"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/0y4f8""]" lRC2lurjPBw,,"This is a recording of bells with a resonant sound. The sound induces a calming, relaxing effect. This piece would suit perfectly as a background track for a meditation video. It could also be playing in the background at a spa.","[""bells"", ""resonant sound"", ""calming"", ""relaxing"", ""meditation""]","[""Singing bowl""]",9,30,40,0,0,"[""/m/0l14t7""]" ojwVhlh-P1U,,"Here we have several standing crystal bells being played. They produce a sustained, ringing, high pitched frequency that would be suitable for meditative and relaxed environments. The woman sings a short, open-mouthed melody.","[""standing bell"", ""calming"", ""crystal bell"", ""high pitched female melodic singing"", ""meditation"", ""tranquility"", ""stillness""]","[""Singing bowl""]",3,240,250,0,0,"[""/m/0l14t7""]" qFo_gRhW6dQ,,This is a yoga music piece. There is a male vocal humming a gentle tune. The acoustic guitar is playing a simple arpeggio in the background. There is a calming atmosphere. This piece could fit well during meditation sessions.,"[""yoga music"", ""male vocal"", ""humming"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""relaxing"", ""calming"", ""meditation""]","[""Music"", ""Tender music""]",9,0,10,0,0,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/t/dd00034""]" uS2kPLvEo6A,,"This is a live performance of the Tibetan singing bowls. The performer is repeatedly striking the bowls with a small hammer and making them vibrate with resonant sound. These sounds create a calming, relaxing aura. This piece would make a perfect background track for a meditation video.","[""live performance"", ""instrumental"", ""idiophone"", ""tibetan singing bowls"", ""resonant sound"", ""calming"", ""relaxing"", ""meditation""]","[""Singing bowl""]",9,220,230,0,0,"[""/m/0l14t7""]" vmz9kAEiTSc,,"Synthesizers are playing pads. There is a low pad sound serving as bass, mid and high string pad sounds. A low male voice is singing. The whole recording has reverb on it. This song may be playing while meditating.","[""meditation"", ""mantra"", ""synth pads"", ""male deep voice singing"", ""relaxing"", ""calming"", ""slow tempo""]","[""Mantra"", ""Chant"", ""New-age music"", ""Music""]",6,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/01c194"", ""/m/02bk07"", ""/m/02v2lh"", ""/m/04rlf""]"