video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""Hydraulophone in concert"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a hydraulophone melody played alongside water leaking sound. The recording is wide, noisy and it sounds relaxing and calming.",2007-04-12T01:31:06Z,hydraulist,"Suite for Hydraulophone, as performed by Ryan Janzen in the Great Hall, with the Hart House Symphonic Band. This is the world's first orchestral performance in which instruments make sound from all three states of matter (solid, liquid, and gas). Other orchestras use only 2 states of matter: solid (percussion and strings), and gas (wind instruments). For more videos, see","[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Orchestra"", ""Classical music"", ""Inside, large room or hall""]","[""low quality"", ""hydraulophone melody"", ""water leaking"", ""noisy"", ""wide"", ""mystical"", ""calming"", ""relaxing""]",4,tnJb9WyhCUc,5066,"{""label"":""Voces De Argentina for vibraphone & mallet ensemble"",""href"":""""}","This music is a celestial instrumental. The tempo is slow with a symphonic harmony of the Vibraphones. The music is soft, gentle, and mellifluous with an ethereal, delicate, exquisite, elegant and beautiful sound.",2007-07-19T21:02:00Z,TomPulse,"Performed by the Mol Percussion Orchestra. Soloist:Leo Ouderits Performers: -Rudy Van der Veken -Frans Tielemans -Luc Goos -Walter Mertens -Tim Ouderits -Jean-Marie Vanbroeckhoven","[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Marimba, xylophone"", ""Vibraphone"", ""Classical music"", ""Percussion""]","[""instrumental"", ""slow tempo"", ""melodious"", ""celestial"", ""ethereal"", ""calming"", ""vibraphone symphony"", ""delicate"", ""exquisite"", ""calming"", ""melancholy"", ""dainty"", ""vibraphone"", ""percussion instrument""]",7,QlaW568SeDc,2639,"{""label"":""Indian Classical Music Rocks Central Connecticut!!!"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a live performance of a traditional song and it consists of passionate female vocal singing over subtle strings melody. It is a bit reverberant as it was recorded in a larger room, but also relaxing and calming - like something you would meditate to.",2008-10-10T20:18:13Z,Wesleyan University,"Listen to the students of Wesleyan University performing during the Navaratri festival. They train under Adjunct Instructor Balu and Artist in Residence David Nelson from the Ethnomusicology department.","[""Traditional music"", ""Music"", ""Opera"", ""Classical music""]","[""live performance"", ""traditional"", ""passionate female vocal"", ""subtle strings melody"", ""relaxing"", ""calming"", ""low quality"", ""reverberant""]",4,lwdDm3UO5WM,4432,"{""label"":""Timeline of Human Evolution"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features an orchestra playing arpeggiated harp melody, low sustained strings and mellow flute melody. It sounds mystical, mellow and calming. The recording is a bit noisy too.",2012-08-10T02:06:10Z,MIS,"This is inspired by CeeSee7's video : Footage from Animal Armageddon (Animal Planet) Walking with Monsters Discovering Ardi - Bringing Ardi Back (Animal Planet) Secrets of the Dead (PBS) The Ape That Took Over The World (BBC) Ape to Man (History Channel) Coca-Cola Commercial : First time Soundtrack from Jurassic Park :Theme from Jurassic Park by John Williams.","[""Music"", ""Classical music""]","[""low quality"", ""noisy"", ""low sustained strings"", ""arpeggiated harp"", ""mellow flute melody"", ""orchestra"", ""calming"", ""mystical"", ""mellow""]",4,hSSzn4bIwZg,4106,"{""label"":""Deva Premal Moola Mantra 38 min"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a breathy reverberant flute melody played over a low sustained piano bass note in the background. It sounds mystical, calming and relaxing.",2012-12-17T01:12:35Z,Gnsernik,"Moola Mantra укрепляет связь с Божественным, дарует освобождение и духовный рост. Считается, что пение этой мантры (в голос или про себя) или прослушивание, приносит здоровье, богатство, счастье, духовный опыт, глубокую тишину, блаженство, и измененное (повышенное) состояние сознания. Особенно действенна она, если понимаешь смысл. (Moola mantra) призывающая аспекты любви и доброты вселенной, превозносит Свет в каждом человеческом существе и воздает дань танцу женской и мужской энергий. Текст песни Moola Mantra, Deva Premal: Om Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahma Purushothama Paramathma Sri Bhagavathi Sametha Sri Bhagavathe Namaha Hari om tat sat Hari om tat sat Hari om tat sat Hari om tat sat Ом Сат-Чит-Ананда Парабрахма Пурушутама Параматхама Шри Бхагавати Самитха Шри Бхагавате Намах. Хари Ом Тат Сат OM — исконный звук вселенной, вселенная вибрирует этим звуком. SAT — бесформенная, всепроникающая пустота вселенной. CHIT — бесконечный Высший Дух вселенной, или Чистое Сознание. ANANDA — полное блаженство — радость, вечное счастье. PARABRAHMA — Высший Создатель. PURUSHOTHAMA — энергия того земного воплощения бога Вишну, которое ведет и помогает человечеству. PARAMATHMA — высшая внутренняя энергия, присутствующая в каждом существе (Бог внутри, который ведет нас и помогает нам). SRI BHAGAVATI — женское начало. Божественная Мать, аспект энергии создания SAMETHA — Что значит «быть вместе, в союзе» SRI BHAGAVATE — мужское начало. Отец творения, которое является неизменным и постоянным. NAMAHA — Это приветствие и преклонение перед Вселенной, которая есть ОМ и при этом имеет качества САТ-ЧИТ-АНАНДА. Означает «Я всегда ищу твоего Присутствия и руководства» Хари Ом Тат Сат (HARI OM TAT SAT) - Да предамся Высшей Реальности .. Эта изумительная мантра была подарена Дэве и Митену во время их медитационного ретрита в Университете Единства в Ченнай, Индия. «","[""Music"", ""Wedding music"", ""Classical music""]","[""breathy reverberant flute melody"", ""low sustained piano bass note"", ""mystical"", ""calming"", ""relaxing"", ""low quality""]",4,iTWZsfVCyBs,4190