ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids 9Lst8RagMYs,,"This ska song features the main melody played on the brass section. This includes saxophone, trumpet and trombones being played in harmony. The bass plays a groovy bassline. The percussion plays a jazz beat with focus on the ride cymbal. A guitar plays chords in the background using a tron or wah effect. This song can be played in a comedy movie.","[""ska song"", ""no voices"", ""instrumental"", ""brass section"", ""double bass"", ""guitar"", ""guitar tron effect"", ""moderate tempo""]","[""Music"", ""Ska""]",0,500,510,0,0,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/06rqw""]" P007re8_iyY,,This orchestral song starts with a melody played on a reed instrument backed by strings and the triangle. This is followed by the horn section playing a descending run. The violin plays a solo after the horn section. The violins are backed by the bass played on viola or cello. The mood of this song is comedic. This song can be played in a movie scene where a criminal is planning a cunning tactic.,"[""orchestral music"", ""reed instrument sound"", ""brass section"", ""no voices"", ""instrumental"", ""no percussion"", ""triangle"", ""staccato violins"", ""moderate tempo"", ""comedic mood""]","[""Brass instrument"", ""Clarinet"", ""Trombone""]",0,70,80,0,0,"[""/m/01kcd"", ""/m/01wy6"", ""/m/07c6l""]" lTAfSpsyTSI,,"This symphonic song features the string section and brass section playing the main melody. The instruments are playing different parts in harmony. At the beginning, the instruments play a two note descending sequence in which the second note is allowed to ring. Then one note is played and allowed to sustain for six counts followed by a bass note that is played for the remaining counts. A snare plays a pattern during this last sustain. A cymbal is also played at the end of this phrase. There are no voices in this song. This is an instrumental song. This song can be played in a movie about a voyage.","[""symphonic song"", ""orchestral song"", ""snare drum"", ""string section"", ""brass section"", ""cymbals"", ""moderate tempo"", ""no voices"", ""instrumental""]","[""Orchestra""]",0,70,80,0,0,"[""/m/05pd6""]"