ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids tu3IrmT_2xk,,"In this clip we have a man speaking Hebrew, followed by the sound of a high pitched traditional horn. In the background, there are unidentifiable noises.","[""hebrew man speaking"", ""high pitched horn"", ""live recording"", ""room tone"", ""background noises""]","[""Wind instrument, woodwind instrument"", ""Shofar""]",3,240,250,0,0,"[""/m/085jw"", ""/m/0l14l2""]" 4KqSdK5KM-I,,A banjo is playing chords while an upright bass is playing a bassline. These two form the rhythmic section. On top of that a mandolin is playing a fast and complex solo. In the background you can hear the crowd cheering and clapping hands. This is an amateur recording. This song may be playing in a big pub.,"[""bluegrass"", ""semi acoustic mandolin"", ""banjo"", ""upright bass"", ""background noises"", ""amateur recording""]","[""Gospel music"", ""Banjo"", ""Country"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Mandolin"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Bluegrass""]",6,80,90,0,1,"[""/m/016cjb"", ""/m/018j2"", ""/m/01lyv"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04rzd"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y"", ""/m/0gg8l""]" 7k3M0pQvzhY,,This audio contains someone playing a low didgeridoo while people are talking in the background. The didgeridoo sounds amplified. This song may be playing live at a festival.,"[""amateur recording"", ""didgeridoo"", ""background noises"", ""people talking""]","[""Didgeridoo"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech""]",6,200,210,0,0,"[""/m/02bxd"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/09x0r""]" C3o8pEsAu5U,,An acoustic drum is strumming chords while a percussion instrument is playing a bass sound along with an e-bass. A male choir is singing in the background while the female voice is singing the first melody. In the background you can hear voices. This song may be playing in a live performance.,"[""acoustic guitar"", ""e-bass"", ""female voice singing"", ""male backing vocals"", ""percussion"", ""background noises"", ""medium to uptempo"", ""sensual""]","[""Music"", ""/t/dd00003""]",6,40,50,0,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/t/dd00003""]" CRxIJ7YbcZA,,An acoustic drum is playing a simple groove with a strong kick. The e-bass is playing on every hit of the kick together with an e-guitar strumming a chord. A female voice is singing a slow paced melody. In the background you can hear some maschine sounds and piping sounds. This song may be playing in a James Bond movie-scene.,"[""funk/rock"", ""acoustic drums"", ""e-guitar"", ""e-bass"", ""female voice singing"", ""slow to medium tempo"", ""background noises""]","[""Funk"", ""Music"", ""Rhythm and blues"", ""Soul music""]",6,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/02x8m"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/06j6l"", ""/m/0gywn""]" CZuH43NPynA,,"This song contains several instruments playing the same melody. Violins; flutes, and tin whistles. An acoustic guitar is strumming chords along and a percussive instrument is playing along with the acoustic guitar. In the background you can hear people talking. This song may be playing in an Irish bar.","[""irish folkmusic"", ""violins"", ""percussion"", ""flutes"", ""tin whistles"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""background noises"", ""uptempo""]","[""Traditional music"", ""Music""]",6,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/02p0sh1"", ""/m/04rlf""]" G4fTKotMoWI,,Someone is playing an acoustic guitar ending his phrase. In the background you can hear high pitched noises. This song may be playing at home practicing guitar.,"[""amateur recording"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""slow tempo"", ""background noises""]","[""Guitar"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Steel guitar, slide guitar"", ""Strum"", ""Plucked string instrument""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/0342h"", ""/m/042v_gx"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/06w87"", ""/m/07s0s5r"", ""/m/0fx80y""]" LHTA8VZGoMs,,This audio contains someone playing a bass solo melody. In the background you can hear something that almost sounds like a dog barking. This song may be playing while listening to a live concert.,"[""amateur recording"", ""e-bass"", ""background noises"", ""funky""]","[""Bass guitar"", ""Tapping (guitar technique)"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Bowed string instrument""]",6,10,20,0,0,"[""/m/018vs"", ""/m/01glhc"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y"", ""/m/0l14_3""]" UtZofZjccBs,,The drums are playing the kick along with an e-bass. Then 16th notes come in played on a hihat. A male singer with a higher register voice is singing loudly. The song seems to be building up before breaking into the next part. This song may be playing cruising down a hill with a skateboard.,"[""pop/rock"", ""e-bass"", ""acoustic drums"", ""background noises"", ""male voice"", ""higher register"", ""singing"", ""medium to uptempo""]","[""Music"", ""Skateboard""]",6,290,300,1,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/06_fw""]" Z5x5BLzQKZI,,The song contains synth pad sounds in the low to mid range playing drone sounds with little atmospheric sounds. In the background you can hear sounds of something falling to the ground. This song may be playing for meditation.,"[""cinematic/atmospherical"", ""synth pad srone sounds"", ""background noises"", ""amateur recording"", ""meditative""]","[""Music"", ""Rumble"", ""Inside, small room""]",6,10,20,0,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/07phhsh"", ""/t/dd00125""]" ZqnbgQeeRbM,,Acoustic guitars are strumming chords while male voices are singing along. There are a lot of background noises of people talking. The recording is of very poor quality. This song may be playing at a local small town event.,"[""bluegrass"", ""acoustic guitars"", ""male voices singing"", ""background noises"", ""amateur recording"", ""medium tempo""]","[""Country"", ""Music"", ""Bluegrass""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/01lyv"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/0gg8l""]" knQuxZj9rTA,,"The recording is full of natural sounds. Birds chirping, a river running and wind shaking the leaves. Then a percussive mid range instrument comes in with a steady repetitive rhythm. This instrument seems to be recorded in another environment than the natural sounds. The sound quality is different. This is not a professional recording. This song may be playing for a documentary.","[""ambient/dance"", ""nature"", ""background noises"", ""percussive hit"", ""relaxing"", ""uptempo""]","[""Bird vocalization, bird call, bird song"", ""Music"", ""Environmental noise"", ""Outside, rural or natural""]",6,0,10,0,1,"[""/m/020bb7"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/06_y0by"", ""/t/dd00129""]" lmrzR9cSMRY,,An acoustic piano is playing a melody along with a flute-sound and an acoustic guitar picking two notes repeatedly. Then the song breaks softly into a new part as the acoustic guitar and piano are fading out. In the background you can hear some insects chirping. Now an electric piano sound is playing a melody along with a male voice singing. His voice sounds sensitive. This song may be playing for a movie scene.,"[""pop"", ""acoustic piano"", ""flute"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""electric piano"", ""male voice singing"", ""mid-range voice"", ""sensitive"", ""medium to uptempo"", ""background noises""]","[""Singing"", ""Music"", ""Sad music""]",6,20,30,0,1,"[""/m/015lz1"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/t/dd00033""]" oVhhEku6ECA,,Someone is playing an acoustic drumset with an open hi-hat and fast aggressive fill-ins. An e-bass is playing a simple bassline along. In the background you can hear strings playing a melody while an e-guitar is playing an arpeggio melody on top. In the background you can hear people cheering and singer/singers at the end of a phrase. This song may be playing in a live concert.,"[""hardrock"", ""acoustic drums"", ""double-bass"", ""e-guitar"", ""synth-strings"", ""background noises"", ""voices"", ""e-bass"", ""uptempo"", ""epic""]","[""Heavy metal"", ""Music"", ""Angry music""]",6,150,160,0,1,"[""/m/03lty"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/t/dd00036""]" zu_1zpF--Zg,,This audio contains someone playing jazz chords and melody on a e-guitar along with an upright bass also creating a slapping sound as a percussive element. In the background you can hear people talking and the sound of dishes. This song may be playing in a restaurant.,"[""amateur recording"", ""jazz/bossa-nova"", ""upright bass"", ""e-guitar"", ""background noises"", ""voices"", ""medium to uptempo""]","[""Cello"", ""Double bass"", ""Pizzicato"", ""Bowed string instrument""]",6,0,10,0,0,"[""/m/01xqw"", ""/m/02fsn"", ""/m/0d8_n"", ""/m/0l14_3""]" hBQFoDI3NMI,,"This music is an Electric Guitar instrumental. The tempo is fast with a dissonant background score . There is the sound of people talking in the background. The music is superimposed on a track which doesn’t seem to be in sync. The lead however is powerful, loud, intense and emphatic. This is a Rock Instrumental.","[""instrumental"", ""electric guitar"", ""people talking in the background"", ""home recording"", ""amateur recording"", ""rock instrumental"", ""intense"", ""loud"", ""amplified guitar"", ""youthful"", ""enthusiastic"", ""vehement"", ""spirited"", ""sonic power’"", ""medium tempo"", ""background noises"", ""accompanying music"", ""people talking"", ""loud"", ""powerful"", ""intense"", ""rock"", ""hard rock"", ""metal"", ""dissonant""]","[""Tapping (guitar technique)"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Music""]",7,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/01glhc"", ""/m/02sgy"", ""/m/04rlf""]" ksYM8YzzWXo,,"This music is an electronic instrumental. The tempo is medium with a steady, rhythmic keyboard harmony, simple drumming and groovy bass lines. There are sounds of crashing, glass breaking, explosions or gunshots in the background superimposing over the music. The sounds are in stark contrast to the melodious music, with the crashing and shooting giving it an aggressive vibe;","[""instrumental"", ""medium fast tempo"", ""groovy bass line"", ""aggressive"", ""pleasant music"", ""contrasting aggressive sounds"", ""video game music"", ""keyboard harmony"", ""steady drumming"", ""electronic music"", ""sound of crashing"", ""background noises"", ""smashing"", ""shooting"", ""punchy drums"", ""spirited"", ""animated"", ""rhythmic beat""]","[""Music"", ""Breaking""]",7,90,100,0,1,"[""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/07pc8lb""]"