video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""【石橋楽器店】初心者のためのDJ How to Setup!"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a flat male vocal talking over an electro song that consists of a punchy ""4 on the floor"" kick pattern, short snare hit and offbeat shimmering hi hats. In the second part of the loop, the electro song is being scratched by a DJ. The recording is noisy and in mono.",2008-01-25T05:00:44Z,1484tv イシバシ楽器公式,"<DJを始めてみたいけど「何か難しそうだな‥‥」と思っているアナタ!そんな事はありません!>  このムービーでは、ターンテーブルの定番「Technics / SL-1200MK5」と、DJミキサーの定番「Technics / SH-EX1200」の基本的な特徴から、カートリッジの選び方やカートリッジの取り付け方法、さらには針飛び時の対処法まで伝授いたします。もちろんシステムのセットアップと接続方法も判りやすくご紹介しております。","[""Scratching (performance technique)"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech""]","[""flat male vocal"", ""dj scratching sound effect"", ""electro"", ""punchy \""4 on the floor\"" kick pattern"", ""short snare hit"", ""offbeat shimmering hi hats"", ""low quality"", ""noisy"", ""mono""]",4,pnh_C1w4yGc,4735,"{""label"":""君が好きだと叫びたい Slam Dunk Acoustic guitar 灌籃高手 吉他 演奏"",""href"":""""}",Someone is strumming an acoustic guitar while playing a fingerstyle melody and percussive sounds. This is an amateur recording. This song may be playing at a bonfire.,2007-12-25T19:34:44Z,吉他補給-左營店,高雄吉他教學,"[""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Slam"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""amateur recording"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""fingerstyle"", ""uptempo""]",6,9mIDP_OT1uM,1040,"{""label"":""BOOWY BAD FEELINGのギターカッティングをTAB譜付で超ゆ~~っくり弾いてみました。"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features shimmering bells that slowly fade out, leading into a funky electric guitar melody. It sounds cool and upbeat.",2016-05-15T09:47:52Z,kobekotamusic,"表示のTAB譜ですが、1拍目の3弦7フレットから5フレットは スライドと書いておりますが、プリングオフの間違いです。m(_ _)m 布袋寅泰氏のギターフレーズ10選!解説動画配信! ギターカッティング奏法の基本が習得出来る!教材 カッティングのスーパーレッスン曲教材 ■KOTA MUSICプレミアムチャンネルはこちら!! -------------------------------------------- 当方が制作しました全オリジナルギター教材はこちら! 公式ブログ。 ブックマーク登録してKOTA MUSICの最新情報をGET!して下さい。 公式Facebook 公式ツイッター","[""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Glass"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""shimmering bells"", ""funky electric guitar melody"", ""cool"", ""low quality"", ""fade out"", ""upbeat""]",4,fPIG7nrpgec,3943,"{""label"":""林宥嘉 Yoga Lin [ 寵兒 The Loved Ones ] Music Video (電影「我的蛋男情人」主題曲) 陳星合 Acoustic Cover"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a cover of a ballad song that consists of passionate, muddy male vocal singing over arpeggiated acoustic guitar melody. It sounds noisy, muddy and messy, as the frequencies are clashing, but it is also emotional and raw.",2016-10-01T13:18:56Z,我是星合HE's channel,"林宥嘉 [ 寵兒 The Loved Ones ] Acoustic Cover 吉他翻唱改編 ►陳星合Facebook粉絲頁 : ►Instagram : →歡迎追蹤與訂閱←  每週三都會有新的音樂作品哦!!! 希望你們會喜歡這次的翻唱 :)","[""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Steel guitar, slide guitar"", ""Strum"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Tender music""]","[""low quality"", ""passionate muddy male vocal"", ""arpeggiated acoustic guitar melody"", ""noisy"", ""muddy"", ""cover"", ""emotional"", ""ballad"", ""raw"", ""messy""]",4,-8cgbhIR_pw,21,"{""label"":""打楽器アンサンブル 千本桜"",""href"":""""}",The instrumental music features a marimba playing a simple melody in unison with another similar instrument and a xylophone accompanying them with fast repeating notes. A tambourine is playing once every beat. A drummer plays a repeating rhythm and drives the rhythm forward.,2014-09-30T11:49:47Z,嶋崎雄斗,"打楽器6重奏 千本桜/初音ミク 楽譜: by 東京 percussive pedia","[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Marimba, xylophone"", ""Percussion"", ""Steelpan""]","[""drums"", ""instrumental"", ""no voice"", ""marimba"", ""xylophone"", ""tambourine""]",2,JorNR3IXDyc,2035,"{""label"":""淚光閃閃(夏川里美) / 陪我看日出(蔡淳佳) 之陶笛、大提琴、二胡合奏版"",""href"":""""}","This is an instrumental music piece with Chinese characteristics. The main tune is being played by a small xiao flute. There is a mellow acoustic guitar backing keeping a repeated theme in the background. The song is played on a major scale, giving it a feeling of hopefulness. The atmosphere of the song is soothing. This piece could be played as an opening soundtrack for a romantic anime movie.",2008-05-16T18:17:26Z,Jones Santos,"主題曲「淚光閃閃」誕生於1998年,「森山良子」為了抒發她對22歲早逝的哥哥的思念,她不停的寫,把對哥哥的思念都寫在歌詞中,當她完成了整首歌的歌詞時,一直抑鬱在心中的那個心結,好像是解開了... 涙そうそう(淚光閃閃)是沖繩的方言,意指「眼淚一顆顆掉落,淚流不止」。想哭的時候,不需壓抑,就盡情的哭吧! 此片在沖繩拍攝,取景相當純樸美麗,劇情是描述一對沒有血緣關係的兄妹,因母親過世、父親失蹤只剩下兩人相依為命,哥哥付出不求回報的守護著他唯一的妹妹,兩人逐漸相互吸引,但現實生活的貧困與病苦,壓得兩人情路坎坷,相當讓人不可置信的哀愁結局。 但片尾放出「淚光閃閃」這首歌,幻燈片式的放出兩人從小到大的相片,讓人再次回想這個故事。最後一張是過了幾年後,妹妹穿著死去的哥哥送的和服端坐的獨照,似乎示意著被淚水沖洗過的心靈就會浮現希望。我似乎懂了,人生再如何哀愁,還是得堅強走下去,總有一天,哀愁ㄧ定會慢慢變淡的... 陪我看日出 雨的氣息是回家的小路 路上有我追著你的腳步 腳下邊保存著昨天的溫度 你抱著我就像溫暖的大樹 雨下了走好路 這句話我記住 風再大吹不走囑咐 雨過了就有路 像那年看日出 你牽著我穿過了霧 叫我看希望就在黑夜的盡處 哭過的眼看歲月更清楚 想一個人閃著淚光是一種幸福 又回到我離開家的小步 你送著我滿天燕子都在飛舞 雖然一個人 我並不孤獨 在心中你陪我看每一個日出","[""Cello"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Harmonic"", ""Bowed string instrument"", ""Flute""]","[""instrumental"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""xiao"", ""eastern"", ""chinese"", ""classical"", ""calming"", ""easygoing""]",9,lDABsoatahM,4381,"{""label"":""中村たかし 情熱大陸 「誰かに聴かせたくなるウクレレ・ソロ」"",""href"":""""}",The song is an instrumental. The song is medium tempo with a ukulele played with a fast strumming technique. The song is groovy and melancholic. The song audio quality is poor but is very relaxing to listen to.,2011-05-15T09:24:54Z,ttcafelele,"中村たかし 情熱大陸(サンプル動画) 「誰かに聴かせたくなるウクレレ・ソロ」 タブ譜付きスコア 「誰かに聴かせたくなるウクレレ・ソロ」ドレミ楽譜出版社 映画・TV・CM主題歌集〜模範演奏CD付き 中村たかし編 2625円(税込み)","[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Ukulele"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""live performance"", ""ukulele player"", ""instrumental music"", ""relaxing"", ""casual"", ""fast tempo"", ""technique and expertise"", ""ukulele online lessons"", ""poor audio quality"", ""ukulele strummed fast"", ""lovely"", ""entertaining"", ""passionate"", ""groovy"", ""no other instrumentation"", ""youtube music video"", ""live demo"", ""youtube cover"", ""melancholic"", ""emotional""]",1,PaQGXIh94uc,2546,"{""label"":""竹中くんと野村くんのエレキギター講座 ジェフ・ベック編 2/10"",""href"":""""}","This music is an electric guitar instrumental. The tempo is medium with a strong, emphatic and funky riff. There are male and female voices in a foreign language superimposed on the audio. This clip is an electronic guitar demo or lesson.",2010-10-16T09:58:48Z,tw2tsugua,トークの部分だけに編集しています。,"[""Bass guitar"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""instrumental"", ""medium tempo"", ""electric guitar"", ""demonstration"", ""review"", ""amplified"", ""sonic power"", ""male voice speaking"", ""female voice speaking"", ""foreign language"", ""electric guitar lesson"", ""tutorial""]",7,yaUK4XvVGTg,5423,"{""label"":""スティールパンのオーケストラ PAN NOTE MAGIC PV"",""href"":""""}","A steeldrum-orchestra in playing a composition containing bass sounds, mid range chords and melodies in the higher register. This sounds soothing. This song may be playing as a live performance.",2014-01-28T23:32:16Z,PAN NOTE MAGIC Official Channel,"スティールパン オーケストラ PAN NOTE MAGICのオフィシャルPVです。 Official Site →","[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Steelpan""]","[""steeldrum-orchestra"", ""amateur recording"", ""soothing"", ""slower tempo""]",6,kbCh5HrmgN0,4334,"{""label"":""Sitar シタールの魅力 ヨシダダイキチ yoshidadaikiti"",""href"":""""}","This is a recording of one note being played on the guitar, followed by some string bending. There is then a dialogue between male Japanese speakers.",2010-12-29T19:42:40Z,JE55IC44,"シタール奏者 ヨシダダイキチさん!/yoshidadaikiti ウスタッド・シュジャート・カーン/ustad shujaat khanに師事","[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Sitar""]","[""sitar"", ""string bend technique"", ""japanese dialogue"", ""japanese speaking"", ""live recording""]",3,OoJGMj5H7Wk,2470,"{""label"":""ジャズコーラスの音色とマーシャルガバナーの威力"",""href"":""""}",The song is an instrumental. The song is medium tempo with an electric guitar playing chords and strumming rhythm with no other instrumentation. The song is emotional and interesting. The song is probably a demo of a guitar or guitar amplifier. The audio is average quality.,2011-10-24T16:02:01Z,yskpai81,"ガバナー大好き。 ↑これです。昔は四角い形だったのに、今は流線型のボディになってます。 音は昔の方が良かったような気がします。","[""Effects unit"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Chorus effect"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""electric guitar"", ""strumming chords"", ""virtuoso"", ""guitar lessons online"", ""guitar strumming rhythm"", ""guitar amplifiers"", ""guitar demonstration"", ""live performance"", ""youtube music video"", ""average audio quality"", ""medium tempo"", ""instrumental music"", ""emotional"", ""spirited"", ""soloist"", ""ambient room noises""]",1,2xATintzaj4,420,"{""label"":""ウクレレチューニング"",""href"":""""}",This song is a simple instrumental. The tempo slows with the sound of clapping followed by a soft and mellow ukelele melody. This is a home video of a Ukelele instrumental.,2008-06-01T00:14:12Z,radiorau,ウクレレのチューニング方法です,"[""Guitar"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Ukulele"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""instrumental"", ""slow tempo"", ""ukelele melody"", ""minimalist"", ""pleasant sound"", ""simple"", ""rhythmic"", ""soft"", ""mellow"", ""sound of clapping"", ""live performance"", ""four stringed instrument"", ""stringed instrument"", ""hawaiian instrument"", ""lute family""]",7,u3yOMK8SuRI,5088,"{""label"":""スライドギター ソロギター プライマル。 The yellow monkey slide guitar"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a cover of a song and it consists of an addictive electric guitar melody played over barely audible playback. The recording is very noisy and in mono, as it was probably recorded with a phone.",2010-07-19T06:51:12Z,1985masayuki,イエローモンキーの「プライマル。」をスライドギターでアレンジしてみました。バック音源はシングルCDからのものを流してます。,"[""Tapping (guitar technique)"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument""]","[""low quality"", ""addictive electric guitar melody"", ""cover"", ""playback"", ""noisy"", ""mono""]",4,qEJ_jxZzt7k,4768,"{""label"":""Canon in D - Piano Tutorial Easy SLOW - Pachelbel - How To Play (Synthesia)"",""href"":""""}",Here we have a slow piano piece played in a major key. The peace feels calm and happy.,2015-10-31T09:39:24Z,Piano Tutorial Easy,"➜ SHEET MUSIC: ➜ Learn Piano Easy: @PianoTutorialEasy ➜ Spotify: ➜ Instagram: ➜ More Piano Tutorials: ➜ Original productions of myself: ➜ Facebook PianoTutorialEasy: ➜ TWITTER PianoTutorialEasy: Canon in D - Pachelbel piano tutorial easy SLOW - learn how to play Canon in D - Pachelbel in an easy beginner piano lesson with synthesia. This easy piano arrangement was created by Michael Carstensen . ➜ Get the newest sheets: ➜ Subscribe: ➜ NEW Pop Music - Piano Tutorial EASY: ➜ OLD Pop Music - Piano Tutorial EASY: ➜ NEW Pop Music - Piano Tutorial ADVANCED: ➜ OLD Pop Music - Piano Tutorial ADVANCED: ➜ Movie/TV-Series - Piano Tutorial EASY: ➜ Movie/TV-Series - Piano Tutorial ADVANCED: ➜ Classical Music - Piano Tutorial EASY: ➜ Classical Music - Piano Tutorial ADVANCED: ➜ NEW Original Piano Pieces - EASY: ➜ NEW Original Piano Pieces - ADVANCED: ➜ Games Music - Piano Tutorial: ➜ Traditional Music - Piano Tutorial: DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links, which means that I receive a small commission when you click on one of the product links. This help supports the channel and allows me to continue making such videos. Thanks for your support! #PianoTutorialEasy #PianoTutorial #PianoEasy","[""Electric piano"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Keyboard (musical)"", ""Piano"", ""Electronic tuner"", ""Inside, small room""]","[""piano"", ""calm"", ""happy"", ""emotional"", ""piano notes""]",3,ABVYSaLu_VM,1080,"{""label"":""打楽器4重奏\""宝島への地図\""堀金中【金賞】"",""href"":""""}",This instrumental song features the main melody played on bells and the marimba. A timpani plays the percussion. The tempo of this song is slow. This song has no voices. The song has a celestial and dreamy feel. This song can be used in a dreamy sequence in a children's movie. There are no voices in this song.,2012-01-13T07:58:48Z,おにぎり総合音楽チャンネル,"◆練習用 A 0:39 B 0:57 C 1:20 D 1:43 E 2:13 F 2:38 G 3:07 H 3:29 I 3:45 J 3:57 K 4:07 L 4:14 M 4:23 N 4:32 O 4:38 平成24年1月7日(土) 大町文化会館 大ホール 安曇地区大会【金賞】 (中信ブロック大会【銀賞】) 【演奏曲】宝島への地図 【作曲】高橋宏樹 【出版社】ブレーン 【メンバー構成】堀金中学校生徒 Perc.1(Glock./Xylo./Tri./Sus.Cym.) 百瀬愛理沙さん(1年) Perc.2(Vib./Tamb.) 嶋田大輔さん(2年) Perc.3(Tri./Mari./Sus.Cym./Tamb.) 猿田茉耶さん(1年) Perc.4(Mari./Timp./Tri.) 吉田ちひらさん(1年) ※作曲者・保護者の許諾を受けて公開 作曲家 高橋宏樹先生から直々のコメントを頂戴したので紹介します。 初めまして、「宝島への地図」選曲いただき大変光栄でございます。 そしてコンテストでの金賞受賞おめでというございます。 動画拝見させていただきました。とても音楽的に作られていて物語の 見えてくる暖かい感じの演奏ですね。公開はどうぞしていただければと 思います。今後も機会ありましたら何卒よろしくお願いいたします。   高橋宏樹 温かいコメント、本当にありがとうございました! #宝島への地図 #打楽器アンサンブル #金賞 #アンサンブルコンテスト #アンコン #中学生 #吹奏楽 #おにぎり総合音楽チャンネル","[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Marimba, xylophone"", ""Vibraphone"", ""Classical music"", ""Percussion""]","[""bells"", ""marimba"", ""timpani"", ""instrumental music"", ""celestial music"", ""dreamy feel"", ""no voices"", ""slow tempo""]",0,yRU7DifuAXY,5409,"{""label"":""The Girl From Ipanema - Solo Acoustic Guitar - Adam Rafferty"",""href"":""""}",This fingerstyle guitar song features a guitar playing at a slow tempo. The bass notes are also played by the same guitar. The picking pattern involves a percussive style of guitar playing. There are no other instruments in this song. This is an instrumental song. There are no voices in this song. This song has a romantic feel. This song can be played in a luxury hotel lobby.,2013-01-13T10:18:08Z,Adam Rafferty,"► Start learning my solo arrangements and get personal guitar coaching - FREE 14 day trial: ► Get more cool FREE lessons here: Hey Gang! I've had so many requests for this song, it was time to arrange this gorgeous tune for solo guitar - ""The Girl From Ipanema"" by Antonio Carlos Jobim. My apologies for the painful ""guitar faces"" - I was digging VERY hard for a deep slow, sexy groove - that took internal work & concentration - big time! If you have never heard the famous version with Astrud Gilberto, ‪João Gilberto‬ and Stan Getz - go listen to it. It's one of my fave recordings of all time! I know it's not a traditional boss the way I play it, it's a NY Adam type groove - I still need to learn the real Brazilian way to groove! Love Adam ------- Follow me! ► Facebook: ► Instagram: ► Fingerstyle Guitar HANGOUT - iTunes Podcast: ► Twitter: ► NEW - Join the ""Fingerstyle Guitar Hangout Community"" on Facebook ► Post your videos, chat and hang out with me and other guitar players here: ► ► NEW book ""The Inner Game of Fingerstyle Guitar"" available on Amazon ► ===============","[""Guitar"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Electronic tuner"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""acoustic guitar"", ""pop song"", ""fingerstyle guitar"", ""percussive strumming"", ""instrumental"", ""no voices"", ""no other instruments"", ""slow tempo""]",0,yw6uqQQF5Ig,5447,"{""label"":""ピックアップで音は変わるのか?"",""href"":""""}",This audio contains someone playing a mouthwarp. Then another recording starts where someone is strumming chords on an e-guitar fingerpicking a melody. This song may be playing for a photo slide show made for the family.,2012-08-24T11:50:48Z,ingen99900,"※演奏に関しては勘弁してね(;´∀`) エピフォン ウィルシャーのPUを ディマジオ スーパーディストーションに交換。 POD HD→ガレージバンドで録音。 思いのほかタップした時のサウンドが良いですな。","[""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Boing""]","[""amateur recording"", ""mouth harp"", ""e-guitar"", ""medium tempo""]",6,aeDZVfGk7bk,3563,"{""label"":""Lao Traditional Music 2013 4 (ຂັບທຸ້ມຫຼວງພະບາງ)"",""href"":""""}","A female vocalist sings this loud chant like folk song in a foreign language. The tempo is medium fast with vocal backup, rhythmic small hand cymbals and xylophone like instruments. The audio quality is inferior so the music is incoherent. This song is a live performance or concert with ambient sounds. The song is loud, lilting, chant-like, meditative, droning, hynoptic, melodious and classical. This song is a Classical Laos Folk song.",2013-04-27T04:36:46Z,vkone kone,ຂັບທຸ້ມຫຼວງພະບາງສະບັບເກົ່າ ນຳສະແດງໂດຍຄະນະສິນລະປະວັນນະຄະດີເຮືອນວັດທະນທຳພວງຈຳປາ ເນຶ່່່ອງໃນໂອກາດໄປສະແດງທີ່ປະເທດຝຮັ່ງ.,"[""Folk music"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Rattle (instrument)"", ""Percussion""]","[""female singer"", ""medium fast tempo"", ""lilting"", ""chant like"", ""droning"", ""hynoptic"", ""folk song"", ""classical song"", ""laos classical song"", ""laos folk song"", ""melodic"", ""extemporaneous"", ""incoherent music"", ""live performance"", ""ambient auditorium sounds"", ""people talking"", ""clapping"", ""amateur recording"", ""lao folk music"", ""vocal backup"", ""small hand cymbals"", ""xylophone like instrument"", ""classical music"", ""laotian classical music"", ""chanting"", ""meditative"", ""soothing""]",7,8MbxazeMw2E,917,"{""label"":""خالد الملا على كثر"",""href"":""""}","This is a live performance of a Khaliji music piece. There is an orchestra performing the piece. The melody is being played by the oud and the violin. The rhythmic background is composed of various percussive elements such as the riq, the darbuka and performers clapping their hands. The atmosphere is vibrant. This piece could be playing in the background at an Arab cuisine restaurant.",2012-12-22T12:53:27Z,saaa64,المطرب خالد الملا حضرميه على كثر,"[""Traditional music"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Middle Eastern music"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""khaliji music"", ""live performance"", ""orchestra"", ""violin"", ""oud"", ""percussion"", ""riq"", ""darbuka"", ""claps"", ""vibrant"", ""eastern sounding""]",9,MHHshnnqyco,2251,"{""label"":""Дунаю, Дунаю"",""href"":""""}",A female choir is singing a melody. The instruments are playing the same melody. The percussion- section contains a bassline being played along with a tambourine. This song may be playing at a public folkfest.,2009-10-10T22:36:29Z,ArattaMedia,"Українська народна пісня у виконанні народного ансамблю ""Вишня"". Художній керівник - Адам Дзюба. Інформація про колектив - DVD -","[""Folk music"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument""]","[""folkmusic"", ""violin"", ""accordion"", ""female choir"", ""bass"", ""tambourine"", ""flute"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""uptempo""]",6,O6QyYC7Tt2A,2399,"{""label"":""Visual Sound GarageTone Oil Can Phaser"",""href"":""""}",The low quality recording features an arpeggiated electric guitar melody being played with and without phaser pedal effect. It sounds cool and the recording is noisy and in mono.,2010-07-02T17:20:19Z,Enzo Bardoul," - The new GarageTone Oil Can Phaser from Visual Sound is a classic sounding analog phaser. With both Speed and Depth knobs, the Oil Can Phaser has a wide variety of warm analog tones, from swooshing to pulsating. Placed before distortion or overdrive, the Oil Can is perfect for classic or modern rock, ska, punk, and more. On its own, the GarageTone Oil Can Phaser gives warmth and movement to textured rhythm parts.","[""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Chorus effect"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""low quality"", ""noisy"", ""arpeggiated electric guitar"", ""phaser pedal effect"", ""cool"", ""mono""]",4,zSSIGv82318,5478,"{""label"":""Tomáš Valášek -,"",""href"":""""}","This rock song features a guitar solo being played on a distortion guitar. This starts off with a string bend followed by a descending lick. A harmonic string scratch technique is played to produce a screeching sound. This is followed by a fast ascending scale run. This is accompanied by percussion playing a simple rock beat. The bass plays the root notes of the chords. There are no voices in this song. This is an instrumental. Due to the low audio quality, the instruments are not clearly heard.",2010-04-24T08:39:01Z,kytarovaskola,",","[""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Pulse"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""rock song"", ""low quality audio"", ""no voices"", ""instrumental"", ""distortion guitar"", ""guitar solo"", ""percussion"", ""bass"", ""harmonics"", ""moderate tempo"", ""string bending""]",0,CM7jMnBXw2Y,1356,"{""label"":""Bass Trip Vol. 1.1 - Wounded Paw Attack Goat, Boss BF-3 Flanger, EHX Nano Holy Grail."",""href"":""""}",Someone is playing an e-bass with different effects on. Using a finger-tapping technique to play a melody/riff. This song may be playing bass at home.,2009-11-11T18:27:55Z,Enzo Bardoul," - This is a demo featuring a little unconventional effect use on bass. The pedals we're using are the Wounded Paw Attack Goat Bass Fuzz, the Boss BF-3 Flanger, and the Electro-Harmonix Nano Holy Grail. For more information on any of these you can visit our site or give us a call @ 1-866-612-TONE . Thanks for watching!!","[""Bass guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Electronica""]","[""amateur recording"", ""e-bass"", ""effect-pedals"", ""melody finger-tapping"", ""uptempo""]",6,zCrpaLEq1VQ,5463,"{""label"":""MXR Stereo Chorus Demo"",""href"":""""}",This is a gear showcase jam recording. The only instrument being played is a clean sounding electric guitar. There is a chorus effect being applied on the guitar while it is playing mellow tunes. The atmosphere is relaxing and trippy. This track could be used in nostalgic/yearning sequences in movies and TV shows. Parts of it could also work well as an advertisement jingle. Samples from this recording could be used in beat-making.,2008-08-06T23:45:40Z,Enzo Bardoul, A short video demo of the classic MXR Stereo Chorus.,"[""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Chorus effect"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""jam"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""single instrument"", ""electric guitar"", ""guitar solo"", ""effect pedal"", ""chorus"", ""simple tune"", ""relaxing"", ""trippy"", ""psychedelic""]",9,Vu7ZUUl4VPc,3041,"{""label"":""LovePedal 200lbs of Tone Silicon Fuzz Pedal"",""href"":""""}",This audio contains someone playing a very distorted e-guitar melody in the midrange. This song may be playing guitar at home.,2008-05-06T02:56:08Z,ProGuitarShopDemos," - The Lovepedal 200lbs of Tone Fuzz Pedal is a silicon based effect that provides sweet ""violin"" type fuzz tones. The 200lbs of tone features a fixed Output Depth that cuts noise and simulates a 4x12 cab. It also gives you an Internal Bias Trimmer to set the transistor bias. This will allow you to control the sag of the fuzz tone and simulate a dead battery tone. The Master Volume control allows you to set any level without loading. At your basic 12 o'clock settings the Lovepedal 200lbs of Tone (that's 90.91 Kilos of Tone for you metric funnies out there!) delivers sweet, smooth fuzz that is warm and organic with singing sustain. The Fat knob changes the midrange for a scooped tone with tight low end or a mid rich solo tone that will cut through solos. Even at the highest fuzz settings the 200lbs of Tone cleans up well with the guitar volume knob and never gets muddy. If you tone is too light for you, get the Lovepedal 200lbs of Tone Fuzz Pedal.","[""Reverberation"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""amateur recording"", ""distorted e-guitar""]",6,6k6tF0s0lNs,784,"{""label"":""Lap Steel Lessons - Blues Licks Vol. 1 with Dave Anderson"",""href"":""""}",This song features a solo played on a pedal steel guitar. This is a country blues melody. This involves slides on the guitar. This is accompanied by percussion playing a simple beat in common time. The bass plays 12 bar blues style bassline. An organ outlines chords in the background. This is an instrumental song. There are no voices. This song can be played in a bar.,2010-01-29T00:33:04Z,OnlineLessonVideos, - Check it out for Full Lesson + TAB + Mp3 Backing Tracks!,"[""Blues"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Steel guitar, slide guitar"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""pedal steel guitar solo"", ""slide guitar"", ""country song"", ""percussion"", ""bass"", ""organ"", ""no voices"", ""instrumental"", ""moderate tempo"", ""blues mood""]",0,W4nQpOHIPEw,3061,"{""label"":""Raul Malo, Seth Walker - Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain"",""href"":""""}",Someone is playing a melody on a semi acoustic guitar along to a bass ukulele with a very big sound. In the background you can hear something like a harmonica playing a drone chord. This song may be playing at a local concert.,2011-05-18T04:53:22Z,HomerMFishbulb,"w/ Michael Guerra Ark May, 2011","[""Country"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""country"", ""semi acoustic guitar"", ""harmonica"", ""bas ukulele"", ""amateur recording""]",6,886Qu4V0km4,898,"{""label"":""guitar gear Hendrix SRV style (MJM TS808 TS9)"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a reverberant, electric guitar solo melody. The recording is noisy and in mono.",2007-01-02T00:17:47Z,BluesBacon,"this is my guitar gear. London fuzz face, ts808, ts9 modify to ts808 into 1 fender Super reverb plus 1 fender twin reverb. This is my strato 1971 (4 bolt)","[""Tapping (guitar technique)"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""electric guitar solo melody"", ""noisy mono"", ""reverberant"", ""low quality""]",4,7ZW8xO37bA4,858,"{""label"":""5 year old singing Taylor Swift and playing custom made Taylor guitar"",""href"":""""}",The low quality recording features a raw innocent girl vocal singing over sloppy acoustic rhythm guitar chords. It sounds passionate and the recording is noisy and in mono.,2011-04-05T22:28:53Z,txfire76,this is my 5 year old singing a Taylor Swift song and playing the Taylor guitar I made for her sister.,"[""Guitar"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Strum"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Child singing""]","[""low quality"", ""mono"", ""noisy"", ""raw innocent girl vocal"", ""sloppy acoustic rhythm guitar"", ""passionate""]",4,5pIdH6p3kuo,696,"{""label"":""matchless dc 30 (92 ) complet test"",""href"":""""}",This instrumental song features a guitar played clean in the beginning and then switching to an overdrive sound. There are no other instruments in this song. There are no voices in this song. The mood of this song is bluesy.,2013-07-26T08:00:25Z,serge lasko,"this is a model dating from 92 (sampson era) i have post sampson model and the same quality too ,in the clip i use overdrive in boost mode for lead part","[""Reverberation"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""guitar song"", ""overdriven guitar"", ""clean guitar"", ""no other instruments"", ""sound comparison audio"", ""no voice"", ""instrumental""]",0,8WPG0dD20lg,923,"{""label"":""Taraful George Ness & Costel de la Bolintin 1.mp4"",""href"":""""}","The song is an instrumental. The tempo is medium fast with three accordions playing in harmony and virtuoso style , guitar strumming and other percussion instruments. The song is highly improvisational and has a bad audio quality with ambient room noises.",2011-11-23T21:01:09Z,Taraful George Ness,tel :0768 174 804 George Ness,"[""Traditional music"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Accordion""]","[""live music"", ""accordion players"", ""accordion harmony"", ""percussions playing rhythmically"", ""blues"", ""guitar strumming"", ""chaotic harmonies"", ""loud ambient room noise"", ""bad audio quality"", ""medium fast tempo"", ""walking bass style"", ""groovy music"", ""gypsy music"", ""improvisational music"", ""emotional"", ""spirited exciting"", ""instrumental music"", ""accordion virtuosos""]",1,t6XtW3SHQNE,5006,"{""label"":""The Grateful Dead Ripple Banjo Cover by Kathleen and Ashley Adams"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a covered song with arpeggiated banjo melody and flat female vocal that is occasionally out of tune. The recording is noisy and in mono, as if it was recorded with a phone, but it is also emotional, regardless of the voice crack.",2010-08-18T23:49:22Z,MissDJAshes,take 1 LOL just having fun/good times with a banjo and an afternoon (all we are missing is a rocking chair :)),"[""Singing"", ""Banjo"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Mandolin"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""low quality"", ""arpeggiated banjo melody"", ""noisy"", ""mono"", ""flat female vocal"", ""emotional"", ""voice crack""]",4,H4rdJlSSt5Y,1772,"{""label"":""Take Me As I Am"",""href"":""""}",The low quality recording features a cover of an R & B/soul song and it consists of a steel guitar solo melody. There are some pedal tapping noises. Overall the recording is noisy and it sounds passionate and soulful.,2007-08-30T00:32:01Z,jazzrone,steel guitar,"[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Steel guitar, slide guitar"", ""Distortion""]","[""low quality"", ""noisy"", ""steel guitar solo melody"", ""r&b/soul"", ""cover"", ""pedal tapping noise"", ""soulful"", ""passionate""]",4,YOA1JOyd7cw,3282,"{""label"":""Foreigner, Feels like the first time with lyrics"",""href"":""""}","The Rock song features a passionate male vocal singing over punchy kick and snare hits, shimmering hi hats, groovy bass guitar and electric guitar melodies. It sounds energetic and exciting.",2010-03-11T05:56:00Z,JohnysMusicChannel,"song: feels like the first time artist: foreigner lyrics: I would climb any mountain Sail across a stormy sea If that's what it takes me baby To show you how much you mean to me And I guess it's just the woman in you That brings out the man in me I know I can't help myself You're all in the world to me It feels like the first time Feels like the very first time It feels like the first time It feels like the very first time I have waited a lifetime Spent my time so foolishly But now that I've found you Together we'll make history And I know that it must be the woman in you That brings out the man in me I know I can't help myself You're all that my eyes can see And it feels like the first time Like it never did before Feels like the first time Like we've opened up the door Feels like the first time Like it never will again, never again Feels like the first time, it feels like the first time It feels like the very first time, very, very, it feels It feels like the first time, oh it feels like the first time It feels like the very first time Open up the door, won't you open up the door? yeah Feels like the first time And it feels like the very first time And it feels like the first time It feels like the very first time And it feels like the first time It feels like the very first time Oh it feels, it feels like the first time Yeah it feels like the first time","[""Singing"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Psychedelic rock"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""rock"", ""passionate male vocal"", ""punchy kick"", ""punchy snare"", ""shimmering hi hats"", ""groovy bass guitar"", ""electric guitar melodies"", ""energetic"", ""exciting""]",4,PfO7ZVdzfZ4,2556,"{""label"":""Stimmen"",""href"":""""}",This music features a ukulele being played. Only one string is played for tuning. This clip can be used to tune the G string of the ukulele. There are no voices in this clip. There are no other instruments in this clip.,2008-09-28T14:10:27Z,Ukulehrer,"so kannst du deine Ukulele stimmen. Am Schluss vom Video zeige ich, wie du dich selbst kontrollieren kannst.","[""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Ukulele"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""ukulele music"", ""no other instrument"", ""no percussion"", ""no voice"", ""instrumental"", ""one string"", ""one note"", ""no melody""]",0,hZfCziBaGTI,4119,"{""label"":""Jammin - Bob Marley"",""href"":""""}","This is a live recording which features strums of a single chord on a ukulele. At points in the clip, there is the voice of someone who is speaking. The recording is of a low-quality, and thus the audio has a slight fuzzy sound the whole way through.",2010-06-25T07:28:02Z,Seto Makura,skip tutorial to 2:00,"[""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Ukulele"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""live recording"", ""low audio quality"", ""ukulele"", ""speaking"", ""audio fuzz""]",3,oARFeTnImOg,4607,"{""label"":""timile ta haina"",""href"":""""}",Someone is playing an acoustic guitar strumming chords on the backbeat while someone is holding the rhythm with a shaker and a percussion in the background. This song may be playing while having a jam session with your friends.,2014-09-10T14:13:19Z,Jolon Deepanjali Joshi,rehearsal,"[""Singing"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Maraca""]","[""reggae/pop"", ""amateur recording"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""shaker"", ""percussion"", ""medium tempo""]",6,Gow0TlxIx7U,1755,"{""label"":""Blue Bossa - Achim Kohl - Jazz Guitar Improvisation with Tabs"",""href"":""""}","This is an instrumental jazz improvisation piece with heavy bossa nova influences. There is an over-arching bossa nova syncopation not only being played by the acoustic drums in the backing track but also followed by the electric rhythm guitar and the bass guitar. The lead is a guitar solo being played by a gentle sounding electric guitar. Although there are complex chords and riffs, the general atmosphere is tranquil. This piece could be playing in the background of a restaurant. It could also be included in the soundtrack of a movie during serene scenery.",2013-03-11T13:08:58Z,Achim Kohl,"played with my Gibson ES 137 Custom, If you want to play a transcription of this solo, go to","[""Guitar"", ""Jazz"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Strum"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""jam"", ""jazz"", ""bossa nova"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""electric guitar"", ""guitar solo"", ""bass guitar"", ""acoustic drums"", ""soft"", ""sensual"", ""tranquil""]",9,AgtY6m-b3Gk,1155,"{""label"":""1234/Best I Ever Had - Ukulele Cover (AJ Rafael Jenny Suk)​​​ | AJ Rafael​​​"",""href"":""""}",This is a pop music piece performed acoustically. The male and female vocals take turns singing melodically as a duet. The simple melody is being played by a ukulele. The aura of the song is very calm and easygoing. It could be used in the soundtrack of a teenage drama. The music could be playing in the background at a coffee house.,2009-09-05T09:14:07Z,AJ Rafael,"plain white t's and drake. in one sitting. ukulele cover =] check out jenny suk and me =] Walk Now for Autism 2009 Orange County Chapter Join TEAM MUSIC SPEAKS! walk with us! and if you're unable to walk with us on November 14, 2009 at the Anaheim Angels Stadium, please donate! -AJ booking:​​​. About AJ Rafael Hey! I’m AJ Rafael and welcome to my channel. I am passionate about music, performing, Disney and creating YouTube content to share with you. Ever since I can remember I have been creating music, playing instruments and performing. Though I love playing the piano and guitar, I also love trying out unique instruments to create new and original sounds for every song I create. On this channel you will find unique music videos, like my original music, “She Was Mine” and “Without You” and musical medleys, like “My Disney Mashup.” If you like what you see make sure you click SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single note!​​​","[""Singing"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Ukulele""]","[""pop music"", ""acoustic"", ""male vocal"", ""female vocal"", ""duet"", ""simple tune"", ""ukulele"", ""easygoing"", ""calming"", ""romantic""]",9,GSAMEMX_oAg,1724,"{""label"":""Anouar Brahim - Bahia (Astrakan Cafe)"",""href"":""""}",This song contains someone playing a melody on the oud. This song may be playing by a performer live on stage.,2008-05-31T07:55:19Z,Amr Shannan,oriental Jazz,"[""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Ukulele"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""oud"", ""left speaker"", ""slow tempo""]",6,AaajkQEU3A0,1140,"{""label"":""Compact - Fata din vis"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a live performance of a rock song and it consists of flat male vocal singing over arpeggiated electric guitar melody, groovy bass guitar, shimmering hi hats, snappy rimshots and punchy kicks. In the background, there are some crowd singing and crowd cheering noises. It sounds emotional and a bit addictive.",2008-04-19T14:23:33Z,Horia D,nice love song,"[""Blues"", ""Singing"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument""]","[""low quality"", ""live performance"", ""rock"", ""crowd cheering"", ""crowd singing"", ""flat male vocal"", ""punchy kick"", ""snappy rimshots"", ""shimmering hi hats"", ""arpeggiated electric guitar melody"", ""groovy bass guitar"", ""emotional"", ""addictive""]",4,cTJqIkSuf6s,3710,"{""label"":""Death By Audio Reverberation Machine pedal demo with Dr Z Antidote"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features an electric guitar melody playing with reverb pedal effect on. The player turns the pedal off in the second half of the loop, as it is probably a comparison tutorial. It is noisy, mono and buzzy.",2014-11-06T13:23:54Z,gearmanndude,"my apologies for the digital noise...I was having a camera cable issue that I didn't notice until it came time to edit...but I think (hope) you can still get the tone and vibe of this pedal from the demo DBA box of huge reverb with everything from tight slappy verb, to huge trails and tails and lush vapor reflective cavern hall sounds of love... I used a Gibson R9 Historic with Mojo Tone PAF Clone humbuckers and DR Z Antidote of the lords. YEP!","[""Bass guitar"", ""Reverberation"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument""]","[""low quality"", ""mono"", ""electric guitar melody"", ""buzzy"", ""noisy"", ""reverb pedal effect""]",4,bha-d3HXdMI,3643,"{""label"":""Dani California cover"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features distorted electric guitar chords playing over rock songs played on playback. It sounds messy and harsh, as the frequencies of the room and the actual sound of the guitar and song are clashing with each other.",2006-05-01T21:34:48Z,geraci89,just me playing along to my favourite song on the radio right now by my favourite band:):) enjoy!,"[""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Rock music"", ""Progressive rock"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""low quality"", ""distorted electric guitar chords"", ""playback"", ""harsh"", ""messy"", ""rock""]",4,m8poFnEbvW8,4447,"{""label"":""How to tap on guitar (super fast tapping lesson)"",""href"":""""}",This is a tutorial on the electric guitar. The guitar is high-pitched and rapid arpeggio notes are played on it. The audio is of a poor quality. The individual makes a comment at the end of the video.,2008-05-26T02:36:00Z,Amanda Riddle,"just me explaining the best i can how to tap on a guitar and the different kinds of tapping. I also explain how to do what i like to call video game tapping (One, lots of dragonforce stuff) woohoo over 100,000 views :) Thanks alot everyone. I hope that this video has helped you out. In light of this milestone, I plan to be producing more videos very very soon. So subscribe or just keep checking my channel (sp? lol)","[""Tapping (guitar technique)"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""electric guitar"", ""distortion"", ""high pitched"", ""live recording"", ""poor quality audio"", ""distorted audio"", ""background ambient noise"", ""speaking male""]",3,8Bu8CkR1xZY,901,"{""label"":""Tim Henson | Bittersweet"",""href"":""""}",This is an instrumental progressive/math rock piece. The electric guitar is playing a complex solo with rapid procession of notes using the tapping technique. There is a reverberating piano sample in the background. The atmosphere is trippy. This piece can be used in the soundtrack of a video game that takes place in outer space.,2015-02-03T23:14:50Z,Tim Henson," Merch: Tabs:","[""Echo"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Inside, small room""]","[""progressive rock"", ""math rock"", ""instrumental"", ""electric guitar"", ""guitar solo"", ""tapping"", ""piano sample"", ""complex"", ""trippy"", ""outer space feel""]",9,gIQ4QrKXjCc,4024,"{""label"":""My SunShine ROCK'A'TRENCH cover HD 【THE FUCKIN' EVOLBAND】"",""href"":""""}",This is a pop rock music piece being performed in the studio. There is a male vocalist singing melodically in the lead. The electric guitar is playing a simple tune with the bass guitar in the background. The acoustic drums are playing an upbeat rhythm with off-beat hi-hat strokes. The atmosphere is energetic. This piece could be used as the opening theme of a Korean teenage drama TV series.,2009-11-06T14:31:39Z,PROJECTJEI,"in STUDIO YOU Oct. 30, 2009","[""Drum kit"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Ska"", ""Roll""]","[""pop rock"", ""studio performance"", ""male vocal"", ""melodic singing"", ""electric guitar"", ""bass guitar"", ""acoustic drum"", ""upbeat"", ""energetic"", ""lively""]",9,eJFZuX0WHgk,3856,"{""label"":""Keeley Seafoam vibrato/Chorus+ performance by Lance Seymour"",""href"":""""}",Someone is playing an e-guitar with different effects over an acoustic drumgroove. Some of the sounds are panned to the right and left side of the speakers. This song may be playing at home practicing guitar.,2015-11-12T23:20:22Z,Lance Seymour," Product Description Seafoam Plus Chorus Seafoam Plus Chorus – True Chorus and ADT with Reverb Keeley Engineering is changing the minds of even the most picky players, again. We are proud to announce the all new Seafoam Plus Chorus – True Chorus and ADT with Reverb. It will forever change the way you think about chorus because we have developed a new type of chorus until now only available in expensive DAWs and in studios. Not only is it tuned for guitar, but there are voices and modes created specifically for bass players including flanging and tremolo. Lastly this tri-mode chorus offers internal switching for vintage and modern tones further doubling the amount of sounds you can get. ADT: In the Seafoam Plus Chorus you get the automatic doubler that we developed in the revolutionary 30ms Double Tracker. Our ADT chorus is what we call True Chorus because we create a second and third voice like singers in a choir. Not only do they sing at different times, they sing at different pitches. True Chorus. Seafoam Mode: You guessed it, the all new Seafoam Plus Chorus, lush wide and with a very musical vibrato. Gives you the lush sounds and tone of a vintage BBD analog chorus unit.. This is where you’ll find a typical chorus feature. This mode of the pedal has an LFO, the regularly cycling part you hear in most every other chorus unit. It provides a classic tone that you expect and has become part of many classic tunes. Set the rate for slow and depth for wide and enjoy a really spacious sounding chorus. Roll the Mix Control all of the way up for Vibrato. With the Space control as a Tone Control in this mode you can go from bright to vintage warmth, dialing in the perfect chorus. Dual Chorus Mode: We created a frequency cross-over based dual chorus engine. Imagine a dividing line that is centered on your high E-string. Control the depth of chorus independently for highs and lows. Craft the ultimate “Come As You Are” niravana of chorus tones. Create a very deep throbbing chorus on the low end, and near perfect calm on the top end. Or make the high-end and shimmer and waver while keeping the low end fixed! Choralflangelo Okay, it goes twice as deep. The Seafoam Plus Chorus is a Bass Chorus, Flanger, and Tremolo too! Pop the back off, flick a switch and it’s a bass guitar player’s dream. The Space Controls gives you controls or Regeneration, High Pass filtering to keep things tight, and a haunting Tremolo you have to hear to believe! So let’s get down and funky Michelangelo! Vintage At Heart Want a softer tone? Chorus that’s silky smooth and warm? No problem, internal switching puts it in “Vintage Mode”. The Keeley Seafoam Plus Chorus ships in “Modern Mode” for ultra wide, lush and high fidelity chorus. Either way, enjoy sounds that are down right frighteningly good. Makes you wonder, “Is that my fingers playing that tone?!?”!","[""Blues"", ""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Chorus effect"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""amateur recording"", ""e-guitar"", ""acoustic drums"", ""shaker"", ""medium to uptempo""]",6,clefr8E-iZQ,3737,"{""label"":""Keeley Memphis Sun Part II"",""href"":""""}","This music is instrumental. The tempo is medium with rhythmic drumming accompaniment. The melody is simple and gets interesting as a layer of drums gets added. It is spirited, catchy and engaging.",2015-10-21T22:38:15Z,Mike Hermans," Memphis Fun – What The Heck Is That? The new Memphis Sun – Lo-Fi Reverb, Echo and Double-Tracker is our second studio themed pedal. Like the Keeley 30ms ADT this pedal gives you a wealth of tones for capturing that classic Rock-and-Roll sound as well as sounds you’ve not heard before. It’s NeoVintage. It’s an Echo and Reverb pedal. Think of this pedal as three different effects: ECHO 600 – Echo for Long Delays SUN MODE – Auto Track-Doubling and Slapback with Short Delays REVERB – Room Reverb – Full Studio Studio Simulation. Both of the ECHO 600 and SUN MODE effects have a Room Reverb. It’s a one-knob, rock and roll type of room reverb.","[""Reverberation"", ""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""instrumental"", ""medium tempo"", ""electric guitar"", ""sonic power"", ""spirited"", ""catchy"", ""engaging"", ""smooth"", ""rock"", ""external amplification"", ""vibrating strings"", ""slick drumming"", ""layers of music"", ""groovy"", ""catchy"", ""energetic"", ""sonic power"", ""minimal instrumentation""]",7,U-L9YCIdLbg,2880,"{""label"":""5 Amazing Guitar Chords You Must Learn! - Creating Your Own Collection Of Favourite Chords"",""href"":""""}",This guitar instruction audio features an acoustic guitar. This starts off with a male voice giving instructions on how to play the guitar. The bass note is played on the open string and the chord is strummed once. This is the Hendrix chord being played on the acoustic guitar. There are no other instruments in this song. There is no vocal melody in this song. This audio can be used in a guitar instruction video.,2013-10-12T00:11:40Z,Nail Guitar Skills," ◄ Download a free PDF of the 5 amazing chords. ◄ You can also get a blank chord sheet to build your own list of favorite chords. Examples of these chords in songs: Cm11 - Cool #9 by Joe Satriani Em11 - Little Wing as covered by The Corrs Em9 - Little Wing as covered by The Corrs E7#9 - Loads of Hendrix songs Note he sometimes used a version of this chord lower down the neck. G13 - No references for this one sorry... I learnt it at uni while studying under great jazz guitarist, so check out some jazz :) Instagram - Facebook - Twitter - Check out my youtube channels: - Song Lessons - Guitar Skills - Lead Guitar Licks - Drum Lessons - Piano Lessons Details on guitar gear I use: Cheers, Andy Looking for a complete step-by-step guitar learning system? Check out this awesome affordable guitar course 5 Amazing Guitar Chords You Must Learn! - Creating Your Own Collection Of Favourite Chords","[""Guitar"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Strum"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""guitar instruction"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""male voice"", ""single strum"", ""7th chord"", ""no other instruments"", ""no vocal melody""]",0,3OLeJZF4oI0,460,"{""label"":""ZCAT Q-MOD Pedal"",""href"":""""}",The song is an instrumental. The song is medium tempo with an electric guitar playing a pleasant solo with a pedal affecting its tone. The song is a guitar effects demo. The song audio quality is poor.,2010-09-13T19:45:04Z,ZCAT Pedals," Q-Mod is a digital multi-effects processor featuring Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo and Reverb.","[""Reverberation"", ""Effects unit"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Chorus effect"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""amplifier"", ""pedal"", ""guitar solo"", ""slow tempo"", ""poor audio quality"", ""echoes"", ""relaxing"", ""guitar instrumental"", ""background music"", ""music demo"", ""guitar pedal test"", ""electric guitar"", ""guitar lead"", ""distortion tones"", ""pleasant"", ""instrumental music"", ""slow tempo"", ""guitar pedal tones"", ""soloist""]",1,W58kioYp1Ms,3062,"{""label"":""Fingerstyle Jazz Guitar Improv - Jody Fisher"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a jazzy electric guitar melody. The recording is noisy and it is in mono - regardless, it sounds calming and relaxing.",2006-02-23T23:43:33Z,workshoplive," Jody Fisher, one of our jazz instructors at workshoplive, took some time to jam some jazz musings on his Klein electric guitar. Enjoy Jody's music!","[""Guitar"", ""Jazz"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Strum"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""jazzy electric guitar melody"", ""low quality"", ""mono"", ""noisy"", ""calming"", ""relaxing""]",4,476vNb6thyM,540,"{""label"":""Fingerstyle Guitar Lessons"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a finger style acoustic guitar melody. The recording is in mono, noisy and it sounds soulful and passionate.",2006-06-20T14:01:13Z,workshoplive," Let Susan Mazer show you the goals of playing true fingerstyle blues.","[""Bass guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""low quality"", ""finger style acoustic guitar melody"", ""metronome"", ""mono"", ""noisy"", ""soulful"", ""passionate""]",4,15z-gbPxdXg,236,"{""label"":""Wampler Pedals: Nirvana Chorus/Vibrato - no talking"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording contains a widely spread electric guitar melody played with chorus effect, which in the second part of the loop is turned off - judging by the sounds of the melody and a tinny switch sound effect.",2010-08-30T01:57:41Z,Brett Kingman," An edited (read: no talking) demo of the mighty Wampler Nirvana Chorus/Vibrato. Recorded with a Telecaster and Laney Lionheart 5LT amp.","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Chorus effect"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""low quality"", ""wide electric guitar melody"", ""chorus effect"", ""tinny switch sound effect""]",4,ViF7A7XODiw,3023,"{""label"":""Spring Reverb Demo - Flickinger Tone Boxes Spaghetti Western Part Two"",""href"":""""}",This song is an instrumental solo. The tempo is medium fast with the guitarist playing an enthusiastic lead on an amplified guitar. The music is distorted with inferior audio quality. This song is a PopRock/Rock.,2011-03-15T15:22:54Z,soundpurestudios," The Spaghetti Western from Flickinger Tone Boxes is a spring reverb box, entirely hand wired with an all tube design. This demo picks up where part one left off, demonstrating how this vintage style reverb unit works with other electric guitar effects pedals, in this case a Flickinger Cranky Atom Overdrive Pedal. Rich Flickinger also shares some interesting facts about how this spring reverb was made. Check out our other Flickinger demo videos featuring the Angry Sparrow Fuzz Pedal, Vicious Cricket Tremolo Pedal, Rude Bomb Boost Pedal, as well as part one of the Spaghetti Western. If you are interested in any effects pedals that Sound Pure offers, please give us a call today and one of our experts would be glad to help you.","[""Reverberation"", ""Effects unit"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Chorus effect"", ""Distortion""]","[""instrumental"", ""amplified guitar"", ""guitar lead"", ""electric guitar"", ""medium fast tempo"", ""distorted sound"", ""amateur recording"", ""inferior quality audio"", ""dexterity"", ""rock"", ""pop rock""]",7,OH8urnIthoQ,2421,"{""label"":""AC-33 Acoustic Chorus Guitar Amplifier featuring Alex Hutchings"",""href"":""""}",solo acoustic nylon string guitar playing in a fingerstyle Brazilian bossa nova style.,2010-02-25T05:59:50Z,RolandChannel," Worlds First AA Battery-Powered Acoustic Guitar Amp! Rich, deep, stereo sound to go — introducing the AC-33, the worlds first AA battery-powered amp made specifically for acoustic guitar. Portable yet powerful, the AC-33 provides true stereo sound, Guitar and Mic/Line channels, custom-tailored effects, anti-feedback, and a Phrase Looper. But this amp was made to go places no amp has gone before. Thanks to its battery-power capability, the AC-33 lets you take your act anywhere — into the backwoods, onto the streets, or wherever your imagination leads you.","[""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Chorus effect"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""solo guitar"", ""nylon string acoustic"", ""fingerstyle"", ""bossa nova"", ""brazilian""]",8,ZVvX2-ldhvY,3387,"{""label"":""Rig Rundown - Robert Randolph"",""href"":""""}",A male voice is speaking while someone is playing an e-guitar with a lot of reverb and a little delay running down the strings. This is an amateur recording. This may be playing while demonstrating someone your guitar.,2011-12-27T18:07:26Z,Premier Guitar," PG's Jason Shadrick is On Location in Iowa City, IA, at the Englert Theatre where he catches up with pedal steel guitarist Robert Randolph who walks us through his current touring rig consisting of Fender amps, Fender guitars, Fuchs amplifiers, Electro-Harmonix effects, and various other products. For more Rig Rundown videos or to watch one of Premier Guitar's 1500 other videos online for free, be sure to visit","[""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Steel guitar, slide guitar"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""amateur recording"", ""male voice speaking"", ""e-guitar""]",6,EPjfqS5NvCY,1552,"{""label"":""Roland VG99 Guitar Effects Demo - Alex Hutchings @ PMT"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features an arpeggiated electric guitar melody that changes pitch occasionally. The recording is very noisy and in mono, but it sounds passionate and like something John Lenon would sing to.",2008-10-28T01:53:00Z,PMTVUK," The VG99 guitar AND amp modeling processor from Roland.","[""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Chorus effect"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Inside, small room""]","[""low quality"", ""arpeggiated electric guitar melody"", ""pitch change"", ""noisy"", ""mono"", ""passionate""]",4,nZmhIHZINL8,4555,"{""label"":""Gibson SG Standard Bass in Worn Cherry Demo @ Nevada Music UK"",""href"":""""}",The low quality recording features a dynamic bass guitar playing. The recording is noisy.,2011-05-02T23:17:06Z,PMTVUK," Taking the classic SG guitar shape, the Gibson SG standard bass features a solid mahogany body with a set-in neck, resulting in a beefy tone with warm sustain. The neck on the SG standard bass features a rosewood fingerboard with 20 frets and dot inlays as well as a tilt back headstock, complete with the famous Gold Gibson logo. Powerful output comes courtesy of the SG Standard's pickups...a vintage-style TB Plus humbucker at the neck and a TB mini humbucker towards the bridge. These pickups are wax-potted, capturing and recreating the classic attributes of the early Gibson basses from the 1960's. This combination of humbuckers, each offering different tonal capabilies, makes the Gibson SG Standard Bass a very versatile instrument, ideal for many different styles of playing. All hardware on the SG bass is manufactured to Gibsons usual high standard and features Gibson's innovative three-way adjustable bridge system. This design allows players to adjust and fine-tune the height of the bass' strings in all directions, giving the bridge a ""floating"" feature to allow for multiple set-up options and a variety of string gauges. Finished in faded worn cherry, the Gibson SG Standard bass comes complete with a Black Gibson hard case with white lining. Played through a Genz Benz Shuttle 300 1x10"" combo Mic'd up and with a splash of Line 6 M5 overdrive.","[""Bass guitar"", ""Reverberation"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""low quality"", ""dynamic bass guitar"", ""noisy"", ""mono""]",4,Hob0LAu8afQ,1835,"{""label"":""Steel Drum Players | Caribbean Music in Atlanta, Georgia"",""href"":""""}",Someone is playing a loud melody on a steeldrum along to a backing track with a lot of percussion and an upright bass. This song may be playing at a beach concert.,2011-09-12T21:03:18Z,PartyPOP," Paul Vogler - Steel Drum Players Paul Vogler's musican days began in 1967 as drummer in rock & roll garage band, Jynx. In the mid 1970's Paul backed up magician Steven Calder & played parties & coffee houses in Washington, DC. In 1977 Paul came home to Atlanta joining Possum Trot, an eclectic/electric bluegrass band. Possum Trot played Burt Reynolds club & cast parties for both Kristy McNichol & Jody Foster. They also played on the sets of Don Knox & Tim Conway's 1979 movie: The Prize Fighter & and at the famed Alex Cooley's: Electric Ballroom. Possum Trot were regulars on River Street in Savannah, GA. Possum Trot opened/appeared with The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Elvin Bishop & others. In the 1980's, Paul did a short stint playing New Wave venues, including Athens GA's 40 watt Club & a host of colleges and clubs throughout the Southeast. Returning to college to finish his degrees in music , Paul began playing jazz. As a jazz musician, Paul Vogler has appeared on the bill with Thelonius Monk Jr., Dr. Billy Taylor & The New York Voices. Paul Vogler was pecussionist in the 90's band ""Radio Kings"", catering to the swing dance craze of the time. Also, during that time, Paul assisted in the creation of The Bessie Bus"", a mobile jazz and blues education program, winner of the 1997 Dorothy Mullen National Arts Award. He also helped produce ""When the Spirit Moves"", a traveling exhibit of the National Afro-American Museum, exhibited in the United States (including the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, DC) and traveling internationally through the US State Department. ""Our Minds Are On Georgia"" a grant-funded program incorporating writing blues lyrics and producing a CD; designed to meet 3rd grade curriculum requirements for the Georgia unit of study was co-created by Paul. Paul continued composing, arranging and producing music and video for museums, educational programs and institutions including: Georgia Music Hall of Fame, Tennessee Aquarium, S.T.A.R.S. (Students Taking A Right Stand), Hamilton Beech Corporation and Americus Records. He also expanded into exhibit development and consulting for museums including: Atlanta Children's Museum, Atlanta History Center, Georgia Music Hall of Fame, Miami Children's Museum, Five Points Museum, Denver, CO and Creative Discovery Museum, Chattanooga, TN. In the mid 1990's the islands called to Paul and he began playing steel pan, appearing on the bill with such greats as Ziggy Marley. Paul currently resides in Atlanta, GA with his wife, daughter, and dog Hank. Paul lectures and teaches Percussion, World Music, Jazz, and Electronic Music at several Colleges and Universities, as well as teaching as a private tutor. Paul's' original company, Lake Productions, continues to act as a consultant, recording for various bands and individuals. Paul maintains an active performance schedule as a steel pan player & jazz musician. Find More Steel Drum Players in Atlanta:","[""Drum"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Steelpan"", ""Inside, small room""]","[""caribbean"", ""steeldrums"", ""backing track"", ""amateur recording""]",6,xJYBA7VTkHA,5316,"{""label"":""MXR Bass Chorus Deluxe"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a groovy bass guitar being played with chorus effect on. The sound of the bass is kind of leaning towards left, which makes the stereo image unbalanced.",2013-03-19T21:35:37Z,jimdunlopusa," The MXR Bass Chorus Deluxe is powered by pure analog bucket-brigade technology, serving up shimmering, liquid chorus and swooshing, metallic flanger effects while preserving the punch and fundamental of your low end. The Bass Chorus Deluxe features top-mounted Flanger and X-Over buttons with LED status indicators. In X-Over Mode, modulation in low frequencies is decreased at 100Hz—perfect for playing upper register chords, melodies and fills while keeping the low end in tune. With Bass and Treble controls you can cut or boost lows and highs and shape the tonal character of the effect. For a wide stereo sound, select the TRS (tip-ring-sleeve) Stereo Hardwire Bypass Mode via an internal switch. In this mode, you can use a TRS to TS (tip-sleeve) Y-splitter cable to send the effect signal to two different amplifiers, allowing the modulation to move from left to right. The Bass Chorus Deluxe joins the ranks of award-winning pedals in the MXR Bass Innovations line, each designed by bass players for bass players. SIGNAL CHAIN FOR VIDEO: Fender Fretless P-J Bass + Lava ELC cable + MXR Bass Chorus Deluxe + Ampeg SVT-VR Classic Series Head + SVT 8-10E Cabinet VIDEO CREDITS: Performance: Juan Alderete Executive Producer: Jimmy Dunlop Producer/Director: Joey Tosi Editor/Sound: Max Baloian Art Direction: Graham Shaw Director of Photography: Donavan Sell 2nd Camera: Brian Relph Gaffer/Grip: Andrew Haney SPECIAL THANKS: - SIR rentals San Francisco - Lava Cable - Heil Microphones","[""Bass guitar"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""low quality"", ""groovy bass guitar"", ""chorus effect"", ""unbalanced stereo""]",4,R77XPtKgvy4,2673,"{""label"":""Colby O'Donis - What You Got"",""href"":""""}",A male Latin singer sings this romantic melody. The song is medium tempo with an acoustic guitar accompaniment with no other instrumentation. The song is emotional and passionate. The audio quality is poor.,2009-02-04T21:16:04Z,esmusicatv," And I like the way you take advantage of every man you love I see, I seem to know your game girl But I don't mind if ya come and play ya thug just don't talk too much I see, I see it so you don't have to say a word Yeah those guys wanna come treat ya right Cause you're sweeter than apple pie Everything that you want you got Girl you know that you need to stop Most beautiful thing in sight Always takin' on the spotlight Always in the club lookin hot Girl you know that you need to stop Always talkin' bout what you got Always talkin' bout what you got Always talkin' bout what you got Girl you know that you need to stop Always talkin' bout what you got Always talkin' bout what you got Always talkin' bout what you got Girl you know that you need to stop Girl I can tell you want something to love That's why you hold on to everything that pass you by Can't resist girl one can't lie Now tell if you are here for me Or everybody watchin' you shake from left to right The way you move got me hypnotized","[""Singing"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Strum"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""acoustic guitar player"", ""soulful singer"", ""live sessions"", ""youtube music video"", ""medium tempo"", ""latin love song"", ""latin pop hits"", ""groovy rhythm"", ""beautiful melody"", ""latin indie song"", ""home studio recording"", ""style guitar playing"", ""emotional"", ""romantic"", ""groovy sluice"", ""soloist"", ""acoustic love song"", ""bad audio quality"", ""madly in love"", ""classical guitar accompaniment"", ""male singer""]",1,oxhFIoExrMk,4670,"{""label"":""Electro Harmonix CATHEDRAL stereo reverb guitar effects pedal demo w Les Paul & Blues Jr Amp"",""href"":""""}",This is a gear showcase jam. The electric guitar is being played initially without and then with the effect of a reverb pedal. There is a groovy feel to the solo that is being played. This piece can be sampled to be used as an advertisement jingle or to be used in beat-making.,2009-10-02T01:41:10Z,gearmanndude," The Cathedral, by electro-harmonix. Super versatile reverb with some sweet presets. The reverse setting is my favorite. Yes, I still hate reverb, but have given in to the fact that I must demo them anyway. I had only 7 minutes left on my camera tape, so I did a quick run through of the presets to show what could be done with the box of echos. I used my 59 historic les paul and a lovely Fender blues junior amplifier.","[""Reverberation"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""gear showcase"", ""jam"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""electric guitar"", ""effect pedal"", ""reverb"", ""easygoing"", ""groovy""]",9,pTzINk_nVHg,4713,"{""label"":""Richard Bona's new Bass: De Gier BeBop, part 1"",""href"":""""}",This song features a bass guitar playing a groovy lick at a high pitch. This is followed by a rock and roll pattern. This starts off on a high sequence. This is played for two bars followed by a sequence on a lower part of the bass. This song can be played in an instructional video for bass. There are no voices in this song. There are no other instruments in this song.,2010-10-28T10:02:17Z,degierguitarsbasses," Watch Richard Bona playing his new De Gier BeBop. Check the other Bona-BeBop video's too! For more info on the bass, visit our website. Subscribe to our channel, more video's coming up. If you like this video, give us a good rating. Thanks.","[""Bass guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""bass guitar"", ""no voices"", ""instrumental"", ""no other instruments"", ""instructional song""]",0,xVab_CbwecE,5335,"{""label"":""How to play acoustic guitar songs classic rock style with new rhythm patterns lesson super easy!"",""href"":""""}",The low quality recording features a tutorial that contains a flat male vocal talking over acoustic guitar strummed chords. The recording is noisy and in mono.,2010-05-03T19:03:13Z,rockongoodpeople," Click the link for a free video lesson where you will learn six critical tips to exceptional strumming. You will also learn five amazing strum patterns that can be utilized for countless songs and also receive a killer free eBook from Next Level Guitar. And check out our full on video instructional website at - its a full on structured curriculum for all level players and all styles of music - FREE 3-day all access site pass on the home - so check out the site and give it a good test drive - enjoy! Questions? - email us at Facebook - How to play acoustic guitar songs classic rock style with new rhythm patterns lesson super easy! - In this video we teach a very easy beginner chord progression in a classic rock style of many bands from that classic rock era. We also teach some new strum patterns broken down into easily digestible pieces. Its easy, fast and fun - with strum patterns and chord close ups.","[""Guitar"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Strum"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""low quality"", ""noisy"", ""mono"", ""flat male vocal"", ""acoustic guitar strummed chords"", ""tutorial""]",4,8UhdwnsckJ8,922,"{""label"":""Chorus pedal comparison CMATMODS Analog Chorus and Analogman Standard"",""href"":""""}",This audio contains a male voice talking rather than playing an e-guitar with a chorus effect. This audio may be playing for a sound tutorial/comparison.,2010-09-25T01:47:55Z,gearmanndude," and By request, a compare video of the two killer chorus pedals","[""Reverberation"", ""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Chorus effect"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""amateur recording"", ""male voice talking"", ""e-guitar"", ""slow tempo""]",6,6QAZJ4H_5rA,754,"{""label"":""FRV-1 Fender® Reveb [BOSS Sound Check]"",""href"":""""}",Here we have an electric guitarist intricately playing a guitar solo with a reverb effect applied to his guitar. The music is a jazzy type of backing track with a sophisticated walking bassline. The guitarist is highly skilled.,2010-08-03T02:11:30Z,BOSSchannel," A Classic Reborn — the legendary sound of the 1963 Fender® Spring Reverb returns as a modern stompbox. BOSS and Fender® USA have collaborated to create the FRV-1, a stunning recreation of the legendary '63 Fender® Reverb via COSM technology. The FRV-1 puts that timeless tube-driven reverb sound under your foot in a tough, reliable compact pedal.","[""Reverberation"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Steel guitar, slide guitar"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""jazzy"", ""electric guitar solo"", ""simple jazzy drumming"", ""intricate walking bassline"", ""reverb effect"", ""complex electric guitar playing""]",3,NVo-stvk_QE,2341,"{""label"":""Sadowsky & DNA Amps 1350 Bass Groove at Bass Club Chicago by Shaun Gotti"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a buzzy bass guitar playing. It sounds passionate, even though the recording is very noisy.",2014-01-25T02:16:37Z,Bass Club Chicago," I was in the process of shooting a demo on the DNA Amps 1350 Bass head and Lawrence Calloway (AKA Shaun Gotti) came into the store. I was able to capture him trying out a few different Sadowsky Basses. Shaun is a MONSTER player and I was lucky enough to capture some of his madness. The Basses he played are listed below. DNA 1350 bass demo will soon follow. Youre hearing a 50/50 split of DI & Mic. At certain points in the demo, the mic was a few feet away from the cab, I wasnt prepared to start shooting when he got there. I basically plugged him in and capture him groovin on the fly. Sadowsky RV5 : Sadowsky M5-24 : DNA 1350 Head: DNA 210 Cab: Contact us at: (773) 561-3521 if you have any questions. Be sure to check out our website at: Video Shot & Edited by Friend us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram","[""Bass guitar"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Electronic tuner"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""low quality"", ""noisy"", ""buzzy bass guitar"", ""passionate""]",4,iePMcLYozYY,4212,"{""label"":""easy bass guitar lesson 5 rock songs for beginners iron man led zeppelin green day sabbath"",""href"":""""}",The song is an instrumental. The tempo is medium and changes as the player changes the lick. The guitar is played solo styling with jarring string action. Playing amateur music is like a music lesson. The song is a bass guitar tutorial and sounds amateurish. The audio quality is poor.,2011-10-10T18:32:03Z,finbarbass," Click this link for Beginner Bass Mastery DVD Course click this link to receive three FREE bass lessons not found on Youtube - basic to advanced included easy bass guitar lesson 5 rock songs for beginners iron man led zeppelin green day sabbath","[""Bass guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""instrumental music"", ""bass guitar player"", ""bass guitar solo"", ""varying tempos"", ""amateur play"", ""practice session"", ""guitar licks"", ""youtube instrument tutorial"", ""ambient room noises"", ""poor recording quality"", ""jarring string noises"", ""choppy playing"", ""medium tempo""]",1,VZJfkEet6EQ,3008,"{""label"":""Korg PA900 vs Roland BK9 Keyboard"",""href"":""""}",The song is an instrumental. The song is medium tempo with various Latin percussion playing groovily to the sounds of a Rhodes organ melody. The song is romantic and passionate. The soundtrack is a demonstration for a keyboard model.,2013-10-16T18:45:43Z,A&C Hamilton Musical Instruments, We thought we should do a quick video comparison of the Korg PA900 and Roland BK-9. This is just a small example of similar styles and sounds in the instruments. Which would you prefer?,"[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Keyboard (musical)"", ""Piano"", ""Synthesizer""]","[""latin dance groove"", ""bossa nova"", ""giro"", ""madly in love"", ""passioante affair"", ""old school romance"", ""passionate affair"", ""medium tempo"", ""latin percussion instruments"", ""memdium tenpo"", ""rhodes organ"", ""various percussion hits"", ""latin jazz music"", ""latin dancers"", ""romantic"", ""party time"", ""fiesta"", ""romantic"", ""spirited"", ""passionate"", ""keyboard styles"", ""instrumental music"", ""music keyboard demo""]",1,LKVSEQCLCLo,2177,"{""label"":""Guitar Lesson: Hey Joe Chords (Jimi Hendrix)"",""href"":""""}",Someone is playing a rock/funk riff on an e-guitar with a lot of low end. Then a male voice starts speaking. This song may be playing during a guitar lesson.,2011-02-02T12:52:33Z,RiffNinjaSongLessons," The Hey Joe chords were not written by Jimi Hendrix, although he really made the song famous. The Hey Joe chords are C G D A E, then the signature riff. Make sure you checkout the other lesson on the tab for Hey Joe. For more guitar lessons, visit our other Youtube channel: or","[""Reverberation"", ""Guitar"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""amateur recording"", ""rock"", ""e-guitar"", ""male voice talking"", ""medium tempo""]",6,URM1QgX5Ar4,2917,"{""label"":""How to Play Trust by Megadeth Guitar Lesson (w/ Tabs!!)"",""href"":""""}",This song features a distortion guitar. This is an instructional video. The song features an open note followed by the octave. Then a descending pattern is played on the distortion guitar. The voice gives instructions on how to play the pattern. There is no percussion in this song. There are no other instruments in this song. There is no vocal melody in this song.,2009-03-15T04:06:25Z,m169marroquin,,"[""Tapping (guitar technique)"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""distortion guitar"", ""heavy metal"", ""male voice"", ""instructional audio"", ""octaves"", ""no other instruments"", ""no percussion"", ""no vocal melody"", ""moderate tempo""]",0,52odOK7G2kg,628,"{""label"":""Guitar Lesson - Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley - Simple How to Play Tutorial"",""href"":""""}","This is the recording of a guitar lesson video. There is a male speaking in an instructive manner, giving the name of the chord he is about to play next. The chords are being played gently on a clean sounding electric guitar. There is a mellow feel to the sound. Parts of this recording can be sampled for use in beat-making.",2011-02-02T23:22:19Z,FullDistortionDotCom," - Lesson on how to play Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley. To view this lesson with the tab go to To join the Full Distortion Players' Club go to Copyrights to any songs mentioned or used are the property of the artist and its promoters, producers and/or affiliates and is used here for informational and educational purposes only as outlined in the Fair Use provision of Title 17 of the United States Code as amended by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998. No copyright infringement intended.","[""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech"", ""Electronic tuner"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Inside, small room""]","[""guitar lesson"", ""male voice"", ""instructive speaking"", ""electric guitar"", ""clean sound"", ""gentle playing"", ""mellow""]",9,WvaIypMvAHY,3149,"{""label"":""Funky Voodoo Chile' Riff - Stevie Ray Vaughan version"",""href"":""""}","A male guitarist plays the guitar and speaks about technique in this online video tutorial. The male voice is strong and commanding, along with guitar string twang sounds, clearly demonstrating the technique. The audio quality is mediocre.",2007-12-20T06:13:22Z,Texas Blues Alley, - Learn how to play a funky little filler riff that Stevie Ray Vaughan played during his cover of Voodoo Chile' by Jimi Hendrix.,"[""Bass guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""guitarist"", ""male talking"", ""twang sounds"", ""mediocre audio quality"", ""guitar string tones"", ""guitar technique"", ""fretboard sounds"", ""guitar demo"", ""online guitar lessons"", ""home music video"", ""youtube tutorial"", ""bas]d audio quality"", ""humming noise"", ""energetic"", ""passionate"", ""spirited okay"", ""strong voice"", ""ambient room noises""]",1,-5xOcMJpTUk,13,"{""label"":""No Limit (metal cover by Leo Moracchioli)"",""href"":""""}","The song is an instrumental. The song is medium tempo with ambient room noises, like a volume knob turned up, a guitar being plugged in and the rhythmic strumming of an amplified distortion guitar. The song is energetic and passionate. The song is an introduction to a rock song.",2015-02-06T14:53:56Z,Frog Leap Studios," Original by 2 Unlimited You can buy my albums or singles here: LOUDR ► ITUNES ► AMAZON ► GOOGLE PLAY ► Frog Leap Studios Merchandise here: US ► EU ► Become a Patreon and get all the songs and support me doing more music covers: Hi there, my name is Leo and I run a studio on the westside of Norway where I record and produce bands, do video work and play live shows. On my youtube channel there is lots of videos with covers, gear reviews , studio updates and other shenaningans. For my covers I play everything myself as well as record, mix, master, shoot and edit the music & videos. Please subscribe if you like what you see/hear and I am forever gratefull to everyone who buys songs so I can keep doing this as a living. I do not add people I dont know on my personal facebook page, so please follow these links which are my ""fan"" pages: Youtube ► Facebook ► Twitter ► Instagram ► Website ► Leo uses: Chapman Guitars: Toontrack: Cleartone Strings: Aalberg Audio: TC Helicon: Ortega Guitars: Contact:","[""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Electronic tuner"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""knob turns"", ""electric hum"", ""increasing volume"", ""strings making noises"", ""plugging into the guitar"", ""ambient room noise"", ""echo tones"", ""amplified guitar playing in rhythm"", ""medium tempo"", ""instrumental music"", ""song intro"", ""rock music"", ""groovy music"", ""youthful"", ""energetic"", ""passionate"", ""rebellion"", ""classic rock"", ""rock guitar"", ""electric buzz""]",1,HEk4fx_XNNE,1783,"{""label"":""How To Tune A Guitar Electric or Acoustic Online Video Play Along Mp3"",""href"":""""}",This music is instrumental. The tempo is slow with an electric guitar playing two corresponding notes. The plucking pattern indicates that the guitar is being tuned. This is a Guitar tuning Tutorial/ Lesson.,2009-02-08T01:51:23Z,musiciansdiscount," davison guitar jameson guitar tune electric acoustic tuner video how to tune guitar play along","[""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Electronic tuner"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""instrumental"", ""slow tempo"", ""plucking"", ""electric guitar"", ""scales"", ""three scales"", ""corresponding notes"", ""amplified instrument"", ""stringed instrument"", ""two notes"", ""guitar tuning"", ""electric guitar tuning"", ""guitar tuning lesson"", ""guitar tuning tutorial"", ""loud"", ""sharp"", ""lucid""]",7,Hn46VuvS88Y,1833,"{""label"":""Zajdi Zajdi by Muris Varajic - AxeFx Ultra Demo"",""href"":""""}","This music is an electronic guitar instrumental. The tempo is slow with a melancholic , resounding harmony on the guitar. It is mellow, soft, poignant, sentimental and emotional.",2010-01-19T11:12:22Z,Muris Varajic," A quick demo of AxeFx Ultra showing its great effects and dynamics. Do not mind the tone, I just used factory preset with clean amp and I changed it to some more distorted amp, you can dial pretty much every tone out there using AxeFX. And yeah, tune is called Zajdi Zajdi, a wonderful macedonian song, hope you'll enjoy it. :)","[""Echo"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Inside, small room""]","[""instrumental"", ""slow tempo"", ""electric guitar harmony"", ""electric guitar solo"", ""electric guitar lead"", ""amplified guitar"", ""loud"", ""emphatic"", ""resounding"", ""sonic power"", ""loud feedback"", ""rock"", ""hard rock"", ""metal"", ""heavy metal"", ""soft rock"", ""pop"", ""youthful"", ""pensive"", ""melancholy"", ""sentimental"", ""emotional""]",7,_0-2meOf9qY,3435,"{""label"":""Coolest Guitars Ever! Funny and Crazy Guitar Designs - Custom Guitar Art"",""href"":""""}","A e-guitar with a chorus effect is playing a simple, repeating chord progression while another guitar is playing a bassline over it that sounds more like a countermelody. On top of that, slightly panned to the right side of the speakers, a xylophone is playing single notes with a lot of reverb. This song sounds repetitive and relaxing and soft. This song may be playing with earphones waiting for the bus.",2012-08-24T17:20:21Z,Mykola MrHardGuitar - Guitar Reviews And Lessons," Coolest Guitars Ever! Here is my collection of nearly 50 crazy and funny guitars photos. Some guitars look very cool spider guitar or a sword guitar. But most of them look crasy and odd - such as body theme guitars. But the most odd is The Wangcaster guitar... Just check it out in video... lol","[""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Chorus effect"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""rock/pop"", ""xylophone"", ""e-guitars"", ""soft"", ""medium tempo""]",6,IUjzBX2Qm4k,1913,"{""label"":""intermediate to advanced guitar lesson -Blues Soul R&B Funk Jazz Progression"",""href"":""""}",This is the recording of a guitar lesson. The instructor at first plays the chords on a clean sounding electric guitar and then describes the nature of the chord that he is playing. The chords that were strummed could be used as clean electric guitar samples in beat-making.,2009-04-16T18:13:58Z,GuitarJamz Lessons," here is a great progression to solo over, or practice your soloing!! follow me at twitter","[""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech"", ""Electronic tuner"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Inside, small room""]","[""lesson recording"", ""guitar lesson"", ""electric guitar"", ""clean sound"", ""simple tune"", ""male voice"", ""instructive speaking""]",9,3noh9LiQNrs,503,"{""label"":""honey baby (intro) tutorial"",""href"":""""}",This music is a ukelele instrumental. The tempo is medium with a simple melody and a male voice at the end of this clip. This is a ukelele lesson/ tutorial.,2008-09-18T23:12:01Z,dFav3,hope u guys learned something in this vid..i made some mistakes coz im still learning myself. hope it helped u guys..hav fun and enjoy! keep practicing.,"[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Ukulele"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""instrumental"", ""medium tempo"", ""ukelele lesson"", ""hawaiian instrument"", ""plucked string instrument"", ""portable instrument"", ""four stringed instrument"", ""cheerful sound"", ""male voice speaking"", ""ukelele tutorial"", ""stringed instrument"", ""mellow"", ""soft"", ""simple melody""]",7,U8yqYlErUz8,2890,"{""label"":""me playing guitar"",""href"":""""}","This clip features some heavy and overdriven solo electric guitar playing. The phrases are energetic, gritty and full of rock flavour. You'd hear this kind of playing at a rock concert.",2006-05-11T06:02:08Z,Jennifer Warfield,hey everybody this is me playing a little bit of santana in my room,"[""Bass guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Strum"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""solo electric guitar"", ""metallic electric guitar"", ""overdriven electric guitar"", ""distorted electric guitar"", ""rock"", ""hard rock""]",3,2iFgXSXdqLo,400,"{""label"":""How to make guitar sound like banjo and cool bell sound"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a tutorial on how to make the electric guitar sound like a banjo. It consists of a flat male vocalist talking over the background instrumental music, after which he starts playing the electric guitar. The recording is noisy.",2007-11-04T00:51:59Z,lpknocko,guitar effects how to make a regular electric guitar sound like banjo and cool bell sound.,"[""Banjo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""flat male vocal"", ""background instrumental music"", ""electric guitar melody"", ""banjo"", ""tutorial"", ""low quality"", ""noisy""]",4,NnYfF7E12dk,2364,"{""label"":""Crash Sampler"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a jazzy song that consists of shimmering hi hats, repetitive cowbell, snappy rimshots and smooth bass in the right channel, short brass stabs and groovy piano chords in the left channel of the stereo image and electric guitar solo melody in the middle. The stereo image of the song is a bit unbalanced, due to the spreadness of low frequency sounds throughout the stereo image. It sounds easygoing and percussive.",2006-05-18T07:30:39Z,Ninja Pat,group of friends crashing!!!,"[""Swing music"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Music of Latin America""]","[""low quality"", ""jazzy"", ""unbalanced stereo"", ""shimmering hi hats"", ""repetitive cowbell"", ""short brass stabs"", ""electric guitar solo melody"", ""groovy piano chords"", ""smooth bass"", ""easygoing"", ""percussive"", ""snappy rimshots""]",4,JRfU_hF1wdM,2005,"{""label"":""diane cluck - focus on their eyes"",""href"":""""}","Intentionally lo-fi bedroom recording of acoustic guitar strumming, knocking and fingerstyle playing. Finger snaps can also be heard. There is a slightly muffled room reverb over everything. Has an indie folk DIY aesthetic.",2010-05-20T23:30:43Z,frinkianz,focus on their eyes,"[""Tapping (guitar technique)"", ""Guitar"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Strum"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""diy"", ""solo guitar"", ""acoustic guitar strumming"", ""room reverb"", ""lo-fi"", ""knocking on guitar"", ""fingerstyle"", ""finger snapping"", ""bedroom recording"", ""indie"", ""slightly"", ""hazy muffled"", ""folk""]",8,BI8YQ3ueD24,1226,"{""label"":""flea master session 9"",""href"":""""}",Solo electric bass playing a scale passage in free time with a male singer singing along in unison two octaves up.,2008-05-31T13:18:30Z,baaaaafreenetde,flea master session 9,"[""Bass guitar"", ""Humming"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""solo electric bass"", ""male falsetto"", ""scale"", ""unison"", ""free time""]",8,WI2d5vDJeLo,3080,"{""label"":""Worlds Fastest Drum Roll"",""href"":""""}","In this clip, we hear some random drum sequences on the tom drums and snare drum of a drumkit. Towards the end, there is a slightly high pitched sound in the background that can be subtly heard.",2008-09-16T15:56:05Z,nobody000tube,"fastest drumroll on earth.... single handed ! Tommy Lee Back To Before public record submission Louder II SWALLOW ME II Only ONE II WORLDS ONLY ELECTRIC DRUMS MAYHEM only one all i wanna do blame louder public record TOMMY LEE TALK ME OFF THE LEDGE TWO WAYS","[""Drum"", ""Drum kit"", ""Drum roll"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Snare drum"", ""Roll"", ""Bass drum"", ""Percussion""]","[""tom drums"", ""snare drum"", ""drumming"", ""drum solo""]",3,VCrnnx9jTqs,2983,"{""label"":""Thom Yorke -Radiohead- Reckoner at The Age Of STuPid premiere 2009-09-21"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a live performance of an alternative/indie song, sung by passionate male vocalists over an acoustic guitar melody. It sounds passionate, emotional and heartfelt. The recording is noisy and in mono.",2009-09-22T04:02:18Z,allbearsrule,enjoy everyone.... I tried the best I could with the opportunities provided... :-) watch in HQ! And PLEASE try to find and watch a movie. It is a must-see.,"[""Singing"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Ukulele"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""low quality"", ""alternative/indie"", ""live performance"", ""passionate male vocal"", ""acoustic guitar melody"", ""noisy"", ""mono"", ""emotional"", ""passionate"", ""heartfelt""]",4,TLMEsc_42Gw,2832,"{""label"":""Los Blancos (en vivo)"",""href"":""""}",This is a traditional Latin American song which would be suitable for salsa dancing. There are layers of percussion including bongo drums and snare drums. The pianist plays intricate melodies and the brass section plays vibrant and punchy motifs. It's a live performance with a relatively poor audio quality. There is a male group of singers performing energetically.,2008-07-14T19:10:04Z,juandog2000,en concierto (el Rey del timbal) Leopoldo Blanco en los timbales,"[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Music of Latin America"", ""Percussion"", ""Salsa music""]","[""latin american music"", ""upbeat"", ""brass instruments"", ""bongo drums"", ""piano"", ""male hispanic vocal group"", ""salsa dancing"", ""live performance"", ""low quality audio""]",3,DAX9uKYlDvw,1449,"{""label"":""WADHOM live \""au brio\"" didgeridoo / hang drum -"",""href"":""""}",This audio contains someone playing a low didgeridoo while people are talking in the background. The didgeridoo sounds amplified. This song may be playing live at a festival.,2009-12-29T16:42:25Z,thewillstyle,"didgeridoo / hang drum - WADHOM live ""au brio""","[""Didgeridoo"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech""]","[""amateur recording"", ""didgeridoo"", ""background noises"", ""people talking""]",6,7k3M0pQvzhY,876,"{""label"":""cumpleaños con arpa y violin en san jenaro chorrillos 2015"",""href"":""""}",This audio contains someone playing a melody on a violin. A female voice is singing along in a high pitch. The background is filled with percussive instruments and a tambourine. This song may be playing during the celebration.,2015-07-27T16:12:39Z,Roberto Vargas.t,cumpleaños de la sra. EPIFANIA GONZALES canta estrellita de san cristobal puquio 18/07/2015,"[""Singing"", ""Harp"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Tambourine"", ""Violin, fiddle""]","[""amateur recording"", ""violin"", ""female voice singing"", ""higher pitch"", ""percussions"", ""tambourine"", ""slower to mid-tempo""]",6,LGW99kSaf6M,2169,"{""label"":""BLUE MOTION"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a live performance of groovy hi hats, wide marimba melody, shimmering shakers and a punchy kick pattern. It sounds reverberant, probably because they performed in a medium size space, exotic and passionate.",2009-11-04T18:31:40Z,ThaumaEnsemble,"contamina duo percussion. fabio macchia e luciano brancati. conservatorio musica ""G. da Venosa"" di Potenza classe di strumenti a percussione. docente: Nunzio Pietrocola","[""Drum"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Marimba, xylophone"", ""Vibraphone"", ""Percussion""]","[""low quality"", ""live performance"", ""groovy hi hats"", ""wide marimba melody"", ""shimmering shakers"", ""punchy kick"", ""reverberant"", ""exotic"", ""passionate""]",4,y3Pqe5DLvok,5377,"{""label"":""jesus maria-requinto-pedacito de santander-torbellino.avi"",""href"":""""}","This song has a traditional Mexican mariachi sound. It is fun, vibrant and energetic and is led by rhythmic and melodic playing on the Mexican Vihuela. The maracas add an element of rhythmic percussion. There are sounds of laughter in the background.",2012-03-14T16:18:29Z,Ramon Donato Ardila Ariza,"conjunto de eberto téllez-tiple, esposa-maracas, joselín luengas-requinto, interpretando el torbellino: pedacito de Satander, en una tienda en jesús maría-Santander-Colombia. Video tomado por Didimo Romero Ardila.","[""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Rattle (instrument)"", ""Ukulele"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""maracas"", ""background laughter sounds"", ""mexican vihuela"", ""mexican traditional music"", ""percussion"", ""stringed instrument"", ""mariachi music"", ""fiesta"", ""celebration"", ""upbeat"", ""energetic"", ""fun""]",3,LjxhswBV1UA,2217,"{""label"":""Yellow Ledbetter Tab How to Play Pearl Jam guitar Lesson - Eddie Vedder"",""href"":""""}",This clip features a guitar chord being strummed in the beginning. This is followed by a male voice narrating a song. There are no other instruments in this song. There is no vocal melody in this clip.,2009-12-18T08:33:21Z,GuitarJamz,"click here to request your song Great Lessons at","[""Guitar"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Strum"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument""]","[""electric guitar"", ""male voice"", ""narration"", ""no other instruments"", ""no vocal melody""]",0,1o7iTDLNTFk,312,"{""label"":""Modtone Harmonic Tremor Tremolo pedal guitar demo"",""href"":""""}",This audio contains a e-guitar running through a tremolo effect that gets into faster modulation speed. This is an amateur recording and may be used for educational purposes.,2008-12-04T04:31:00Z,gearmanndude,"check out for all the cool boutique pedals I use and demo...IN STOCK! The Mod Tone MT-HT is a top quality, low budget Tremolo Vibrato pedal. Very versatile and solid. Gibson Les Paul Historic into an Orange Tiny Terror amplifier. Enjoy!","[""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Rock music"", ""Harmonic"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""amateur recording"", ""e-guitar"", ""tremolo effect"", ""medium to fast tempo""]",6,KSFND-AdqZs,2083,"{""label"":""agusev cambo"",""href"":""""}","This music is instrumental. The tempo is fast with a lively trumpet harmony with steady drumming, keyboard harmony and tambourine beats. The music has middle eastern music influences . It is busy, loud, boisterous, and chaotic.",2007-12-01T12:24:33Z,Koco Agusev,cambo kral na truba 0038970629587,"[""Brass instrument"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Trumpet"", ""Classical music""]","[""instrumental"", ""fast tempo"", ""brass band"", ""loud"", ""boisterous"", ""chaotic"", ""lively trumpet harmony"", ""trombone"", ""accompaniment"", ""tambourine beats"", ""middle eastern music influence"", ""steady drumming"", ""keyboard harmony""]",7,Yj7YyxKyXPU,3306,"{""label"":""violon vs scratch"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a hip hop song that contains boomy bass, punchy snare layered with claps, DJ scratching sound effects, addictive staccato violin melody and haunting female vocals melody in the background. The recording is in mono and it sounds energetic and addictive, regardless of the quality of the recording.",2008-02-16T03:18:15Z,Finnels Workshop,"c trop mortel style hip hop associé au style celtik ca donne un mix kje kiffe a mort","[""Scratching (performance technique)"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Scratch"", ""Violin, fiddle""]","[""low quality"", ""mono"", ""hip hop"", ""boomy bass"", ""punchy snare"", ""claps"", ""dj scratching sound effects"", ""addictive staccato violin melody"", ""haunting female vocals melody"", ""energetic"", ""addictive""]",4,A_oaLt-n4fQ,1137,"{""label"":""sleepy man banjo boys vs mountain rhythm"",""href"":""""}",The song is instrumental. The tempo is medium with a prolific fiddler playing melody and a banjo and guitar accompaniment. The song is adventurous and exciting. The song is a classic country instrumental. The song has poor audio quality.,2011-05-15T21:20:57Z,RubenProducciones,"blatle of banjos. read the description: friends can go to this link and give it a like, would help me a lot to back up videos like this :)","[""Banjo"", ""Country"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""violinists"", ""country music"", ""fiddlers"", ""child performers"", ""instrumental music"", ""guitar strumming"", ""country folk music"", ""live performance"", ""groovy rhythm"", ""country dance music"", ""the country life"", ""the wild west"", ""dance rhythm"", ""passionate"", ""emotional"", ""spirited"", ""never give up"", ""cheerful"", ""positive"", ""traditional music"", ""bad audio quality"", ""country bluegrass"", ""banjo"", ""medium tempo""]",1,O84YjlJ_Qw4,2402,"{""label"":""banTureeti kOlu - hamsanAdam - Adi"",""href"":""""}",This is a style of Hindustani classical music performance which involves a calm and soothing musical performance. There is a male singer singing open-mouthed syllables.,2006-11-19T10:05:38Z,Kumaran Nadesan,"banTureeti kOlu - hamsanAdam - Adi - tyAgarAja TN Seshagopalan accompanied by TNS Krishna (backup vocals), SD Sridhar (violin), Mannargudi A Easwaran (mrudangam) and Neyveli B Venkatesh (kanjira) * Courtesy of S. Ranganathan and ** To watch more clips, join","[""Singing"", ""Carnatic music"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Classical music""]","[""hindustani classical music"", ""violin"", ""tanpura"", ""calm"", ""relaxing""]",3,fTGZEmn3BY4,3949,"{""label"":""1963 fiesta red sparkle stratocaster in 1966 deluxe reverb"",""href"":""""}","This is an instrumental jam. The only instrument being played is a clean sounding electric guitar. The guitar solo has simple, groovy tunes played in an improvised manner. The atmosphere is easygoing. Parts of this recording could be sampled to be used in beat-making.",2008-08-05T22:43:30Z,vineeth77,"an ultra rare 63 red sparkle cutsom color, all original vintage fender stratocaster, L series, a little bit fiesta red sparkle... originla frets and nut... cream tolex case, with stratp etc... lava cable van den hul and 66 deluxe reverb with 1960 P12N jensen","[""Reverberation"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]","[""jam"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""single instrument"", ""electric guitar"", ""guitar solo"", ""easygoing"", ""groovy"", ""clean sounding"", ""simple tunes""]",9,Kd7aHdOwh0I,2100,"{""label"":""el mansouri star du tazi.DAT"",""href"":""""}","This is a melancholic Moroccan music piece. The male vocalist is singing in an agitated, crying-like manner. The only accompaniment being the violin creates a dense atmosphere loaded with emotion. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a movie or a TV show involving a tragedy which is taking place in North Africa.",2010-01-09T21:48:11Z,ghrbaoui,a toutes les ghrbaouis,"[""Music of Africa"", ""Traditional music"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument""]","[""moroccan"", ""violin"", ""melancholic"", ""male vocal"", ""intense"", ""emotional""]",9,CBUAy9Zl6ZE,1340,"{""label"":""Veronica Mansour - Tarantella by Squire"",""href"":""""}",The low quality recording features a cello solo melody played over mellow piano chords. It sounds passionate and emotional. The recording is noisy.,2008-06-26T16:51:50Z,baronqsolotar,a fabulous performance by a 9-year old at the National Cello Institute - CA June 2008,"[""Cello"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Classical music"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""low quality"", ""cello solo melody"", ""mellow piano chords"", ""noisy"", ""passionate"", ""emotional""]",4,F2ekiX14ID4,1610,"{""label"":""Didjeridoo - Alan Dargin live performance in Berlin"",""href"":""""}","The low quality recording features a didgeridoo melody playing outdoors. There are also some crowd chattering, water fountains and birds chirping sounds. The recording is noisy, as it was probably recorded with a phone.",2007-08-25T15:20:02Z,ander2712 A.,"[Ethnic Music] Didgeridoo busker - AlexanderPlatz Berlin (de) Europe - Alan Dargin is a didjeridoo player coming from Arnhem Land, Australia. He started learning the instrument when he was only five, being taught by his grandfather. His signature instrument, made from an rare species of eucalyptus known as the Bloodwood tree, is over a hundred years old. He has performed around the world: on the streets of Sydney, with the London Symphony Orchestra at Royal Albert Hall, as well as many other locations in the United States, Japan, and Europe... Alan Dargin has also had roles in several movies (for example "" The Adventures of Priscilla: Queen of the Desert"" that is probably the best known) and holds a degree in science from the University of Toronto. If you are interested in his performance as an actor look for this movies coming from the eighties and nineties: 1. Heaven's Burning (1997) (role: rasta 1#) 2. The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994) (role:Aboriginal Man) 3. Howling III (1987) .... Tracker ... aka Howling III: The Marsupials ... aka The Marsupials: The Howling III (UK) 4. The Fringe Dwellers (1986) .... Bruce 5. Stanley: Every Home Should Have One (1984) .... Bobby 6. Chase Through the Night (1983) (TV) .... Bindaree MAGNET FILE: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:CABCA12528AE3E782528C8768B5C9FB43F3E0244&dn=%5bEthnic%20Music%5d%20Didgeridoo%20busker%20Alan%20Dargin%20-%20AlexanderPlatz%20Berlin%20by%20ander2712.avi&","[""Didgeridoo"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech""]","[""low quality"", ""noisy"", ""birds chirping"", ""crowd talking"", ""water fountain sounds"", ""didgeridoo melody""]",4,yWU0zNEy2_I,5416