ytid,url,caption,aspect_list,audioset_names,author_id,start_s,end_s,is_balanced_subset,is_audioset_eval,audioset_ids qdWTfyysMN8,,An e-guitar is playing a single note of a chord creating an arpeggio with an echo/delay-effect. The whole composition sounds soothing and relaxing. This may be relaxing in your room with headphones.,"[""e-guitar"", ""echo/delay"", ""picking"", ""atmospheric arpeggio"", ""faster tempo""]","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y"", ""/m/0g12c5""]" XnHAH2aPHk0,,Someone is playing a clean e-guitar with a lot of reverb and delay. Fingerpicking and creating dreamy rhythm and melodic patterns. In the background you can hear a drumloop and an e-bass. This song may be playing during a little live concert.,"[""rock"", ""dreamy"", ""e-guitar"", ""acoustic drum loop"", ""e-bass"", ""uptempo""]","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]",6,30,40,0,0,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y""]" 6jdeSAmkzEU,,Someone is playing a distorted e-guitar solo melody with a lot of reverb over another e-guitar finger picking chords. This is an amateur recording. This song may be playing guitar at home.,"[""amateur recording"", ""e-guitars"", ""medium tempo""]","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/02sgy"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y"", ""/m/0g12c5""]" LFW4yPH1z3M,,Someone is playing a melody on an e-guitar with a tremolo effect. This song may be playing at home practicing guitar.,"[""amateur recording"", ""e-guitar"", ""tremolo"", ""medium to uptempo""]","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y""]" W7KbboEOmeM,,Someone is playing an e-guitar on top of another e-guitar. The guitar is full of reverb/echo. A soft drum/percussive pattern is playing along with a e-bassline. This song sounds dreamy due to the reverb and the slow melodic playing. This song may be playing in a live event.,"[""e-guitar"", ""drums"", ""e-bass"", ""atmospheric"", ""medium tempo""]","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Distortion""]",6,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/02sgy"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0g12c5""]" clefr8E-iZQ,,Someone is playing an e-guitar with different effects over an acoustic drumgroove. Some of the sounds are panned to the right and left side of the speakers. This song may be playing at home practicing guitar.,"[""amateur recording"", ""e-guitar"", ""acoustic drums"", ""shaker"", ""medium to uptempo""]","[""Blues"", ""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Chorus effect"", ""Plucked string instrument""]",6,30,40,1,1,"[""/m/0155w"", ""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/02sgy"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/07m2kt"", ""/m/0fx80y""]" ViF7A7XODiw,,"The low quality recording contains a widely spread electric guitar melody played with chorus effect, which in the second part of the loop is turned off - judging by the sounds of the melody and a tinny switch sound effect.","[""low quality"", ""wide electric guitar melody"", ""chorus effect"", ""tinny switch sound effect""]","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Chorus effect"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]",4,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/07m2kt"", ""/m/0fx80y"", ""/m/0g12c5""]" IIK0EuHyb6w,,"The low quality recording features a wide arpeggiated electric guitar melody. It sounds clean, passionate and the recording is a bit noisy.","[""low quality"", ""noisy"", ""wide arpeggiated electric guitar melody"", ""clean"", ""passionate""]","[""Echo"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]",4,130,140,0,0,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02sgy"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y""]" fSJ4qAPHaVM,,"The low quality recording features an echoing electric guitar arpeggiated melody. At the very end of the loop, the guitar is pitched and bent down. It is noisy and in mono and it sounds like someone is trying out guitar amp effects.","[""low quality"", ""echoing electric guitar arpeggiated melody"", ""pitch bend effect"", ""noisy"", ""mono""]","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument""]",4,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw""]" PmiH7RnCkhI,,"The low quality recording features an echoing electric guitar melody played over shimmering cymbals, groovy bass guitar and synth bells melody. It sounds weird, suspenseful and intense. The recording is noisy and in mono.","[""low quality"", ""echoing electric guitar melody"", ""shimmering cymbals"", ""synth bells melody"", ""groovy bass guitar"", ""weird"", ""suspenseful"", ""intense"", ""noisy"", ""mono""]","[""Echo"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]",4,10,20,0,0,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02sgy"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y""]" 76ON0Ixrr9s,,"The low quality recording features an electric guitar melody playing. The melody fades out in the beginning and it starts playing again in the second part of the loop, where it has an echoing effect on. It gives off psychedelic vibes. The recording is noisy and in mono.","[""low quality"", ""mono"", ""noisy"", ""fading out"", ""electric guitar melody"", ""echoing effect"", ""psychedelic""]","[""Echo"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument""]",4,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw""]" 7xD_Ib3VS_w,,"The low quality recording features widely spread electric guitar melodies. One of the melodies is solo and it is panned to the right channel, while the other one is an arpeggiated electric guitar melody, and it is panned to the left channel of the stereo image. The recording is a bit noisy and weird, since it is a bit too wide, but it also sounds passionate.","[""low quality"", ""noisy"", ""wide"", ""electric guitar melody solo"", ""arpeggiated electric guitar melody"", ""passionate"", ""weird""]","[""Bass guitar"", ""Echo"", ""Guitar"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]",4,30,40,0,0,"[""/m/018vs"", ""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/042v_gx"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y""]" 6QAZJ4H_5rA,,This audio contains a male voice talking rather than playing an e-guitar with a chorus effect. This audio may be playing for a sound tutorial/comparison.,"[""amateur recording"", ""male voice talking"", ""e-guitar"", ""slow tempo""]","[""Reverberation"", ""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Chorus effect"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]",6,50,60,0,0,"[""/m/01b9nn"", ""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/07m2kt"", ""/m/0fx80y"", ""/m/0g12c5""]" TObYoD2pGb0,,This audio contains someone strumming one only chord on a e-guitar then a male voice starts speaking in the midrange. In the background you can hear people talking.,"[""amateur recording"", ""e-guitar"", ""male voice speaking"", ""background voices""]","[""Echo"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Outside, urban or manmade""]",6,0,10,0,0,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/09x0r"", ""/m/0fx80y"", ""/t/dd00128""]" 6OVb3rjcB3Q,,"This clip features an electric guitar played through a distortion effects pedal. At the beginning, the sound is open. The guitar plays a power chord using down strokes. After changing settings on the pedal, a chord is strummed and then arpeggiated notes are played. This produces a 'closed' sound. There are no voices in this song. There are no other instruments in this clip. This clip can be played in a demo video of the distortion effect pedal.","[""distortion guitar"", ""power chords"", ""down strokes"", ""two different effects"", ""effects pedal"", ""no other instrument"", ""no voices"", ""instrumental""]","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Rock music"", ""Plucked string instrument""]",0,570,580,0,0,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/02sgy"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/06by7"", ""/m/0fx80y""]" ihJT65fZaHY,,"This is a gear review jam video. There is a male voice describing the tone that he achieves from using an amp with the electric guitar. The said amp applies an echo effect to the electric guitar, making it sound more dreamy. The performer is playing a simple tune. This piece could be sampled for use in an advertisement jingle or in beat-making.","[""jam"", ""gear review"", ""male voice"", ""single instrument"", ""electric guitar"", ""guitar solo"", ""amp"", ""echo"", ""easygoing"", ""dreamy"", ""simple tune""]","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument""]",9,30,40,0,0,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/09x0r"", ""/m/0fx80y""]" 3ClbaJYWVO4,,"This is a gear showcase jam. There is a clean sounding electric guitar with an echo effect being played in a gentle manner. The recording has a dreamy, trippy atmosphere. Parts of this recording can be lifted as samples to be used in beat-making. An advertisement jingle could also be derived from this piece.","[""jam"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""single instrument"", ""electric guitar"", ""guitar solo"", ""effect pedal"", ""echo"", ""easygoing"", ""mellow"", ""simple tune"", ""dreamy"", ""trippy""]","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]",9,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/02sgy"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y""]" n179cK8EubU,,This is a gear showcase jam. There is a male voice talking in between the sounds giving information about a reverb pedal. There is an electric guitar playing random tunes with the reverb effect. The tunes in the recording are simple. Sounds from this recording could be sampled for use in beat-making.,"[""jam"", ""instrumental"", ""single instrument"", ""male voice"", ""instructive"", ""electric guitar"", ""guitar solo"", ""effect pedal"", ""reverb"", ""simple tunes""]","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]",9,320,330,0,0,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/02sgy"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/09x0r"", ""/m/0fx80y"", ""/m/0g12c5""]" PUy3cnNk4ys,,"This is a gear showcase jam. There is an electric guitar playing simple tunes first without and then with a vibrato tailpiece to show the difference between two setups. The atmosphere is easygoing. Although the recording is a bit dated, the electric guitar could be sampled for use in beat-making.","[""gear showcase"", ""jam"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""electric guitar"", ""vibrato"", ""tailpiece"", ""easygoing"", ""simple tune""]","[""Echo"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]",9,40,50,0,0,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y""]" GFJNgqcX7u0,,This is an instrumental electric guitar jam meant to showcase an echo delay pedal. The guitar using the pedal is merely strumming the chords while there is another electric guitar in the background playing the melody. There is also a bass guitar playing a simple bass line. In the rhythmic background there is a chill rock beat played by the acoustic drums. There is a calm and chill atmosphere in this piece. It could be used as the loading screen music in a video game.,"[""instrumental"", ""electric guitar"", ""bass guitar"", ""acoustic drums"", ""effect pedal"", ""echo"", ""delay"", ""gear"", ""repeated theme"", ""clean sound"", ""chill"", ""calm"", ""easygoing""]","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion""]",9,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y"", ""/m/0g12c5""]" gIQ4QrKXjCc,,This is an instrumental progressive/math rock piece. The electric guitar is playing a complex solo with rapid procession of notes using the tapping technique. There is a reverberating piano sample in the background. The atmosphere is trippy. This piece can be used in the soundtrack of a video game that takes place in outer space.,"[""progressive rock"", ""math rock"", ""instrumental"", ""electric guitar"", ""guitar solo"", ""tapping"", ""piano sample"", ""complex"", ""trippy"", ""outer space feel""]","[""Echo"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Inside, small room""]",9,130,140,0,0,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y"", ""/t/dd00125""]" J0RzvGnQxD0,,"This is an instrumental rock music jam. The only instrument is a clean-sounding electric guitar playing an arpeggio with an added echo effect. The atmosphere is calming. Although the recording quality is a bit low, this piece could be playing in the background of a rock bar after a decent mix is applied.","[""jam"", ""rock music"", ""electric guitar"", ""clean sound"", ""single instrument"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""echo"", ""gentle"", ""calm""]","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Heavy metal"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Distortion""]",9,60,70,0,1,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/03lty"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0g12c5""]" fhs7AkJsYao,,"This is an instrumental rock-sounding gear showcase jam. There is an electric guitar playing improvised disconnected riffs with varying accentuations. There is an echo delay pedal being used on the guitar that makes the notes being played echo repeatedly in a fading manner. Due to the usage of numerous riffs, an electric guitar sample could be lifted from this piece to be used in a beat.","[""jam"", ""rock"", ""improvisation"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""single instrument"", ""electric guitar"", ""guitar solo"", ""echo delay"", ""effect pedal"", ""gear showcase""]","[""Reverberation"", ""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Distortion""]",9,30,40,0,1,"[""/m/01b9nn"", ""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/02sgy"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0g12c5""]" XaUXJG0BZuk,,"This music is a country song instrumental. The tempo is slow with a mellifluous Auto Harp harmony, steady drumming, rhythmic acoustic guitar, and subtle bass lines. The music is melodic, soothing, peaceful, nostalgic,mellow and dulcet Country Song Instrumental.","[""instrumental"", ""slow tempo"", ""steady drumming"", ""banjo"", ""dobro"", ""dulcet"", ""country pop instrumental"", ""peaceful"", ""acoustic guitar accompaniment"", ""auto harp harmony"", ""country music"", ""country pop"", ""country folk song"", ""country song instrumental"", ""mellow"", ""soothing"", ""mellifluous""]","[""Echo"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Steel guitar, slide guitar""]",7,0,10,0,1,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02sgy"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/06w87""]" _0-2meOf9qY,,"This music is an electronic guitar instrumental. The tempo is slow with a melancholic , resounding harmony on the guitar. It is mellow, soft, poignant, sentimental and emotional.","[""instrumental"", ""slow tempo"", ""electric guitar harmony"", ""electric guitar solo"", ""electric guitar lead"", ""amplified guitar"", ""loud"", ""emphatic"", ""resounding"", ""sonic power"", ""loud feedback"", ""rock"", ""hard rock"", ""metal"", ""heavy metal"", ""soft rock"", ""pop"", ""youthful"", ""pensive"", ""melancholy"", ""sentimental"", ""emotional""]","[""Echo"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Inside, small room""]",7,10,20,0,0,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y"", ""/t/dd00125""]" U-L9YCIdLbg,,"This music is instrumental. The tempo is medium with rhythmic drumming accompaniment. The melody is simple and gets interesting as a layer of drums gets added. It is spirited, catchy and engaging.","[""instrumental"", ""medium tempo"", ""electric guitar"", ""sonic power"", ""spirited"", ""catchy"", ""engaging"", ""smooth"", ""rock"", ""external amplification"", ""vibrating strings"", ""slick drumming"", ""layers of music"", ""groovy"", ""catchy"", ""energetic"", ""sonic power"", ""minimal instrumentation""]","[""Reverberation"", ""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Electric guitar"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Distortion""]",7,80,90,0,1,"[""/m/01b9nn"", ""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/02sgy"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0g12c5""]" uxLY3CBoPo8,,This song features an electric guitar playing the main melody. The guitar plays three ascending chords. Each chord is strummed once at the beginning of the bar. The tremolo bar is used to give the sound a tremulous effect. There are no other instruments in this song. There are no voices in this song. This is an instrumental song. This song can be played in a guitar instruction video.,"[""electric guitar"", ""no voices"", ""tremolo bar"", ""three chords"", ""no other instruments"", ""instrumental""]","[""Echo"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument""]",0,50,60,0,0,"[""/m/01jnbd"", ""/m/02rr_"", ""/m/0342h"", ""/m/04rlf"", ""/m/04szw"", ""/m/0fx80y""]"