video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""Claude Debussy: Quartet in G Minor, Op. 10 - 4th Mvmt."",""href"":""""}","This is a live performance of a classical music piece from the impressionist school. It is being performed by a string quartet of two violins, one viola and one cello. The quartet is playing a dramatic tune. The atmosphere is gloomy. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a drama movie during tragic scenes.",2006-12-05T01:46:20Z,mashaskripka,"Debussy Quartet in G Minor, Op. 10 Tres modere -- tres mouvemente et avec passion. First Violin - Maria Bessmeltseva, second violin - Paris Paraschoudis, Viola - Jesse Griggs, Cello - Heather Scott","[""Cello"", ""Double bass"", ""Violin, fiddle"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""classical music"", ""live performance"", ""impressionist"", ""instrumental"", ""string quartet"", ""violin"", ""viola"", ""cello"", ""dramatic"", ""profound"", ""gloomy""]",9,WSMdqFEjGXE,3095,"{""label"":""Wild Oats: Bluegrass Music"",""href"":""""}","This is a bluegrass music piece. The acoustic guitar follows an offbeat strumming pattern, providing a rhythmic background. The violin and the banjo take turns to play rapid, upbeat solos. The atmosphere is very lively. This piece could be used at a definitively American setting such as a rodeo venue.",2007-03-08T23:27:07Z,Infinitecre8tions,"We met these guys in Pigeon Forge, TN as the opening act in Dolly Parton's Dixie Stampede. They agreed to do a private show just for our cameras!","[""Banjo"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Violin, fiddle"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Bluegrass"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""bluegrass"", ""instrumental"", ""violin"", ""banjo"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""american"", ""folk"", ""cozy"", ""lively""]",9,hH6thMA3640,4090,"{""label"":""J. Raff - Cavatina"",""href"":""""}","This is a classical music piece performed by a trio of the violin, the cello and the piano. The melody being played is a gentle one and there is a feeling of resolution in this section of the piece. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a drama TV series during the closing scenes.",2007-05-24T15:12:34Z,erasmustrio,Erasmus Trio Amsterdam,"[""Cello"", ""Double bass"", ""Keyboard (musical)"", ""Piano"", ""Violin, fiddle"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""classical music"", ""violin"", ""cello"", ""piano"", ""gentle"", ""mellow"", ""resolution""]",9,BkSCfcTBMRY,1285,"{""label"":""The Red Violin Caprices, Theme, Written for Joshua Bell"",""href"":""""}",This is a classical music piece. It is an instrumental piece. There is a violin playing a melancholic tune. The atmosphere is suspenseful. The quality of the recording is slightly poor. This piece could suit well during a mysterious sequence in a thriller movie.,2008-03-31T16:01:05Z,eboyinc,"Sound Sample of fine Italian Violin. Piece is an excerpt from ""The Red Violin Caprices"" - Theme, written John Corigliano. Joshua Bell performed this for the soundtrack of the movie, ""The Red Violin"" which starred Samuel L. Jackson.","[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Violin, fiddle"", ""Classical music"", ""Bowed string instrument"", ""Inside, small room""]","[""classical music"", ""amateur recording"", ""instrumental"", ""violin"", ""melancholic"", ""suspenseful"", ""movie music"", ""slightly poor quality""]",9,WCiS9IDILQg,3073,"{""label"":""淚光閃閃(夏川里美) / 陪我看日出(蔡淳佳) 之陶笛、大提琴、二胡合奏版"",""href"":""""}","This is an instrumental music piece with Chinese characteristics. The main tune is being played by a small xiao flute. There is a mellow acoustic guitar backing keeping a repeated theme in the background. The song is played on a major scale, giving it a feeling of hopefulness. The atmosphere of the song is soothing. This piece could be played as an opening soundtrack for a romantic anime movie.",2008-05-16T18:17:26Z,Jones Santos,"主題曲「淚光閃閃」誕生於1998年,「森山良子」為了抒發她對22歲早逝的哥哥的思念,她不停的寫,把對哥哥的思念都寫在歌詞中,當她完成了整首歌的歌詞時,一直抑鬱在心中的那個心結,好像是解開了... 涙そうそう(淚光閃閃)是沖繩的方言,意指「眼淚一顆顆掉落,淚流不止」。想哭的時候,不需壓抑,就盡情的哭吧! 此片在沖繩拍攝,取景相當純樸美麗,劇情是描述一對沒有血緣關係的兄妹,因母親過世、父親失蹤只剩下兩人相依為命,哥哥付出不求回報的守護著他唯一的妹妹,兩人逐漸相互吸引,但現實生活的貧困與病苦,壓得兩人情路坎坷,相當讓人不可置信的哀愁結局。 但片尾放出「淚光閃閃」這首歌,幻燈片式的放出兩人從小到大的相片,讓人再次回想這個故事。最後一張是過了幾年後,妹妹穿著死去的哥哥送的和服端坐的獨照,似乎示意著被淚水沖洗過的心靈就會浮現希望。我似乎懂了,人生再如何哀愁,還是得堅強走下去,總有一天,哀愁ㄧ定會慢慢變淡的... 陪我看日出 雨的氣息是回家的小路 路上有我追著你的腳步 腳下邊保存著昨天的溫度 你抱著我就像溫暖的大樹 雨下了走好路 這句話我記住 風再大吹不走囑咐 雨過了就有路 像那年看日出 你牽著我穿過了霧 叫我看希望就在黑夜的盡處 哭過的眼看歲月更清楚 想一個人閃著淚光是一種幸福 又回到我離開家的小步 你送著我滿天燕子都在飛舞 雖然一個人 我並不孤獨 在心中你陪我看每一個日出","[""Cello"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Harmonic"", ""Bowed string instrument"", ""Flute""]","[""instrumental"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""xiao"", ""eastern"", ""chinese"", ""classical"", ""calming"", ""easygoing""]",9,lDABsoatahM,4381,"{""label"":""arpa y violin en usa cumpliaños cl 8603031734"",""href"":""""}",This is a Peruvian folk music piece. It is an instrumental piece. There is a violin and a Peruvian harp playing a festive melody. The atmosphere is lively. This piece could be playing from a radio station in a movie that takes place in Peru.,2008-05-19T17:30:18Z,mistichadetintay Minaya,ROSALIO Y ROLANDO MINAYA TOCANDO EN EEUU tintay chacña lucre apurimac ayacucho abancay cusco arpa en usa,"[""Harp"", ""Violin, fiddle"", ""Pizzicato"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""peruvian folk music"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""violin"", ""peruvian harp"", ""lively"", ""festive""]",9,I0skZ6yT36E,1863,"{""label"":""First time ever in the World, a Grand Symphony of a 1000 Sitarists - Raag Gara"",""href"":""""}","This is an Indian traditional music piece performed live by an orchestra. The orchestra is composed of the bansuri, the sitars and the tabla percussion. There is a vibrant atmosphere in the recording. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a Bollywood movie.",2009-01-04T12:34:44Z,Rutwik Basu,"21st Nov, 2008 NCR Delhi, India BRAHM NAAD, for the first time ever in the world - a grand symphony of a 1000 sitarists, was conceived by Art of Living founder and spiritual guru His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.","[""Carnatic music"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Classical music"", ""Sitar"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""indian traditional music"", ""live performance"", ""orchestra"", ""bansuri"", ""sitar"", ""tabla"", ""percussion"", ""vibrant"", ""joyful""]",9,WdxNikVdK-U,3116,"{""label"":""ARPA Y VIOLIN EN USA ATLANTIC CITY"",""href"":""""}","This is the live performance of a Huayno folk music piece which belongs to the Andean region. There is a female vocalist singing at a high-pitch, almost at a screeching range. The tune is being played by a violin and an Andean/Peruvian harp. The atmosphere is eccentric. This piece could be playing from a radio in a movie taking place in a mountainous Latin American village.",2010-01-05T17:47:13Z,atlantintay,LOS HERMANOS VELASQUEZ EN ATLANTIC CITY AL ESTILO DE TINTAY CHACNA,"[""Harp"", ""Violin, fiddle"", ""Pizzicato"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""huayno music"", ""folk"", ""female vocal"", ""high-pitch singing"", ""andean harp"", ""violin"", ""vibrant"", ""eccentric"", ""amateur recording"", ""live performance""]",9,J4tjy-0CNm4,1968,"{""label"":""EFFECTS 101: Overdrive"",""href"":""""}",This is a recording of an instrumental jam. There is a blues type solo being performed on an overdriven electric guitar. The guitar has an 80s sound. This recording could be sampled for use in beat-making or as an advertisement jingle.,2010-02-19T08:05:06Z,rolandmedia,"Overdrive is one of the most used guitar effects. As Johnny DeMarco shows, overdrive is used in virtually every kind of guitar music and youll see this kind of pedal in nearly every stage or studio.","[""Reverberation"", ""Effects unit"", ""Guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Distortion"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""jam"", ""instrumental"", ""single instrument"", ""overdriven electric guitar"", ""guitar solo"", ""80s sound"", ""blues""]",9,40i3_JH6FYw,530,"{""label"":""CELSO DUARTE (ARPISTA PARAGUAYO). Parte 1: \""Llegada\"", \""Lamento Indio\""."",""href"":""""}",This is the live performance of a Paraguayan folk music piece. There is no singer. There is a Paraguayan harp playing a vibrant yet melancholic tune. The atmosphere is heart-touching. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a drama movie during a scene of serenity or mourning.,2010-12-20T01:53:40Z,ArpaFolklorica,"Latin American Harp Festival. September 11 & 12, 2009, Rosslyn Spectrum Theatre. Teatro de la Luna. Artistis Director: Mario Marcel. Producer: Nucky Walder . Artistic Direction: Berta Rojas. Asistencia Técnica: Peter Pereyra. Diseño Gráfico: Sara Corral. Video Producción: Abby Sternberg.","[""Harp"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""paraguayan folk music"", ""live performance"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""paraguayan harp"", ""vibrant"", ""melancholic"", ""heart-touching""]",9,1kYDbl5Y9Sg,306,"{""label"":""CAÑA DULCE Y CAÑA BRAVA - EL BUSCAPIÉ (BalconyTV)"",""href"":""""}","This is the live performance of a Mexican folk music piece. In the beginning, there is a female voice giving an introductory speech in the Spanish language. Then, the arpa jarocha (which is a Mexican harp) and the ukulele start playing a lively and relaxed tune. The atmosphere is vibrant. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a Mexican soap opera during scenes of calmer temperament.",2011-02-07T06:44:14Z,BALCONY,"Caña Dulce y Caña Brava perform El Buscapié on BalconyTV. Subscribe to us right now at - Sigue en las redes sociales! Facebook Twitter PRESENTADO POR LETICIA SERVÍN ENGLISH - Nació como grupo en el año 2008, reuniendo el trabajo de tres mujeres emprendedoras, con una importante trayectoria dentro del arte musical, formando así, una de las pocas agrupaciones femeninas de son jarocho. Caña Dulce y Caña Brava, sembrando alegría y pasión por la música, abriga con frecuencia el decir de trovadores y versadores, enriqueciendo sus presentaciones y mostrándose como una propuesta cálida e innovadora. Actualmente, gracias a su trabajo y a la aceptación del público, han sido invitadas a participar en diversos foros nacionales e internacionales. Adriana Cao Romero, arpista reconocida internacionalmente, ha formado parte de grupos como Zacamandú, y Chuchumbé; asimismo, también ha sido partícipe de presentaciones junto a grandes talentos como El ""Negro"" Ojeda, don Arcadio Hidalgo, Antonio García de León, y la reconocida gambista, Hille Pearl. Raquel Palacios Vega, viene de una familia sonera por tradición. Nieta de don Andrés Vega Delfín, uno de los requinteros más grandes de Veracruz. Desde los 12 años, acompañada de su voz, la jarana y el zapateado, ha recorrido las llanuras de las regiones bajas de la cuenca del río San Juan; además de haber colaborado con grupos como Los Vega, Teterete y Los Utrera, habiéndose presentado tanto en México como en el extranjero. Norma Carrillo, originaria del Distrito Federal, tuvo su formación musical en la escuela ""Vida y Movimiento"". Durante 17 años formó parte de La Orquesta Sinfónica Carlos Chávez. También ha incursionado en diferentes géneros musicales como el danzón, la charanga y el son jarocho tradicional. En las siguientes páginas podrán encontrar más información sobre la agrupación de Caña Dulce y Caña Brava. Sintoniza BalconyTV mañana!","[""Harp"", ""Music"", ""Mandolin"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Speech"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""mexican folk music"", ""live performance"", ""female voice"", ""introduction"", ""spanish"", ""arpa jarocha"", ""ukulele"", ""lively"", ""relaxed"", ""joyful"", ""vibrant""]",9,i70a79YhlMk,4161,"{""label"":""Jean Cras - Quintette pour harpe, flûte, violon, alto et violoncelle (1928)"",""href"":""""}","This is a chamber music piece. It is performed by a quintet of the harp, the flute, the violin, the viola and the cello. There is a constant rising and falling pattern, resembling the feeling of a wave. The piece has a mysterious atmosphere to it. This music would fit perfectly in the soundtrack of an adventure movie during scenes of a journey where the characters are crossing the sea.",2012-08-09T17:39:23Z,newhope123,"Musicien raffiné, Jean Cras [1879-1932] mena de front deux carrières : celle d'officier de marine et celle de compositeur (sur certains des bateaux à bord desquels il naviguait, un piano était à sa disposition dans sa cabine). L'une de ses trois filles, Colette Cras, devint en 1937 la seconde épouse d'Alexandre Tansman, compositeur lui aussi. C'est en 1928, à bord du ""Provence"" (qui était alors le plus gros cuirassé en service de la marine nationale française), que Jean Cras composa son Quintette pour harpe, flûte, violon, alto et violoncelle. L'oeuvre est interprétée ici par Catherine Michel [harpe], Thomas Prévost [flûte], Marie-Christine Millière [violon], Jean-François Benatar [alto] et Philippe Bary [violoncelle]. Ses quatre mouvements portent les indications suivantes : [00:00] Assez animé; [05:37] Animé; [12:24] Assez lent, sans traîner; [18:37] Très animé.","[""Harp"", ""Violin, fiddle"", ""Pizzicato"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""chamber music"", ""orchestra"", ""harp"", ""flute"", ""violin"", ""viola"", ""cello"", ""rising and falling pattern"", ""mysterious"", ""intriguing"", ""movie music""]",9,Q-ATDBgDbLE,2586,"{""label"":""Nicola Benedetti plays Bruch at the Last Night of the Proms 2012"",""href"":""""}",This is a live performance of a classical music piece. There is an orchestra performing the piece with a violin lead playing the main melody. The atmosphere is sentimental and heart-touching. This piece could be playing in the background at a classy restaurant.,2012-09-10T19:04:24Z,ecodef,"Violin concerto No. 1 in G minor, by Bruch soloist: Nicola Benedetti conductor: Jiri Belohlavek BBC Symphony Orchestra recorded @ the Royal Albert Hall, London (8 sept. 2012)","[""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Violin, fiddle"", ""Classical music"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""classical music"", ""live performance"", ""orchestra"", ""violin"", ""sentimental"", ""heart-touching""]",9,XmMN-6g1L8w,3222,"{""label"":""Sad Music - Emanetin Bende Sakli - Toygar Isikli"",""href"":""""}",This is an instrumental music piece that was made for a soap opera soundtrack. The piano and the strings are playing gently in a melancholic manner. The atmosphere of the piece is emotional. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of a drama movie during scenes of hopelessness or heartbreak.,2012-12-02T00:07:15Z,Moustafa Hodroj,,"[""Cello"", ""Double bass"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""soap opera music"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""piano"", ""strings"", ""melancholic"", ""emotional"", ""downcast""]",9,P4aTFrJws40,2501,"{""label"":""خالد الملا على كثر"",""href"":""""}","This is a live performance of a Khaliji music piece. There is an orchestra performing the piece. The melody is being played by the oud and the violin. The rhythmic background is composed of various percussive elements such as the riq, the darbuka and performers clapping their hands. The atmosphere is vibrant. This piece could be playing in the background at an Arab cuisine restaurant.",2012-12-22T12:53:27Z,saaa64,المطرب خالد الملا حضرميه على كثر,"[""Traditional music"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Middle Eastern music"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""khaliji music"", ""live performance"", ""orchestra"", ""violin"", ""oud"", ""percussion"", ""riq"", ""darbuka"", ""claps"", ""vibrant"", ""eastern sounding""]",9,MHHshnnqyco,2251,"{""label"":""cook with chef Duminda - Chocolate Cake"",""href"":""""}",This is a classical music piece. There is a piano playing an arpeggio in the background while a violin gently plays the main tune. The atmosphere of the piece is sentimental. This piece could be used in the background of tutorial videos. It could also be playing in the background at a coffee shop.,2013-04-15T07:10:55Z,Chef Duminda, ,"[""Cello"", ""Double bass"", ""Violin, fiddle"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""classical music"", ""no singer"", ""instrumental"", ""piano"", ""violin"", ""gentle"", ""sentimental"", ""simple tune""]",9,MWS-Uxf1MRw,2276,"{""label"":""Boy Imagine - Shuffle (Official Music Video)"",""href"":""""}","This is an acoustic indie rock piece. There is a male vocalist singing gently in the Thai language. An acoustic guitar plays the main tune while a bass guitar is in the background. There is a piano that starts out by supporting the melody, but then wanders towards off-key notes, creating an air of conflict. The atmosphere is melancholic. This piece can be used in the soundtrack of a drama movie/TV show that takes place in Thailand.",2014-02-21T20:43:52Z,Kritman Imagine's House,"Single : Shuffle Artist : Boy Imagine _________________________________ Directed : Piya Palapunya DOP/Editor/Color grading : Why Bigbrigth Hipstar Production Team : Imagine's House Special Thanks : Tan Monsters Circus, Neng Monsters Circus _________________________________ คอร์ดเพลง Shuffle ครับ อัลบัมคอร์ดเพลงในเพจครับ ปล.ตัวหนังสือพี่บอยเขียนเอง อาจจะอ่านยากนิดหน่อยนะครับ ^^ _________________________________ ติดตามอัพเดทกิจกรรมและความเคลื่อนไหวต่าง­­­ๆ ของ Boy Imagine ได้ทาง ⓕ","[""Singing"", ""Guitar"", ""Acoustic guitar"", ""Music"", ""Musical instrument"", ""Plucked string instrument"", ""Bowed string instrument"", ""Happy music""]","[""acoustic"", ""indie rock"", ""male vocal"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""bass guitar"", ""off-key piano"", ""acoustic drums"", ""gentle"", ""easygoing"", ""melancholic"", ""thai""]",9,ao-TFiShaWU,3573,"{""label"":""BOTTESINI, Tarantella | Božo Paradžik & Budapesti Vonósok"",""href"":""""}","This is a live performance classical music piece played by a chamber orchestra. It is in the style of a tarantella, which is a genre of Italian folk music. The strings section is playing the melody with a cello as the lead. The atmosphere is lively and elegant. It could be used in the soundtrack of a movie especially during a scene involving a pursuit, a face-off or a duel.",2015-07-30T22:18:34Z,bozoparadzikcom,"Haydn Festival in Fertöd (H), LIVE 24th July 2015 (encore piece) Eszterházy Castle, Marionett Theater Giovanni Bottesini (1821-1889), Tarantella orchestrated and edited by Božo Paradžik Božo Paradžik, soloist Budapest Strings Chamber Orchestra / artistic leader: János Pilz (concertmaster) Dear visitors, please mind that I don't use Google+ with this account, so I am since 2014 not able to answer any comments or posts here anymore. I don't want to upgrade my channel to G+. End of July 2015 Google has announced to remove the enforcing of using G+ for YouTube users, but so far without any effect.","[""Cello"", ""Double bass"", ""String section"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""classical"", ""tarantella"", ""chamber orchestra"", ""live performance"", ""strings section"", ""cello"", ""lively"", ""vibrant"", ""elegant"", ""movie music""]",9,w0A-4EbkVz8,5228,"{""label"":""Matthew McDonald plays Bottesini Grande Allegro alla Mendelssohn"",""href"":""""}",This is a classical music piece from the romantic era. The piece is being performed by the double bass. There is a melancholic atmosphere to the piece. The overall feel is dark and dramatic. This piece could be used in the soundtrack of an art movie.,2015-12-16T14:15:56Z,matthew mcdonald,"Matthew McDonald double bass Tomoko Takahashi piano Giovanni Bottesini Grande Allegro 'alla Mendelssohn'. Recorded live in Berlin Philharmonie Kammermusiksaal November 2014","[""Cello"", ""Double bass"", ""Bowed string instrument""]","[""classical music"", ""romantic era"", ""instrumental"", ""double bass"", ""melancholic"", ""dark"", ""dramatic""]",9,ji5wvUUQjHY,4276