video,youtube_link,musiccaps_caption,youtube_published,youtube_channel,youtube_description,musiccaps_names,musiccaps_aspects,musiccaps_author,youtube_id,musiccaps_rowid,"{""label"":""Тирольские напевы / JODELN / Йодль"",""href"":""""}","An accordion is playing short notes on the offbeat along with soft snare hits being played with brushes. A bass is playing straight, changing the note on every beat. Another accordion is answering the yodeling male voice with a short melody. The male voice is loud, clear and sings a melody in the higher register. A guitar-like instrument is strumming chords in the higher register. The instruments are panned to the left and right side of the speakers. This song may be playing at a concert in the countryside.",2013-04-27T14:32:58Z,Prometheus, ,"[""Swing music"", ""Yodeling"", ""Music""]","[""yodel/folkmusic"", ""accordion"", ""acoustic drums"", ""upright/e-bass"", ""string instrument"", ""male voice"", ""higher register yodeling"", ""fast tempo"", ""good mood""]",6,IyJ3a5uuCOs,1956,"{""label"":""Franzl Lang- Rambling in the mountains"",""href"":""""}",Male voices are yodeling with a lot of reverb on their voices. They are loud and the speakers of the recording are speaking. An accordion is playing a fast melody that is panned to the right side of the speakers. A guitar is strumming a rhythmic chord on the backbeat. An upright bass is playing a walking bassline. This song may be playing at a folksfest. This is an amateur recording.,2007-09-30T11:52:30Z,Spiciu,"Let's listen to a lovely jodler sung by Franzl Lang, the jodler's king.","[""Yodeling"", ""Music""]","[""yodel/folkmusic"", ""male voices yodeling"", ""accordion"", ""acoustic guitar"", ""upright bass"", ""fast tempo"", ""amateur recording""]",6,Y8wHDcVCGa0,3259,"{""label"":""Tiffany Jo's MIND BLOWING YODELING!!!"",""href"":""""}",Someone is playing an acoustic guitar while a female voice is singing/yodeling in a higher pitch. in the background voices can be heard. This is an amateur recording. This song may be playing at a local folk-event.,2007-05-10T22:29:23Z,TiffanyJoAllen,"MP3 DOWNLOAD: Request me in your city! ♥DOWNLOADS ♥MUSIC & SHIRTS♥ ♥OFFICIAL FANCLUB♥ ♥BRING ME TO YOUR CITY♥ ♥FACEBOOK♥ ♥TWITTER♥ ♥MAILING LIST♥ Join my Free Fan club today! Listen to 14 year old singer Tiffany Jo Allen's MIND BLOWING Yodeling!!! This yodeling was preformed at the Tucson Folk Festival 2007. Tiffany Jo Allen is an International Yodeling Champion. Please subscribe if you like...tiffanyjoallen tiffany jo allen yodeling champion singing guitar yodeler video editing done by:","[""Country"", ""Yodeling"", ""Music""]","[""country/yodeling"", ""acoustic guitars"", ""female voice singing/yodeling"", ""higher register"", ""amateur recording"", ""slow tempo"", ""background voices""]",6,whIj6mrUGzQ,5283,"{""label"":""HEBREW - YEDID NEFESH ~ NEW MUSIC VIDEO FROM MICHA'EL BEN DAVID"",""href"":""""}","Someone is playing a guitar-like instrument in a tremolo fashion along with someone playing a melody on a harp along with a bass playing the root note. A male voice is singing, sounding sad and sensitive. A backing voice that seems to be female is singing along, providing harmonies. This song may be playing in a dance performance.",2013-07-29T00:15:22Z,מיכאל אליהו בן-דוד Micha'el BenDavid Official,"This Video was shot this past June 2013 at the end of the month in Antwerp and Brugge Belgium when I pass through for a short visit at the beginning of the Summer Tour! And with G-d's help we were able to put this video together with such wonderful who volunteered helped and sponsored the making of this wonderful, warm & family oriented music video! I sure hope the world is blessed by its beauty, message and melodies! YHVH is the God of ALL the families of Israel [Jeremiah 31:1] Mashiach Tsidkenu the Beloved of our Soul! With Love! Micha'el ~ Beloved of YHVH YEDID NEFESH ~ LYRICS Yedid Nefesh Av HaRachaman Meshoch Avdecha El Retsonecha Yarutz Avdecha Kemo Ayal ..... Yishtachave el Mul Hadorecha Yeerav Lo Yedidotecha Mi Nofet Tsuf v'chol Ta'am Beloved of the Soul, Compassionate Father, Draw/Anoint Your Servant to [do] Your will. Then Your servant will hurry like a hart [deer] to bow before Your Majesty. To him Your Friendship will be sweeter than the dripping of the honeycomb and of any taste. Verse 1 Hadur Naeh Ziv HaOlam Nafshi Cholat Ahavatecha Ana El Na Refa Na La [Ana El Refa Na La] Be Harot La Noam Zivecha Az Titchazek VeTitrape Ve Hayita La Simchat Olam [V'Hayita La Simchat Olam] Majestic, Beautiful, Radiance of the Universe--my soul pines for Your Love. Please, O God, heal her now By showing her the pleasantness of Your Radiance. Then she will be strengthened and healed, and Eternal gladness shall be hers. YEDID NEFESH.... Yadaidai break/bridge Verse 2 Higale Na U'Fros Chavivi Alai Et Sukkat Sh'lomecha Tair Eretz MiKvodecha Tair Eretz MiK'vodecha Nagilah Ve Nismecha (Nismecha Bach) Maher Ehov Ki Va Moed Ve'Chanenu Ki Ymey Olam [Ve'Chanenu Ki Ymey Olam] Please be revealed and spread upon me, my Beloved, the shelter of Your Peace. Illuminate the world with Your Glory that we may rejoice and be glad with You. Hashem (Adonai) show Love, for the time has come, and be Gracious to us as in the days of Old! Back to YEDID NEFESH......till end Yedid Nefesh was written by El'azar ben Mosheh Askari, who lived in Israel in the sixteenth century. He described this hymn as ""a prayer for union and the desire of love."" A close look reveals a desperate prayer for the com- ing of the Messiah and the ultimate redemption. The Tetragrammaton (the four-letter name of God) is encoded in its verses. This song is normally sung at the Saturday afternoon meal (Shalosh Se'udot). This song is often also recited in the synagogue on Friday after- noon prior to the Kabbalat Shabbat prayers and on certain holidays. A Beloved of the soul — God uses this term for Israel in Jeremiah 12:7. Draw your servant...Your servant will run — This alludes to Song of Songs 1:4: ""Draw me after you; let us run."" Sweeter than the honey from a honeycomb — This alludes to Psalm .]19:11[10 b Beautiful — This term, hadur (ָהדּור), which is sometimes translated, ""splendid,"" may allude to Isaiah 63:1: ""Who is this coming from Edom, in crimsoned garments from Bozrah, he who is splendid [hadur] in apparel..."" Brightness of the universe — This could also be translated, ""light of the world."" My soul is lovesick for you — This alludes to Song of Songs 5:8. Please God, please heal my soul — This borrows its wording from Numbers 12:13. The Hebrew word for ""soul"" is nefesh (ֶנ ֶפ ׁש ), which is a feminine noun. All references to the soul in this song are therefore femi- nine. In this case, the text literally reads, ""please heal her."" Showing it your pleasant brightness — Brightness here refers to the revelation of God's glory and the period of the messianic redemption. Have eternal gladness — Some manuscripts have the word shifchat (""maidservant,"" ִׁשְפַחת) rather than simchat (""gladness,"" ִֹשְמַחת), which would cause the line to read, ""...become your eternal maidservant."" c Your beloved son — This refers to Israel. From First Fruits of Zion [Aaron Eby] Shalom, shalom! Micha'el Eliyahu Ben David, His Messenger!","[""Yodeling"", ""Music"", ""Inside, large room or hall""]","[""oriental/ballad"", ""guitar like instrumental"", ""bass"", ""male voice singing"", ""female backing voice singing"", ""sad"", ""slow tempo"", ""harp""]",6,-EVRXQpt1-8,29,"{""label"":""TechnoNeotorand - He taught me to yodel with lyrics (Full version)"",""href"":""""}",The e-bass is playing an almost walking line along with a guitar playing a melody on top. The acoustic drums are playing a constant rhythm along with a piano playing one chord on the offbeat. The yodeling voice sings in a higher pitch and sounds amused. This song may be playing at a local folk festival.,2009-09-11T13:35:43Z,TechnoNeotorand,full version with the fast part !,"[""Country"", ""Yodeling"", ""Music""]","[""yodel/folkmusic"", ""e-bass"", ""piano"", ""acoustic drums"", ""yodeling"", ""high register voice"", ""guitar"", ""mood elevating"", ""medium to uptempo""]",6,L_fWnna7Np0,2199,"{""label"":""oude vrouw jodelt als jonge dame"",""href"":""""}",A semi-acoustic guitar is playing slow chords and the bassline at the same time while a female voice is singing/yodeling. A reverb effect is on her voice. In the background you can hear voices talking and clapping. This is an amateur recording but of decent sound quality. This song may be playing at a folkfest.,2008-03-04T12:14:05Z,Veerle Ruijsch van Dugteren,opgenomen tijdens vakantie met hub'n bub'n in oostenrijk 2007,"[""Singing"", ""Yodeling"", ""Music"", ""Song"", ""Vocal music""]","[""yodeling"", ""semi-acoustic guitar"", ""female voice singing/yodeling"", ""slow tempo"", ""amateur recording""]",6,WtN6uiDikRM,3145